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C# very optimisation


do you know where i can find some ebooks or websites talking about C#
optimisation ?

for exemple, i just learned that ++i is faster than i++. i would like to
know more about the things that can make code faster than fast.

thank you.
Nov 17 '05
55 3737
"Never use foreach loops" -- that advice is specific to the collection.
ArrayList used a class for an enumerator, so it is slower that way. But if
you implement your enumerator as a struct the foreach loop is as fast as the
indexer loop, when creating your own array-list type.

The standard design guideline from Microsoft now is to use a struct for an
enumerator type. This came as a result of experience with ArrayList. This is
another example where a struct must be mutable for performance.

Frank Hileman

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"Clint Herron" <Cl*********@di scussions.micro soft.com> wrote in message
news:A8******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
If your app isn't performing well enough, get a profiler and find out
exactly where the bottleneck is. At that point, and only at that point,
should you be really worried about micro-optimisations.

Haven't you ever noticed C# doing funny things though?

For instance, in profiling that I've done for my components, I've noticed
*severe* performance hit when I use "this.metho d()" instead of just
"method()". You wouldn't think it would be significantly slower, but it
really seems to be from my profiling tests.

Another way to make your code faster is to never use foreach loops.

foreach (someObj obj in myArrayList)

can be performed much faster if done as:

for (int cnt = 0; cnt < myArrayList.Len gth; cnt++)
((someObj) myArrayList[cnt]).method()

I think that's the sort of micro-optimizations he's asking for.

I, too, would be interested in such a list if anyone knows of one.

There's more than one way to do it, but unfortunately, so many of the
possible ways are very bad. I want to know the *right* way to do
and I've found very little information on how to do it.


Nov 17 '05 #51
Hey Jon! Thanks for the reply!
Haven't you ever noticed C# doing funny things though?

For instance, in profiling that I've done for my components, I've noticed a
*severe* performance hit when I use "this.metho d()" instead of just
"method()". You wouldn't think it would be significantly slower, but it
really seems to be from my profiling tests.
Could you post a short but complete program which demonstrates that?

See http://www.pobox.com/~skeet/csharp/complete.html for details of
what I mean by that.

Hrm. You know, I can't reproduce this right now. That's odd. I'm sure I saw
performance hits on my code, and noticed a significant improvement in my
profiler runs when I changed this before.

It might have had something to do with inherited classes, but I dunno'.
Okay, well you got me on this one, I can't show it right now. Hrm. I'll keep
stewing on this one.
I wouldn't expect the binaries to be any different at all.
Another way to make your code faster is to never use foreach loops.
Not significantly, IME.

What exactly do you mean by "much" faster?

On the order of 250% (my results right now are showing around 278%)? Would
you consider that significant?

For instance, I have an application where I'm calculating high resolution
phase and magnitude response curves in real-time, so I've got thousands of
data points that I'm looping through at 15-20 fps -- so spending a lot of
unnecessary time on MoveNext is a big deal to me.

Here's a small sample app:
using System;
using System.Collecti ons;

namespace SpeedTest
class MainClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
ArrayList randVals = new ArrayList(10000 00);
Random myRand = new Random();

for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 1000000; cnt++)
randVals.Add (myRand.Next()) ;

int minVal = 0;
System.DateTime Time1;
System.DateTime Time2;

System.DateTime InitTime = System.DateTime .Now;

for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 100; cnt++)
minVal = Min1(randVals);

Console.WriteLi ne("Min value is: " + minVal.ToString ());
Time1 = System.DateTime .Now;

for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 100; cnt++)
minVal = Min2(randVals);

Console.WriteLi ne("Min value is: " + minVal.ToString ());
Time2 = System.DateTime .Now;

System.TimeSpan TimeEl1 = Time1 - InitTime;
System.TimeSpan TimeEl2 = Time2 - Time1;

Console.WriteLi ne("First search took: " + TimeEl1.ToStrin g());
Console.WriteLi ne("Second search took: " + TimeEl2.ToStrin g());

public static int Min1(ArrayList vals)
int currentMin = (int) vals[0];

for (int cnt = 0; cnt < vals.Count; cnt++)
if ((int) vals[cnt] < currentMin)
currentMin = (int) vals[cnt];

return currentMin;

public static int Min2(ArrayList vals)
int currentMin = (int) vals[0];

foreach (int curVal in vals)
if (curVal < currentMin)
currentMin = curVal;

return currentMin;
The right way to do something is the most readable way - look how much
more readable it is to use foreach than to use the for loop. Very, very
few applications have bottlenecks due to this kind of usage rather than
algorithmic or IO-based bottlenecks.

*shrug*. When profiling with NProf, I notice a lot of time is spent going to
collection indexers for MoveNext(), when I could just be incrementing a
counter and going to the next index.

I agree -- I like the way that foreach looks also, but when I notice a
significant performance hit when I use foreach, I need to optimize. I wrote
everything with foreach when I was starting, and then moved away from it
after everything was working and the boss was complaining about speed issues.

It's frustrating to me that not more information is readily available about
such optimization issues.

BTW, for those who don't want to run the program, here were my results
(repeatable and irrespective of which search went first):

Min value is: 1669
Min value is: 1669
First search took: 00:00:01.232300 1
Second search took: 00:00:03.436414 1
Nov 17 '05 #52
Clint Herron <Cl*********@di scussions.micro soft.com> wrote:
Could you post a short but complete program which demonstrates that?

See http://www.pobox.com/~skeet/csharp/complete.html for details of
what I mean by that.
Hrm. You know, I can't reproduce this right now. That's odd. I'm sure I saw
performance hits on my code, and noticed a significant improvement in my
profiler runs when I changed this before.

It might have had something to do with inherited classes, but I dunno'.
Okay, well you got me on this one, I can't show it right now. Hrm. I'll keep
stewing on this one.

I'll believe it when I see it :)
I wouldn't expect the binaries to be any different at all.
Another way to make your code faster is to never use foreach loops.

Not significantly, IME.

What exactly do you mean by "much" faster?

On the order of 250% (my results right now are showing around 278%)? Would
you consider that significant?

Only if i do virtually nothing in loops with 100,000,000 iterations
(effectively) like you are in your test case. I very rarely have a loop
where the iteration is actually the bottleneck.

Note that using an array rather than an array list would take the time
down by a factor of 10, and then foreach is faster...
For instance, I have an application where I'm calculating high resolution
phase and magnitude response curves in real-time, so I've got thousands of
data points that I'm looping through at 15-20 fps -- so spending a lot of
unnecessary time on MoveNext is a big deal to me.
You'd be better off using an array then, at which point the more
readable solution is roughly the same speed as the solution using a for
loop, and much faster than using an ArrayList.

For most apps, however, loops aren't as trivial as the one you posted,
and the bottleneck isn't in iteration.

Even if it *is* in an iteration, it tends to be localised - it's worth
considering micro-optimisations *only* when you've found the
The right way to do something is the most readable way - look how much
more readable it is to use foreach than to use the for loop. Very, very
few applications have bottlenecks due to this kind of usage rather than
algorithmic or IO-based bottlenecks.

*shrug*. When profiling with NProf, I notice a lot of time is spent going to
collection indexers for MoveNext(), when I could just be incrementing a
counter and going to the next index.

I agree -- I like the way that foreach looks also, but when I notice a
significant performance hit when I use foreach, I need to optimize. I wrote
everything with foreach when I was starting, and then moved away from it
after everything was working and the boss was complaining about speed issues.

And that's the time to find the bottleneck, and optimise *just* there.
Everywhere other than the bottleneck should use the most readable code.
It's frustrating to me that not more information is readily available about
such optimization issues.

BTW, for those who don't want to run the program, here were my results
(repeatable and irrespective of which search went first):

Min value is: 1669
Min value is: 1669
First search took: 00:00:01.232300 1
Second search took: 00:00:03.436414 1

My results weren't quite as bad as those - about the same time for the
first search, but always under 3 for the second.

Jon Skeet - <sk***@pobox.co m>
If replying to the group, please do not mail me too
Nov 17 '05 #53
Hey Jon!
It might have had something to do with inherited classes, but I dunno'.
Okay, well you got me on this one, I can't show it right now. Hrm. I'll keep
stewing on this one.
I'll believe it when I see it :)

hehe, okay. :)
For instance, I have an application where I'm calculating high resolution
phase and magnitude response curves in real-time, so I've got thousands of
data points that I'm looping through at 15-20 fps -- so spending a lot of
unnecessary time on MoveNext is a big deal to me.

You'd be better off using an array then, at which point the more
readable solution is roughly the same speed as the solution using a for
loop, and much faster than using an ArrayList.

Touche', I'm actually using an array. Sry.

However, I will note that MoveNext() takes up a fair chunk of time in my
profile, just from everywhere else I'm using ArrayLists. Granted, it's called
millions of times, but still, it's time.
And that's the time to find the bottleneck, and optimise *just* there.
Everywhere other than the bottleneck should use the most readable code.

Good call, and yeah, I'll agree with you there.

"Premature optimization is the root of many evils."

However, sometimes this can go overboard. One good example is hashtables,
vs. and array with an enumerated indexer.




more readable than




Slightly, yes.

But hashtables take an enormous amount of overhead, and using an enumeration
isn't that much more confusing (plus it can help prevent typos regarding
mispelling the index).

Overall though, I think you're right on everything that you've been saying.
But when I am coding for speed, I would like to know some of the little
things that I can do to speed stuff and generate cleaner code.
Min value is: 1669
Min value is: 1669
First search took: 00:00:01.232300 1
Second search took: 00:00:03.436414 1

My results weren't quite as bad as those - about the same time for the
first search, but always under 3 for the second.

Heh, you should have seen it before I tweaked the numbers -- I was getting
*long* run times, and almost crashed my computer. After I finally regained my
desktop (thankfully didn't have to restart -- yay for managed code!), task
manager said that my memory usage peaked out at one point at 1.5 gigs --
phew! It was chuggin'. :)

Thanks again! It's been very nice chatting with you, Jon.

Nov 17 '05 #54
Clint Herron <Cl*********@di scussions.micro soft.com> wrote:

Thanks again! It's been very nice chatting with you, Jon.

Likewise - sounds like we're pretty much on the same page :)

Jon Skeet - <sk***@pobox.co m>
If replying to the group, please do not mail me too
Nov 17 '05 #55
> For instance, in profiling that I've done for my components, I've noticed
*severe* performance hit when I use "this.metho d()" instead of just
"method()". You wouldn't think it would be significantly slower, but it
really seems to be from my profiling tests.

I have tested this, and there is absolutelly no difference in IL generated
for this.Method() calls and for Method() calls.

in first case, I have used

this.Initialize Component();

and in the other, I have used just

InitializeCompo nent();

the generated IL looks absolutely the same in both cases.
..method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname
instance void .ctor() cil managed
// Code size 20 (0x14)
.maxstack 2
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldnull
IL_0002: stfld class [System]System.Componen tModel.Containe r
ThisDotTest.For m1::components
IL_0007: ldarg.0
IL_0008: call instance void
[System.Windows. Forms]System.Windows. Forms.Form::.ct or()
IL_000d: ldarg.0
IL_000e: call instance void
ThisDotTest.For m1::InitializeC omponent()
IL_0013: ret
} // end of method Form1::.ctor

there is also no way to indicate this.Method() against Method() when writing
IL code, of course ;-)
Where is your *severe* performance hit?

Nov 17 '05 #56

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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