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Session Expires very quickly

106 New Member
Hi all

I have developed Website in asp.net. The site was working fine for more than 6 months. Now from 3 to 4 days I m facing a problem. When I login as Admin to Administrator and create Session for the administrator. The Session expires in less than a minute. I don't know why i m facing this problem. I m sure that I did nothing to code that cause this problem.

Any Help in this issue.

Thanks in Advance.
Mar 17 '09 #1
8 5434
kunal pawar
297 Contributor
check your we.config file
Mar 17 '09 #2
Hamayun Khan
106 New Member
Thanks for ur quick reply

I did nothing for sessiontimeout in web.config file. I want the session to keep live for only 20 minutes.
Mar 17 '09 #3
kunal pawar
297 Contributor
But there is setting related to session time out in web.config
Mar 17 '09 #4
Hamayun Khan
106 New Member
Please look into my web.config file.
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <configuration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0">
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  83.     <rewriter>
  85.     <rewrite url="home/(.+)" to="~/$1.aspx"/>
  87.   </rewriter>
  88. </configuration>
Mar 17 '09 #5
Hamayun Khan
106 New Member
Also The Site is working fine locally when I run it from visual Studio
Mar 17 '09 #6
Hamayun Khan
106 New Member
@kunal pawar
I add the following to web.config file.

<sessionState cookieless="Use Cookies" timeout="60"> </sessionState>

Before I add this line session expires within minute. Now session remain live for 4 to five minutes when I leave the page inactive.
Mar 17 '09 #7
32 New Member
@Hamayun Khan

<sessionState cookieless="Use Cookies" timeout="180"> </sessionState>
Mar 20 '09 #8
9,735 Recognized Expert Moderator Expert
Sometimes Cookieless Sessions are not acceptable, especially in websites that require authentication. ...like this case.

My assumption would be that your worker process is getting recycled because it is growing too large.

If this is the case, then not only will the administrator's session expire, all users using the system will have their sessions expire at the same time.

Make sure that all processes that use resources (like database connections, files access, etc) are cleaned up when they are no longer being used....especia lly with regards to administrator features.

Mar 20 '09 #9

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