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mmioDescendPare nt: invalid parameter

Hi all,

can anybody tell me what he invalid parameter is in this code. When I
try to execute the mmioDescendPare nt I get a returncode 11, meaning
that an invalid parameter has been passed. I just don't know which one
and therefor not how to improve my code.



P.S.: you can find the original VB6 code at
converted to VB.Net this code also gives me a returncode 11, so no help


using System;
using System.Runtime. InteropServices ;

namespace WilfredClassLib rary1
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for WindowsMultiMed iaInterface.
/// </summary>
public class WindowsMultiMed iaInterface
[ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequ ential, CharSet=CharSet .Ansi )]
public struct MMIOINFO
public long dwFlags;
public long fccIOProc;
public long pIOProc;
public long wErrorRet;
public long htask;
public long cchBuffer;
public string pchBuffer;
public string pchNext;
public string pchEndRead;
public string pchEndWrite;
public long lBufOffset;
public long lDiskOffset;
public long adwInfo1;
public long adwInfo2;
public long adwInfo3;
public long adwInfo4;
public long dwReserved1;
public long dwReserved2;
public long hmmio;
public void Initialize()
[StructLayout(La youtKind.Sequen tial, CharSet=CharSet .Auto, Pack=4)]
public struct MMIOFLAGS
// private const int MMIO_ALLOCBUF = 65536;
public const long MMIO_ALLOCBUF = 65536;
public const long MMIO_COMPAT = 0;
public const long MMIO_CREATE = 4096;
public const long MMIO_CREATELIST = 64;
public const long MMIO_CREATERIFF = 32;
public const long MMIO_DEFAULTBUF FER = 8192;
public const long MMIO_DELETE = 512;
public const long MMIO_DENYNONE = 64;
public const long MMIO_DENYREAD = 48;
public const long MMIO_DENYWRITE = 32;
public const long MMIO_DIRTY = 268435456;
public const long MMIO_EMPTYBUF = 16;
public const long MMIO_EXCLUSIVE = 16;
public const long MMIO_EXIST = 16384;
public const long MMIO_FHOPEN = 16;
public const long MMIO_FINDCHUNK = 16;
public const long MMIO_FINDLIST = 64;
public const long MMIO_FINDPROC = 262144;
public const long MMIO_FINDRIFF = 0x0020;
// public const long MMIO_FINDRIFF = 32;
public const long MMIO_GETTEMP = 131072;
public const long MMIO_INSTALLPRO C = 65536;
public const long MMIO_OPEN_VALID = 262143;
public const long MMIO_PARSE = 256;
public const long MMIO_PUBLICPROC = 268435456;
public const long MMIO_READ = 0;
public const long MMIO_READWRITE = 2;
public const long MMIO_REMOVEPROC = 131072;
public const long MMIO_RWMODE = 3;
public const long MMIO_SHAREMODE = 112;
public const long MMIO_TOUPPER = 16;
public const long MMIO_UNICODEPRO C = 16777216;
public const long MMIO_VALIDPROC = 285671424;
public const long MMIO_WRITE = 1;
public const long SEEK_CUR = 1;
public const long SEEK_END = 2;
public const long SEEK_SET = 3;
public const long TIME_BYTES = 4;
public const long WHDR_DONE = 1;
IntPtr hmmio;
public void Initialize()
[ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequ ential, CharSet=CharSet .Ansi )]
public struct MMCKINFO
public long ckid;
public long ckSize;
public long fccType;
public long dwDataOffset;
public long dwFlags;
[ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequ ential, CharSet=CharSet .Auto )]
public struct WAVEHDR
public long lpData;
public long dwBufferLength;
public long dwBytesRecorded ;
public long dwUser;
public long dwFlags;
public long dwLoops;
public long lpNext;
public long Reserved;
[ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequ ential, CharSet=CharSet .Auto )]
public struct WAVEINCAPS
public int wMid;
public int wPid;
public long vDriverVersion;
public string szPname;
public long dwFormats;
public int wChannels;
[ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequ ential, CharSet=CharSet .Auto )]
public struct WAVEFORMAT
public int wFormatTag;
public int nChannels;
public long nSamplesPerSec;
public long nAvgBytesPerSec ;
public int nBlockAlign;
public int wBitsPerSample;
public int cbSize;
[ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequ ential, CharSet=CharSet .Auto )]
public struct MMTIME
public long wType;
public long u;
public long x;
// Definition of fields used here and there
const int NUM_BUFFERS = 5;
const double BUFFER_SECONDS = 0.1;
long rc; // Return Code
long hmmioIn; // File Handle
long dataOffset; // Start of audio data in wave file
long audioLength; // number of bytes in audio data
long pFormat; // pointer to wave format
string formatBuffer; // buffer to hold the wave format
long startPos; // sample where we started playback from
WAVEFORMAT format; // wave format structure
long i; // loop control variable
long j; // loop control variable
long[] hmem; // memory handles
long[] pmem; // memory pointers
WAVEHDR[] hdr; // wave headers
long bufferSize; // size of output buffers
bool fPlaying; // is file currently playing
bool fFileOpen; // is file currently open
long hWaveOut; // waveout handle
string msg; // message buffer

private const long WAVERR_BASE = 32;
private const long MMSYSERR_BASE = 0;

public enum MMSYSERR : long

private enum WAVERR : long
NONE = 0,
/// <comment>
/// More info on http://custom.programming-in.net/
/// </comment>
/// <remarks>
/// winmm.dll: mmio functions
/// </remarks>
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] public static extern long mmioAdvance(lon g
hmmio, ref MMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, long uFlags);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] public static extern long mmioAscend(long
hmmio, ref MMCKINFO lpck, long uFlags);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] public static extern long mmioClose(long
hmmio, long uFlags);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] public static extern long
mmioCreateChunk (long hmmio, ref MMCKINFO lpck, long uFlags);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] public static extern long mmioDescend(lon g
hmmio, ref MMCKINFO lpck, ref MMCKINFO lpckParent, long uFlags);
[DllImport("winm m.dll", EntryPoint="mmi oDescend")] static extern long
mmioDescendPare nt(long hmmio, MMCKINFO lpck, long x, long uFlags);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] public static extern long mmioFlush(long
hmmio, long uFlags);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] public static extern long mmioGetInfo(lon g
hmmio, ref MMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, long uFlags);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] public static extern long
mmioInstallIOPr ocA(string fccIOProc_4, long pIOProc, long dwFlags);
// [DllImport("winm m.dll", EntryPoint="mmi oOpen")] public static
extern long mmioOpenA(strin g szFileName, ref MMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, long
[DllImport("winm m.dll", EntryPoint="mmi oOpenA")] private static
extern long mmioOpen(string szFileName, ref MMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, long
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] public static extern long mmioRead(long
hmmio, string pch, long cch);
[DllImport("winm m.dll", EntryPoint="mmi oRead")] static extern long
mmioReadString( long hmmio, string pch, long cch);
[DllImport("winm m.dll", EntryPoint="mmi oRename")] public static
extern long mmioRenameA(str ing szFileName, string SzNewFileName, ref
MMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, long dwRenameFlags);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] public static extern long mmioSeek(long
hmmio, long lOffset, long iOrigin);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] public static extern long
mmioSendMessage (long hmmio, long uMsg, long lParam1, long lParam2);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] public static extern long mmioSetBuffer(l ong
hmmio, string pchBuffer, long cchBuffer, long uFlags);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] public static extern long mmioSetInfo(lon g
hmmio, ref MMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, long uFlags);
// [DllImport("winm m.dll", EntryPoint="mmi oStringToFOURCC ")] public
static extern long mmioStringToFOU RCCA(string sz, long uFlags);
[DllImport("winm m.dll", EntryPoint="mmi oStringToFOURCC A")] public
static extern long mmioStringToFOU RCC(string sz, long uFlags);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] public static extern long mmioWrite(long
hmmio, string pch, long cch);
/// <remarks>
/// winmm.dll: wave functions
/// </remarks>
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] static extern long waveOutGetPosit ion(long
hWaveOut, MMTIME lpInfo, long uSize);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] static extern long waveOutOpen(lon g
hWaveOut, long uDeviceID, string format, long dwCallback, ref bool
fPlaying, long dwFlags);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] static extern long waveOutPrepareH eader(long
hWaveIn, WAVEHDR lpWaveInHdr, long uSize);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] static extern long waveOutReset(lo ng
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] static extern long
waveOutUnprepar eHeader(long hWaveIn, WAVEHDR lpWaveInHdr, long uSize);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] static extern long waveOutClose(lo ng
[DllImport("winm m.dll", EntryPoint="wav eInGetDevCapsA" )] static
extern long waveOutGetDevCa ps(long uDeviceID, WAVEINCAPS lpCaps, long
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] static extern long waveOutGetNumDe vs();
[DllImport("winm m.dll", EntryPoint="wav eInGetErrorText A")] static
extern long waveOutGetError Text(long err, string lpText, long uSize);
[DllImport("winm m.dll")] static extern long waveOutWrite(lo ng
hWaveOut, WAVEHDR lpWaveOutHdr, long uSize);
/// <remarks>
/// kernel32.dll
/// </remarks>
[DllImport("kern el32")] static extern long GlobalAlloc(lon g wFlags,
long dwBytes);
[DllImport("kern el32")] static extern long GlobalLock(long hmem);
[DllImport("kern el32")] static extern long GlobalFree(long hmem);
// "Any" is onbekend, vervangen door object.
// [DllImport("kern el32", EntryPoint="Rtl MoveMemory")] static extern
void CopyStructFromP tr(Any struct, int ptr, int cb);
// [DllImport("kern el32", EntryPoint="Rtl MoveMemory")] static extern
void CopyPtrFromStru ct(int ptr, Any struct, int cb);
// [DllImport("kern el32", EntryPoint="Rtl MoveMemory")] static extern
void CopyStructFromS tring(Any dest, string source, int cb);
[DllImport("kern el32", EntryPoint="Rtl MoveMemory")] static extern
void CopyStructFromP tr(object cpy, long ptr, long cb);
[DllImport("kern el32", EntryPoint="Rtl MoveMemory")] static extern
void CopyPtrFromStru ct(long ptr, object cpy, long cb);
[DllImport("kern el32", EntryPoint="Rtl MoveMemory")] static extern
void CopyStructFromS tring(object cpy, string source, long cb);
/// <remarks>
/// user32.dll
/// </remarks>
[DllImport("user 32", EntryPoint="Pos tMessageA")] static extern long
PostWavMessage( long hwnd, long wMsg, long wParam, ref WAVEHDR hdr);

public WindowsMultiMed iaInterface()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public void CloseFile()
mmioClose(hmmio In, 0);
fFileOpen = false;
public long OpenFile(string soundfile)
MMCKINFO mmckinfo = new MMCKINFO();
MMCKINFO mmckinfoParentI n = new MMCKINFO();
MMCKINFO mmckinfoSubchun ckIn = new MMCKINFO();
MMIOINFO mmioinf = new MMIOINFO();
// Close previously opened file (if any)
if(soundfile == "")
return -1;
// Open the inputfile
hmmioIn = mmioOpen(soundf ile, ref mmioinf, MMIOFLAGS.MMIO_ READ);
// hmmioIn = mmioOpenA(sound file, ref mmioinf, MMIOFLAGS.MMIO_ READ);
if(hmmioIn == 0)
return mmioinf.wErrorR et;
// check if this is a wave file
// mmckinfoParentI n.fccType = mmioStringToFOU RCCA("WAVE", 0);
mmckinfoParentI n.fccType = mmioStringToFOU RCC("WAVE", 0);
rc = mmioDescendPare nt(hmmioIn, mmckinfoParentI n, 0,
// rc = mmioDescendPare nt(hmmioIn, mmckinfoParentI n,
Convert.ToInt64 (null), MMIOFLAGS.MMIO_ FINDRIFF);
if(Convert.ToIn t16(rc) != Convert.ToInt16 (MMSYSERR.NOERR OR))
return rc;
// Get format info
// mmckinfoSubchun ckIn.ckid = mmioStringToFOU RCCA("fmt", 0);
mmckinfoSubchun ckIn.ckid = mmioStringToFOU RCC("fmt", 0);
rc = mmioDescend(hmm ioIn, ref mmckinfoSubchun ckIn, ref
if(Convert.ToIn t16(rc) != Convert.ToInt16 (MMSYSERR.NOERR OR))
return rc;
rc = mmioReadString( hmmioIn, formatBuffer,
mmckinfoSubchun ckIn.ckSize);
if(rc == -1)
return rc;
rc = mmioAscend(hmmi oIn, ref mmckinfoSubchun ckIn, 0);
CopyStructFromS tring(format, formatBuffer, format.cbSize);
// find the data subchunck
// mmckinfoSubchun ckIn.ckid = mmioStringToFOU RCCA("data", 0);
mmckinfoSubchun ckIn.ckid = mmioStringToFOU RCC("data", 0);
rc = mmioDescend(hmm ioIn, ref mmckinfoSubchun ckIn, ref
if(Convert.ToIn t16(rc) != Convert.ToInt16 (MMSYSERR.NOERR OR))
return rc;
dataOffset = mmioSeek(hmmioI n, 0, MMIOFLAGS.SEEK_ CUR);

// get the lenght of the audio
audioLength = mmckinfoSubchun ckIn.ckSize;

// allocate audio bufffers
bufferSize = format.nSamples PerSec * format.nBlockAl ign *
format.nChannel s * Convert.ToInt64 (BUFFER_SECONDS );
bufferSize = bufferSize - (bufferSize % format.nBlockAl ign);
for(int i = 1; i <= NUM_BUFFERS; i++)
hmem[i] = GlobalAlloc(0, bufferSize);
pmem[i] = GlobalLock(hmem[i]);
fFileOpen = true;
return 0; // uiteindelijk altijd iets teruggeven
public MMSYSERR OpenFile(string fileName, short Flags)
return OpenFile(fileNa me, Flags, MMIOFLAGS.MMIO_ DEFAULTBUFFER);

public MMSYSERR OpenFile(string fileName, short Flags, long
if (!(System.IO.Fi le.Exists(fileN ame)))
throw new System.IO.FileN otFoundExceptio n();
tmpMMIOInfo.Ini tialize();
if (System.Convert .ToBoolean(Flag s & MMIOFLAGS.MMIO_ ALLOCBUF))
tmpMMIOInfo.cch Buffer = bufferSize;
object mvarhndMMIO = null;
mvarhndMMIO = mmioOpen(fileNa me, ref tmpMMIOInfo, Flags);
// mvarhndMMIO = mmioOpenA(fileN ame, ref tmpMMIOInfo, Flags);
return ((MMSYSERR)(tmp MMIOInfo.wError Ret));
Nov 17 '05 #1
2 5211
>can anybody tell me what he invalid parameter is in this code. When I
try to execute the mmioDescendPare nt I get a returncode 11, meaning
that an invalid parameter has been passed. I just don't know which one
and therefor not how to improve my code.

Well most of your declarations are incorrect. Most if not all
occurances of long should be replaced with int. Try finding correct
declarations at http://www.pinvoke.net


Mattias Sjögren [MVP] mattias @ mvps.org
http://www.msjogren.net/dotnet/ | http://www.dotnetinterop.com
Please reply only to the newsgroup.
Nov 17 '05 #2

I replaced all long occurances with int. This has now led me to
receiving a returncode of 10, meaning "invalid flag". I now need to
find the correct specification and/or value for MMIOFLAG FINDRIFF.
Unfortunately pinvoke.net offers no help. I you know something on this
subject, please let me know.

Thanks in advance,


Mattias Sjögren <ma************ ********@mvps.o rg> wrote in message news:<#t******* *******@TK2MSFT NGP14.phx.gbl>. ..
can anybody tell me what he invalid parameter is in this code. When I
try to execute the mmioDescendPare nt I get a returncode 11, meaning
that an invalid parameter has been passed. I just don't know which one
and therefor not how to improve my code.

Well most of your declarations are incorrect. Most if not all
occurances of long should be replaced with int. Try finding correct
declarations at http://www.pinvoke.net


Nov 17 '05 #3

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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