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Web Config IIS 7.0

Environment : Windows server 2008, IIS 7.0

I get the 'Could not load the file or assembly 'blowery.web.ht tpCompress' or
one of its dependencies. The system cannot fond the file specified error.
When I comment out the line in the web config file, I get the error on the
line following that.

I have all the dll files in the bin folder.

I am attaching the web config file.

Is this a permission issue ?

Thanks in advance
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuratio n>
<configSections >
<sectionGroup name="system.we b.extensions"
type="System.We b.Configuration .SystemWebExten sionsSectionGro up,
System.Web.Exte nsions, Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral ,
PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5">
<sectionGroup name="scripting "
type="System.We b.Configuration .ScriptingSecti onGroup, System.Web.Exte nsions,
Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5">
<section name="scriptRes ourceHandler"
type="System.We b.Configuration .ScriptingScrip tResourceHandle rSection,
System.Web.Exte nsions, Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral ,
PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5" requirePermissi on="false"
allowDefinition ="MachineToAppl ication"/>
<sectionGroup name="webServic es"
type="System.We b.Configuration .ScriptingWebSe rvicesSectionGr oup,
System.Web.Exte nsions, Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral ,
PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5">
<section name="jsonSeria lization"
type="System.We b.Configuration .ScriptingJsonS erializationSec tion,
System.Web.Exte nsions, Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral ,
PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5" requirePermissi on="false"
allowDefinition ="Everywhere "/>
<section name="profileSe rvice"
type="System.We b.Configuration .ScriptingProfi leServiceSectio n,
System.Web.Exte nsions, Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral ,
PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5" requirePermissi on="false"
allowDefinition ="MachineToAppl ication"/>
<section name="authentic ationService"
type="System.We b.Configuration .ScriptingAuthe nticationServic eSection,
System.Web.Exte nsions, Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral ,
PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5" requirePermissi on="false"
allowDefinition ="MachineToAppl ication"/>
<sectionGroup name="blowery.w eb">
<section name="httpCompr ess"
type="blowery.W eb.HttpCompress .SectionHandler , blowery.Web.Htt pCompress"/>
<sectionGroup name="applicati onSettings"
type="System.Co nfiguration.App licationSetting sGroup, System, Version= ,
Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= b77a5c561934e08 9">
<section name="SMWeb05.P roperties.Setti ngs"
type="System.Co nfiguration.Cli entSettingsSect ion, System, Version= ,
Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= b77a5c561934e08 9" requirePermissi on="false"/>
<add key="Login.Brut eForceDetection .TriesBeforeBlo ck" value="10"/>
<add key="Login.Brut eForceDetection .BlockTime" value="5"/>
<add key="MailServic eAddress" value="IPC"/>
<connectionStri ngs/>
<!-- This adds an http Compression Module to SmarterMail.
see http://www.blowery.org/code/HttpCompressionModule.html for more
acceptable values:
<compressionMod ule preferredAlgori thm="deflate|gz ip"
compressionLeve l="high|normal| low|none"/>
gzip always uses compressionLeve l="normal"
<httpCompress preferredAlgori thm="deflate" compressionLeve l="low">
<excludedMimeTy pes>
<add type="image/gif"/>
<add type="image/jpg"/>
<add type="image/jpeg"/>
<add type="applicati on/octet-stream"/>
<add type="applicati on/vnd.syncml+xml"/>
</excludedMimeTyp es>
<excludedPath s>
<add path="frmReadMa il_Attachment.a spx"/>
<add path="WebResour ce.axd"/>
<add path="frmKeepAl ive.aspx"/>
<add path="frmPrintP review.aspx"/>
<xhtmlConforman ce mode="Transitio nal"/>
<add name="OutputCac he" type="System.We b.Caching.Outpu tCacheModule"/>
<add name="Session" type="System.We b.SessionState. SessionStateMod ule"/>
<!-- <add name="FormsAuth entication"
type="System.We b.Security.Form sAuthentication Module" />
<add name="RoleManag er" type="System.We b.Security.Role ManagerModule" />
<add name="UrlAuthor ization"
type="System.We b.Security.UrlA uthorizationMod ule" />
<add name="FileAutho rization"
type="System.We b.Security.File AuthorizationMo dule" />
<add name="Anonymous Identification"
type="System.We b.Security.Anon ymousIdentifica tionModule" />
<add name="ErrorHand lerModule"
type="System.We b.Mobile.ErrorH andlerModule, System.Web.Mobi le,
Version= , Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= b03f5f7f11d50a3 a"/>
<add name="ScriptMod ule" type="System.We b.Handlers.Scri ptModule,
System.Web.Exte nsions, Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral ,
PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5"/>
<add name="Compressi onModule" type="blowery.W eb.HttpCompress .HttpModule,
blowery.web.Htt pCompress"/>
<add name="RadUpload Module"
type="Telerik.W ebControls.RadU ploadHttpModule , RadUpload.Net2"/>
<httpHandlers >
<add verb="*" path="EditorSty leSheetHandler. ashx"
type="SMWeb05.H elperClasses.Ha ndler.EditorSty leSheetHandler"/>
<add verb="*" path="StyleShee t.ashx"
type="SmarterTo ols.Web.HttpHan dlers.CommonCss Handler, SmarterTools.We b"/>
<add verb="*" path="Javascrip t.ashx"
type="SmarterTo ols.Web.HttpHan dlers.CommonJSH andler, SmarterTools.We b"/>
<add verb="*" path="TempResou rceHandler.ashx "
type="SmarterTo ols.Web.HttpHan dlers.TempResou rceHandler, SmarterTools.We b"/>
<remove verb="*" path="*.asmx"/>
<add verb="*" path="*.asmx" validate="false "
type="System.We b.Script.Servic es.ScriptHandle rFactory, System.Web.Exte nsions,
Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5"/>
<add verb="*" path="*_AppServ ice.axd" validate="false "
type="System.We b.Script.Servic es.ScriptHandle rFactory, System.Web.Exte nsions,
Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5"/>
<add verb="*" path="Telerik.R adUploadProgres sHandler.aspx"
type="Telerik.W ebControls.RadU ploadProgressHa ndler, RadUpload.Net2" ></add>
<add verb="GET,HEAD" path="ScriptRes ource.axd"
type="System.We b.Handlers.Scri ptResourceHandl er, System.Web.Exte nsions,
Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5"
validate="false "/>
<pages validateRequest ="false" buffer="true">
<add tagPrefix="STWC " namespace="Smar terTools.Web.Co ntrols"
assembly="Smart erTools.Web"/>
<add tagPrefix="SMWC " namespace="SMWe b05.UserControl s"
assembly="SMWeb 05"/>
<add tagPrefix="UC" namespace="SMWe b05.UserControl s" assembly="SMWeb 05"/>
<add tagPrefix="asp" namespace="Syst em.Web.UI"
assembly="Syste m.Web.Extension s, Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral ,
PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5"/>
<compilation debug="false">
<add assembly="Syste m.Web.Extension s, Version=1.0.610 25.0,
Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5"/>
<add assembly="Syste m.Design, Version= , Culture=neutral ,
PublicKeyToken= B03F5F7F11D50A3 A"/>
<add assembly="Syste m.Windows.Forms , Version= , Culture=neutral ,
PublicKeyToken= B77A5C561934E08 9"/>
<urlMappings enabled="true">
<add url="~/Main/frmMessagesX.as px" mappedUrl="~/Main/frmMessages.asp x"/>
<add url="~/Main/frmMessagesAdv. aspx" mappedUrl="~/Main/frmMessages.asp x"/>
<authenticati on mode="Windows"/>
<httpRuntime maxRequestLengt h="10240"/>
<customErrors mode="Off" defaultRedirect ="frmError.aspx "/>
<system.web.ext ensions>
<scriptResource Handler enableCompressi on="false" enableCaching=" true"/>
</system.web.exte nsions>
<!--<system.webServ er>
<validation validateIntegra tedModeConfigur ation="false"/>
<add name="ScriptMod ule" preCondition="i ntegratedMode"
type="System.We b.Handlers.Scri ptModule, System.Web.Exte nsions,
Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5"/>
<remove name="WebServic eHandlerFactory-Integrated" />
<add name="ScriptHan dlerFactory" verb="*" path="*.asmx"
preCondition="i ntegratedMode"
type="System.We b.Script.Servic es.ScriptHandle rFactory,
System.Web.Exte nsions, Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral ,
PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5"/>
<add name="ScriptHan dlerFactoryAppS ervices" verb="*"
path="*_AppServ ice.axd" preCondition="i ntegratedMode"
type="System.We b.Script.Servic es.ScriptHandle rFactory,
System.Web.Exte nsions, Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral ,
PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5"/>
<add name="ScriptRes ource" preCondition="i ntegratedMode"
verb="GET,HEAD" path="ScriptRes ource.axd"
type="System.We b.Handlers.Scri ptResourceHandl er, System.Web.Exte nsions,
Version=1.0.610 25.0, Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= 31bf3856ad364e3 5" />
</system.webServe r>-->
<applicationSet tings>
<SMWeb05.Proper ties.Settings>
<setting name="SMWeb05_P roductInfo_Prod uctInfo" serializeAs="St ring">
<value>http://www.smartertool s.com/billing/services/ProductInfo.asm x</value>
</SMWeb05.Propert ies.Settings>
</applicationSett ings>

Sep 19 '08 #1
0 3480

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