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Protocol violation, Bigger than maximum error

4 New Member

The highlighted below is the sample code I used for calling my stored procedure.

Callable statement cstmt = conn.prepareCal l( BEGIN STOREDPROCNAME( ?,?,?);END;);
ArrayDescriptor arrayDescriptor = new ArrayDescriptor (Name of type,cstmt.getC onnection());
ARRAY acctList = new ARRAY(arrayDesc riptor,conn, flrList.toArray ());

cstmt.setInt(1, 10);
cstmt.setArray( 2, acctList);
cstmt.registerO utParameter(3, OracleTypes.CUR SOR);
cstmt.execute() ; // --->error here

*************** *************** *************** *************** *************** ************
The following is the log of the error ...

2007-07-09 10:24:29,718 ERROR - ExecuteThread: '24' for queue: 'weblogic.kerne l.Default'::Sys tem Error
java.sql.SQLExc eption: Bigger type length than Maximum
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.DatabaseErr or.throwSqlExce ption(DatabaseE rror.java:125)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.DatabaseErr or.throwSqlExce ption(DatabaseE rror.java:162)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.DatabaseErr or.check_error( DatabaseError.j ava:885)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CMAREngin e.buffer2Value( T4CMAREngine.ja va:2231)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CMAREngin e.unmarshalUB2( T4CMAREngine.ja va:1048)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CTTIdcb.r eceiveCommon(T4 CTTIdcb.java:11 2)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CTTIdcb.r eceiveFromRefCu rsor(T4CTTIdcb. java:104)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CResultSe tAccessor.unmar shalOneRow(T4CR esultSetAccesso r.java:165)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CTTIrxd.u nmarshal(T4CTTI rxd.java:785)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CTTIrxd.u nmarshal(T4CTTI rxd.java:702)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4C8Oall.re ceive(T4C8Oall. java:527)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CCallable Statement.doOal l8(T4CCallableS tatement.java:1 80)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CCallable Statement.execu te_for_rows(T4C CallableStateme nt.java:783)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.OracleState ment.doExecuteW ithTimeout(Orac leStatement.jav a:1027)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.OraclePrepa redStatement.ex ecuteInternal(O raclePreparedSt atement.java:28 85)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.OraclePrepa redStatement.ex ecute(OraclePre paredStatement. java:2976)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.OracleCalla bleStatement.ex ecute(OracleCal lableStatement. java:4103)
at com.hallmark.ma rketing.stores. persistenceEnti ties.StorePO.ge tRunSettings(St orePO.java:2600 )
at com.hallmark.ma rketing.stores. businessService s.StoreService. getRunSettings( StoreService.ja va:957)
at com.hallmark.sm art.simulation. controller.simu lation.Simulati onReviewEditLoa dAction.doWork( SimulationRevie wEditLoadAction .java:155)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .handleActionCl ass(ServControl ler.java:936)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .processURIMap( ServController. java:1105)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .processRequest (ServController .java:173)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .doGet(ServCont roller.java:464 )
at javax.servlet.h ttp.HttpServlet .service(HttpSe rvlet.java:740)
at javax.servlet.h ttp.HttpServlet .service(HttpSe rvlet.java:853)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letStubImpl$Ser vletInvocationA ction.run(Servl etStubImpl.java :1006)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letStubImpl.inv okeServlet(Serv letStubImpl.jav a:419)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letStubImpl.inv okeServlet(Serv letStubImpl.jav a:315)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.WebA ppServletContex t$ServletInvoca tionAction.run( WebAppServletCo ntext.java:6722 )
at weblogic.securi ty.acl.internal .AuthenticatedS ubject.doAs(Aut henticatedSubje ct.java:321)
at weblogic.securi ty.service.Secu rityManager.run As(SecurityMana ger.java:121)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.WebA ppServletContex t.invokeServlet (WebAppServletC ontext.java:376 4)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letRequestImpl. execute(Servlet RequestImpl.jav a:2644)
at weblogic.kernel .ExecuteThread. execute(Execute Thread.java:219 )
at weblogic.kernel .ExecuteThread. run(ExecuteThre ad.java:178)

java.sql.SQLExc eption: Protocol violation
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.DatabaseErr or.throwSqlExce ption(DatabaseE rror.java:125)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.DatabaseErr or.throwSqlExce ption(DatabaseE rror.java:162)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.DatabaseErr or.check_error( DatabaseError.j ava:885)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4C7Ocommon call.receive(T4 C7Ocommoncall.j ava:133)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CConnecti on.logoff(T4CCo nnection.java:3 85)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.PhysicalCon nection.close(P hysicalConnecti on.java:1036)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.util.JDBCC onnectionFactor y.freeResources (JDBCConnection Factory.java:79 1)
at com.hallmark.ma rketing.stores. persistenceEnti ties.StorePO.ge tRunSettings(St orePO.java:2714 )
at com.hallmark.ma rketing.stores. businessService s.StoreService. getRunSettings( StoreService.ja va:957)
at com.hallmark.sm art.simulation. controller.simu lation.Simulati onReviewEditLoa dAction.doWork( SimulationRevie wEditLoadAction .java:155)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .handleActionCl ass(ServControl ler.java:936)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .processURIMap( ServController. java:1105)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .processRequest (ServController .java:173)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .doGet(ServCont roller.java:464 )
at javax.servlet.h ttp.HttpServlet .service(HttpSe rvlet.java:740)
at javax.servlet.h ttp.HttpServlet .service(HttpSe rvlet.java:853)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letStubImpl$Ser vletInvocationA ction.run(Servl etStubImpl.java :1006)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letStubImpl.inv okeServlet(Serv letStubImpl.jav a:419)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letStubImpl.inv okeServlet(Serv letStubImpl.jav a:315)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.WebA ppServletContex t$ServletInvoca tionAction.run( WebAppServletCo ntext.java:6722 )
at weblogic.securi ty.acl.internal .AuthenticatedS ubject.doAs(Aut henticatedSubje ct.java:321)
at weblogic.securi ty.service.Secu rityManager.run As(SecurityMana ger.java:121)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.WebA ppServletContex t.invokeServlet (WebAppServletC ontext.java:376 4)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letRequestImpl. execute(Servlet RequestImpl.jav a:2644)
at weblogic.kernel .ExecuteThread. execute(Execute Thread.java:219 )
at weblogic.kernel .ExecuteThread. run(ExecuteThre ad.java:178)
*************** *************** *************** *********
Anybody faced similar situation?
Jul 9 '07 #1
6 5644
13,262 MVP

The highlighted below is the sample code I used for calling my stored procedure.

Callable statement cstmt = conn.prepareCal l( BEGIN STOREDPROCNAME( ?,?,?);END;);
ArrayDescriptor arrayDescriptor = new ArrayDescriptor (Name of type,cstmt.getC onnection());
ARRAY acctList = new ARRAY(arrayDesc riptor,conn, flrList.toArray ());

cstmt.setInt(1, 10);
cstmt.setArray( 2, acctList);
cstmt.registerO utParameter(3, OracleTypes.CUR SOR);
cstmt.execute() ; // --->error here

*************** *************** *************** *************** *************** ************
The following is the log of the error ...

2007-07-09 10:24:29,718 ERROR - ExecuteThread: '24' for queue: 'weblogic.kerne l.Default'::Sys tem Error
java.sql.SQLExc eption: Bigger type length than Maximum
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.DatabaseErr or.throwSqlExce ption(DatabaseE rror.java:125)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.DatabaseErr or.throwSqlExce ption(DatabaseE rror.java:162)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.DatabaseErr or.check_error( DatabaseError.j ava:885)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CMAREngin e.buffer2Value( T4CMAREngine.ja va:2231)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CMAREngin e.unmarshalUB2( T4CMAREngine.ja va:1048)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CTTIdcb.r eceiveCommon(T4 CTTIdcb.java:11 2)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CTTIdcb.r eceiveFromRefCu rsor(T4CTTIdcb. java:104)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CResultSe tAccessor.unmar shalOneRow(T4CR esultSetAccesso r.java:165)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CTTIrxd.u nmarshal(T4CTTI rxd.java:785)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CTTIrxd.u nmarshal(T4CTTI rxd.java:702)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4C8Oall.re ceive(T4C8Oall. java:527)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CCallable Statement.doOal l8(T4CCallableS tatement.java:1 80)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CCallable Statement.execu te_for_rows(T4C CallableStateme nt.java:783)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.OracleState ment.doExecuteW ithTimeout(Orac leStatement.jav a:1027)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.OraclePrepa redStatement.ex ecuteInternal(O raclePreparedSt atement.java:28 85)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.OraclePrepa redStatement.ex ecute(OraclePre paredStatement. java:2976)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.OracleCalla bleStatement.ex ecute(OracleCal lableStatement. java:4103)
at com.hallmark.ma rketing.stores. persistenceEnti ties.StorePO.ge tRunSettings(St orePO.java:2600 )
at com.hallmark.ma rketing.stores. businessService s.StoreService. getRunSettings( StoreService.ja va:957)
at com.hallmark.sm art.simulation. controller.simu lation.Simulati onReviewEditLoa dAction.doWork( SimulationRevie wEditLoadAction .java:155)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .handleActionCl ass(ServControl ler.java:936)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .processURIMap( ServController. java:1105)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .processRequest (ServController .java:173)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .doGet(ServCont roller.java:464 )
at javax.servlet.h ttp.HttpServlet .service(HttpSe rvlet.java:740)
at javax.servlet.h ttp.HttpServlet .service(HttpSe rvlet.java:853)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letStubImpl$Ser vletInvocationA ction.run(Servl etStubImpl.java :1006)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letStubImpl.inv okeServlet(Serv letStubImpl.jav a:419)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letStubImpl.inv okeServlet(Serv letStubImpl.jav a:315)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.WebA ppServletContex t$ServletInvoca tionAction.run( WebAppServletCo ntext.java:6722 )
at weblogic.securi ty.acl.internal .AuthenticatedS ubject.doAs(Aut henticatedSubje ct.java:321)
at weblogic.securi ty.service.Secu rityManager.run As(SecurityMana ger.java:121)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.WebA ppServletContex t.invokeServlet (WebAppServletC ontext.java:376 4)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letRequestImpl. execute(Servlet RequestImpl.jav a:2644)
at weblogic.kernel .ExecuteThread. execute(Execute Thread.java:219 )
at weblogic.kernel .ExecuteThread. run(ExecuteThre ad.java:178)

java.sql.SQLExc eption: Protocol violation
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.DatabaseErr or.throwSqlExce ption(DatabaseE rror.java:125)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.DatabaseErr or.throwSqlExce ption(DatabaseE rror.java:162)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.DatabaseErr or.check_error( DatabaseError.j ava:885)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4C7Ocommon call.receive(T4 C7Ocommoncall.j ava:133)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CConnecti on.logoff(T4CCo nnection.java:3 85)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.PhysicalCon nection.close(P hysicalConnecti on.java:1036)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.util.JDBCC onnectionFactor y.freeResources (JDBCConnection Factory.java:79 1)
at com.hallmark.ma rketing.stores. persistenceEnti ties.StorePO.ge tRunSettings(St orePO.java:2714 )
at com.hallmark.ma rketing.stores. businessService s.StoreService. getRunSettings( StoreService.ja va:957)
at com.hallmark.sm art.simulation. controller.simu lation.Simulati onReviewEditLoa dAction.doWork( SimulationRevie wEditLoadAction .java:155)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .handleActionCl ass(ServControl ler.java:936)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .processURIMap( ServController. java:1105)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .processRequest (ServController .java:173)
at com.hallmark.co mmon.controller .ServController .doGet(ServCont roller.java:464 )
at javax.servlet.h ttp.HttpServlet .service(HttpSe rvlet.java:740)
at javax.servlet.h ttp.HttpServlet .service(HttpSe rvlet.java:853)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letStubImpl$Ser vletInvocationA ction.run(Servl etStubImpl.java :1006)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letStubImpl.inv okeServlet(Serv letStubImpl.jav a:419)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letStubImpl.inv okeServlet(Serv letStubImpl.jav a:315)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.WebA ppServletContex t$ServletInvoca tionAction.run( WebAppServletCo ntext.java:6722 )
at weblogic.securi ty.acl.internal .AuthenticatedS ubject.doAs(Aut henticatedSubje ct.java:321)
at weblogic.securi ty.service.Secu rityManager.run As(SecurityMana ger.java:121)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.WebA ppServletContex t.invokeServlet (WebAppServletC ontext.java:376 4)
at weblogic.servle t.internal.Serv letRequestImpl. execute(Servlet RequestImpl.jav a:2644)
at weblogic.kernel .ExecuteThread. execute(Execute Thread.java:219 )
at weblogic.kernel .ExecuteThread. run(ExecuteThre ad.java:178)
*************** *************** *************** *********
Anybody faced similar situation?
I suppose there are others who have faced it before. The statck trace tells you exactly what the problem is. See the line that says "Bigger type length than Maximum"
Jul 10 '07 #2
201 New Member
make following change then try.
1. Origional Line
Callable statement cstmt = conn.prepareCal l( BEGIN STOREDPROCNAME( ?,?,?);END;);

Name of procedure is Missing , See following Sample
CallableStateme nt pstmt = conn.prepareCal l("{call p_highest_ paid_emp(?,?,?, ?)}");

2. Origional Line cstmt.execute() ;

Replace or Try with

cstmt.executeQu ery();
cstmt.executeUp date();

Post your results
Jul 10 '07 #3
4 New Member
I suppose there are others who have faced it before. The statck trace tells you exactly what the problem is. See the line that says "Bigger type length than Maximum"
Its the very basics to go through stack trace and trying to find out what error it is before posting it in a forum.

This works perfectly well from weblogic domain in my local system but fails in the weblogic domain on the actual application machine... I read about some drivers issue related to Oracle 10g and wanted to know if anybody in here had faced something like that.
Jul 10 '07 #4
13,262 MVP
Its the very basics to go through stack trace and trying to find out what error it is before posting it in a forum.

This works perfectly well from weblogic domain in my local system but fails in the weblogic domain on the actual application machine... I read about some drivers issue related to Oracle 10g and wanted to know if anybody in here had faced something like that.

Well you had not stated that in your first post and I believe it is a vital information in this case.
Jul 10 '07 #5
13,262 MVP
Well you had not stated that in your first post and I believe it is a vital information in this case.
Oh and uh, which Oracle version are you using?
I hope you're using classes12.zip for the driver.
Jul 10 '07 #6
1 New Member
Oh and uh, which Oracle version are you using?
I hope you're using classes12.zip for the driver.

I am also facing the same problem, it works in the weblogic server on my machine but fails to work in a weblogic server in a Unix machine

I included all the jar files in the classpath of weblogic also during the startWeblogic.s h

Please Help
Aug 8 '07 #7

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