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Oracle Array - Entity mapping problem - Could not serialize

168 New Member
JBoss version:4.0.4
Hibernate version:3.2
Database:Oracle 10g
Hi. I am facing an entity mapping problem. I have an Oracle stored function which takes as a parameter an Oracle array and returns a refcursor. And I want to map the returning result to an entity class. I have created the entity class as follows:
@SqlResultSetMa pping(name = "flightBaggageS ummaryMapping",
entities = @EntityResult(e ntityClass = FlightBaggageSu mmary.class))
@NamedNativeQue ry(name = "flightBaggageS ummaryQuery",
query = "{?=call MULTI_FLIGHT_PA X_AND_BAG_COUNT (:flightList)}" ,
resultSetMappin g = "flightBaggageS ummaryMapping",
hints = {@QueryHint(nam e = "org.hibernate. callable", value = "true"),
@QueryHint(name = "org.hibernate. readOnly", value = "true")})
public class FlightBaggageSu mmary implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUI D = 1;
private long flightId;
private long checkedInBags;
private long loadedBaggageHa llBags;
public long getFlightId()
return flightId;
public void setFlightId(lon g flightId)
this.flightId=f lightId;
// Accessors and mutators and @Column annotations here
And in a Facade, I have the following method:
public List<FlightBagg ageSummary> getFlightBaggag eSummary(Long[] flightIds) throws ApplicationTier Exception
// Validate parameter
if (flightIds == null || flightIds.lengt h == 0)
throw new IllegalArgument Exception();
ARRAY arrayOfFlightId s = null;
// The datasource is a member variable of the Facade
Connection connection = ((WrappedConnec tion)dataSource .getConnection( )).getUnderlyin gConnection();

// FLIGHT_LIST is the Oracle array type that is passed as aparameter in the stored function
ArrayDescriptor arrayDescriptor = ArrayDescriptor .createDescript or("FLIGHT_LIST ", connection);
arrayOfFlightId s = new ARRAY(arrayDesc riptor, connection, flightIds);
catch (SQLException e)
throw new ApplicationTier Exception(e);
Query query = entityManager.c reateNamedQuery ("flightBaggage SummaryQuery"). setParameter("f lightList", arrayOfFlightId s);
return (List<FlightBag gageSummary>) query.getResult List();
to get information about flights & I get following exception:

(Exception in next post)
Feb 7 '07 #1
1 2740
168 New Member
Stack trace:javax.ejb .EJBException: javax.persisten ce.PersistenceE xception: org.hibernate.t ype.Serializati onException: could not serialize
at org.jboss.ejb3. tx.Ejb3TxPolicy .handleExceptio nInOurTx(Ejb3Tx Policy.java:69)
at org.jboss.aspec ts.tx.TxPolicy. invokeInOurTx(T xPolicy.java:83 )
at org.jboss.aspec ts.tx.TxInterce ptor$Required.i nvoke(TxInterce ptor.java:197)
at org.jboss.aop.j oinpoint.Method Invocation.invo keNext(MethodIn vocation.java:1 01)
at org.jboss.aspec ts.tx.TxPropaga tionInterceptor .invoke(TxPropa gationIntercept or.java:76)
at org.jboss.aop.j oinpoint.Method Invocation.invo keNext(MethodIn vocation.java:1 01)
at org.jboss.ejb3. stateless.State lessInstanceInt erceptor.invoke (StatelessInsta nceInterceptor. java:62)
at org.jboss.aop.j oinpoint.Method Invocation.invo keNext(MethodIn vocation.java:1 01)
at org.jboss.aspec ts.security.Rol eBasedAuthoriza tionInterceptor .invoke(RoleBas edAuthorization Interceptor.jav a:167)
at org.jboss.ejb3. security.RoleBa sedAuthorizatio nInterceptor.in voke(RoleBasedA uthorizationInt erceptor.java:1 00)
at org.jboss.aop.j oinpoint.Method Invocation.invo keNext(MethodIn vocation.java:1 01)
at org.jboss.aspec ts.security.Aut henticationInte rceptor.invoke( AuthenticationI nterceptor.java :78)
at org.jboss.aop.j oinpoint.Method Invocation.invo keNext(MethodIn vocation.java:1 01)
at org.jboss.ejb3. ENCPropagationI nterceptor.invo ke(ENCPropagati onInterceptor.j ava:47)
at org.jboss.aop.j oinpoint.Method Invocation.invo keNext(MethodIn vocation.java:1 01)
at org.jboss.ejb3. asynchronous.As ynchronousInter ceptor.invoke(A synchronousInte rceptor.java:10 6)
at org.jboss.aop.j oinpoint.Method Invocation.invo keNext(MethodIn vocation.java:1 01)
at org.jboss.ejb3. stateless.State lessContainer.l ocalInvoke(Stat elessContainer. java:181)
at org.jboss.ejb3. stateless.State lessLocalProxy. invoke(Stateles sLocalProxy.jav a:79)
at $Proxy107.getFl ightBaggageSumm ary(Unknown Source)
at com.app.web.del egates.FlightSe rvicesDelegate. getFlightBaggag eSummary(Flight ServicesDelegat e.java:202)
at com.app.web.ser vlets.flight.Fl ightLoopServlet .doGet(FlightLo opServlet.java: 213)
at javax.servlet.h ttp.HttpServlet .service(HttpSe rvlet.java:697)
at javax.servlet.h ttp.HttpServlet .service(HttpSe rvlet.java:810)
at org.apache.cata lina.core.Appli cationFilterCha in.internalDoFi lter(Applicatio nFilterChain.ja va:252)
at org.apache.cata lina.core.Appli cationFilterCha in.doFilter(App licationFilterC hain.java:173)
at com.app.web.fil ters.EncodingFi lter.doFilter(E ncodingFilter.j ava:110) at org.apache.cata lina.core.Appli cationFilterCha in.internalDoFi lter ApplicationFilt erChain.java:20 2)
at org.apache.cata lina.core.Appli cationFilterCha in.doFilter(App licationFilterC hain.java:173)
at com.app.web.fil ters.FlightLoop Filter.doFilter (FlightLoopFilt er.java:112) at org.apache.cata lina.core.Appli cationFilterCha in.internalDoFi lter(Applicatio nFilterChain.ja va:202)
at org.apache.cata lina.core.Appli cationFilterCha in.doFilter(App licationFilterC hain.java:173)
at com.app.web.fil ters.UserContex tFilter.doFilte r(UserContextFi lter.java:149)
at org.apache.cata lina.core.Appli cationFilterCha in.internalDoFi lter(Applicatio nFilterChain.ja va:202)
at org.apache.cata lina.core.Appli cationFilterCha in.doFilter(App licationFilterC hain.java:173)
at org.jboss.web.t omcat.filters.R eplyHeaderFilte r.doFilter(Repl yHeaderFilter.j ava:96)
at org.apache.cata lina.core.Appli cationFilterCha in.internalDoFi lter(Applicatio nFilterChain.ja va:202)
at org.apache.cata lina.core.Appli cationFilterCha in.doFilter(App licationFilterC hain.java:173)
at org.apache.cata lina.core.Stand ardWrapperValve .invoke(Standar dWrapperValve.j ava:213)
at org.apache.cata lina.core.Stand ardContextValve .invoke(Standar dContextValve.j ava:178)
at org.jboss.web.t omcat.security. SecurityAssocia tionValve.invok e(SecurityAssoc iationValve.jav a:175)
at org.apache.cata lina.authentica tor.Authenticat orBase.invoke(A uthenticatorBas e.java:524)
at org.jboss.web.t omcat.security. JaccContextValv e.invoke(JaccCo ntextValve.java :74)
at org.apache.cata lina.core.Stand ardHostValve.in voke(StandardHo stValve.java:12 6)
at org.apache.cata lina.valves.Err orReportValve.i nvoke(ErrorRepo rtValve.java:10 5)
at org.apache.cata lina.core.Stand ardEngineValve. invoke(Standard EngineValve.jav a:107)
at org.apache.cata lina.connector. CoyoteAdapter.s ervice(CoyoteAd apter.java:148)
at org.apache.coyo te.http11.Http1 1Processor.proc ess(Http11Proce ssor.java:869)
at org.apache.coyo te.http11.Http1 1BaseProtocol$H ttp11Connection Handler.process Connection(Http 11BaseProtocol. java:664)
at org.apache.tomc at.util.net.Poo lTcpEndpoint.pr ocessSocket(Poo lTcpEndpoint.ja va:527)
at org.apache.tomc at.util.net.Mas terSlaveWorkerT hread.run(Maste rSlaveWorkerThr ead.java:112)
at java.lang.Threa d.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: javax.persisten ce.PersistenceE xception: org.hibernate.t ype.Serializati onException: could not serialize
at org.hibernate.e jb.AbstractEnti tyManagerImpl.t hrowPersistence Exception(Abstr actEntityManage rImpl.java:567)
at org.hibernate.e jb.QueryImpl.ge tResultList(Que ryImpl.java:56)
at com.ultra_as.ul tratrak.applica tion.services.F lightServiceFac adeBean.getFlig htBaggageSummar y(FlightService FacadeBean.java :243)
at sun.reflect.Nat iveMethodAccess orImpl.invoke0( Native Method)
at sun.reflect.Nat iveMethodAccess orImpl.invoke(U nknown Source)
at sun.reflect.Del egatingMethodAc cessorImpl.invo ke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.refle ct.Method.invok e(Unknown Source)
at org.jboss.aop.j oinpoint.Method Invocation.invo keNext(MethodIn vocation.java:1 12)
at org.jboss.ejb3. interceptor.Inv ocationContextI mpl.proceed(Inv ocationContextI mpl.java:166)
at org.jboss.ejb3. interceptor.EJB 3InterceptorsIn terceptor.invok e(EJB3Intercept orsInterceptor. java:63)
at org.jboss.aop.j oinpoint.Method Invocation.invo keNext(MethodIn vocation.java:1 01)
at org.jboss.ejb3. entity.Transact ionScopedEntity ManagerIntercep tor.invoke(Tran sactionScopedEn tityManagerInte rceptor.java:54 )
at org.jboss.aop.j oinpoint.Method Invocation.invo keNext(MethodIn vocation.java:1 01)
at org.jboss.ejb3. AllowedOperatio nsInterceptor.i nvoke(AllowedOp erationsInterce ptor.java:47)
at org.jboss.aop.j oinpoint.Method Invocation.invo keNext(MethodIn vocation.java:1 01)
at org.jboss.aspec ts.tx.TxPolicy. invokeInOurTx(T xPolicy.java:79 )
... 50 more
Caused by: org.hibernate.t ype.Serializati onException: could not serialize
at org.hibernate.u til.Serializati onHelper.serial ize(Serializati onHelper.java:1 58)
at org.hibernate.u til.Serializati onHelper.serial ize(Serializati onHelper.java:1 78)
at org.hibernate.t ype.Serializabl eType.toBytes(S erializableType .java:74)
at org.hibernate.t ype.Serializabl eType.toString( SerializableTyp e.java:58)
at org.hibernate.t ype.NullableTyp e.nullSafeSet(N ullableType.jav a:87)
at org.hibernate.t ype.NullableTyp e.nullSafeSet(N ullableType.jav a:65)
at org.hibernate.l oader.Loader.bi ndNamedParamete rs(Loader.java: 1748)
at org.hibernate.l oader.Loader.pr epareQueryState ment(Loader.jav a:1577)
at org.hibernate.l oader.Loader.do Query(Loader.ja va:661)
at org.hibernate.l oader.Loader.do QueryAndInitial izeNonLazyColle ctions(Loader.j ava:224)
at org.hibernate.l oader.Loader.do List(Loader.jav a:2145)
at org.hibernate.l oader.Loader.li stIgnoreQueryCa che(Loader.java :2029)
at org.hibernate.l oader.Loader.li st(Loader.java: 2024)
at org.hibernate.l oader.custom.Cu stomLoader.list (CustomLoader.j ava:118)
at org.hibernate.i mpl.SessionImpl .listCustomQuer y(SessionImpl.j ava:1684)
at org.hibernate.i mpl.AbstractSes sionImpl.list(A bstractSessionI mpl.java:142)
at org.hibernate.i mpl.SQLQueryImp l.list(SQLQuery Impl.java:164)
at org.hibernate.e jb.QueryImpl.ge tResultList(Que ryImpl.java:53)
... 64 more
Caused by: java.io.NotSeri alizableExcepti on: oracle.jdbc.dri ver.T4CConnecti on
at java.io.ObjectO utputStream.wri teObject0(Unkno wn Source)
at java.io.ObjectO utputStream.def aultWriteFields (Unknown Source)
at java.io.ObjectO utputStream.wri teSerialData(Un known Source)
at java.io.ObjectO utputStream.wri teOrdinaryObjec t(Unknown Source)
at java.io.ObjectO utputStream.wri teObject0(Unkno wn Source)
at java.io.ObjectO utputStream.wri teObject(Unknow n Source)
at org.hibernate.u til.Serializati onHelper.serial ize(Serializati onHelper.java:1 54)
... 81 more

The exception occurs when the return statement of the getFlightBaggag eSummary method is called. I'm a bit stuck to be honest. I'm converting a java array of Longs to an Oracle ARRAY object but it doesn't seem to work. I can't figure out from the exception where could be the problem.
The Oracle stored function takes a parameter of type FLIGHT_LIST.

The type is defined as follows:
create or replace TYPE flight_list AS TABLE OF NUMBER(10)

Could anyone tell me if there is a way to pass my Long[] and set the named parameter of the named native query? I managed to get it working with plain JDBC and a Callable Statement but I'd like to do it with an entity mapping.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Feb 7 '07 #2

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