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Google and obfuscation

I was wondering:

If obfuscation isn't all that good, why does Google obfuscate its
search results' code? Okay, I realize they're a commercial entity and
need to do it. How do they do it?

Could anyone out there decipher and normalize code for a Google search
result page? And despite the obfuscation, why is Google so fast?

I also get the feeling sites like Google and Facebook manage to create
better thumbnails on the fly. Any idea how?


May 27 '07 #1
9 3516
On May 27, 8:14 pm, artistogra...@g mail.com wrote:
If obfuscation isn't all that good, why does Google obfuscate its
search results' code?
They don't. They just don't output lots of whitespace to make their
code more readable.
Could anyone out there decipher and normalize code for a Google search
result page?
Any DOM inspector (such as the one in Firebug) or HTML Tidy should do
the job.
May 27 '07 #2
On May 27, 9:22 pm, David Dorward <dorw...@gmail. comwrote:
On May 27, 8:14 pm, artistogra...@g mail.com wrote:
If obfuscation isn't all that good, why does Google obfuscate its
search results' code?

They don't. They just don't output lots of whitespace to make their
code more readable.
Could anyone out there decipher and normalize code for a Google search
result page?

Any DOM inspector (such as the one in Firebug) or HTML Tidy should do
the job.
Of course they do. Anyone having tried to read their javascript code
wouldn't ever say they don't obfuscate it. There are several reasons
for such thing, and of course that's not bad - they hide their code
(not because in such way you can't steal it, although they get that
too, but because they make it more difficult for users to try to use
it against their security), and second - they make their code smaller,
thus faster for Internet transmission - for someone having a decent
connection, that's not much, but Google gets tens of thousands hits
per second, so it's important to minimize transport load.

As for how they do it - that's really not so hard, you can easily make
a C program to obfuscate javascript easily just by replacing all the
non-keywords with a, b, c, ... z, a1, a2, ... so the code is smaller,
plus you can delete all necessary white space, and that's it.

May 27 '07 #3
artistogra...@g mail.com wrote:
Could anyone out there decipher and normalize code for a Google search
result page?
Maybe if you tried, but hardly. You can indent the code, but would you
ever be able to decipher a code like this:
if ( a && ! b )
c( x1, x3, l ) || d( x1, ! x3, l );

? And remember, there's like 900k of such code for just gmail.

And despite the obfuscation, why is Google so fast?
Too big question, it's least affected by their js code, but rather by
their servers' strength, and mostly good algorithms in searching
results, caching, distributing requests to different machines etc..
I also get the feeling sites like Google and Facebook manage to create
better thumbnails on the fly. Any idea how?

May 27 '07 #4
ar***********@g mail.com wrote:
I was wondering:

If obfuscation isn't all that good, why does Google obfuscate its
search results' code? Okay, I realize they're a commercial entity and
need to do it. How do they do it?

Could anyone out there decipher and normalize code for a Google search
result page? And despite the obfuscation, why is Google so fast?

I also get the feeling sites like Google and Facebook manage to create
better thumbnails on the fly. Any idea how?

Just a small reply to the question of why Google is so fast.

They distribute the process of generating the page to different servers.
For example when you perform a search Google sends the search string to
their index server, as well as they send the search string to a spell
checking server, and then the same string is sent to their Ad server.
Then the main portal composes all this information into one page. By
distributing the process to various servers you take advantage of the
resources, therefore yielding faster results.

Its practically distributed computing per se.

Hope this helps.

May 28 '07 #5
On May 27, 1:14 pm, artistogra...@g mail.com wrote:
Could anyone out there decipher and normalize code for a Google search
result page?

May 28 '07 #6
On May 28, 2:27 am, jeckab...@gmail .com wrote:
On May 27, 9:22 pm, David Dorward <dorw...@gmail. comwrote:
On May 27, 8:14 pm, artistogra...@g mail.com wrote:
If obfuscation isn't all that good, why does Google obfuscate its
search results' code?
They don't. They just don't output lots of whitespace to make their
code more readable.
Could anyone out there decipher and normalize code for a Google search
result page?
Any DOM inspector (such as the one in Firebug) or HTML Tidy should do
the job.

Of course they do. Anyone having tried to read their javascript code
wouldn't ever say they don't obfuscate it. There are several reasons
for such thing, and of course that's not bad - they hide their code
(not because in such way you can't steal it, although they get that
too, but because they make it more difficult for users to try to use
it against their security), and second - they make their code smaller,
thus faster for Internet transmission - for someone having a decent
connection, that's not much, but Google gets tens of thousands hits
per second, so it's important to minimize transport load.

As for how they do it - that's really not so hard, you can easily make
a C program to obfuscate javascript easily just by replacing all the
non-keywords with a, b, c, ... z, a1, a2, ... so the code is smaller,
plus you can delete all necessary white space, and that's it.
Thanks. Ahem, not really much into C.. could you point me towards an
existing C program that does this? Now I think I could handle
understanding that from there.

May 28 '07 #7
On May 28, 1:14 am, artistogra...@g mail.com wrote:
I was wondering:

If obfuscation isn't all that good, why does Google obfuscate its
search results' code? Okay, I realize they're a commercial entity and
need to do it. How do they do it?

Could anyone out there decipher and normalize code for a Google search
result page? And despite the obfuscation, why is Google so fast?

I also get the feeling sites like Google and Facebook manage to create
better thumbnails on the fly. Any idea how?

On May 28, 1:14 am, artistogra...@g mail.com wrote:
I was wondering:

If obfuscation isn't all that good, why does Google obfuscate its
search results' code? Okay, I realize they're a commercial entity and
need to do it. How do they do it?

Could anyone out there decipher and normalize code for a Google search
result page? And despite the obfuscation, why is Google so fast?

I also get the feeling sites like Google and Facebook manage to create
better thumbnails on the fly. Any idea how?

Thanks to everyone who've posted replies. I really appreciate it. Now,
here's some code from a Google search result page:

< script ><!-- (function() {
window.google = {
kEI: "SRhbRoOdH6GesA Ki98mnBQ",
kEXPI: "17050,1746 9",
kHL: "en"
(); (function() {
window.ss = function() {
window.status = "";
return true
(); (function() {
window.rwt = function(b, d, f, j, k, g, l) {
var a = window.encodeUR IComponent ? encodeURICompon ent:
h = "",
i = "",
c = b.href.split("# "),
e = "";
if (d) {
h = "&oi=" + a(d)
if (f) {
i = "&cad=" + a(f)
if (g) {
e = "&usg=" + g
b.href = "/url ? sa = t " + h + i + " & ct = " + a(j) + " & cd
= " + a(k) + " & url = " + a(c[0]).replace(/\+/g, " % 2B ") + " & ei =
SRhbRoOdH6GesAK i98mnBQ " + e + l + (c[1] ? " # " + c[1]: "");
b.onmousedown = "";
return true
window.gbar = {}; (function() {
function n(a, b, c) {
var e = "on " + b;
if (a.addEventList ener) {
a.addEventListe ner(b, c, false)
} else if (a.attachEvent) {
a.attachEvent(e , c)
} else {
var d = a[e];
a[e] = function() {
var f = d.apply(this, arguments),
g = c.apply(this, arguments);
return f == undefined ? g: (g == undefined ? f: g &&
var h = window.gbar,
l = ["affdom ", "channel ", "client ", "hl ", "hs ", "ie ", "lr ",
"ned ", "oe ", "og ", "rls ", "rlz "];
function i(a) {
return a == "c " || a == "o " || a == "m "
h.getHtml = function(a) {
var b;
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c ++ ) {
if (a[c][2] == "") {
b = a[c][0]
var e = i(b) ? "target = _blank ": "",
d = " < td nowrap ",
f = " < table border = 0 cellpadding = 0 cellspacing = 0 style
= margin - left: " + h.getPad(true) + "px >< tr " + d;
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c ++ ) {
if (a[c][0] == b) {
f += a[c][1].bold() + d
} else {
f += " < a href = ";
if (a[c][3] == 3) {
f += '# onclick="this.b lur();return
gbar.toggle(eve nt)" style=text-decoration:none ' + e + " >< u " + a[c]
[1] + " < /u<span style=font-size:11px>▼</span >< /a><tr><td
colspan=" + c + "><td><ifra me class=gbard id=gbarif style=border:0; z-
index:999></iframe >< div class = gbard id = gbardd onclick =
gbar.stopB(even t) ";
d = ""
} else {
f += m(b, a[c][0], a[c][2]) + e + "onclick =
gbar.close(even t) " + a[c][1] + " < /a>" + d
f += "</div >< /table>";
return f
h.getPad = function(a) {
var b =- 1,
c = a ? 10: 4,
e = document.body.c urrentStyle,
d = document.defaul tView;
if (e) {
b = a ? e.marginLeft: e.marginTop
} else if (d) {
b = a ? d.getComputedSt yle(document.bo dy, "").marginL eft:
d.getComputedSt yle(document.bo dy, "").marginT op
b = parseInt(b, 10);
return b >= 0 && b < c ? c - b: 1
function m(a, b, c) {
var e = window.location .search.substri ng(1),
d = e.match("q=[^&]*"),
f = e.match("near=([^&]*)"),
g = c + (c.match("[?]") ? "&": "?");
g += "tab=" + a + b;
if (i(b) && window.location .protocol == "https:") {
g = g.replace("http :", "https:")
if ( ! i(b) &&! i(a)) {
for (var j = 0; j < l.length; j ++ ) {
var k = e.match(l[j] + "=[^&]*");
if (k) {
g += "&" + k[0]
if (d && f && a == "l" && b != "l") {
g += "&" + d[0] + "+" + f[0]
} else if (d) {
g += "&" + d[0]
return g
h.toggle = function(a) {
var b = document.getEle mentById("gbard d"),
c = document.getEle mentById("gbari f");
if (b && c) {
b.style.display = b.style.display == "block" ? "none":
c.width = b.offsetWidth;
c.height = b.offsetHeight;
c.style.display = b.style.display
return false
h.close = function(a) {
var b = document.getEle mentById("gbard d");
if (b && b.style.display == "block") {
h.stopB = function(a) {
if ( ! a) {
a = window.event
a.cancelBubble = true
n(document, "click", h.close);
/ / -->< /script>/

I'm not really an expert in JavaScript (and neither do I have any
intentions of pilfering Google code). But for educational purposes
only, could someone out there please explain these lines of code? I
know all this is really taxing and thanks in advance..

Secondly, no one really answered the bit on the thumbnail part... on
how on-the-fly thumbnails seem to be done better in Google Images or

Finally (for now), does anyone know how to design Unicode fonts? The
Unicode groups on Usenet don't really seem that inviting so I'm
posting this here.

Once again, thanks in advance for everything.

May 28 '07 #8
On May 28, 1:14 am, artistogra...@g mail.com wrote:
I was wondering:

If obfuscation isn't all that good, why does Google obfuscate its
search results' code? Okay, I realize they're a commercial entity and
need to do it. How do they do it?

Could anyone out there decipher and normalize code for a Google search
result page? And despite the obfuscation, why is Google so fast?

I also get the feeling sites like Google and Facebook manage to create
better thumbnails on the fly. Any idea how?

On May 28, 1:14 am, artistogra...@g mail.com wrote:
I was wondering:

If obfuscation isn't all that good, why does Google obfuscate its
search results' code? Okay, I realize they're a commercial entity and
need to do it. How do they do it?

Could anyone out there decipher and normalize code for a Google search
result page? And despite the obfuscation, why is Google so fast?

I also get the feeling sites like Google and Facebook manage to create
better thumbnails on the fly. Any idea how?

Thanks to everyone who've posted replies. I really appreciate it. Now,
here's some code from a Google search result page:

< script ><!-- (function() {
window.google = {
kEI: "SRhbRoOdH6GesA Ki98mnBQ",
kEXPI: "17050,1746 9",
kHL: "en"
(); (function() {
window.ss = function() {
window.status = "";
return true
(); (function() {
window.rwt = function(b, d, f, j, k, g, l) {
var a = window.encodeUR IComponent ? encodeURICompon ent:
h = "",
i = "",
c = b.href.split("# "),
e = "";
if (d) {
h = "&oi=" + a(d)
if (f) {
i = "&cad=" + a(f)
if (g) {
e = "&usg=" + g
b.href = "/url ? sa = t " + h + i + " & ct = " + a(j) + " & cd
= " + a(k) + " & url = " + a(c[0]).replace(/\+/g, " % 2B ") + " & ei =
SRhbRoOdH6GesAK i98mnBQ " + e + l + (c[1] ? " # " + c[1]: "");
b.onmousedown = "";
return true
window.gbar = {}; (function() {
function n(a, b, c) {
var e = "on " + b;
if (a.addEventList ener) {
a.addEventListe ner(b, c, false)
} else if (a.attachEvent) {
a.attachEvent(e , c)
} else {
var d = a[e];
a[e] = function() {
var f = d.apply(this, arguments),
g = c.apply(this, arguments);
return f == undefined ? g: (g == undefined ? f: g &&
var h = window.gbar,
l = ["affdom ", "channel ", "client ", "hl ", "hs ", "ie ", "lr ",
"ned ", "oe ", "og ", "rls ", "rlz "];
function i(a) {
return a == "c " || a == "o " || a == "m "
h.getHtml = function(a) {
var b;
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c ++ ) {
if (a[c][2] == "") {
b = a[c][0]
var e = i(b) ? "target = _blank ": "",
d = " < td nowrap ",
f = " < table border = 0 cellpadding = 0 cellspacing = 0 style
= margin - left: " + h.getPad(true) + "px >< tr " + d;
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c ++ ) {
if (a[c][0] == b) {
f += a[c][1].bold() + d
} else {
f += " < a href = ";
if (a[c][3] == 3) {
f += '# onclick="this.b lur();return
gbar.toggle(eve nt)" style=text-decoration:none ' + e + " >< u " + a[c]
[1] + " < /u<span style=font-size:11px>▼</span >< /a><tr><td
colspan=" + c + "><td><ifra me class=gbard id=gbarif style=border:0; z-
index:999></iframe >< div class = gbard id = gbardd onclick =
gbar.stopB(even t) ";
d = ""
} else {
f += m(b, a[c][0], a[c][2]) + e + "onclick =
gbar.close(even t) " + a[c][1] + " < /a>" + d
f += "</div >< /table>";
return f
h.getPad = function(a) {
var b =- 1,
c = a ? 10: 4,
e = document.body.c urrentStyle,
d = document.defaul tView;
if (e) {
b = a ? e.marginLeft: e.marginTop
} else if (d) {
b = a ? d.getComputedSt yle(document.bo dy, "").marginL eft:
d.getComputedSt yle(document.bo dy, "").marginT op
b = parseInt(b, 10);
return b >= 0 && b < c ? c - b: 1
function m(a, b, c) {
var e = window.location .search.substri ng(1),
d = e.match("q=[^&]*"),
f = e.match("near=([^&]*)"),
g = c + (c.match("[?]") ? "&": "?");
g += "tab=" + a + b;
if (i(b) && window.location .protocol == "https:") {
g = g.replace("http :", "https:")
if ( ! i(b) &&! i(a)) {
for (var j = 0; j < l.length; j ++ ) {
var k = e.match(l[j] + "=[^&]*");
if (k) {
g += "&" + k[0]
if (d && f && a == "l" && b != "l") {
g += "&" + d[0] + "+" + f[0]
} else if (d) {
g += "&" + d[0]
return g
h.toggle = function(a) {
var b = document.getEle mentById("gbard d"),
c = document.getEle mentById("gbari f");
if (b && c) {
b.style.display = b.style.display == "block" ? "none":
c.width = b.offsetWidth;
c.height = b.offsetHeight;
c.style.display = b.style.display
return false
h.close = function(a) {
var b = document.getEle mentById("gbard d");
if (b && b.style.display == "block") {
h.stopB = function(a) {
if ( ! a) {
a = window.event
a.cancelBubble = true
n(document, "click", h.close);
/ / -->< /script>/

I'm not really an expert in JavaScript (and neither do I have any
intentions of pilfering Google code). But for educational purposes
only, could someone out there please explain these lines of code? I
know all this is really taxing and thanks in advance..

Secondly, no one really answered the bit on the thumbnail part... on
how on-the-fly thumbnails seem to be done better in Google Images or

Finally (for now), does anyone know how to design Unicode fonts? The
Unicode groups on Usenet don't really seem that inviting so I'm
posting this here.

Once again, thanks in advance for everything.

May 28 '07 #9
On May 28, 1:14 am, artistogra...@g mail.com wrote:
I was wondering:

If obfuscation isn't all that good, why does Google obfuscate its
search results' code? Okay, I realize they're a commercial entity and
need to do it. How do they do it?

Could anyone out there decipher and normalize code for a Google search
result page? And despite the obfuscation, why is Google so fast?

I also get the feeling sites like Google and Facebook manage to create
better thumbnails on the fly. Any idea how?

On May 28, 1:14 am, artistogra...@g mail.com wrote:
I was wondering:

If obfuscation isn't all that good, why does Google obfuscate its
search results' code? Okay, I realize they're a commercial entity and
need to do it. How do they do it?

Could anyone out there decipher and normalize code for a Google search
result page? And despite the obfuscation, why is Google so fast?

I also get the feeling sites like Google and Facebook manage to create
better thumbnails on the fly. Any idea how?

Thanks to everyone who've posted replies. I really appreciate it. Now,
here's some code from a Google search result page:

< script ><!-- (function() {
window.google = {
kEI: "SRhbRoOdH6GesA Ki98mnBQ",
kEXPI: "17050,1746 9",
kHL: "en"
(); (function() {
window.ss = function() {
window.status = "";
return true
(); (function() {
window.rwt = function(b, d, f, j, k, g, l) {
var a = window.encodeUR IComponent ? encodeURICompon ent:
h = "",
i = "",
c = b.href.split("# "),
e = "";
if (d) {
h = "&oi=" + a(d)
if (f) {
i = "&cad=" + a(f)
if (g) {
e = "&usg=" + g
b.href = "/url ? sa = t " + h + i + " & ct = " + a(j) + " & cd
= " + a(k) + " & url = " + a(c[0]).replace(/\+/g, " % 2B ") + " & ei =
SRhbRoOdH6GesAK i98mnBQ " + e + l + (c[1] ? " # " + c[1]: "");
b.onmousedown = "";
return true
window.gbar = {}; (function() {
function n(a, b, c) {
var e = "on " + b;
if (a.addEventList ener) {
a.addEventListe ner(b, c, false)
} else if (a.attachEvent) {
a.attachEvent(e , c)
} else {
var d = a[e];
a[e] = function() {
var f = d.apply(this, arguments),
g = c.apply(this, arguments);
return f == undefined ? g: (g == undefined ? f: g &&
var h = window.gbar,
l = ["affdom ", "channel ", "client ", "hl ", "hs ", "ie ", "lr ",
"ned ", "oe ", "og ", "rls ", "rlz "];
function i(a) {
return a == "c " || a == "o " || a == "m "
h.getHtml = function(a) {
var b;
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c ++ ) {
if (a[c][2] == "") {
b = a[c][0]
var e = i(b) ? "target = _blank ": "",
d = " < td nowrap ",
f = " < table border = 0 cellpadding = 0 cellspacing = 0 style
= margin - left: " + h.getPad(true) + "px >< tr " + d;
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c ++ ) {
if (a[c][0] == b) {
f += a[c][1].bold() + d
} else {
f += " < a href = ";
if (a[c][3] == 3) {
f += '# onclick="this.b lur();return
gbar.toggle(eve nt)" style=text-decoration:none ' + e + " >< u " + a[c]
[1] + " < /u<span style=font-size:11px>▼</span >< /a><tr><td
colspan=" + c + "><td><ifra me class=gbard id=gbarif style=border:0; z-
index:999></iframe >< div class = gbard id = gbardd onclick =
gbar.stopB(even t) ";
d = ""
} else {
f += m(b, a[c][0], a[c][2]) + e + "onclick =
gbar.close(even t) " + a[c][1] + " < /a>" + d
f += "</div >< /table>";
return f
h.getPad = function(a) {
var b =- 1,
c = a ? 10: 4,
e = document.body.c urrentStyle,
d = document.defaul tView;
if (e) {
b = a ? e.marginLeft: e.marginTop
} else if (d) {
b = a ? d.getComputedSt yle(document.bo dy, "").marginL eft:
d.getComputedSt yle(document.bo dy, "").marginT op
b = parseInt(b, 10);
return b >= 0 && b < c ? c - b: 1
function m(a, b, c) {
var e = window.location .search.substri ng(1),
d = e.match("q=[^&]*"),
f = e.match("near=([^&]*)"),
g = c + (c.match("[?]") ? "&": "?");
g += "tab=" + a + b;
if (i(b) && window.location .protocol == "https:") {
g = g.replace("http :", "https:")
if ( ! i(b) &&! i(a)) {
for (var j = 0; j < l.length; j ++ ) {
var k = e.match(l[j] + "=[^&]*");
if (k) {
g += "&" + k[0]
if (d && f && a == "l" && b != "l") {
g += "&" + d[0] + "+" + f[0]
} else if (d) {
g += "&" + d[0]
return g
h.toggle = function(a) {
var b = document.getEle mentById("gbard d"),
c = document.getEle mentById("gbari f");
if (b && c) {
b.style.display = b.style.display == "block" ? "none":
c.width = b.offsetWidth;
c.height = b.offsetHeight;
c.style.display = b.style.display
return false
h.close = function(a) {
var b = document.getEle mentById("gbard d");
if (b && b.style.display == "block") {
h.stopB = function(a) {
if ( ! a) {
a = window.event
a.cancelBubble = true
n(document, "click", h.close);
/ / -->< /script>/

I'm not really an expert in JavaScript (and neither do I have any
intentions of pilfering Google code). But for educational purposes
only, could someone out there please explain these lines of code? I
know all this is really taxing and thanks in advance..

Secondly, no one really answered the bit on the thumbnail part... on
how on-the-fly thumbnails seem to be done better in Google Images or

Finally (for now), does anyone know how to design Unicode fonts? The
Unicode groups on Usenet don't really seem that inviting so I'm
posting this here.

Once again, thanks in advance for everything.

May 28 '07 #10

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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I made the suggestion "Need built in obfuscation support in C# compiler" to Microsoft. Anyone here agree with me? If yes, please cast your vote on this suggestion to raise its priority.
by: John T. | last post by:
Hi all Figure this scenario: - My Company develops an assembly (a controls DLL) - Since an obfuscation software is too expensive, my Company engages a consultant and delegates him the assembly obfuscation process - The consultant uses his (regulary purchased and licensed) obfuscation software for obfuscate my Company's assembly - My Company pays the consultant and receive back the obfuscated assembly
by: GK | last post by:
Hello, Can anybody suggest a best code obfuscation tool based on their exeperience ? (e.g.: testing effort after obfuscation is 0) thanks, GK
by: marktang | last post by:
ONU (Optical Network Unit) is one of the key components for providing high-speed Internet services. Its primary function is to act as an endpoint device located at the user's premises. However, people are often confused as to whether an ONU can Work As a Router. In this blog post, we’ll explore What is ONU, What Is Router, ONU & Router’s main usage, and What is the difference between ONU and Router. Let’s take a closer look ! Part I. Meaning of...
by: Oralloy | last post by:
Hello folks, I am unable to find appropriate documentation on the type promotion of bit-fields when using the generalised comparison operator "<=>". The problem is that using the GNU compilers, it seems that the internal comparison operator "<=>" tries to promote arguments from unsigned to signed. This is as boiled down as I can make it. Here is my compilation command: g++-12 -std=c++20 -Wnarrowing bit_field.cpp Here is the code in...
by: jinu1996 | last post by:
In today's digital age, having a compelling online presence is paramount for businesses aiming to thrive in a competitive landscape. At the heart of this digital strategy lies an intricately woven tapestry of website design and digital marketing. It's not merely about having a website; it's about crafting an immersive digital experience that captivates audiences and drives business growth. The Art of Business Website Design Your website is...
by: Hystou | last post by:
Overview: Windows 11 and 10 have less user interface control over operating system update behaviour than previous versions of Windows. In Windows 11 and 10, there is no way to turn off the Windows Update option using the Control Panel or Settings app; it automatically checks for updates and installs any it finds, whether you like it or not. For most users, this new feature is actually very convenient. If you want to control the update process,...
by: agi2029 | last post by:
Let's talk about the concept of autonomous AI software engineers and no-code agents. These AIs are designed to manage the entire lifecycle of a software development project—planning, coding, testing, and deployment—without human intervention. Imagine an AI that can take a project description, break it down, write the code, debug it, and then launch it, all on its own.... Now, this would greatly impact the work of software developers. The idea...
by: isladogs | last post by:
The next Access Europe User Group meeting will be on Wednesday 1 May 2024 starting at 18:00 UK time (6PM UTC+1) and finishing by 19:30 (7.30PM). In this session, we are pleased to welcome a new presenter, Adolph Dupré who will be discussing some powerful techniques for using class modules. He will explain when you may want to use classes instead of User Defined Types (UDT). For example, to manage the data in unbound forms. Adolph will...
by: TSSRALBI | last post by:
Hello I'm a network technician in training and I need your help. I am currently learning how to create and manage the different types of VPNs and I have a question about LAN-to-LAN VPNs. The last exercise I practiced was to create a LAN-to-LAN VPN between two Pfsense firewalls, by using IPSEC protocols. I succeeded, with both firewalls in the same network. But I'm wondering if it's possible to do the same thing, with 2 Pfsense firewalls...
by: 6302768590 | last post by:
Hai team i want code for transfer the data from one system to another through IP address by using C# our system has to for every 5mins then we have to update the data what the data is updated we have to send another system
by: bsmnconsultancy | last post by:
In today's digital era, a well-designed website is crucial for businesses looking to succeed. Whether you're a small business owner or a large corporation in Toronto, having a strong online presence can significantly impact your brand's success. BSMN Consultancy, a leader in Website Development in Toronto offers valuable insights into creating effective websites that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well. In this comprehensive...

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