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Performance - 0 ticks ???

Follow the code I have to check the performance
double a = r.Next(9)*1e307 ;
DateTime d = DateTime.Now;

double b = Math.Pow(a,1/(double)100);

TimeSpan tm = DateTime.Now - d;

Console.WriteLi ne("{0}---{1}",b,tm.Ticks );

The return value is 0 Ticks - IT CAN NOT BE !!! What is the problem?
Tamir Khason
You want dot.NET? Just ask:
"Please, www.dotnet.us "
Nov 16 '05
16 1689
Shawn B. <le****@html.co m> wrote:
This is what I use to test the duration of individual data query execution
times in my data layer, it works pretty well. However, using it in my
65c02/65816 C# CPU emulator doesn't work very good as a general way to keey
my timing info on individual operations, in this case, I have to group about
25 operation before I can begin to measure and enforce timing...
nonetheless, I use it for anywhere I need timing, it sure beats having to
use a TimeSpan.

The way I see it, if you're going to time things which take long enough
to produce meaningful data, the granularity of DateTime is probably
okay. When I do benchmarks, I like to get results between 10s and a
minute, at which point the slight inaccuracy of DateTime is fairly
irrelevant - and it's easy to use...

Jon Skeet - <sk***@pobox.co m>
If replying to the group, please do not mail me too
Nov 16 '05 #11
You're probabyly right.

But most of the stuff I time requires a high resolution timer, for example,
the CPU emulator I speak of, I need to enforce timing to simulate a 1.02MHz
CPU and so I have to "throttle" the instruction decode/execution. As well,
I also have to enfore a 30FPs display so I need to do some more throttling
and timing synchronization . Working with DataTime in this case not only
cheats me of the required high-resolution timing I require, but also
consumes more clock cycles to work with than this timer class, as per my
requirements. Every clock-cycle counts in this case, and so every line of
code can make a different, especially when running in a loop 1 million times
per second.

For the data-execution timing, I probably can take your approach, however,
I've gotten used to sub-millisecond timing information when I do my traces.
I'm not trying to measure 10,000 inserts or selects to benchmark. When we
debug and profile in a production environment, we flip the switch in the
config file and start recording certain diagnostics that reflect "real
production" usage and timing, among many other things. In this case, I want
better than millisecond timing. If I run 4 commands against the database,
and each reports either 0 milliseconds, I won't really no how long things
are taking in reality, if they report 1 millisecond, I might be inclined to
think that the four commands execute in 4 milliseconds time. With the high
resolution timer, I can see that each command really only takes about 200ns
and I can execute 5 of them in the same space of 1 millisecond, and so the
information is far more meaningful when recording real-world usage, on their
server, in their enivornment, and not in our "workbench" environment.

We've pinpointed numerous bottlenecks this way and will continue to do so.
Each environment is different so we always have a chance to get different
info and find new bottlenecks and tune-and-optimize accordingly.

However, if you are going to measure longer running operations, a
DataTime/TimeSpan will probably be okay. Just a matter of what your needs
and requirements are, I suppose. I'm not pushing one way over the other,
just providing an option in case higher resolution timing is required.


"Jon Skeet [C# MVP]" <sk***@pobox.co m> wrote in message
news:MP******** *************** *@msnews.micros oft.com...
Shawn B. <le****@html.co m> wrote:
This is what I use to test the duration of individual data query execution times in my data layer, it works pretty well. However, using it in my
65c02/65816 C# CPU emulator doesn't work very good as a general way to keey my timing info on individual operations, in this case, I have to group about 25 operation before I can begin to measure and enforce timing...
nonetheless, I use it for anywhere I need timing, it sure beats having to use a TimeSpan.

The way I see it, if you're going to time things which take long enough
to produce meaningful data, the granularity of DateTime is probably
okay. When I do benchmarks, I like to get results between 10s and a
minute, at which point the slight inaccuracy of DateTime is fairly
irrelevant - and it's easy to use...

Jon Skeet - <sk***@pobox.co m>
If replying to the group, please do not mail me too

Nov 16 '05 #12
Granularity is still an issue, but it is far better than TimeSpan. So it is
more accurate for general purpose timing.

"Willy Denoyette [MVP]" <wi************ *@pandora.be> wrote in message
news:ek******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP12.phx.gbl...

The performance counter doesn't either produce accurate data, the
granularity of the high performance timer is still an issue when timing
short operations.


Nov 16 '05 #13
Frank, Shawn - Thank you. Great work.
Both timers able to measure such operation: 1e307^(1/100);
Both return more or less the same results on P4 2.4 HT
I wrote wrapper on kernel32 as well for
QueryPerformanc eCounter and

QueryPerformanc eFrequency and got almost the same results.

I also added support for GetTickCount and timeGetTime to make more exact

The comparition with tinny ASM I build for this case the results are almost
the same. So windows can show timer with hight excel ?..
Tamir Khason
You want dot.NET? Just ask:
"Please, www.dotnet.us "

"Tamir Khason" <ta**********@t con-NOSPAM.co.il> wrote in message
news:e9******** ******@tk2msftn gp13.phx.gbl...
Follow the code I have to check the performance
double a = r.Next(9)*1e307 ;
DateTime d = DateTime.Now;

double b = Math.Pow(a,1/(double)100);

TimeSpan tm = DateTime.Now - d;

Console.WriteLi ne("{0}---{1}",b,tm.Ticks );

The return value is 0 Ticks - IT CAN NOT BE !!! What is the problem?
Tamir Khason
You want dot.NET? Just ask:
"Please, www.dotnet.us "

Nov 16 '05 #14
Of course timing repeated execution of the operation is misleading too...
It's true that it provides a very accurate measure of how quickly the code
runs when you call it lots and lots of times in quick succession. The
problem is that this doesn't necessarily tell you how fast it will run when
used in the real-life context in which it will eventually be used.

The speed at which a particular piece of code executes varies wildly
according to what the CPU has been doing recently. How good a measure
you'll get from repeatedly running the code in a tight loop will depend on
how the code will get called in real life. If that's how it's going to be
used in reality, then this will be a good test. If it's not, then it
probably won't be.

The very first time the CPU runs a particular bit of code, it'll be fairly
slow - it will have to load the code out of main memory, which is pretty
slow. But it you run it immediately thereafter, it will be much much
faster, because it's in the cache now - this speeds things up by orders of
magnitude. And there's also the similar issue of whether the data it works
with is in the cache or not. If your simple looping test works with the
same data each time round, but in real life it's going to have to work with
data that might not yet be in the cache, you're going to get pretty
misleading results.

The problem is that microbenchmarks can be misleading by an order of
magnitude or more. The only way to get meaningful results is to try out a
realistic workload, and see what the impact of individual changes are on
your throughput/latency/whatever performance metric matters most to you.

But given what it sounds like the customer has asked for here, it looks like
they are simply demanding a test that will produce some entirely meaningless
Ian Griffiths - http://www.interact-sw.co.uk/iangblog/
DevelopMentor - http://www.develop.com/

"Frank Hileman" wrote:
By the way, Jon Skeet is correct: timing a single short operation produces
meaningless data. You must loop in an operation that takes a few 10s of
milliseconds, minimum, to obtain anything useful, and even that is fairly
meaningless unless your CPU is running a single process (impossible). So
plan on looping a thousand times for your little operation, and then loop
that loop 10 or 20 times, getting the elapsed time each time, then look at
the average of those times, possibly excluding the first loop.

At least the performance counter does produce accurate data. TimeSpan is
not accurate.

"Tamir Khason" wrote:
Follow the code I have to check the performance
double a = r.Next(9)*1e307 ;
DateTime d = DateTime.Now;

double b = Math.Pow(a,1/(double)100);

TimeSpan tm = DateTime.Now - d;

Console.WriteLi ne("{0}---{1}",b,tm.Ticks );

The return value is 0 Ticks - IT CAN NOT BE !!! What is the problem?

Nov 16 '05 #15

An offtopic question (would ask by e-mail but I am not sure your e-mail
address is a real one) - judging by your words on 65c02 CPU and 30 FPS,
aren't we going to see a game console emulator written in managed code? ;-)

Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]
Bring the power of unit testing to the VS .NET IDE today!

"Shawn B." <le****@html.co m> wrote in message
news:ei******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP15.phx.gbl...
You're probabyly right.

But most of the stuff I time requires a high resolution timer, for
the CPU emulator I speak of, I need to enforce timing to simulate a
CPU and so I have to "throttle" the instruction decode/execution. As
I also have to enfore a 30FPs display so I need to do some more throttling
and timing synchronization . Working with DataTime in this case not only
cheats me of the required high-resolution timing I require, but also
consumes more clock cycles to work with than this timer class, as per my
requirements. Every clock-cycle counts in this case, and so every line of
code can make a different, especially when running in a loop 1 million
per second.

Nov 16 '05 #16

I started by trying to see what C# was capable of, in terms of raw speed and
capability. My intention was originally to write a CPU, and a development
environment with a custom debugger that allowed me to change my code while I
was still in a break point. So I went about it the typical way you might in
a .NET program, creating a series of interfaces to "black box" the CPU, the
RAM, IO ports, video.

Somewhere in there I noticed that I was only getting 780KHz emulation speed
for the 8-bit 65c02 and so I began to re-design parts of the CPU and voila,
I ended up with 2.5MHz emulation speed (on a 1000MHz PIII). Of course, now,
I have a 64-bit AMD 3500+ so it goes a little faster ;-) Somewhere along
the line, I decided to document various things that can help speed up your
raw processing speed with C# and make a tutorial, except that I don't feel
like going through my SourceGear Vault history and recomposing my CPU, but
I'll get around to it, because it would be an interesting read.

Anyway, my intention was to make the CPU seperate from the debugger and so
on, so I can write my debugger later. I then decided to see how well I can
"plug" the CPU into various scenarios. So I decided to reserve 1k of memory
for a text output screen. About 30 times a second it would read memory and
display whatever was there. At some point I got smarter and only if a
change was made it'll update. Then I got more creative and created a "ROM"
where I can call "built-in" methods that manipulate text and scroll and
stuff. At somepoint, I decided to dedicate 8k of RAM to the graphics
display area with only 8 colors. Same thing, created a "ROM" area where I
can call to plat a pixel and a line and so on (forget about the C# aspect,
just getting the 8-bit code right to do what I wanted was a real task and
learning experience, reeks of nostalgia from my earlier days).

Well, didn't take much before I started looking into how the old NES works
internally. I honestly don't know what my chances of emulating the PPU and
such are, specially since some games are encrypted, not that source isn't
open that I can examine in C/C++, I just don't think C# can handle it but I
will indeed try. Further, a SuperNES would be even harder to emulate, I
still have problems with my 65816 CPU in its 8-bit emulation part.

As I said, I have an AMD 64-bit CPU, I've been experimenting with doing this
CPU in assembly and I really like that I can reserve some of the registers
for the CPU registers exclusively, that makes a massive difference. I don't
lik that neither Microsoft 64-bit C++ and Intell C++ 8.1 compilers do not
and will not support inline assembly. That forces me to have to write it
all in C or in ASM but not mix them (in the manner that I prefer, by
inlining). I'll get around to benchmarking the 64-bit runtime but only when
it is finally released, it isn't so important to me at the moment.

So the answer to your question is a yes and no. Hopefully when I make my
source available someone will be able to do something with it more
meaningful than I, since I'm pre-occupied with www.zenofdotnet.com

I created a binary8, binary16, binary32, and binary64 valuetype in C# for
this CPU core and posted it on planet-source-code, you can look at, but it
didn't meet my performance requirements as well as a raw uint does. I'll
have to figure out why, nonetheless, if you are interested:

http://tinyurl.com/5egg3 [^ goes to a www.planet-source-code.com page]

As for my email address, I removed the appropriate vowels from "hotmail"
but, I never thought until you mentioned it, whether or not my fake email
address is an actual real email address at html.com ... hmm...



"Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]" <x-****@no-spam-please.hotpop.c om> wrote
in message news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP09.phx.gbl. ..

An offtopic question (would ask by e-mail but I am not sure your e-mail
address is a real one) - judging by your words on 65c02 CPU and 30 FPS,
aren't we going to see a game console emulator written in managed code? ;-)
Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]
Bring the power of unit testing to the VS .NET IDE today!

"Shawn B." <le****@html.co m> wrote in message
news:ei******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP15.phx.gbl...
You're probabyly right.

But most of the stuff I time requires a high resolution timer, for
the CPU emulator I speak of, I need to enforce timing to simulate a
CPU and so I have to "throttle" the instruction decode/execution. As
I also have to enfore a 30FPs display so I need to do some more throttling and timing synchronization . Working with DataTime in this case not only
cheats me of the required high-resolution timing I require, but also
consumes more clock cycles to work with than this timer class, as per my
requirements. Every clock-cycle counts in this case, and so every line of code can make a different, especially when running in a loop 1 million
per second.

Nov 16 '05 #17

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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