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How do "update" a field in the <EditItemTempla te> that has a null value in t

2 New Member
Hi All,

I am using a FormView control. The allows me to update records in the database. However, when a database field is null I can not update the field on the form. It works fine when the field is not a null value. I am not using any code behind (C#) to bind the data or manipulate the data.

I have read that when there is a null value in the database that there is no record in the "dataset". Can anyone show me how to bind a value in the form when there is a null value previously.



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  160.                 <td height="20px" colspan="4" style="padding-top:0px;">&nbsp; </td>
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  166.                     <td>
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  171.                             <tr>                   
  172.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Dealership ID</td>
  173.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_Id")%></td>
  174.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Email 1</td>
  175.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_Email1")%></td>
  176.                             </tr>
  177.                             <tr>
  178.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Dealership</td>
  179.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_Name")%></td>
  180.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Email 2</td>
  181.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_Email2")%></td>
  182.                             </tr>
  183.                             <tr>
  184.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Branch Name</td>
  185.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_BranchName")%></td>
  186.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Email 3</td>
  187.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_Email3")%></td>
  188.                             </tr>
  189.                             <tr>
  190.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Phone 1</td>
  191.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_Phone1")%></td>
  192.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Address</td>
  193.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_Address")%></td>
  194.                             </tr>
  195.                             <tr>
  196.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Phone 2</td>
  197.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_Phone2")%></td>
  198.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">City</td>
  199.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_City")%></td>
  200.                             </tr>
  201.                             <tr>
  202.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Phone 3</td>
  203.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_Phone3")%></td>
  204.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">State</td>
  205.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_State")%></td>
  206.                             </tr>
  207.                             <tr>
  208.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Fax</td>
  209.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_Fax")%></td>
  210.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Zip Code</td>
  211.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_ZipCode")%></td>
  212.                             </tr>
  213.                             <tr>
  214.                                 <td colspan="4" style="padding-top:5px;height:5px;">&nbsp;</td>        
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  235.      </ItemTemplate>
  237.         <EditItemTemplate>
  238.             <table border="0" width="1024px" style="padding-top:0px;">
  239.                 <tr>
  240.                     <td height="20px" colspan="4" style="padding-top:0px;">&nbsp; </td>
  241.                 </tr>
  242.                 <tr>
  243.                 <td colspan="4" style="padding-left:3px;height:20px; background-color:#E2DED6; font-family: Tahoma; font-size:12px; color:#000000; font-weight:bold; width:1024px;">Dealership Details</td>
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  246.                     <td>
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  248.                             <tr>
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  251.                             <tr>                   
  252.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Dealership ID</td>
  253.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_Id")%></td>
  254.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Email 1</td>
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  256.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Email1")%>'>
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  258.                                 </td>
  259.                             </tr>
  260.                             <tr>
  261.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Dealership</td>
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  263.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Name")%>'>
  264.                                     </asp:TextBox></td>
  265.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Email 2</td>
  266.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  267.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Email2")%>'>
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  269.                                 </td>
  270.                             </tr>
  271.                             <tr>
  272.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Branch Name</td>
  273.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  274.                                     <asp:TextBox  ID="TextBox4" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_BranchName")%>'>
  275.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  276.                                 </td>
  277.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Email 3</td>
  278.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  279.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox5"  runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Email3")%>'>
  280.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  281.                                 </td>
  282.                             </tr>
  283.                             <tr>
  284.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Phone 1</td>
  285.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  286.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox6" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Phone1")%>'>
  287.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  288.                                 </td>
  289.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Address</td>
  290.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  291.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox7" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Address")%>'>
  292.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  293.                                 </td>
  294.                             </tr>
  295.                             <tr>
  296.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Phone 2</td>
  297.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  298.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox8" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Phone2")%>'>
  299.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  300.                                 </td>
  301.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">City</td>
  302.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  303.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox9" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_City")%>'>
  304.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  305.                                 </td>
  306.                             </tr>
  307.                             <tr>
  308.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Phone 3</td>
  309.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  310.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox10" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Phone3")%>'>
  311.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  312.                                 </td>
  313.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">State</td>
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  315.                                     <asp:DropDownList ID="myDropDownList" runat="server"   
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  319.                                         DataTextField="name"  
  320.                                         SelectedValue='<%#Bind("Dealership_State") %>'>  
  321.                                         <asp:ListItem Value="">Select a State...
  322.                                         </asp:ListItem>  
  323.                                     </asp:DropDownList>  
  324.                                     <asp:XmlDataSource ID="StatesDS" runat="server" DataFile="~/Ddl/States.xml">
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  326.                                 </td>
  327.                             </tr>
  328.                             <tr>
  329.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Fax</td>
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  331.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox12" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Fax")%>'>
  332.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  333.                                 </td>
  334.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Zip Code</td>
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  336.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox13" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_ZipCode")%>'>
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  338.                                 </td>
  339.                             </tr>
  340.                             <tr>
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  345.                 </td>
  347.             <tr>
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  349.             </tr>
  350.             <tr>
  351.                  <td colspan="4" style="padding-top:5px;height:15px;">&nbsp;</td>                
  352.             </tr>
  353.              <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="req1" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="TextBox1" ErrorMessage="Email 1 is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  354.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  355.                 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="TextBox2" ErrorMessage="Dealership is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  356.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  357.                 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator2" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="TextBox6" ErrorMessage="Phone 1 is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  358.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  359.                 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator3" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="TextBox7" ErrorMessage="Address is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  360.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  361.                 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator4" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="TextBox9" ErrorMessage="City is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  362.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  363.                 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator5" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="TextBox13" ErrorMessage="Zip Code is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  364.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  365.                  <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator7" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="TextBox4" ErrorMessage="Branch/Location is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  366.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  367.                 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator6" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="myDropDownList" ErrorMessage="State is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  368.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  369.             <tr>
  370.                 <td colspan="2" style="padding-top:5px;">            
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  374.             </tr>
  375.             <asp:ValidationSummary ID="ValidationSummary" runat="Server" ShowMessageBox="true" />
  376.         </table>
  378.      </EditItemTemplate>     
  380.  <InsertItemTemplate>
  381.              <table border="0" width="1024px" style="padding-top:0px;">
  382.                 <tr>
  383.                     <td height="20px" colspan="4" style="padding-top:0px;">&nbsp; </td>
  384.                 </tr>
  385.                 <tr>
  386.                 <td colspan="4" style="padding-left:3px;height:20px; background-color:#E2DED6; font-family: Tahoma; font-size:12px; color:#000000; font-weight:bold; width:1024px;">Dealership Details</td>
  387.                 </tr>
  388.                 <tr>
  389.                     <td>
  390.                         <table width="800px">
  391.                             <tr>
  392.                                 <td colspan="4" style="padding-top:5px;height:5px;">&nbsp;</td>        
  393.                             </tr>                        
  394.                             <tr>                   
  395.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Dealership ID</td>
  396.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px"><%# Eval("Dealership_Id")%></td>
  397.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Email 1</td>
  398.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  399.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Email1")%>'>
  400.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  401.                                 </td>
  402.                             </tr>
  403.                             <tr>
  404.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Dealership</td>
  405.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  406.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Name")%>'>
  407.                                     </asp:TextBox></td>
  408.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Email 2</td>
  409.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  410.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Email2")%>'>
  411.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  412.                                 </td>
  413.                             </tr>
  414.                             <tr>
  415.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Branch Name</td>
  416.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  417.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox4" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_BranchName")%>'>
  418.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  419.                                 </td>
  420.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Email 3</td>
  421.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  422.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox5" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Email3")%>'>
  423.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  424.                                 </td>
  425.                             </tr>
  426.                             <tr>
  427.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Phone 1</td>
  428.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  429.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox6" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Phone1")%>'>
  430.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  431.                                 </td>
  432.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Address</td>
  433.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  434.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox7" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Address")%>'>
  435.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  436.                                 </td>
  437.                             </tr>
  438.                             <tr>
  439.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Phone 2</td>
  440.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  441.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox8" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Phone2")%>'>
  442.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  443.                                 </td>
  444.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">City</td>
  445.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  446.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox9" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_City")%>'>
  447.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  448.                                 </td>
  449.                             </tr>
  450.                             <tr>
  451.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Phone 3</td>
  452.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  453.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox10" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Phone3")%>'>
  454.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  455.                                 </td>
  456.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">State</td>
  457.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  458.                                     <asp:DropDownList ID="myDropDownList" runat="server"   
  459.                                         AppendDataBoundItems="True"  
  460.                                         DataSourceID="StatesDS"   
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  462.                                         DataTextField="name"  
  463.                                         SelectedValue='<%#Bind("Dealership_State") %>'>  
  464.                                         <asp:ListItem Value="">Select a State...
  465.                                         </asp:ListItem>  
  466.                                     </asp:DropDownList>  
  467.                                     <asp:XmlDataSource ID="StatesDS" runat="server" DataFile="~/Ddl/States.xml">
  468.                                     </asp:XmlDataSource>                         
  469.                                 </td>
  470.                             </tr>
  471.                             <tr>
  472.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Fax</td>
  473.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  474.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox12" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_Fax")%>'>
  475.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  476.                                 </td>
  477.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="100px">Zip Code</td>
  478.                                 <td style="padding-top:5px;" width="300px">
  479.                                     <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox13" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_ZipCode")%>'>
  480.                                     </asp:TextBox>
  481.                                 </td>
  482.                             </tr>
  483.                             <tr>
  484.                                 <td colspan="4" style="padding-top:5px;height:5px;">&nbsp;</td>        
  485.                             </tr>                            
  486.                         </tr>
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  488.                 </td>
  490.             <tr>
  491.                  <td colspan="4" style="padding-top:5px;height:15px; background-color:#E2DED6;">&nbsp;</td>               
  492.             </tr>
  493.             <tr>
  494.                  <td colspan="4" style="padding-top:5px;height:15px;">&nbsp;</td>                
  495.             </tr>
  496.              <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="req1" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="TextBox1" ErrorMessage="Email 1 is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  497.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  498.                 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="TextBox2" ErrorMessage="Dealership is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  499.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  500.                 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator2" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="TextBox6" ErrorMessage="Phone 1 is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  501.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  502.                 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator3" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="TextBox7" ErrorMessage="Address is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  503.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  504.                 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator4" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="TextBox9" ErrorMessage="City is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  505.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  506.                 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator5" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="TextBox13" ErrorMessage="Zip Code is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  507.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  508.                  <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator7" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="TextBox4" ErrorMessage="Branch/Location is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  509.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  510.                 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator6" runat="Server" ControlToValidate="myDropDownList" ErrorMessage="State is Required" Text="Enter Correct Information.">
  511.                 </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  514.             <tr>
  515.                 <td colspan="2" style="padding-top:5px;">
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  521.             </tr>
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  523.         </table>
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  527.     </asp:FormView>
  528. <asp:SqlDataSource ID="DealershipsDetailDS" runat="server" 
  529.         ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:drivetime %>" 
  531.         SelectCommand="SELECT [Dealership_Id], [Dealership_Name], [Dealership_BranchName], [Dealership_Phone1], [Dealership_Phone2], [Dealership_Phone3], [Dealership_Fax], [Dealership_Email1], [Dealership_Email2], [Dealership_Email3], [Dealership_Address], [Dealership_City], [Dealership_State], [Dealership_ZipCode] FROM [CAR_Dealership] WHERE ([Dealership_Id] = @Dealership_Id)" 
  532.         ConflictDetection="CompareAllValues" 
  533.         DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [CAR_Dealership] WHERE [Dealership_Id] = @original_Dealership_Id AND [Dealership_Name] = @original_Dealership_Name AND [Dealership_BranchName] = @original_Dealership_BranchName AND [Dealership_Phone1] = @original_Dealership_Phone1 AND [Dealership_Phone2] = @original_Dealership_Phone2 AND [Dealership_Phone3] = @original_Dealership_Phone3 AND [Dealership_Fax] = @original_Dealership_Fax AND [Dealership_Email1] = @original_Dealership_Email1 AND [Dealership_Email2] = @original_Dealership_Email2 AND [Dealership_Email3] = @original_Dealership_Email3 AND [Dealership_Address] = @original_Dealership_Address AND [Dealership_City] = @original_Dealership_City AND [Dealership_State] = @original_Dealership_State AND [Dealership_ZipCode] = @original_Dealership_ZipCode" 
  534.         InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [CAR_Dealership] ([Dealership_Name], [Dealership_BranchName], [Dealership_Phone1], [Dealership_Phone2], [Dealership_Phone3], [Dealership_Fax], [Dealership_Email1], [Dealership_Email2], [Dealership_Email3], [Dealership_Address], [Dealership_City], [Dealership_State], [Dealership_ZipCode]) VALUES (@Dealership_Name, @Dealership_BranchName, @Dealership_Phone1, @Dealership_Phone2, @Dealership_Phone3, @Dealership_Fax, @Dealership_Email1, @Dealership_Email2, @Dealership_Email3, @Dealership_Address, @Dealership_City, @Dealership_State, @Dealership_ZipCode)" 
  535.         OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}"      
  536.         UpdateCommand="UPDATE [CAR_Dealership] SET [Dealership_Name] = @Dealership_Name, [Dealership_BranchName] = @Dealership_BranchName, [Dealership_Phone1] = @Dealership_Phone1, [Dealership_Phone2] = @Dealership_Phone2, [Dealership_Phone3] = @Dealership_Phone3, [Dealership_Fax] = @Dealership_Fax, [Dealership_Email1] = @Dealership_Email1, [Dealership_Email2] = @Dealership_Email2, [Dealership_Email3] = @Dealership_Email3, [Dealership_Address] = @Dealership_Address, [Dealership_City] = @Dealership_City, [Dealership_State] = @Dealership_State, [Dealership_ZipCode] = @Dealership_ZipCode WHERE [Dealership_Id] = @original_Dealership_Id AND [Dealership_Name] = @original_Dealership_Name AND [Dealership_BranchName] = @original_Dealership_BranchName AND [Dealership_Phone1] = @original_Dealership_Phone1 AND [Dealership_Phone2] = @original_Dealership_Phone2 AND [Dealership_Phone3] = @original_Dealership_Phone3 AND [Dealership_Fax] = @original_Dealership_Fax AND [Dealership_Email1] = @original_Dealership_Email1 AND [Dealership_Email2] = @original_Dealership_Email2 AND [Dealership_Email3] = @original_Dealership_Email3 AND [Dealership_Address] = @original_Dealership_Address AND [Dealership_City] = @original_Dealership_City AND [Dealership_State] = @original_Dealership_State AND [Dealership_ZipCode] = @original_Dealership_ZipCode">
  537.     <SelectParameters>
  538.         <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DealershipGrid" Name="Dealership_Id" 
  539.             PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" />
  540.     </SelectParameters>
  541.     <DeleteParameters>
  542.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Id" Type="Int32" />
  543.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Name" Type="String" />
  544.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_BranchName" Type="String" />
  545.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Phone1" Type="String" />
  546.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Phone2" Type="String" />
  547.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Phone3" Type="String" />
  548.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Fax" Type="String" />
  549.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Email1" Type="String" />
  550.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Email2" Type="String" />
  551.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Email3" Type="String" />
  552.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Address" Type="String" />
  553.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_City" Type="String" />
  554.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_State" Type="String" />
  555.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_ZipCode" Type="String" />
  556.     </DeleteParameters>
  557.     <UpdateParameters>
  558.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Name" Type="String" />
  559.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_BranchName" Type="String" />
  560.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Phone1" Type="String" />
  561.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Phone2" Type="String" />
  562.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Phone3" Type="String" />
  563.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Fax" Type="String" />
  564.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Email1" Type="String" />
  565.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Email2" Type="String" />
  566.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Email3" Type="String" />
  567.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Address" Type="String" />
  568.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_City" Type="String" />
  569.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_State" Type="String" />
  570.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_ZipCode" Type="String" />
  571.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Id" Type="Int32" />
  572.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Name" Type="String" />
  573.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_BranchName" Type="String" />
  574.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Phone1" Type="String" />
  575.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Phone2" Type="String" />
  576.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Phone3" Type="String" />
  577.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Fax" Type="String" />
  578.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Email1" Type="String" />
  579.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Email2" Type="String" />
  580.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Email3" Type="String" />
  581.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_Address" Type="String" />
  582.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_City" Type="String" />
  583.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_State" Type="String" />
  584.         <asp:Parameter Name="original_Dealership_ZipCode" Type="String" />
  585.     </UpdateParameters>
  586.     <InsertParameters>
  587.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Name" Type="String" />
  588.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_BranchName" Type="String" />
  589.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Phone1" Type="String" />
  590.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Phone2" Type="String" />
  591.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Phone3" Type="String" />
  592.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Fax" Type="String" />
  593.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Email1" Type="String" />
  594.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Email2" Type="String" />
  595.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Email3" Type="String" />
  596.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_Address" Type="String" />
  597.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_City" Type="String" />
  598.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_State" Type="String" />
  599.         <asp:Parameter Name="Dealership_ZipCode" Type="String" />
  600.     </InsertParameters>
  601.     </asp:SqlDataSource>
  603. </div>             
  605. </asp:Content>

Jan 12 '10 #1
4 2883
9,735 Recognized Expert Moderator Expert
Hi J,

In the future could you please only post the code that pertains to your question. That is a lot of code to ask people to look over. Also, in the future, please post your code in code tags.

Anyways, I've never used a FormView before and I don't have much experience with the SqlDataSource; however, it sounds like you've designed your database in such a way that nulls aren't allowed. In this case you must provide a value for the fields that cannot be set to null or you have to change your database to allow nulls to be entered (but in a lot of cases it doesn't make sense to do this because the database design requires it)

So, I recommend using things like the Validator controls to make sure that the user has entered something. You could also consider setting default values to help the user along.

Jan 12 '10 #2
2 New Member

I will do all of the above. Thanks or your response. Nulls are allowed the db. How do you set default values for textboxes that also have bind.



Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <asp:TextBox class="aclDetTxt" ID="TextBox9" runat="Server" Text='<%# Bind("Dealership_City")%>'>
  2.                                     </asp:TextBox> 
Jan 12 '10 #3
390 Recognized Expert Contributor
This article may help you
http:// forums.asp.net/t/1064910.aspx
Jan 14 '10 #4
9,735 Recognized Expert Moderator Expert
Ahh, I think you'd be interested in looking at creating an EmptyDataTempla te for rows that contain not data.

Jan 25 '10 #5

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