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Datataset Problem

In my project i have a textfile witch i import in my c# application.

The datas in the textfile i show the datas in the textfile in my
datagrid..ok that ist not my problem.

Now i have a dataset (dataset.xsd the name is ds_BESR).

How i can my datas in the datagrid into this dataset ds_BESR?

Please help me...i need that. the reasen is my crystal report get the datas
from ds_BESR.
I have no idea how i can set the datas fom dataset ds to dataset ds_BESR.

Here my code...

private void DateiEinlesen()


// Initialisieren


Stream myStream;

OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog( );

openFileDialog1 .InitialDirecto ry = "c:\\" ;

openFileDialog1 .Filter = "BESR Datei (*.V11)|*.V11|A lle Dateien (*.*)|*.*";

openFileDialog1 .FilterIndex = 1 ;

openFileDialog1 .RestoreDirecto ry = true ;

openFileDialog1 .Title = "Welche Datei wollen sie laden?";

if(openFileDial og1.ShowDialog( ) == DialogResult.OK )


if((myStream = openFileDialog1 .OpenFile())!= null)


FileInfo fi=new FileInfo(openFi leDialog1.FileN ame);

fileLen=fi.Leng th;

//textBox1.Text=f ileLen.ToString ();

FileStream fsi = new FileStream(open FileDialog1.Fil eName, FileMode.Open,
FileAccess.Read );

StreamReader sri = new StreamReader(fs i,System.Text.E ncoding.Default );

strDateipfad = openFileDialog1 .FileName;

string strDateTime =
Convert.ToStrin g(System.IO.Fil e.GetCreationTi me(strDateipfad ));

// Einlesen

// ------------------------------------


// Status Zeile Initialisieren un starten

this.progressBa r1.Minimum =0;

this.progressBa r1.Maximum = Convert.ToInt32 (fileLen.ToStri ng());

this.progressBa r1.Step =1;

progressBar1.Va lue=0;

// 1 erhöhen...

progressBar1.Va lue +=1;

Application.DoE vents();

// Create one DataTable with one column.

DataTable MyTable = new DataTable();

DataColumn MyCol1 = MyTable.Columns .Add("Transakti onsart"); // Name der

DataColumn MyCol2 = MyTable.Columns .Add("ESR-Kunden-Nr");

DataColumn MyCol3 = MyTable.Columns .Add("Referenzn ummer");

DataColumn MyCol4 = MyTable.Columns .Add("Betrag");

DataColumn MyCol5 = MyTable.Columns .Add("Aufgabeda tum");

DataColumn MyCol6 = MyTable.Columns .Add("Verarbeit ungsdatum");

DataColumn MyCol7 = MyTable.Columns .Add("Gutschrif tsdatum");

DataColumn MyCol8 = MyTable.Columns .Add("Mikrofilm nummer");

// Formatierung

dataGrid1.Capti onText="Dateipf ad: "+strDateipfad+ " vom "+strDateTi me;

dataGrid1.ReadO nly = true;
if ( System.IO.File. Exists(strDatei pfad) )


// Add items.

DataRow NewRow;

System.IO.Strea mReader sr = new System.IO.Strea mReader(strDate ipfad);
while ( sr.Peek() >= 0 )//oder while (-1 != sr.Peek())


string strZeilenInhalt = sr.ReadLine();


DataSet4Report myDS4R = new DataSet4Report( );

ddRezepte.DataS ource = myDS4R.Rezepte( );

ddRezepte.DataT extField = "Rezeptname ";

ddRezepte.DataV alueField = "RezeptID";

ddRezepte.DataB ind();

NewRow = MyTable.NewRow( );

// Spalte 1

NewRow["Transaktionsar t"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(0,3);

// Spalte 2

NewRow["ESR-Kunden-Nr"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(3,9);

// Spalte 3

NewRow["Referenznummer "] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(12,27);

// Spalte 4

NewRow["Betrag"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(39,10);

// Spalte 5

//NewRow["Transaktio nen"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(49,10);

// Spalte 6

NewRow["Aufgabedat um"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(59,6);

// Spalte 7

NewRow["Verarbeitungsd atum"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(65,6);

// Spalte 8

NewRow["Gutschriftsdat um"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(71,6);

// Spalte 9

NewRow["Mikrofilmnumme r"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(77,9);

MyTable.Rows.Ad d(NewRow);

// 1 erhöhen...

string temp = sri.ReadLine();

fileLen=fileLen-temp.Length -2;

progressBar1.Va lue +=temp.Length -2;

Application.DoE vents();



// Progressbar zurücksetzen

progressBar1.Va lue=0;

progressBar1.Up date();

lblAnzahl.Text = "Anzahl Zeilen: "+intRow;

lblPfad.Text = "Dateipfad: "+strDateipfad+ " vom "+strDateTi me;

DataView myDataView = MyTable.Default View;

// By default, the first column sorted ascending.

myDataView.Sort = "Transaktionsar t";

ds.Tables.Add(M yTable);

dataGrid1.DataS ource = MyTable;
//da.Fill(ds, "ds_BESR");

//dataGrid1.DataS ource = ds.DefaultViewM anager;






thanks for help
Nov 15 '05 #1
3 2542
You have a textfile with data?.
Then you (or someone) uses the xml schema definition file "dataset.xs d" to
transfer the data from the textfile to a datagrid?
And your problem is to transfer the data from the datagrid to a dataset
named ds_BESR?

Well, if the datagrid's datasource is a dataset you can obtain it with

ds_BESR = (DataSet)dataGr id1.DataSource;

If you have access to the original dataset you can use it's Copy() method
to copy the structure and content.

ds_BESR = ds.Copy();

Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/m2/
For a laugh, try web browsing with Opera's User Mode and Nostalgia enabled
Nov 15 '05 #2
Hello Morten

thank you

You have a textfile with data?.
Then you (or someone) uses the xml schema definition file "dataset.xs d" to
transfer the data from the textfile to a datagrid?
And your problem is to transfer the data from the datagrid to a dataset
named ds_BESR?

this is ok........but ...

Now I get the database login screen...why?

here my code:

First input the datas from textfile into the datagrid and after input
ds_BESR => ds_BESR = ds.Copy(); :-)

After i open the crystal report..and get a screen database login

Thanks for your help...if you want i send you my project?


using System;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Collecti ons;

using System.Componen tModel;

using System.Windows. Forms;

using System.Data;

// Wird für File Open benötigt

using System.IO;

//Werden für die Crystal Reports benötigt

using CrystalDecision s.CrystalReport s.Engine;

using CrystalDecision s.Shared;

//Werden für den DB-Zugriff benötigt

using System.Data.Odb c;

using System.Data.Ole Db;

namespace BESR


/// <summary>

/// Summary description for Form1.

/// </summary>

public class Form1 : System.Windows. Forms.Form


private System.Windows. Forms.OpenFileD ialog openFileDialog1 ;

private System.Windows. Forms.ToolBar toolBar1;

private System.Windows. Forms.ToolBarBu tton toolBarBttFileO pen;

private System.Windows. Forms.ImageList imageList1;

private System.Windows. Forms.StatusBar statusBar1;

private CrystalDecision s.Windows.Forms .CrystalReportV iewer
crystalReportVi ewer1;

private System.Componen tModel.IContain er components;

private DataSet ds;

private DataSet ds_BESR;

//Report Parameter

CR_BESR crReportDocumen t;

ParameterDiscre teValue crParameterDisc reteValue;

ParameterField crParameterFiel d;

ParameterFields crParameterFiel ds;

private System.Windows. Forms.TabContro l tabControl1;

private System.Windows. Forms.TabPage tabPage1;

private System.Windows. Forms.TabPage tabPage2;

private System.Windows. Forms.DataGrid dataGrid1;

private System.Windows. Forms.ProgressB ar progressBar1;

private System.Windows. Forms.ToolBarBu tton toolBarBttReset ;

private System.Windows. Forms.TabPage tabPage3;

private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblAnzahl;

private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblPfad;
// dataset u. datatable initialisieren

private System.Windows. Forms.DataGridT ableStyle dataGridTableSt yle;
// Lokale Variablen

string strDateipfad = "";

long fileLen;

int intRow=0;

public Form1()



// Required for Windows Form Designer support


InitializeCompo nent();


// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeCompo nent call


// dataset u. datatable initialisieren

ds = new DataSet();


/// <summary>

/// Clean up any resources being used.

/// </summary>

protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )


if( disposing )


if (components != null)


components.Disp ose();



base.Dispose( disposing );


#region Windows Form Designer generated code

/// <summary>

/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify

/// the contents of this method with the code editor.

/// </summary>

private void InitializeCompo nent()


this.components = new System.Componen tModel.Containe r();

System.Resource s.ResourceManag er resources = new
System.Resource s.ResourceManag er(typeof(Form1 ));

this.openFileDi alog1 = new System.Windows. Forms.OpenFileD ialog();

this.toolBar1 = new System.Windows. Forms.ToolBar() ;

this.toolBarBtt FileOpen = new System.Windows. Forms.ToolBarBu tton();

this.toolBarBtt Reset = new System.Windows. Forms.ToolBarBu tton();

this.imageList1 = new System.Windows. Forms.ImageList (this.component s);

this.statusBar1 = new System.Windows. Forms.StatusBar ();

this.crystalRep ortViewer1 = new
CrystalDecision s.Windows.Forms .CrystalReportV iewer();

this.tabControl 1 = new System.Windows. Forms.TabContro l();

this.tabPage1 = new System.Windows. Forms.TabPage() ;

this.tabPage2 = new System.Windows. Forms.TabPage() ;

this.dataGrid1 = new System.Windows. Forms.DataGrid( );

this.dataGridTa bleStyle = new System.Windows. Forms.DataGridT ableStyle();

this.tabPage3 = new System.Windows. Forms.TabPage() ;

this.lblAnzahl = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();

this.progressBa r1 = new System.Windows. Forms.ProgressB ar();

this.lblPfad = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();

this.tabControl 1.SuspendLayout ();

this.tabPage1.S uspendLayout();

this.tabPage2.S uspendLayout();

((System.Compon entModel.ISuppo rtInitialize)(t his.dataGrid1)) .BeginInit();

this.tabPage3.S uspendLayout();

this.SuspendLay out();


// toolBar1


this.toolBar1.B orderStyle = System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.Fixed3D;

this.toolBar1.B uttons.AddRange (new System.Windows. Forms.ToolBarBu tton[] {

this.toolBarBtt FileOpen,

this.toolBarBtt Reset});

this.toolBar1.B uttonSize = new System.Drawing. Size(75, 36);

this.toolBar1.D ropDownArrows = true;

this.toolBar1.I mageList = this.imageList1 ;

this.toolBar1.I meMode = System.Windows. Forms.ImeMode.N oControl;

this.toolBar1.L ocation = new System.Drawing. Point(0, 0);

this.toolBar1.N ame = "toolBar1";

this.toolBar1.S howToolTips = true;

this.toolBar1.S ize = new System.Drawing. Size(864, 44);

this.toolBar1.T abIndex = 1;

this.toolBar1.B uttonClick += new
System.Windows. Forms.ToolBarBu ttonClickEventH andler(this.too lBar1_ButtonCli c


// toolBarBttFileO pen


this.toolBarBtt FileOpen.ImageI ndex = 0;

this.toolBarBtt FileOpen.Text = "Datei Einlesen";

this.toolBarBtt FileOpen.ToolTi pText = "BESR Datei Einlesen";


// toolBarBttReset


this.toolBarBtt Reset.ImageInde x = 1;

this.toolBarBtt Reset.Text = "Reset";


// imageList1


this.imageList1 .ColorDepth = System.Windows. Forms.ColorDept h.Depth32Bit;

this.imageList1 .ImageSize = new System.Drawing. Size(16, 16);

this.imageList1 .ImageStream =
((System.Window s.Forms.ImageLi stStreamer)(res ources.GetObjec t("imageList1.I m

this.imageList1 .TransparentCol or = System.Drawing. Color.Transpare nt;


// statusBar1


this.statusBar1 .ImeMode = System.Windows. Forms.ImeMode.N oControl;

this.statusBar1 .Location = new System.Drawing. Point(0, 499);

this.statusBar1 .Name = "statusBar1 ";

this.statusBar1 .Size = new System.Drawing. Size(864, 8);

this.statusBar1 .TabIndex = 2;


// crystalReportVi ewer1


this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Acti veViewIndex = -1;

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Back Color = System.Drawing. SystemColors.Co ntrol;

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Disp layBackgroundEd ge = false;

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Disp layGroupTree = false;

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Disp layToolbar = false;

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Dock = System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Fill;

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Fore Color =
System.Drawing. SystemColors.Co ntrolText;

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Loca tion = new System.Drawing. Point(0, 0);

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Name = "crystalReportV iewer1";

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Repo rtSource = null;

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Show CloseButton = false;

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Show GroupTreeButton = false;

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Show RefreshButton = false;

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(856, 429);

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.TabI ndex = 3;

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Load += new
System.EventHan dler(this.cryst alReportViewer1 _Load);


// tabControl1


this.tabControl 1.Controls.Add( this.tabPage1);

this.tabControl 1.Controls.Add( this.tabPage2);

this.tabControl 1.Controls.Add( this.tabPage3);

this.tabControl 1.Dock = System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Fill;

this.tabControl 1.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(0, 44);

this.tabControl 1.Name = "tabControl 1";

this.tabControl 1.SelectedIndex = 0;

this.tabControl 1.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(864, 455);

this.tabControl 1.TabIndex = 4;


// tabPage1


this.tabPage1.C ontrols.Add(thi s.crystalReport Viewer1);

this.tabPage1.L ocation = new System.Drawing. Point(4, 22);

this.tabPage1.N ame = "tabPage1";

this.tabPage1.S ize = new System.Drawing. Size(856, 429);

this.tabPage1.T abIndex = 0;

this.tabPage1.T ext = "Druckvorschau" ;


// tabPage2


this.tabPage2.C ontrols.Add(thi s.dataGrid1);

this.tabPage2.L ocation = new System.Drawing. Point(4, 22);

this.tabPage2.N ame = "tabPage2";

this.tabPage2.S ize = new System.Drawing. Size(856, 429);

this.tabPage2.T abIndex = 1;

this.tabPage2.T ext = "Ansicht/Sortierung";


// dataGrid1


this.dataGrid1. DataMember = "";

this.dataGrid1. Dock = System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Fill;

this.dataGrid1. HeaderForeColor = System.Drawing. SystemColors.Co ntrolText;

this.dataGrid1. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(0, 0);

this.dataGrid1. Name = "dataGrid1" ;

this.dataGrid1. PreferredColumn Width = 100;

this.dataGrid1. PreferredRowHei ght = 12;

this.dataGrid1. RowHeaderWidth = 20;

this.dataGrid1. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(856, 429);

this.dataGrid1. TabIndex = 0;

this.dataGrid1. TableStyles.Add Range(new
System.Windows. Forms.DataGridT ableStyle[] {

this.dataGridTa bleStyle});


// dataGridTableSt yle


this.dataGridTa bleStyle.DataGr id = this.dataGrid1;

this.dataGridTa bleStyle.Header ForeColor =
System.Drawing. SystemColors.Co ntrolText;

this.dataGridTa bleStyle.Mappin gName = "V11";


// tabPage3


this.tabPage3.C ontrols.Add(thi s.lblPfad);

this.tabPage3.C ontrols.Add(thi s.lblAnzahl);

this.tabPage3.L ocation = new System.Drawing. Point(4, 22);

this.tabPage3.N ame = "tabPage3";

this.tabPage3.S ize = new System.Drawing. Size(856, 429);

this.tabPage3.T abIndex = 2;

this.tabPage3.T ext = "Informationen" ;


// lblAnzahl


this.lblAnzahl. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(24, 32);

this.lblAnzahl. Name = "lblAnzahl" ;

this.lblAnzahl. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(680, 16);

this.lblAnzahl. TabIndex = 5;


// progressBar1


this.progressBa r1.Dock = System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Bottom;

this.progressBa r1.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(0, 507);

this.progressBa r1.Name = "progressBa r1";

this.progressBa r1.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(864, 10);

this.progressBa r1.TabIndex = 4;


// lblPfad


this.lblPfad.Lo cation = new System.Drawing. Point(24, 8);

this.lblPfad.Na me = "lblPfad";

this.lblPfad.Si ze = new System.Drawing. Size(680, 16);

this.lblPfad.Ta bIndex = 6;


// Form1


this.AutoScaleB aseSize = new System.Drawing. Size(5, 13);

this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing. Size(864, 517);

this.Controls.A dd(this.tabCont rol1);

this.Controls.A dd(this.statusB ar1);

this.Controls.A dd(this.toolBar 1);

this.Controls.A dd(this.progres sBar1);

this.Icon = ((System.Drawin g.Icon)(resourc es.GetObject("$ this.Icon")));

this.Name = "Form1";

this.RightToLef t = System.Windows. Forms.RightToLe ft.No;

this.StartPosit ion = System.Windows. Forms.FormStart Position.Center Screen;

this.Text = " Luzerner Kantonalbank BESR Einlesen";

this.tabControl 1.ResumeLayout( false);

this.tabPage1.R esumeLayout(fal se);

this.tabPage2.R esumeLayout(fal se);

((System.Compon entModel.ISuppo rtInitialize)(t his.dataGrid1)) .EndInit();

this.tabPage3.R esumeLayout(fal se);

this.ResumeLayo ut(false);



/// <summary>

/// The main entry point for the application.

/// </summary>


static void Main()


Application.Run (new Form1());


private void DateiEinlesen()


// Initialisieren


Stream myStream;

OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog( );

openFileDialog1 .InitialDirecto ry = "c:\\" ;

openFileDialog1 .Filter = "BESR Datei (*.V11)|*.V11|A lle Dateien (*.*)|*.*";

openFileDialog1 .FilterIndex = 1 ;

openFileDialog1 .RestoreDirecto ry = true ;

openFileDialog1 .Title = "Welche Datei wollen sie laden?";

if(openFileDial og1.ShowDialog( ) == DialogResult.OK )


if((myStream = openFileDialog1 .OpenFile())!= null)


FileInfo fi=new FileInfo(openFi leDialog1.FileN ame);

fileLen=fi.Leng th;

//textBox1.Text=f ileLen.ToString ();

FileStream fsi = new FileStream(open FileDialog1.Fil eName, FileMode.Open,
FileAccess.Read );

StreamReader sri = new StreamReader(fs i,System.Text.E ncoding.Default );

strDateipfad = openFileDialog1 .FileName;

string strDateTime =
Convert.ToStrin g(System.IO.Fil e.GetCreationTi me(strDateipfad ));

// Einlesen

// ------------------------------------


// Status Zeile Initialisieren un starten

this.progressBa r1.Minimum =0;

this.progressBa r1.Maximum = Convert.ToInt32 (fileLen.ToStri ng());

this.progressBa r1.Step =1;

progressBar1.Va lue=0;

// 1 erhöhen...

progressBar1.Va lue +=1;

Application.DoE vents();

// Create one DataTable with one column.

DataTable MyTable = new DataTable();

DataColumn MyCol1 = MyTable.Columns .Add("Transakti onsart"); // Name der

DataColumn MyCol2 = MyTable.Columns .Add("ESR-Kunden-Nr");

DataColumn MyCol3 = MyTable.Columns .Add("Referenzn ummer");

DataColumn MyCol4 = MyTable.Columns .Add("Betrag");

DataColumn MyCol5 = MyTable.Columns .Add("Aufgabeda tum");

DataColumn MyCol6 = MyTable.Columns .Add("Verarbeit ungsdatum");

DataColumn MyCol7 = MyTable.Columns .Add("Gutschrif tsdatum");

DataColumn MyCol8 = MyTable.Columns .Add("Mikrofilm nummer");

// Formatierung

dataGrid1.Capti onText="Dateipf ad: "+strDateipfad+ " vom "+strDateTi me;

dataGrid1.ReadO nly = true;
if ( System.IO.File. Exists(strDatei pfad) )


// Add items.

DataRow NewRow;

System.IO.Strea mReader sr = new System.IO.Strea mReader(strDate ipfad);
while ( sr.Peek() >= 0 )//oder while (-1 != sr.Peek())


string strZeilenInhalt = sr.ReadLine();


NewRow = MyTable.NewRow( );

// Spalte 1

NewRow["Transaktionsar t"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(0,3);

// Spalte 2

NewRow["ESR-Kunden-Nr"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(3,9);

// Spalte 3

NewRow["Referenznummer "] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(12,27);

// Spalte 4

NewRow["Betrag"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(39,10);

// Spalte 5

//NewRow["Transaktio nen"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(49,10);

// Spalte 6

NewRow["Aufgabedat um"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(59,6);

// Spalte 7

NewRow["Verarbeitungsd atum"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(65,6);

// Spalte 8

NewRow["Gutschriftsdat um"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(71,6);

// Spalte 9

NewRow["Mikrofilmnumme r"] = strZeilenInhalt .ToString().Sub string(77,9);

MyTable.Rows.Ad d(NewRow);

// 1 erhöhen...

string temp = sri.ReadLine();

fileLen=fileLen-temp.Length -2;

progressBar1.Va lue +=temp.Length -2;

Application.DoE vents();



// Progressbar zurücksetzen

progressBar1.Va lue=0;

progressBar1.Up date();

lblAnzahl.Text = "Anzahl Zeilen: "+intRow;

lblPfad.Text = "Dateipfad: "+strDateipfad+ " vom "+strDateTi me;

DataView myDataView = MyTable.Default View;

// By default, the first column sorted ascending.

myDataView.Sort = "Transaktionsar t";

ds.Tables.Add(M yTable);

dataGrid1.DataS ource = MyTable;
ds_BESR = ds.Copy();

//ds_BESR = (DataSet)dataGr id1.DataSource;






=============== =============== =============== =============

private void crystalReportVi ewer1_Load(obje ct sender, System.EventArg s e)


//Eigenschaft manuell auf true stellen

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Disp layToolbar = true;

//Create an instance of the strongly-typed report object

crReportDocumen t = new CR_BESR();

crReportDocumen t.SetDataSource (ds_BESR);

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Repo rtSource = crReportDocumen t;

this.crystalRep ortViewer1.Zoom (70);
Nov 15 '05 #3
I'm afraid I do not know why you get the database login screen,
but seeing as you have the dataTable available before setting the datagrid
source, why use ds at all?
You could just add the MyTable to ds_BESR.

Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/m2/
For a laugh, try web browsing with Opera's User Mode and Nostalgia enabled
Nov 15 '05 #4

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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Our web service was working fine until we installed .net Framework 1.1 service pack 1. Uninstalling SP1 is not an option because our largest customer says service packs marked as "critical" by Microsoft must be installed on their servers. Now german Umlaute (ä, ü, ö) and quotes are returned incorrectly in SOAP fault responses. This can be easily verified: Implement the following in a web service method (just raises a SOAPException with a...
by: Mike Collins | last post by:
I cannot get the correct drop down list value from a drop down I have on my web form. I get the initial value that was loaded in the list. It was asked by someone else what the autopostback was set to...it is set to false. Can someone show me what I am doing wrong and tell me the correct way? Thank you. In the page load event, I am doing the following:
by: Hystou | last post by:
Most computers default to English, but sometimes we require a different language, especially when relocating. Forgot to request a specific language before your computer shipped? No problem! You can effortlessly switch the default language on Windows 10 without reinstalling. I'll walk you through it. First, let's disable language synchronization. With a Microsoft account, language settings sync across devices. To prevent any complications,...
by: jinu1996 | last post by:
In today's digital age, having a compelling online presence is paramount for businesses aiming to thrive in a competitive landscape. At the heart of this digital strategy lies an intricately woven tapestry of website design and digital marketing. It's not merely about having a website; it's about crafting an immersive digital experience that captivates audiences and drives business growth. The Art of Business Website Design Your website is...
by: Hystou | last post by:
Overview: Windows 11 and 10 have less user interface control over operating system update behaviour than previous versions of Windows. In Windows 11 and 10, there is no way to turn off the Windows Update option using the Control Panel or Settings app; it automatically checks for updates and installs any it finds, whether you like it or not. For most users, this new feature is actually very convenient. If you want to control the update process,...
by: tracyyun | last post by:
Dear forum friends, With the development of smart home technology, a variety of wireless communication protocols have appeared on the market, such as Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. Each protocol has its own unique characteristics and advantages, but as a user who is planning to build a smart home system, I am a bit confused by the choice of these technologies. I'm particularly interested in Zigbee because I've heard it does some...
by: isladogs | last post by:
The next Access Europe User Group meeting will be on Wednesday 1 May 2024 starting at 18:00 UK time (6PM UTC+1) and finishing by 19:30 (7.30PM). In this session, we are pleased to welcome a new presenter, Adolph Dupré who will be discussing some powerful techniques for using class modules. He will explain when you may want to use classes instead of User Defined Types (UDT). For example, to manage the data in unbound forms. Adolph will...
by: TSSRALBI | last post by:
Hello I'm a network technician in training and I need your help. I am currently learning how to create and manage the different types of VPNs and I have a question about LAN-to-LAN VPNs. The last exercise I practiced was to create a LAN-to-LAN VPN between two Pfsense firewalls, by using IPSEC protocols. I succeeded, with both firewalls in the same network. But I'm wondering if it's possible to do the same thing, with 2 Pfsense firewalls...
by: adsilva | last post by:
A Windows Forms form does not have the event Unload, like VB6. What one acts like?
by: muto222 | last post by:
How can i add a mobile payment intergratation into php mysql website.
by: bsmnconsultancy | last post by:
In today's digital era, a well-designed website is crucial for businesses looking to succeed. Whether you're a small business owner or a large corporation in Toronto, having a strong online presence can significantly impact your brand's success. BSMN Consultancy, a leader in Website Development in Toronto offers valuable insights into creating effective websites that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well. In this comprehensive...

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