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Multiple XMLHTTPRequest?

Can I run two XMLHTTPRequest objects at the same time? Im able to get
one to work without problems.

If I put a call to a function inside the first ones onreadystatecha nge
function, the 2nd ones readyState is always set to 1 (loading). Ive
tried using the same XMLHTTPRequest object, and making a 2nd
XMLHTTPRequest object with the same results. Heres my code thats giving
me problems...

function RefreshChat() {
http.open("GET" ,"refreshchat.p hp",true);
http.onreadysta techange = function () {
if (http.readyStat e == 4 && http.status == 200) {
// XML
XML_result = http.responseXM L;
docNode = XML_result.docu mentElement;
msg_count = docNode.getElem entsByTagName(' message').lengt h;
i = 0;
while(i < msg_count) {
messagesNode = docNode.getElem entsByTagName(' message')[i];
datetime =
messagesNode.ge tElementsByTagN ame('datetime')[0].firstChild.dat a;
from =
messagesNode.ge tElementsByTagN ame('from')[0].firstChild.dat a;
message =
messagesNode.ge tElementsByTagN ame('text')[0].firstChild.dat a;
FormatMessage(d atetime,from,me ssage);
http.send(null) ;
setTimeout(Refr eshChat,10000);

function FormatMessage(d atetime,from,me ssage) {
httpnew.open("G ET","formatmess age.php",true);
httpnew.onready statechange = function() {
if(httpnew.read yState == 4 && httpnew.status == 200) {
alert(httpnew.r eadyState);
formattedmessag e = httpnew.respons eText;
document.getEle mentById('chata rea').innerHTML = formattedmessag e;
else {
document.getEle mentById('chata rea').innerHTML = "Error!";
When I run the RefreshChat() function, everything runs fine up to...
httpnew.onready statechange = function() {
in the FormatMessage function, because the state never changes
(readyState is always 1).

Both the php pages (refreshchat.ph p) and (formatmessage. php) exist and
dont timeout or have errors.

May 5 '06 #1
6 7299
Nathan a écrit :
Can I run two XMLHTTPRequest objects at the same time? Im able to get
one to work without problems.

If I put a call to a function inside the first ones onreadystatecha nge
function, the 2nd ones readyState is always set to 1 (loading). Ive
tried using the same XMLHTTPRequest object, and making a 2nd
XMLHTTPRequest object with the same results. Heres my code thats giving
me problems...
What I don't understand is where you declare
'http' in RefreshChat()
'httpnew' in FormatMessage(d atetime,from,me ssage)

first in typeMine text/xml
second in typeMine text/html

I thought something like following was needed :

function getHTTPObject(t ype_mine) {
http_request = false;
if (window.XMLHttp Request) { // Mozilla, Safari,...
http_request = new XMLHttpRequest( );
if(http_request .overrideMimeTy pe) {
http_request.ov errideMimeType( type_mine);
else if (window.ActiveX Object) { // IE
try {
http_request = new ActiveXObject(" Msxml2.XMLHTTP" );
catch (e) {
try {
http_request = new ActiveXObject(" Microsoft.XMLHT TP");
catch (e) {}
return http_request;
function RefreshChat() {
http = getHTTPObject(' text/xml');
http.open("GET" ,"refreshchat.p hp",true);
I think
http.open would have to be after http.onreadysta techange
http.onreadysta techange = function () {
if (http.readyStat e == 4 && http.status == 200) {
// XML
XML_result = http.responseXM L;
docNode = XML_result.docu mentElement;
msg_count = docNode.getElem entsByTagName(' message').lengt h;
i = 0;
while(i < msg_count) {
messagesNode = docNode.getElem entsByTagName(' message')[i];
datetime =
messagesNode.ge tElementsByTagN ame('datetime')[0].firstChild.dat a;
from =
messagesNode.ge tElementsByTagN ame('from')[0].firstChild.dat a;
message =
messagesNode.ge tElementsByTagN ame('text')[0].firstChild.dat a;
FormatMessage(d atetime,from,me ssage);
http.send(null) ;
setTimeout(Refr eshChat,10000);

function FormatMessage(d atetime,from,me ssage) {
httpnew = getHTTPObject(' text/html');

httpnew.open("G ET","formatmess age.php",true);
httpnew.onready statechange = function() {
if(httpnew.read yState == 4 && httpnew.status == 200) {
alert(httpnew.r eadyState);
formattedmessag e = httpnew.respons eText;
document.getEle mentById('chata rea').innerHTML = formattedmessag e;
else {
document.getEle mentById('chata rea').innerHTML = "Error!";
httpnew.open("G ET","formatmess age.php",true);
When I run the RefreshChat() function, everything runs fine up to...
httpnew.onready statechange = function() {
in the FormatMessage function, because the state never changes
(readyState is always 1).

Both the php pages (refreshchat.ph p) and (formatmessage. php) exist and
dont timeout or have errors.

Stephane Moriaux et son [moins] vieux Mac
May 6 '06 #2
I have a getHTTPObject function, I just didnt paste it here. And the
open has to be before the onreadystatecha nge. onreadystatecha nge is the
status of the open call. I found in Ajax for dummies chapter 4 covers
overloading and handling multiple concurrent requests... so Im reading
that now. Looks as though you must created a 2nd instance of the object
inside the function, but still working on getting it to work.

May 8 '06 #3
Well I finally got it to work... here it is for those interested...

progressbar.htm l
<title>Ajax at work</title>

<script language = "javascript ">

function ProgressBar() {
var XMLHttpRequestO bject = false;
if (window.XMLHttp Request) { XMLHttpRequestO bject = new
XMLHttpRequest( ); }
else if (window.ActiveX Object) { XMLHttpRequestO bject = new
ActiveXObject(" Microsoft.XMLHT TP"); }
if(XMLHttpReque stObject) {
var obj = document.getEle mentById('progr ess');
currentpercent = obj.style.width ;
XMLHttpRequestO bject.open("GET ", "progressbar.ph p?last=" +
currentpercent + "", true);
XMLHttpRequestO bject.onreadyst atechange = function() {
if (XMLHttpRequest Object.readySta te == 4 &&
XMLHttpRequestO bject.status == 200) {
obj.style.width = XMLHttpRequestO bject.responseT ext + '%';
document.getEle mentById('waiti ng').innerHTML = '';
if(XMLHttpReque stObject.respon seText < 100) {
else { document.getEle mentById('waiti ng').innerHTML =
'<b>DONE!</b>'; }
else { document.getEle mentById('waiti ng').innerHTML = 'Loading...';
XMLHttpRequestO bject.send(null );

function ProgressBar2() {
var XMLHttpRequestO bject = false;
if (window.XMLHttp Request) { XMLHttpRequestO bject = new
XMLHttpRequest( ); }
else if (window.ActiveX Object) { XMLHttpRequestO bject = new
ActiveXObject(" Microsoft.XMLHT TP"); }
if(XMLHttpReque stObject) {
XMLHttpRequestO bject.open("GET ", "progressbar2.p hp", true);
XMLHttpRequestO bject.onreadyst atechange = function() {
if (XMLHttpRequest Object.readySta te == 4 &&
XMLHttpRequestO bject.status == 200) {
document.getEle mentById('progr ess_2').innerHT ML = 'DONE';
else { document.getEle mentById('progr ess_2').style.v isibility =
'visible'; }
XMLHttpRequestO bject.send(null );



<b>% Progress bar</b><br>
Good for file downloads or big database compares/querys where you can
do it in steps. Will not work things you<br>
cannot do in steps (such as loading a webpage) because it will jump
from 0% to 100%.<br>
<div style="width:20 0px; height:15px; background-color:#FFCCFF;
border:1px solid #000000;" onClick="Progre ssBar();">
<div id="progress" style="height:1 5px; width:0%;
background-color:#FF0000"> </div>

<div id="waiting">Cl ick progress bar to start</div>
<b>General progress bar</b><br>
Good for things you cannot step through, such as loading a webpage or a
<a href="#" onClick="Progre ssBar2();">Star t</a>
<div id="progress_2 " style="visibili ty:hidden;">
<img src="progressba r.gif"><br>

$progress = ($_GET['last']+rand(0,5));
if($progress >= 100) { $progress = 100; }
print($progress );

progressbar2.ph p

May 10 '06 #4
Nathan wrote:
Well I finally got it to work... here it is for those interested...

progressbar.htm l
.... is not Valid markup: <URL:http://validator.w3.or g/>
function ProgressBar() {
var XMLHttpRequestO bject = false;
Do not use tabs to indent your code (at least not when posting);
use multiples of 2 or 4 spaces.
if (window.XMLHttp Request) { XMLHttpRequestO bject = new
XMLHttpRequest( ); }
else if (window.ActiveX Object) { XMLHttpRequestO bject = new
ActiveXObject(" Microsoft.XMLHT TP"); }
Should be at least

function isMethod(a)
return a && /^\s*(function|o bject)\s*$/.test(typeof a);

var _global = this;

function progressBar()
var xmlhttp = null;

if (isMethod(_glob al.XMLHttpReque st))
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest( );
else if (isMethod(_glob al.ActiveXObjec t)
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject(" Microsoft.XMLHT TP");

if (xmlhttp)
var obj;
if (isMethod(docum ent.getElementB yId)
&& (obj = document.getEle mentById('progr ess')))
var currentPercent = getStylePropert y(obj, 'width');
xmlhttp.open("G ET", "progressbar.ph p?last=" + currentPercent, true);

xmlhttp.onready statechange = function()
var waiting = document.getEle mentById('waiti ng');
if (xmlhttp.readyS tate == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200)
obj.style.width = xmlhttp.respons eText + '%';
if (waiting)
waiting.innerHT ML = '';
if (xmlhttp.respon seText < 100)
waiting.innerHT ML = '<b>DONE!<\/b>';
waiting.innerHT ML = 'Loading...';
xmlhttp.send(nu ll);
function ProgressBar2() {
Have you ever considered making your functions reusable by passing
<div style="width:20 0px; height:15px; background-color:#FFCCFF;
border:1px solid #000000;" onClick="Progre ssBar();">
<div id="progress" style="height:1 5px; width:0%;
background-color:#FF0000"> </div>
Have you ever considered using `style' or `link' elements instead of
`style' attributes to make source code easier legible and maintainable?
<div id="waiting">Cl ick progress bar to start</div>
Do not use the `br' element for margins; use CSS.
<b>General progress bar</b><br>
Do not use the `b' element for headings; use `hX' elements (X='1'..'6').
<a href="#" onClick="Progre ssBar2();">Star t</a>
Do not use a[href] elements for script-only features (and if you do, cancel
the click event!); use (formatted) buttons.
$progress = ($_GET['last']+rand(0,5));
AFAIK there is no point to the outer parens. Is there a point to adding
rand(0, 5) here at all? (I could accept rand(1, 5) for test purposes;
the bounds are included.)
if($progress >= 100) { $progress = 100; }
print($progress );
Note that `print' is a language feature, not a function.
Pretty printing: zero.


$progress = $_GET['last'] + rand(0, 5);
if ($progress >= 100) $progress = 100;
print $progress;

progressbar2.ph p

<?php sleep(5); ?>
But he had not that supreme gift of the artist, the knowledge of
when to stop.
-- Sherlock Holmes in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's
"The Adventure of the Norwood Builder"
May 17 '06 #5
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
Nathan wrote:
if (window.XMLHttp Request) { XMLHttpRequestO bject = new
XMLHttpRequest( ); }
else if (window.ActiveX Object) { XMLHttpRequestO bject = new
ActiveXObject(" Microsoft.XMLHT TP"); }

Should be at least
if (xmlhttp)
var obj;
if (isMethod(docum ent.getElementB yId)
&& (obj = document.getEle mentById('progr ess')))
var currentPercent = getStylePropert y(obj, 'width');

Where getStylePropert y() is not a built-in, but defined in my dhtml.js[1]
(and accidentally used here, while I was running on optimization).
Since I am mentioning that, other parts of the code could be made
more "bullet-proof" as well using other methods from that library
and my other libraries (such as isMethod() from types.js as included
here) as well. See the comments in the source code for details.
[1] <URL:http://pointedears.de/scripts/dhtml.js>
Bill Gates isn't the devil -- Satan made sure hell
_worked_ before he opened it to the damned ...
May 17 '06 #6
Nathan wrote:
Can I run two XMLHTTPRequest objects at the same time?

Of course. However, you may not be able to send one request per
XMLHTTPRequest object at the same time. Limits on allowed HTTP
connections may force the second request (whichever request is
made first [that is not which corresponding object is created
first] would become the first one) into a queue. Internet
Explorer is known to be especially restrictive on the number
of HTTP connections; for example Gecko-based UAs allow you to
increase that value through a user preference.
Homer: I have changed the world. Now I know how it feels to be God!
Marge: Do you want turkey sausage or ham?
Homer: Thou shalt send me *two*, one of each kind.
(Santa's Little Helper [dog] and Snowball [cat] run away :))
May 17 '06 #7

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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