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Set row color of a datagrid when more than one datagrid on a form

I am using visual studio 2005 to develop a form using c#

I have 3 datagrids on one form.

I can set the row color based on a certain value in a column. However this
color applies to all 3 datagrida. I would like to set it so that

if value of column 3 in datagrid 1 is < 100 set to red, if = 100 set to green
if value of column 3 in datagrid 2 is < 90 set to red, if >= 90 set to green
if value of column 3 in datagrid 3is < 80 set to red, if >= 80set to green

No matter how I write my code I cannot seem to get the coloring to apply to
just one datagrid

My code is below:

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Syst em.Drawing" %>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

<script runat="server">

protected void GridView1_Selec tedIndexChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)


protected void GridView1_RowDa taBound(object sender,
GridViewRowEven tArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowT ype.DataRow)
if (Decimal.Parse( e.Row.Cells[3].Text) < 100)
e.Row.Cells[3].BackColor = Color.IndianRed ;
e.Row.Cells[3].BackColor = Color.MediumSea Green;
protected void GridView3_RowDa taBound(object sender, GridViewRowEven tArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowT ype.DataRow)
if (Decimal.Parse( e.Row.Cells[3].Text) < 70)
e.Row.Cells[3].BackColor = Color.IndianRed ;
e.Row.Cells[3].BackColor = Color.MediumSea Green;

protected void Page_Load(objec t sender, EventArgs e)


protected void GridView2_Selec tedIndexChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)



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function breadCrumbs(bas e,delStr,defp,c Style,tStyle,dS tyle,nl) { // by Paul
Davis - http://www.kaosweaver.com
loc=window.loca tion.toString() ;subs=loc.subst r(loc.indexOf(b ase)+base.lengt h+1).split("/");
document.write( '<a href="'+getLoc( subs.length-1)+defp+'"
class="'+cStyle +'">Home</a '+'<span class="'+dStyle +'">'+delStr+ '</span');
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subs[i]=makeCaps(unesc ape(subs[i]));
document.write( '<a href="'+getLoc( subs.length-i-2)+defp+'"
class="'+cStyle +'">'+subs[i]+'</a '+'<span
class="'+dStyle +'">'+delStr+ '</span');}
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class="'+tStyle +'">'+document. title+'</span>');
function makeCaps(a) {
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g[l]=g[l].toUpperCase(). slice(0,1)+g[l].slice(1);
return g.join(" ");
function getLoc(c) {
var d="";if (c>0) for (k=0;k<c;k++) d=d+"../"; return d;

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HKS Support Statistics</h1>
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<asp:HyperLin k ID="HyperLink4 " runat="server"
Target="_blank" >Graph</asp:HyperLink</p>
<asp:SqlDataSou rce ID="SqlDataSour ce1" runat="server"
ConnectionStrin g="<%$ ConnectionStrin gs:SupportStats ConnectionStrin g %>"
SelectCommand=" SELECT Priority, Date,
Number_of_ticke ts_opened, Number_of_ticke ts_closed_withi n_24hrs,
ROUND([%_of_tickets_cl osed_within_sla s], 0) AS '% of Tickets Closed within
SLAS' FROM dbo.Priority1 WHERE (Date IN (SELECT MAX(Date) AS date FROM
dbo.Priority1 AS Priority1_1))

"></asp:SqlDataSour ce>
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"
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<asp:BoundFie ld DataField="Date " HeaderText="Dat e"
ReadOnly="True" SortExpression= "Date" />
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HeaderText="# of Issues Opened"
SortExpression= "Number_of_tick ets_opened" />
<asp:BoundFie ld
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Resolved Within 24hrs"

SortExpression= "Number_of_tick ets_closed_with in_24hrs" />
<asp:BoundFie ld DataField="% of Tickets Closed within
SLAS" HeaderText="% of Issues Resolved Within SLAs"
SortExpression= "% of Tickets Closed within SLAS" />
<span style="font-family: Arial">
<asp:HyperLin k ID="HyperLink2 " runat="server"
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<span style="font-family: Arial"<asp:Hype rLink ID="HyperLink5 "
runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/priority2-graph.aspx"
Target="_blank" >Graph</asp:HyperLink>
<asp:SqlDataSou rce ID="SqlDataSour ce2" runat="server"
ConnectionStrin g="<%$ ConnectionStrin gs:SupportStats ConnectionStrin g %>"
SelectCommand=" SELECT Priority, Date,
Number_of_ticke ts_opened, Number_of_ticke ts_closed_withi n_48hrs,
ROUND([%_of_tickets_cl osed_within_sla s], 0) AS '% of Tickets Closed within
SLAS' FROM dbo.Priority2 WHERE (Date IN (SELECT MAX(Date) AS date FROM
dbo.Priority2 AS Priority2_1))
"></asp:SqlDataSour ce>
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OnRowDataBound= "GridView1_RowD ataBound" AutoGenerateCol umns="False"
DataSourceID="S qlDataSource2" ForeColor="#333 333"
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ReadOnly="True" SortExpression= "Date" />
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HeaderText="# of Issues Opened"
SortExpression= "Number_of_tick ets_opened" />
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DataField="Numb er_of_tickets_c losed_within_48 hrs" HeaderText="# of Issues
Resolved Within 48hrs"

SortExpression= "Number_of_tick ets_closed_with in_48hrs" />
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within SLAS" HeaderText="% of Issues Resolved Within SLAS"
SortExpression= "% of Tickets Closed within SLAS"
<span style="font-family: Arial">
<asp:HyperLin k ID="HyperLink3 " runat="server"
NavigateUrl="~/priority3-main.aspx">Prio rity 3</asp:HyperLink>
Issues Last Updated:</span></p>
<span style="font-family: Arial">
<asp:HyperLin k ID="HyperLink6 " runat="server"
Target="_blank" >Graph</asp:HyperLink></span</p>
<span style="font-family: Arial">
<asp:SqlDataSou rce ID="SqlDataSour ce3" runat="server"
ConnectionStrin g="<%$ ConnectionStrin gs:SupportStats ConnectionStrin g %>"
SelectCommand=" SELECT Priority, Date,
number_of_ticke ts_opened, number_of_ticke ts_closed_withi n_120hrs,
ROUND([%_of_tickets_cl osed_within_sla s], 0) AS '% of Tickets Closed within
SLAS' FROM dbo.Priority3 WHERE (Date IN (SELECT MAX(Date) AS date FROM
dbo.Priority3 AS Priority3_1))"> </asp:SqlDataSour ce>
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DataSourceID="S qlDataSource3" ForeColor="#333 333"
GridLines="None ">
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ReadOnly="True" SortExpression= "Date" />
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HeaderText="# of Issues Opened"
SortExpression= "number_of_tick ets_opened" />
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DataField="numb er_of_tickets_c losed_within_12 0hrs" HeaderText="# of Issues
Resolved Within 200hrs"

SortExpression= "number_of_tick ets_closed_with in_120hrs" />
<asp:BoundFie ld DataField="% of Tickets Closed
within SLAS" HeaderText="% of Issues Resolved Within SLAs"
SortExpression= "% of Tickets Closed within SLAS"

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<td width="1"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1"
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Sep 26 '06 #1
2 3450

Have you considered creating a subclass of the data grid and exposing a
property which has the threshold for the value in column three? It might
make things a little easier for you.

Hope this helps.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- mv*@spam.guard. caspershouse.co m

"Mike Baugh" <Mi*******@disc ussions.microso ft.comwrote in message
news:3D******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
>I am using visual studio 2005 to develop a form using c#

I have 3 datagrids on one form.

I can set the row color based on a certain value in a column. However this
color applies to all 3 datagrida. I would like to set it so that

if value of column 3 in datagrid 1 is < 100 set to red, if = 100 set to
if value of column 3 in datagrid 2 is < 90 set to red, if >= 90 set to
if value of column 3 in datagrid 3is < 80 set to red, if >= 80set to green

No matter how I write my code I cannot seem to get the coloring to apply
just one datagrid

My code is below:

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Syst em.Drawing" %>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

<script runat="server">

protected void GridView1_Selec tedIndexChanged (object sender, EventArgs


protected void GridView1_RowDa taBound(object sender,
GridViewRowEven tArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowT ype.DataRow)
if (Decimal.Parse( e.Row.Cells[3].Text) < 100)
e.Row.Cells[3].BackColor = Color.IndianRed ;
e.Row.Cells[3].BackColor = Color.MediumSea Green;
protected void GridView3_RowDa taBound(object sender, GridViewRowEven tArgs
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowT ype.DataRow)
if (Decimal.Parse( e.Row.Cells[3].Text) < 70)
e.Row.Cells[3].BackColor = Color.IndianRed ;
e.Row.Cells[3].BackColor = Color.MediumSea Green;

protected void Page_Load(objec t sender, EventArgs e)


protected void GridView2_Selec tedIndexChanged (object sender, EventArgs



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function breadCrumbs(bas e,delStr,defp,c Style,tStyle,dS tyle,nl) { // by
Davis - http://www.kaosweaver.com
loc=window.loca tion.toString() ;subs=loc.subst r(loc.indexOf(b ase)+base.lengt h+1).split("/");
document.write( '<a href="'+getLoc( subs.length-1)+defp+'"
class="'+cStyle +'">Home</a '+'<span class="'+dStyle +'">'+delStr+ '</span>
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subs[i]=makeCaps(unesc ape(subs[i]));
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class="'+cStyle +'">'+subs[i]+'</a '+'<span
class="'+dStyle +'">'+delStr+ '</span');}
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class="'+tStyle +'">'+document. title+'</span>');
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g[l]=g[l].toUpperCase(). slice(0,1)+g[l].slice(1);
return g.join(" ");
function getLoc(c) {
var d="";if (c>0) for (k=0;k<c;k++) d=d+"../"; return d;

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HKS Support Statistics</h1>
Click Links for more detail,
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<asp:HyperLin k ID="HyperLink1 " runat="server"
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Issues Last Updated:</span>
<asp:HyperLin k ID="HyperLink4 " runat="server"
Target="_blank" >Graph</asp:HyperLink</p>
<asp:SqlDataSou rce ID="SqlDataSour ce1" runat="server"
ConnectionStrin g="<%$ ConnectionStrin gs:SupportStats ConnectionStrin g %>"
SelectCommand=" SELECT Priority, Date,
Number_of_ticke ts_opened, Number_of_ticke ts_closed_withi n_24hrs,
ROUND([%_of_tickets_cl osed_within_sla s], 0) AS '% of Tickets Closed within
SLAS' FROM dbo.Priority1 WHERE (Date IN (SELECT MAX(Date) AS date FROM
dbo.Priority1 AS Priority1_1))

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ROUND([%_of_tickets_cl osed_within_sla s], 0) AS '% of Tickets Closed within
SLAS' FROM dbo.Priority2 WHERE (Date IN (SELECT MAX(Date) AS date FROM
dbo.Priority2 AS Priority2_1))
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<span style="font-family: Arial">
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NavigateUrl="~/priority3-main.aspx">Prio rity 3</asp:HyperLink>
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<span style="font-family: Arial">
<asp:HyperLin k ID="HyperLink6 " runat="server"
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SelectCommand=" SELECT Priority, Date,
number_of_ticke ts_opened, number_of_ticke ts_closed_withi n_120hrs,
ROUND([%_of_tickets_cl osed_within_sla s], 0) AS '% of Tickets Closed within
SLAS' FROM dbo.Priority3 WHERE (Date IN (SELECT MAX(Date) AS date FROM
dbo.Priority3 AS Priority3_1))"> </asp:SqlDataSour ce>
<asp:GridView ID="GridView3" runat="server"
OnRowDataBound= "GridView1_RowD ataBound" AutoGenerateCol umns="False"
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GridLines="None ">
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<asp:BoundFie ld DataField="Date " HeaderText="Dat e"
ReadOnly="True" SortExpression= "Date" />
<asp:BoundFie ld
DataField="numb er_of_tickets_o pened"
HeaderText="# of Issues Opened"
SortExpression= "number_of_tick ets_opened" />
<asp:BoundFie ld
DataField="numb er_of_tickets_c losed_within_12 0hrs" HeaderText="# of Issues
Resolved Within 200hrs"

SortExpression= "number_of_tick ets_closed_with in_120hrs" />
<asp:BoundFie ld DataField="% of Tickets Closed
within SLAS" HeaderText="% of Issues Resolved Within SLAs"
SortExpression= "% of Tickets Closed within

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Sep 26 '06 #2
many thanks for the quick reply. It is greatly appreciated

Excuse me for being naive but I am new to c# so am not sure how to create a

Do you have any code snippets that I might be able to modify?

many thanks


"Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]" wrote:

Have you considered creating a subclass of the data grid and exposing a
property which has the threshold for the value in column three? It might
make things a little easier for you.

Hope this helps.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- mv*@spam.guard. caspershouse.co m

"Mike Baugh" <Mi*******@disc ussions.microso ft.comwrote in message
news:3D******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
I am using visual studio 2005 to develop a form using c#

I have 3 datagrids on one form.

I can set the row color based on a certain value in a column. However this
color applies to all 3 datagrida. I would like to set it so that

if value of column 3 in datagrid 1 is < 100 set to red, if = 100 set to
if value of column 3 in datagrid 2 is < 90 set to red, if >= 90 set to
if value of column 3 in datagrid 3is < 80 set to red, if >= 80set to green

No matter how I write my code I cannot seem to get the coloring to apply
just one datagrid

My code is below:

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Syst em.Drawing" %>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

<script runat="server">

protected void GridView1_Selec tedIndexChanged (object sender, EventArgs


protected void GridView1_RowDa taBound(object sender,
GridViewRowEven tArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowT ype.DataRow)
if (Decimal.Parse( e.Row.Cells[3].Text) < 100)
e.Row.Cells[3].BackColor = Color.IndianRed ;
e.Row.Cells[3].BackColor = Color.MediumSea Green;
protected void GridView3_RowDa taBound(object sender, GridViewRowEven tArgs
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowT ype.DataRow)
if (Decimal.Parse( e.Row.Cells[3].Text) < 70)
e.Row.Cells[3].BackColor = Color.IndianRed ;
e.Row.Cells[3].BackColor = Color.MediumSea Green;

protected void Page_Load(objec t sender, EventArgs e)


protected void GridView2_Selec tedIndexChanged (object sender, EventArgs



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HKS Support Statistics</h1>
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<span style="font-family: Arial">
<asp:HyperLin k ID="HyperLink1 " runat="server"
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Issues Last Updated:</span>
<asp:HyperLin k ID="HyperLink4 " runat="server"
Target="_blank" >Graph</asp:HyperLink</p>
<asp:SqlDataSou rce ID="SqlDataSour ce1" runat="server"
ConnectionStrin g="<%$ ConnectionStrin gs:SupportStats ConnectionStrin g %>"
SelectCommand=" SELECT Priority, Date,
Number_of_ticke ts_opened, Number_of_ticke ts_closed_withi n_24hrs,
ROUND([%_of_tickets_cl osed_within_sla s], 0) AS '% of Tickets Closed within
SLAS' FROM dbo.Priority1 WHERE (Date IN (SELECT MAX(Date) AS date FROM
dbo.Priority1 AS Priority1_1))

"></asp:SqlDataSour ce>
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ReadOnly="True" SortExpression= "Date" />
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HeaderText="# of Issues Opened"
SortExpression= "Number_of_tick ets_opened" />
<asp:BoundFie ld
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Resolved Within 24hrs"

SortExpression= "Number_of_tick ets_closed_with in_24hrs" />
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SLAS" HeaderText="% of Issues Resolved Within SLAs"
SortExpression= "% of Tickets Closed within SLAS" />
<span style="font-family: Arial">
<asp:HyperLin k ID="HyperLink2 " runat="server"
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<span style="font-family: Arial"<asp:Hype rLink
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<asp:SqlDataSou rce ID="SqlDataSour ce2" runat="server"
ConnectionStrin g="<%$ ConnectionStrin gs:SupportStats ConnectionStrin g %>"
SelectCommand=" SELECT Priority, Date,
Number_of_ticke ts_opened, Number_of_ticke ts_closed_withi n_48hrs,
ROUND([%_of_tickets_cl osed_within_sla s], 0) AS '% of Tickets Closed within
SLAS' FROM dbo.Priority2 WHERE (Date IN (SELECT MAX(Date) AS date FROM
dbo.Priority2 AS Priority2_1))
"></asp:SqlDataSour ce>
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OnRowDataBound= "GridView1_RowD ataBound" AutoGenerateCol umns="False"
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<asp:BoundFie ld DataField="Date " HeaderText="Dat e"
ReadOnly="True" SortExpression= "Date" />
<asp:BoundFie ld
DataField="Numb er_of_tickets_o pened"
HeaderText="# of Issues Opened"
SortExpression= "Number_of_tick ets_opened" />
<asp:BoundFie ld
DataField="Numb er_of_tickets_c losed_within_48 hrs" HeaderText="# of Issues
Resolved Within 48hrs"

SortExpression= "Number_of_tick ets_closed_with in_48hrs" />
<asp:BoundFie ld DataField="% of Tickets Closed
within SLAS" HeaderText="% of Issues Resolved Within SLAS"
Sep 26 '06 #3

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