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I want to changue the stylesheet for this page.
Why the form select doesn't work?

link id="est" rel="stylesheet " type="text/css" href="est.css">

function Changue() {
var posibles = document.forms[0].XXX;
document.getEle mentById("est") .href=posibles. options[posibles.select edIndex].value;

¿Changue to <select name="XXX" onChangue="Chan gue()">
<option selected value"estilo1.c ss"Estilo 1? </option>
<option value"estilo2.c ss"Estilo 2? </option>
<option value"estilo3.c ss"Estilo 3? </option>
Nov 25 '06 #1
6 2117

Winston wrote:
I want to changue the stylesheet for this page.
Why the form select doesn't work?

link id="est" rel="stylesheet " type="text/css" href="est.css">

function Changue() {
var posibles = document.forms[0].XXX;
document.getEle mentById("est") .href=posibles. options[posibles.select edIndex].value;

¿Changue to <select name="XXX" onChangue="Chan gue()">
<option selected value"estilo1.c ss"Estilo 1? </option>
<option value"estilo2.c ss"Estilo 2? </option>
<option value"estilo3.c ss"Estilo 3? </option>
First off, It's "onchange" not "onChangue" . The word does not have a
"u" in it.

Also, what's going on with your HTML? Where's your "body" tag?
Where's your "html" tag? Why do you have script just there, not in a
"script" tag? Why do you have value"estilo1.c ss" - you need to have
value="estilo1. css" with an "=" between the attribute and the value.

Fix these things and this will work for you. But more troubling is
that these are all very basic things - go get a book on HTML and learn
HTML before starting to learn JavaScript. You really need to have a
solid HTML foundation before starting JavaScript.

Good luck,

Nov 25 '06 #2
David Golightly escribió:
Winston wrote:
>I want to changue the stylesheet for this page.
Why the form select doesn't work?

link id="est" rel="stylesheet " type="text/css" href="est.css">

function Changue() {
var posibles = document.forms[0].XXX;
document.getEl ementById("est" ).href=posibles .options[posibles.select edIndex].value;

¿Changue to <select name="XXX" onChangue="Chan gue()">
<option selected value"estilo1.c ss"Estilo 1? </option>
<option value"estilo2.c ss"Estilo 2? </option>
<option value"estilo3.c ss"Estilo 3? </option>

First off, It's "onchange" not "onChangue" . The word does not have a
"u" in it.

Also, what's going on with your HTML? Where's your "body" tag?
Where's your "html" tag? Why do you have script just there, not in a
"script" tag? Why do you have value"estilo1.c ss" - you need to have
value="estilo1. css" with an "=" between the attribute and the value.

Fix these things and this will work for you. But more troubling is
that these are all very basic things - go get a book on HTML and learn
HTML before starting to learn JavaScript. You really need to have a
solid HTML foundation before starting JavaScript.

Good luck,
Sorry, I didn't want to paste spanish code.

But you help me a lot with the onchange!
<title>Javascri pt 1 - document.write. ..</title>

<link id="estilos" rel="stylesheet " type="text/css" href="estilo2.c ss">
<script languaje="JavaS cript">

function verifica(numero , cantidad) {
var sms = "Debe Ingresar un entero";
if (isNaN(numero)) {
document.getEle mentById("error 1").innerHTM L = "Debe Ingresar
un entero";
return false;
if (isNaN(cantidad )) {
document.getEle mentById("error 2").innerHTM L = "Debe Ingresar
un entero";
return false;
return true;

/* Genera las tablas de multiplicar y agrego otras operaciones, una fila
por cada ejecucion del for */
function generar_tabla(d el_form) {
var salida = "";
var m = del_form.multip licador.value;
var cantidad = del_form.cantid ad.value;
m = parseInt(m)
cantidad = parseInt(cantid ad)

if (verifica(m, cantidad)) {
salida ="<html><head>< title>Codigo generado por una linea
for!</title></head><link rel='stylesheet ' type='text/css'
href='estilo2.c ss'>"
salida +="<table border='5' width='95%' align='center'
cellspacing='8' cellpadding='10 '>"
+="<tr><th>Mult iplica</th><th>Suma</th><th>Resta</th><th>Divide</th></tr>"
salida +="<tr align='center'> <td</td<td</td> <td></td>
for (var i=1; i<=cantidad; i++)
+="<tr><td>"+i+ "*"+m+"="+(i*m) +"</td><td>"+i+"+"+ m+"="+(i+m)+" </td><td>"+i+"-"+m+"="+(i-m)+"</td><td>"+i+"/"+m+"="+(i/m)+"</td></tr>"
salida += "</table></body</html>"
document.write( salida);
return true;
else {
return false;

function Cambiar() {
/* Es el primer Formulario de la pagina */
var posibles = document.forms[0].Seleccionar;
document.getEle mentById("estil os").href=posib les.options[posibles.select edIndex].value;


<div id="Menu">
<li><a href="objetivo. html" title="Objetivo ">Introducc ion</a>
<li><a href="cv.html" title="Texto + Listas -
<li><a href="multimedi a.html" title="Multimed ia">Multimedi a</a></li>
<li><a href="dondeestu ve.html" title="Enlaces" >Enlaces</a>
<li><a href="preguntas .html" title="Pregunta s">Preguntas </a><ul>
<li><a href="preg_html .html" title="Pregunta s sobre
<li><a href="preg_css. html" title="Pregunta s sobre
<li><a href="preg_java script.html" title="Pregunta s sobre
JavaScript">Jav aScript</a></li>
<li><a href="preg_php. html" title="Pregunta s sobre
<li><a href="horarios. html" title="Horario de clase">Horario</a><ul>
<li><a href="horario1. html" title="Horario
(Tablas)">Horar io (Tablas)</a></li>
<li><a href="horario2. html" title="Horario
(Capas)">Horari o (Capas)</a></li </ul>
<li><a href="formulari os.html" title="Formular io">Formularios </a>
<li><a href="salida.ht ml" title="Formular io -
Submit">Formula rios (Haciendo el Submit)</a></li></ul>
<li><a href="imagen_0. html" title="Imagenes Inmenzas">Image nes
Inmenzas</a <ul>
<li><a href="imagen_1. html" title="Imagenes
Inmenzas">Parti endo en una tabla</a></li>
<li><a href="imagen_2. html" title="Imagenes Inmenzas">Con
<li><a href="imagen_3. html" title="Imagenes Inmenzas">Con
Border=0</a></li </ul>
<li><a href="javascrip t.html" title="JavaScri pt">Javascrip t</a>
<li><a href="j_tabla.h tml" title="Tabla de Multiplicar y
mas...">Tabla de Multiplicar</a></li>
<li><a href="j.html" title="Mas cosas de
<li><a href="imagen_3. html" title="Mas">??</a></li </ul>
href="mailto:ol ************@ya hoo.es">ol***** *******@yahoo.e s</a</center>
¿Cambiar a <select name="Seleccion ar" onChange="Cambi ar()">
<option selected value="estilo1. css"Estilo 1?
<option value="estilo2. css"Estilo 2? </option>
<option value="estilo3. css"Estilo 3? </option>
<div id="Contenido" >
<form onSubmit = "return generar_tabla(t his)">
<td style="width: 10em">Su Nombre:</td>
<td><input type=text name="nombre" size="35" maxlength="50"> </td>
<td>Generar tabla del numero:</td>
<td><input type=text name="multiplic ador" size="35" maxlength="5"></td>
<!-- Aqui pondre el mensaje que yo quiera para avisar del error,
recomiendan que ese campo tenga "algo" -->
<td id="error1">&nb sp;</td>
<td>Cantidad de filas de la tabla</td>
<td><input type=text name="cantidad" size="35" maxlength="5"></td>
<td id="error2">&nb sp;</td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Generar Tabla"</td>
Nov 25 '06 #3
David Golightly wrote:
Also, what's going on with your HTML? Where's your
"body" tag? Where's your "html" tag?

In HTML the opening and closing HTML and BODY tags are optional (and so
may be omitted from a valid HTML document).
... . You really need to have a
solid HTML foundation before starting JavaScript.
Javascript is not restricted only to the task of scripting web browsers.
It would be a good idea to understand HTML prior to attempting to script
a web browser's HTML DOM, but someone scripting WSH, PhotoShop or any
application that exposes an object model that can be scripted with
javascript has no reason to understand HTML first.

Nov 26 '06 #4

Richard Cornford wrote:
David Golightly wrote:
... . You really need to have a
solid HTML foundation before starting JavaScript.

Javascript is not restricted only to the task of scripting web browsers.
It would be a good idea to understand HTML prior to attempting to script
a web browser's HTML DOM, but someone scripting WSH, PhotoShop or any
application that exposes an object model that can be scripted with
javascript has no reason to understand HTML first.
True, ECMAScript has been implemented for a variety of purposes,
contexts and platforms besides client-side HTML scripting, and I
could've qualified it, but given the OP's context and intentions
(clearly client-side HTML), why bother? Anyone interested in other
contexts already knows about them, or will find out easily enough.
What's the purpose in pointing out this trivial omission?

Nov 26 '06 #5
David Golightly wrote:
Richard Cornford wrote:
>David Golightly wrote:
... . You really need to have a
solid HTML foundation before starting JavaScript.

Javascript is not restricted only to the task of scripting web
browsers. It would be a good idea to understand HTML prior to
attempting to script a web browser's HTML DOM, but someone scripting
WSH, PhotoShop or any application that exposes an object model that
can be scripted with javascript has no reason to understand HTML

True, ECMAScript has been implemented for a variety of purposes,
contexts and platforms besides client-side HTML scripting,
And JavaScript(tm) and JScript have both been server-side languages
pretty much form their inception (though server-side scripting without
first understanding HTML is not such a good idea either).
and I could've qualified it,
Rather asserted the correct subject; browser scripting specifically as
opposed to javascript in general.
but given the OP's context and intentions
(clearly client-side HTML), why bother?
So as not to inhibit the OP's appreciation of the distinction between
javascript (a general purpose scripting language) and the browser's
object model (the thing that is scripted in the web browser context).
Anyone interested in other contexts already knows
about them, or will find out easily enough.
What's the purpose in pointing out this trivial omission?
To identify the truth in a statement that was false (there is no "need"
to have a solid foundation in HTML before learning a general purpose
scripting language, while there may be a need for it prior to scripting
an HTML related object model). And to avoid the blurring of the
distinction between the language and the object morel that already has
people, for example, speaking of bugs in Safari 1.3's "javascript
engine" when no javascript bugs have been identified in Safari 1.3, just
lots of DOM bugs.

Nov 26 '06 #6
In comp.lang.javas cript message <ek**********@c ormoran.emeteo. local>,
Sat, 25 Nov 2006 22:41:04, Winston <Cl*****@yahoo. eswrote:

><script languaje="JavaS cript">
function verifica(numero , cantidad) {
var sms = "Debe Ingresar un entero";
if (isNaN(numero)) {
document.getEle mentById("error 1").innerHTM L = "Debe
Ingresar un entero";
Don't let your posting agent line-wrap code. Posted code should be
directly executable. Your "entero" I think means "integer; isNaN does
not test for integer, but allows -2.96e+25 and Infinity.
return false;
if (isNaN(cantidad )) {
document.getEle mentById("error 2").innerHTM L = "Debe
Ingresar un entero";
return false;
Not needed?
return true;
cantidad = parseInt(cantid ad)
Try cantidad = "08".
W3's free checker TIDY, via sourceforge, gives many warnings;
http://validator.w3.org/ will probably do so too. To be sure of not
wasting time, don't post pages with invalid HTML here.

It's a good idea to read the newsgroup and its old FAQ. See below.

(c) John Stockton, Surrey, UK. ?@merlyn.demon. co.uk Turnpike v6.05 IE 6
<URL:http://www.jibbering.c om/faq/ Old RC FAQ of news:comp.lang. javascript
<URL:http://www.merlyn.demo n.co.uk/js-index.htmjscr maths, dates, sources.
<URL:http://www.merlyn.demo n.co.uk/TP/BP/Delphi/jscr/&c, FAQ items, links.
Nov 26 '06 #7

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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