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TripleDES String Encrypt/Decrypt Problem

I'm having trouble encrypting/decrypting a simple string using the
System.Security .Cryptography.T ripleDESCryptoS erviceProvider, etc...

The encryption works, but the decryption does not properly decrypt
several of the first few characters.

Here's the code:

class TMyCipher
public string Encipher(string s, string key)
byte[] bKey = ASCIIEncoding.A SCII.GetBytes(k ey);
TripleDESCrypto ServiceProvider TripleDesProv = new
TripleDESCrypto ServiceProvider ();
ICryptoTransfor m ict = TripleDesProv.C reateEncryptor( bKey,null);
byte[] bInput = ASCIIEncoding.A SCII.GetBytes(s );
byte[] bOutput = ict.TransformFi nalBlock(bInput ,0,bInput.Lengt h);
System.Console. WriteLine(Syste m.Text.Encoding .ASCII.GetStrin g(bOutput,0,bOu tput.Length));
return Convert.ToBase6 4String(bOutput ,0,bOutput.Leng th);

public string Decipher(string ciphertext, string key)
byte[] bKey = ASCIIEncoding.A SCII.GetBytes(k ey);
TripleDESCrypto ServiceProvider TripleDesDec = new
TripleDESCrypto ServiceProvider ();
ICryptoTransfor m Decryptor =
TripleDesDec.Cr eateDecryptor(b Key,null);
System.Console. WriteLine(ciphe rtext);
byte[] eInput = Convert.FromBas e64String(ciphe rtext);
System.Console. WriteLine(Syste m.Text.Encoding .ASCII.GetStrin g(eInput,0,eInp ut.Length));
byte[] eOutput =
Decryptor.Trans formFinalBlock( eInput,0,eInput .Length);
return System.Text.Enc oding.ASCII.Get String(eOutput, 0,eOutput.Lengt h);

string ClearText = "test-text-this-is-text";

string sKey = "mykey";
sKey = sKey.PadRight(1 6,' ');
byte[] bKey = ASCIIEncoding.A SCII.GetBytes(s Key);
TMyCipher ciph = new TMyCipher();
string ciphertext = ciph.Encipher(C learText,sKey);
System.Console. WriteLine(ciphe rtext);
string sFinal = ciph.Decipher(c iphertext,sKey) ;
System.Console. WriteLine("Fina l: " + sFinal);

The result:

M♀H)←b ↨\
r2xpLw1HKQbTy/zZh9MKTYzIqZtiC Rfc
r2xpLw1HKQbTy/zZh9MKTYzIqZtiC Rfc
M♀H)←b ↨\
Final: I'|htT<#t-this-is-text
Nov 15 '05 #1
8 13540
<wk****@yahoo.c om> wrote:
I'm having trouble encrypting/decrypting a simple string using the
System.Security .Cryptography.T ripleDESCryptoS erviceProvider, etc...

The encryption works, but the decryption does not properly decrypt
several of the first few characters.


The problem is that you're giving it more in one block than you should.
Rather than using the transform directly, I suggest you use the
CryptoStream API. That way you don't need to worry about block sizes

Jon Skeet - <sk***@pobox.co m>
If replying to the group, please do not mail me too
Nov 15 '05 #2
Jon Skeet [C# MVP] <sk***@pobox.co m> wrote in message news:<MP******* *************** **@msnews.micro soft.com>...

The problem is that you're giving it more in one block than you should.
Rather than using the transform directly, I suggest you use the
CryptoStream API. That way you don't need to worry about block sizes

Thank you. I've tried to implement a simple solution using a
CryptoStream, but the results are almost identical:

My ClearText String
d!U#CP↕?¶XgN☼q% ♀U∟o→
ZCHVo3eIQ1AShz+ UWOdOj3GlDNUcbx oN <-- After Base64 Encoding.

d!U#CP↕?¶XgN☼q% ♀U∟o→
My CleSRText String <-- After Decryption.

Here's my code. Thanks again.

static void Main(string[] args)
string sKey = "MyKey";
sKey = sKey.PadRight(1 6,' ');
string sInit = "123456";
byte[] bInit = ASCIIEncoding.A SCII.GetBytes(s Init);
string ClearText = "My ClearText String";
byte[] bKey = ASCIIEncoding.A SCII.GetBytes(s Key);
byte[] buffer = ASCIIEncoding.A SCII.GetBytes(C learText);
byte[] rbuffer;

System.Console. WriteLine(Clear Text);
TripleDESCrypto ServiceProvider tdc = new
TripleDESCrypto ServiceProvider ();
ICryptoTransfor m icp = tdc.CreateEncry ptor(bKey,bInit );
System.IO.Memor yStream ms = new System.IO.Memor yStream();
CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms ,icp,CryptoStre amMode.Write);
cs.Write(buffer ,0,buffer.Lengt h);
rbuffer = ms.ToArray();
System.Console. WriteLine(ASCII Encoding.ASCII. GetString(rbuff er,0,rbuffer.Le ngth));
string CipherText =
Convert.ToBase6 4String(rbuffer ,0,rbuffer.Leng th);
System.Console. WriteLine(Ciphe rText);
System.Console. ReadLine();

System.IO.Memor yStream dms = new System.IO.Memor yStream();
byte[] eBuffer = Convert.FromBas e64String(Ciphe rText);
System.Console. WriteLine(ASCII Encoding.ASCII. GetString(eBuff er,0,eBuffer.Le ngth));
dms.Write(eBuff er,0,eBuffer.Le ngth);
dms.Seek(0,Syst em.IO.SeekOrigi n.Begin);

TripleDESCrypto ServiceProvider ddc = new
TripleDESCrypto ServiceProvider ();
ICryptoTransfor m dcp = ddc.CreateDecry ptor(bKey,bInit );
CryptoStream dcs = new CryptoStream(dm s,dcp,CryptoStr eamMode.Read);
byte[] cBuffer = new byte[eBuffer.Length];
dcs.Read(cBuffe r,0,eBuffer.Len gth);
System.Console. WriteLine(ASCII Encoding.ASCII. GetString(cBuff er,0,cBuffer.Le ngth));
string cText = ASCIIEncoding.A SCII.GetString( cBuffer,0,cBuff er.Length);
System.Console. WriteLine(cText );
System.Console. ReadLine();
Nov 15 '05 #3
You need to use CryptoStream.Fl ushFinalBlock before closing the crypto
stream after writing.

<wk****@yahoo.c om> wrote in message
news:2e******** *************** ***@posting.goo gle.com...
Jon Skeet [C# MVP] <sk***@pobox.co m> wrote in message news:<MP******* *************** **@msnews.micro soft.com>...

The problem is that you're giving it more in one block than you should.
Rather than using the transform directly, I suggest you use the
CryptoStream API. That way you don't need to worry about block sizes

Thank you. I've tried to implement a simple solution using a
CryptoStream, but the results are almost identical:

My ClearText String
d!U#CP↕?¶XgN☼q% ♀U∟o→
ZCHVo3eIQ1AShz+ UWOdOj3GlDNUcbx oN <-- After Base64 Encoding.

d!U#CP↕?¶XgN☼q% ♀U∟o→
My CleSRText String <-- After Decryption.

Here's my code. Thanks again.

static void Main(string[] args)
string sKey = "MyKey";
sKey = sKey.PadRight(1 6,' ');
string sInit = "123456";
byte[] bInit = ASCIIEncoding.A SCII.GetBytes(s Init);
string ClearText = "My ClearText String";
byte[] bKey = ASCIIEncoding.A SCII.GetBytes(s Key);
byte[] buffer = ASCIIEncoding.A SCII.GetBytes(C learText);
byte[] rbuffer;

System.Console. WriteLine(Clear Text);
TripleDESCrypto ServiceProvider tdc = new
TripleDESCrypto ServiceProvider ();
ICryptoTransfor m icp = tdc.CreateEncry ptor(bKey,bInit );
System.IO.Memor yStream ms = new System.IO.Memor yStream();
CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms ,icp,CryptoStre amMode.Write);
cs.Write(buffer ,0,buffer.Lengt h);
rbuffer = ms.ToArray();

System.Console. WriteLine(ASCII Encoding.ASCII. GetString(rbuff er,0,rbuffer.Le n
gth)); string CipherText =
Convert.ToBase6 4String(rbuffer ,0,rbuffer.Leng th);
System.Console. WriteLine(Ciphe rText);
System.Console. ReadLine();

System.IO.Memor yStream dms = new System.IO.Memor yStream();
byte[] eBuffer = Convert.FromBas e64String(Ciphe rText);
System.Console. WriteLine(ASCII Encoding.ASCII. GetString(eBuff er,0,eBuffer.Le n
gth)); dms.Write(eBuff er,0,eBuffer.Le ngth);
dms.Seek(0,Syst em.IO.SeekOrigi n.Begin);

TripleDESCrypto ServiceProvider ddc = new
TripleDESCrypto ServiceProvider ();
ICryptoTransfor m dcp = ddc.CreateDecry ptor(bKey,bInit );
CryptoStream dcs = new CryptoStream(dm s,dcp,CryptoStr eamMode.Read);
byte[] cBuffer = new byte[eBuffer.Length];
dcs.Read(cBuffe r,0,eBuffer.Len gth);
System.Console. WriteLine(ASCII Encoding.ASCII. GetString(cBuff er,0,cBuffer.Le n
gth)); dms.Close();
string cText = ASCIIEncoding.A SCII.GetString( cBuffer,0,cBuff er.Length);
System.Console. WriteLine(cText );
System.Console. ReadLine();

Nov 15 '05 #4
<wk****@yahoo.c om> wrote:
Thank you. I've tried to implement a simple solution using a
CryptoStream, but the results are almost identical:

Well, one of the problems which may well be everything in fact is that
you're using Stream.Read and assuming that it will completely fill the
buffer you've specified. You're also assuming that the encrypted length
is the same as the unencrypted length.

Rather than using CryptoStreamMod e.Read, I find it easier to use
CryptoStreamMod e.Write again, and write into a memory stream.

Here's some working code I wrote for someone else the other day - it
uses a straight DESCryptoServic eProvider, but I'm sure you can change
that part.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Security .Cryptography;

public class Working
DESCryptoServic eProvider provider;

provider = new DESCryptoServic eProvider();
provider.Genera teKey();
provider.Genera teIV();

byte[] Encrypt (string text)
byte[] encodedText = Encoding.UTF8.G etBytes (text);
ICryptoTransfor m transform = provider.Create Encryptor();

using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream
(ms, transform, CryptoStreamMod e.Write))
cs.Write (encodedText, 0, encodedText.Len gth);
cs.FlushFinalBl ock();

return ms.ToArray();

string Decrypt (byte[] data)
ICryptoTransfor m transform = provider.Create Decryptor();
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream (ms,
transform, CryptoStreamMod e.Write))
cs.Write (data, 0, data.Length);
cs.FlushFinalBl ock();
return Encoding.UTF8.G etString (ms.ToArray());

static void Main()
Working w = new Working();

Console.WriteLi ne (w.Decrypt(w.En crypt
("Some text to be encrypted and then decrypted")));
Jon Skeet - <sk***@pobox.co m>
If replying to the group, please do not mail me too
Nov 15 '05 #5
Bret Mulvey <br***@online.m icrosoft.com> wrote:
You need to use CryptoStream.Fl ushFinalBlock before closing the crypto
stream after writing.

Actually, if you close a CryptoStream without flushing the final block,
it'll flush it for you. Not a bad idea to make it clear though.

Jon Skeet - <sk***@pobox.co m>
If replying to the group, please do not mail me too
Nov 15 '05 #6

"Jon Skeet [C# MVP]" <sk***@pobox.co m> wrote in message
news:MP******** *************** *@msnews.micros oft.com...
Bret Mulvey <br***@online.m icrosoft.com> wrote:
You need to use CryptoStream.Fl ushFinalBlock before closing the crypto
stream after writing.

Actually, if you close a CryptoStream without flushing the final block,
it'll flush it for you. Not a bad idea to make it clear though.

That's what I thought, but I tried his example and reproduced problem. Using
Close without FlushFinalBlock corrupted the data, and with FlushFinalBlock
before Close it resolved the problem. I was able to see this in his code as
well as a separate example I created.

In a decompilation of CryptoStream.Cl ose I can clearly see where it calls
FlushFinalBlock , but only conditionally. Perhaps the TripleDES encryptor
doesn't correctly set this flag.
Nov 15 '05 #7

"Bret Mulvey" <br***@online.m icrosoft.com> wrote in message
news:3f******** @news.microsoft .com...

"Jon Skeet [C# MVP]" <sk***@pobox.co m> wrote in message
news:MP******** *************** *@msnews.micros oft.com...
Bret Mulvey <br***@online.m icrosoft.com> wrote:
You need to use CryptoStream.Fl ushFinalBlock before closing the crypto
stream after writing.
Actually, if you close a CryptoStream without flushing the final block,
it'll flush it for you. Not a bad idea to make it clear though.

That's what I thought, but I tried his example and reproduced problem.

Using Close without FlushFinalBlock corrupted the data, and with FlushFinalBlock
before Close it resolved the problem. I was able to see this in his code as well as a separate example I created.

In a decompilation of CryptoStream.Cl ose I can clearly see where it calls
FlushFinalBlock , but only conditionally. Perhaps the TripleDES encryptor
doesn't correctly set this flag.

Never mind, I can't back this up. I just re-ran my test that illustrated
this and it's not behaving the same so I must have made some other change.
It does look like the problem is on the reading side.
Nov 15 '05 #8
your problem is that you do not provide "good" IV in

TripleDesProv.C reateEncryptor( bKey, null);

if you put the same array for encr and decr, it works fine:
private byte[] bIV;
bIV = str2bytes("tXes terX");

// and use

ict = tProvider.Creat eEncryptor(bKey , bIV);

// and

ict = tProvider.Creat eDecryptor(bKey , bIV);

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Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Nov 16 '05 #9

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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