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Application Structure

Hello. I am a beginner at this Java stuff, so bear with me.

I have been writing an imaging application as a way of learning Java. I

have got little bits working and tied them together in an application. But

now I am looking to tune, or correctly model, the application use threads to

improve performance.

What I am looking for is if I have structured my application in a logical

way and if I have where would it be useful to apply threads. Below is the

code of the application if someone could take a quick look and see if I have

made any major blunders with my structure and where they would apply

threads. Thanks for taking the time to read.

import java.awt.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.awt.event. *;
import java.awt.geom.* ;
import java.awt.image. *;
import java.awt.event. ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event. ActionListener;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.UIM anager;
import java.util.Linke dList;
import java.awt.image. BufferedImage;
import javax.imageio.* ;
//start of new image processor class
class newImgProc2 extends JComponent{
private BufferedImage source, destination;
public JComboBox options;
public int startX, startY, endX, endY, ix, iy, rectH, rectW;
public LinkedList lLsUndo = new LinkedList();
public int undoFlag = 0;
public JScrollPane iScroll;
public boolean swap = false;

public newImgProc2( BufferedImage image ) {//extend buffered image

to include undo handler

source = destination = image;
setBackground(C olor.white);
setLayout(new BorderLayout()) ;
// create a panel to hold the combo box
JPanel controls = new JPanel();
JPanel nuCont = new JPanel();

//use my button creator class to create a button
ButtCreator butt1 = new

ButtCreator("my Bright","graphi cs/bright.gif","gr aphics/roll.gif","Make

ButtCreator butt2 = new

ButtCreator("my Scale","graphic s/scale.gif","gra phics/roll.gif","Scal e

ButtCreator bLoad = new

ButtCreator("my Load","graphics/load.gif","grap hics/roll.gif","Load a File");
ButtCreator bSave = new

ButtCreator("my Save","graphics/save.gif","grap hics/roll.gif","Save a File");
ButtCreator bDark = new

ButtCreator("my Dark","graphics/dark.gif","grap hics/roll.gif","Make Darker");
ButtCreator bRot = new

ButtCreator("my Rotate","graphi cs/rotate.gif","gr aphics/roll.gif","Rota te the

ButtCreator bUndo = new

ButtCreator("my Undo","graphics/undo.gif","grap hics/roll.gif","Undo ");
ButtCreator bRedo = new

ButtCreator("my Redo","graphics/redo.gif","grap hics/roll.gif","Redo ");
controls.add(bu tt1);
controls.add(bD ark);
controls.add(bu tt2);
controls.add(bL oad);
controls.add(bS ave);
controls.add(bR ot);
nuCont.add(bUnd o);
nuCont.add(bRed o);

add(controls, BorderLayout.NO RTH);
add(nuCont, BorderLayout.SO UTH);

//add an event handler
//add the event listener to the object
ProcButt pB = new ProcButt();
butt1.addAction Listener(pB);
butt2.addAction Listener(pB);
bLoad.addAction Listener(pB);
bSave.addAction Listener(pB);
bDark.addAction Listener(pB);
bUndo.addAction Listener(pB);
bRedo.addAction Listener(pB);
bRot.addActionL istener(pB);
//undo method
public void updateUndoAr(Bu fferedImage img){
lLsUndo.add(und oFlag,img);
undoFlag = undoFlag+1;
if(lLsUndo.size ()>undoFlag){
for (int i=undoFlag;i<=l LsUndo.size();i ++){
lLsUndo.remove( i);

public void undoUndoAr(){
System.out.prin tln("before undo "+undoFlag) ;
undoFlag = undoFlag-1;

BufferedImage last =

(BufferedImage) lLsUndo.get(und oFlag);
setTheImage(las t);
System.out.prin tln("after undo "+undoFlag) ;
catch( IndexOutOfBound sException e){
Toolkit.getDefa ultToolkit().be ep();
JPanel warn = new JPanel();
JOptionPane.sho wMessageDialog( warn, "ERROR: Undo

Error!\n\t\tNot hing left to undo!\n"+e);

public void redoUndoAr(){
System.out.prin tln("f before redo "+undoFlag) ;
undoFlag = undoFlag+1;
System.out.prin tln("f after redo "+undoFlag) ;
BufferedImage last = (BufferedImage) lLsUndo.get(und oFlag);
setTheImage(las t);

catch( IndexOutOfBound sException e){
Toolkit.getDefa ultToolkit().be ep();
JPanel warn = new JPanel();
JOptionPane.sho wMessageDialog( warn, "ERROR: Redo

Error!\n\t\tNot hing more to redo!\n"+e);

//class procButt implements ActionListener, UndoableEditLis tener{
class ProcButt implements ActionListener{

public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e){
String b = e.getActionComm and();//teh name of the


BufferedImageOp op = null;
if(b.equals("my Bright")){
op = new RescaleOp(1.5f, 0, null);
else if(b.equals("my Undo")){
else if(b.equals("my Redo")){
else if(b.equals("my Scale")){

op = new

AffineTransform Op(AffineTransf orm.getScaleIns tance(.75, .75), null);

else if(b.equals("my Load")){
else if(b.equals("my Rotate")){
op = new

AffineTransform Op(AffineTransf orm.getRotateIn stance(Math.PI / 6), null);
else if(b.equals("my Dark")){
op = new RescaleOp(.5f, 0, null);
else if(b.equals("my Save")){
catch(Exception exp){
System.out.prin tln(exp);

if (op != null){
updateUndoAr(de stination);
destination = op.filter(sourc e, null);
source = destination;

//class to deal with painting the thing
public void paintComponent( Graphics g) {
int imageWidth = destination.get Width();
int imageHeight = destination.get Height();
int width = getSize().width ;
int height = getSize().heigh t;

g.drawImage(des tination,0, 0, null);

//start listeners

addMouseListene r(new MouseAdapter(){

public void mousePressed(Mo useEvent e){

startX = e.getX();
startY = e.getY();

public void mouseReleased(M ouseEvent e){
updateUndoAr(de stination);
BufferedImage my;

if(swap == true){
my = source.getSubim age(ix,iy,rectW ,rectH);
swap = false;
my =

source.getSubim age(startX,star tY,rectW,rectH) ;
swap = false;

source = my;
destination = source;

addMouseMotionL istener(new MouseMotionAdap ter(){

public void mouseDragged(Mo useEvent e){

ix = e.getX();
iy = e.getY();

rectW = ix - startX;
rectW = startX - ix;
swap = true;

rectH = iy - startY;
rectH = startY - iy;
swap = true;

Graphics g2 = getGraphics();
if(swap == true){
g2.drawRect(ix, iy,rectW,rectH) ;
g2.drawRect(sta rtX,startY,rect W,rectH);
//end list
// temp output file bit
public void outputFile() throws Exception{
//start of the output stuff
FileOutputStrea m fo = new FileOutputStrea m("graphics/myImg.jpg");
BufferedOutputS tream bo = new BufferedOutputS tream(fo);

ImageIO.write(d estination, "jpeg", bo);

//finding the size of teh image in memory
ByteArrayOutput Stream baos = new ByteArrayOutput Stream();
ImageIO.write(d estination, "jpeg", baos);

System.out.prin tln("data in mem = "+baos.size ());

// EOF temp outupt file bit

// load file from users HD method
public void getImage(){
JFileChooser dlg = new JFileChooser();
//disable the file dialog from showing all
dlg.setAcceptAl lFileFilterUsed (false);
dlg.addChoosabl eFileFilter(new DialogFilter()) ;

int r = dlg.showDialog( this, "Load Image");

if( r == JFileChooser.CA NCEL_OPTION){
File f = dlg.getSelected File();
java.net.URL url = f.toURL();
ImageIcon icn = new ImageIcon(url);

System.out.prin tln(icn.getImag eLoadStatus());

//gets the size of the local file
long sizeLocal = f.length();
System.out.prin tln("local size of file from dialog

"+sizeLocal );
Image fi = icn.getImage();

// draw the Image into a BufferedImage
int w = fi.getWidth(nul l), h = fi.getHeight(nu ll);
//buffImage is being passed to the image processor class
BufferedImage fBuff = new BufferedImage(w , h,

BufferedImage.T YPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D imageGraphics = fBuff.createGra phics();

setTheImage(fBu ff);
scaleTheImage(f Buff);
//end paste from main
catch(Exception e){
System.out.prin tln("could not load file");

//end of load file method

private Rectangle getAffectedArea (int oldX, int oldY, int newx, int newy,

int width, int height)
int x = Math.min(oldX, newx);
int y = Math.min(oldY, newy);
int w = (Math.max(oldX, newx) + width) - x;
int h = (Math.max(oldY, newy) + height) - y;
return new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);

//if the image is being sent in from an extended class, then reset

it here
public void setTheImage(Buf feredImage iImg){
source = iImg;
destination = source;

public void scaleTheImage(B ufferedImage iImg){
BufferedImageOp op;

int w = iImg.getWidth() ;
int h = iImg.getHeight( );
op = new

AffineTransform Op(AffineTransf orm.getScaleIns tance(.5, .5), null);
destination = op.filter(sourc e, null);
source = destination;


//so an external class can get the image
public BufferedImage retTheImage(){
return source;

//end of new image processor class
//*************** *******
class outTheImage2 extends newImgProc2{
private BufferedImage theImage;

public outTheImage2(Bu fferedImage theImage){
super(theImage) ;
scaleTheImage() ;


public void scaleTheImage() {
//get the current image from the parent
BufferedImage thisImg = super.retTheIma ge(), destImg;
int w = thisImg.getWidt h();
int h = thisImg.getHeig ht();
BufferedImageOp op;
//transform the image
op = new AffineTransform Op(AffineTransf orm.getScaleIns tance(.5,

..5), null);
destImg = op.filter(thisI mg, null);
//set the image back to the parent
super.setTheIma ge(destImg);


//creates the frame of the whole application
class ImageProcCanvas 2 extends JFrame{

public ImageProcCanvas 2(outTheImage2 thisImage, int w, int h){

JFrame.setDefau ltLookAndFeelDe corated(true);
UIManager.setLo okAndFeel("com. sun.java.swing. plaf.windows.Wi ndowsLookAndFee l

" );
catch(Exception e){
System.out.prin tln(e);
JFrame frame = new JFrame("OGRe Image Processor");

frame.getConten tPane().add(thi sImage);
int myH = h +200;
frame.setSize(w , myH);
frame.setDefaul tCloseOperation ( JFrame.EXIT_ON_ CLOSE );
frame.setVisibl e(true);


//*************** *******
public class BufferedImage00 2 {

public static void main(String args[]){
String filename = "graphics/desk001.jpg";
String outFileName = "outImg.jpg ";

// get the image from hd or could be url

ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(filen ame);
Image i = icon.getImage() ;
// draw the Image into a BufferedImage
int w = i.getWidth(null ), h = i.getHeight(nul l);
//buffImage is being passed to the image processor class
BufferedImage buffImage = new BufferedImage(w , h,

BufferedImage.T YPE_INT_RGB);

//create the image
Graphics2D imageGraphics = buffImage.creat eGraphics();
imageGraphics.d rawImage(i, 0, 0, null);
//get the height of the buffered image
int width = buffImage.getWi dth()+40;
int height = buffImage.getHe ight()+80;
//scale the buffered image
outTheImage2 i1 = new outTheImage2(bu ffImage);
//set up a new frame to deal with the whole app
ImageProcCanvas 2 newOgre = new ImageProcCanvas 2(i1, width, height);
//*************** *******
There are two other objects too. One for creating the buttons and one for

filtering the dialog to show only images on the users HD. I think this

maybe too much to take in in one go.. but thanks for taking the time to read

this far.



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Jul 17 '05 #1
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