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JavaScript, Multiple XML file loading problem, FF/IE

10 New Member
Hello everyone,

Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm a beginner coder, and I've taught myself everything with the help and expertise of users and websites like this one. I normally figure out any problem, but this one really has me stumped.

Basically, I have created a site that initially loads a set of "items" and their values into 17 drop down menus from an XML file. Each of those "items" when selected from the drop down menu loads data into a few arrays, and outputs it to a table. The data is then used for a calculation output, which is the overall goal of the program/site.

Everything works fine up to this point...

Now I'm introducing a button that automatically selects the 17 "items." So basically my application runs through a loop and is supposed to: select each item, load each XML file, interprets each "items" data, save each "item" data to arrays, and then outputs each to the table.

It works fine locally with internet explorer 6, but does not work with Firefox online/local, or IE online. If I add an "alert" somewhere in the loop process, it works, but then I have 17 alerts to deal with. IE online only inputs the last item in the table, and Firefox outputs all 0's locally, and then online Firefox implements mostly all zeros, except for the last and first(which outputs the data of the last instead of the first).

So anyway, my source code is about 2000 lines. You can access my program at http://www.stasistech.com/wow/test/itemdps.html (click the max "i.lvl" button to see the problem)
js: http://www.stasistech.com/wow/test/itemdps.js

Here's the code that somewhere has the problem(i hope!):
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. itemSlots=new Array();
  2. itemSlots[0]="head";
  3. itemSlots[1]="shoulders";
  4. ...
  5. itemSlots[16]="relic";
  7. //called by the button to select gear
  8. function selectGear(gear)
  9.     {
  10.     switch(gear)
  11.         {
  12.         case "lvl":
  13.             for (j0=0; j0<itemSlots.length; j0++)
  14.                 {
  15.                 document.itemForm.elements[itemSlots[j0]].selectedIndex = 1;
  16.                 loadItem(document.itemForm.elements[itemSlots[j0]],itemSlots[j0])
  17.                 }
  18.             break;
  19.         }    
  20.     }    
  22. //loads each item, ignore the unlock step
  23. function loadItem(itemID,slot)
  24.     {
  25. //special flag called by selecting the last item
  26. unlockItemFlag=0;
  27.     //unlocks slot with user input
  28.     if(itemID.options[itemID.selectedIndex].value =="7")unlockSlot(slot); 
  29.     if(unlockItemFlag==0)lockSlot(slot);
  30.     //loads file for each item
  31.     var xmlFileLocation = ('items/'+itemID.options[itemID.selectedIndex].value + '.xml')
  32.     loadXML(xmlFileLocation,1,slot);
  33.     }
  35. //XML Loading
  36. function loadXML(xmlFile,type,slot)
  37.     {
  38.     if (detectBrowser()=="IE")
  39.         {
  40.         xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
  41.         xmlDoc.onreadystatechange = function () 
  42.             {
  43.             if (xmlDoc.readyState == 4) 
  44.                 {
  45.                 switch(type)
  46.                     {
  47.                     case 0:
  48.                         for(k=0; k<itemSlots.length; k++)
  49.                             {
  50.                             loadItemsIntoMenus(itemSlots[k]);
  51.                             }    
  52.                         break;
  53.                     case 1:
  54.                         loadItemStats(slot,xmlDoc);
  55.                         break;
  56.                     case 2:    
  57.                         fillBox();
  58.                         break;
  59.                     }
  60.                 }    
  61.             };    
  62.         xmlObj=xmlDoc.documentElement;
  63.         }
  65.     else if (detectBrowser()=="FF")
  66.         {
  67.         xmlDoc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
  68.         xmlDoc.load(xmlFile);
  69.         xmlDoc.onload=function()
  70.             {
  71.                 switch(type)
  72.                     {
  73.                     case 0:
  74.                         for(k=0; k<itemSlots.length; k++)
  75.                             {
  76.                             loadItemsIntoMenus(itemSlots[k]);
  77.                             }    
  78.                         break;
  79.                     case 1:
  80.                         loadItemStats(slot,xmlDoc);
  81.                         break;
  82.                     case 2:    
  83.                         fillBox();
  84.                         break;
  85.                     }
  86.             };    
  87.         }
  88.     else
  89.         {
  90.         alert("you can't handle this script! please use firefox or internet explorer")
  91.         }
  92.     xmlDoc.load(xmlFile);
  93.     }
  95. //disregard the massive quantity of XML interpretations 
  96. function loadItemStats(slot,xmlDoc)
  97.     {
  98.     //clearItemValues(slot);
  99.     slotNum=slotTextToNum(slot);
  100.     //reset item to zeros
  101.     relicManaReduction=0;
  102.     itemCrit[slotNum]=0;
  103.     itemHit[slotNum]=0;
  104.     itemInt[slotNum]=0;
  105.     itemStam[slotNum]=0;
  106.     itemDmg[slotNum]=0;
  107.     itemMp5[slotNum]=0;
  108.     itemHaste[slotNum]=0;
  109.     socketNumber=0;
  110.     if(slot=="head")metaFlag=0;
  111.     socketFlag=0;
  114.     //check for sockets
  115.     if (xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('socket') != null)
  116.         {
  117.         var socketInfo = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('socket');
  118.         for (k5=0; k5<socketInfo.length; k5++)
  119.             {
  120.             socketFlag=1;
  121.             socketColors[k5]=socketInfo[k5].getAttribute("color")
  122.             if (socketColors[k5]== "Meta")
  123.                 {
  124.                 metaFlag=1;
  125.                 }
  126.             socketNumber=k5+1;
  129.             //unlocks gems
  130.             document.itemForm.elements[slot+"Gem"+socketNumber].disabled=false;
  132.             }
  133.         //lock out and disable empty sockets
  134.         for (socketsEmpty=k5+1; socketsEmpty <=3; socketsEmpty++)
  135.             {
  136.             if(unlockItemFlag==0)document.itemForm.elements[slot+"Gem"+socketsEmpty].disabled=true;        
  137.             }
  138.         }    
  139.         newGemLoader(slot);
  140. //    alert(xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("bonusIntellect").item(0).firstChild.data)     
  141.     //check for int
  142.     if (xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("bonusIntellect").item(0) != null)
  143.         {
  144.         itemInt[slotNum]=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("bonusIntellect").item(0).firstChild.data*1;
  145.         }
  147.     //check for stam
  148.     if (xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("bonusStamina").item(0) != null)
  149.         {
  150.         itemStam[slotNum]=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("bonusStamina").item(0).firstChild.data*1;
  151.         }
  153.     //check for crit
  154.     if (xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("bonusCritSpellRating").item(0) != null)
  155.         {
  156.         itemCrit[slotNum]=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("bonusCritSpellRating").item(0).firstChild.data*1;
  157.         }
  159.     //check for hit
  160.     if (xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("bonusHitSpellRating").item(0) != null)
  161.         {
  162.         itemHit[slotNum]=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("bonusHitSpellRating").item(0).firstChild.data*1;
  163.         }
  165.     //check for haste
  166.     if (xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("bonusHasteSpellRating").item(0) != null)
  167.         {
  168.         itemHaste[slotNum]=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("bonusHasteSpellRating").item(0).firstChild.data*1;
  169.         }
  171.     //itemDamage[slot]=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("spellData").item(1).firstChild.data)
  172.     for (k=0; xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('desc')[k] != null; k++)
  173.         {
  174.         //alert(xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('desc')[k].lastChild.data);
  176.         itemData=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('desc')[k].lastChild.data
  178.         //Check for +Damage
  179.         if (itemData.match("Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to"))
  180.             {
  181.             itemDmg[slotNum]=parseFloat(itemData.substring(itemData.length-4,itemData.length-1));
  182.             }
  183.         //Check for Mana Regen
  184.         else if (itemData.match("Restores "))
  185.             {
  186.             itemMp5[slotNum]=parseFloat(itemData.substring(9,12));
  187.             }
  188.         //check for LB/CL dmg
  189.         else if(itemData.match("Increases damage done by Chain Lightning and Lightning Bolt by up to "))
  190.             {
  191.             itemDmg[slotNum]=parseFloat(itemData.substring(itemData.length-3,itemData.length-1));
  192.             }
  193.         else if(itemData.match("Reduces the mana cost of") && itemData.match("Lightning"))
  194.             {    
  195.             relicManaReduction=parseFloat(itemData.substring(itemData.length-3,itemData.length-1));
  196.             }
  197.         else
  198.             {
  199.             }
  200.         }
  201.         calculateItemStats(slot,slotNum);    
  202.         outputItemStats(slot,slotNum);
  203. //    alert("int:\t" + itemInt[slotNum]+"\n\nstam:\t" + itemStam[slotNum] + "\n\ncrit:\t" + itemCrit[slotNum] + "\n\ndamage:\t" + itemDmg[slotNum] + "\n\nregen:\t" + itemMp5[slotNum])
  204.     }
  205. function calculateItemStats(slot,slotNum)
  206.     {
  207.     totalItemStam[slotNum]=itemStam[slotNum]+itemEnchantStam[slotNum]+itemGem1Stam[slotNum]+itemGem2Stam[slotNum]+itemGem3Stam[slotNum];
  208.     totalItemInt[slotNum]=itemInt[slotNum]+itemEnchantInt[slotNum]+itemGem1Int[slotNum]+itemGem2Int[slotNum]+itemGem3Int[slotNum];
  209.     totalItemDmg[slotNum]=itemDmg[slotNum]+itemEnchantDmg[slotNum]+itemGem1Dmg[slotNum]+itemGem2Dmg[slotNum]+itemGem3Dmg[slotNum];
  210.     totalItemCrit[slotNum]=itemCrit[slotNum]+itemEnchantCrit[slotNum]+itemGem1Crit[slotNum]+itemGem2Crit[slotNum]+itemGem3Crit[slotNum];
  211.     totalItemHit[slotNum]=itemHit[slotNum]+itemEnchantHit[slotNum]+itemGem1Hit[slotNum]+itemGem2Hit[slotNum]+itemGem3Hit[slotNum];
  212.     totalItemMp5[slotNum]=itemMp5[slotNum]+itemEnchantMp5[slotNum]+itemGem1Mp5[slotNum]+itemGem2Mp5[slotNum]+itemGem3Mp5[slotNum];
  213.     totalItemHaste[slotNum]=itemHaste[slotNum]+itemEnchantHaste[slotNum]+itemGem1Haste[slotNum]+itemGem2Haste[slotNum]+itemGem3Haste[slotNum];
  214.     }
  216. function outputItemStats(slot,slotNum)
  217.     {
  218.     document.itemForm.elements[slot+"Stam"].value=totalItemStam[slotNum];
  219.     document.itemForm.elements[slot+"Int"].value=totalItemInt[slotNum];
  220.     document.itemForm.elements[slot+"Dmg"].value=totalItemDmg[slotNum];
  221.     document.itemForm.elements[slot+"Crit"].value=totalItemCrit[slotNum];
  222.     document.itemForm.elements[slot+"Hit"].value=totalItemHit[slotNum];
  223.     document.itemForm.elements[slot+"Mp5"].value=totalItemMp5[slotNum];
  224.     document.itemForm.elements[slot+"Haste"].value=totalItemHaste[slotNum];
  225.     }

Thanks in advance for your help,
Jul 18 '07 #1
7 2996
10 New Member
Anyone have any guidance on what I should do? I've sort of hit a brick wall in the site programming until I can figure this problem out. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for your time,
Jul 20 '07 #2
10 New Member
Anyone have any guidance on what I should do? I've sort of hit a brick wall in the site programming until I can figure this problem out. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for your time,
Bump~ ! I figure it's the weekend, maybe It will get some more visibility.
Jul 21 '07 #3
7,435 Recognized Expert Expert
All I can add is that there are 132 HTML errors and no doctype so IE is in quirks mode.
Jul 22 '07 #4
10 New Member
All I can add is that there are 132 HTML errors and no doctype so IE is in quirks mode.
I went in and fixed all of them. Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately the page still doesn't work :(
Jul 22 '07 #5
1,044 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
If it works offline, but not online, maybe you're accessing the file incorrectly.

And if your code doesn't work at all in Firefox, then the code that you've specified in your FF branch is probably incorrect.
Jul 22 '07 #6
10 New Member
If it works offline, but not online, maybe you're accessing the file incorrectly.

And if your code doesn't work at all in Firefox, then the code that you've specified in your FF branch is probably incorrect.
The problem only comes about when i try to loop the whole process. If i change and add each item manually it comes up fine. In fact if I add an "alert" in the loop process, it slows it down enough to actually work.
Jul 23 '07 #7
10 New Member
anyone have any more ideas? :(
Jul 27 '07 #8

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