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Annoying problem with event being raised twice

I have DataList control on my own contro land it is bind to SqlDataSource
control. My problem is that DataList is getting needed data twice what is
for me very strange. I have some code in OnSelected event of SqlDataSource,
and i was suprised when it was fired twice for every page loading.

His is code of datalist:
<td style="width: 5%;">
<td colspan="3">
<asp:DropDownLi st ID="ddlConversi onDates" runat="server"
AutoPostBack="T rue" DataSourceID="s qldsConversionD ates"
DataTextField=" ConversionDate"
DataValueField= "ConversionDate ">
</asp:DropDownLis t>
<asp:SqlDataSou rce ID="sqldsConver sionDates" runat="server"
ConnectionStrin g="<%$ ConnectionStrin gs:dbConnection String %>"
SelectCommand=" owrsp_GetConver sionDatesForPOS "
SelectCommandTy pe="StoredProce dure"
DataSourceMode= "DataReader ">
<SelectParamete rs>
<asp:Paramete r Name="jo" Type="String" />
</SelectParameter s>
</asp:SqlDataSour ce>
<td style="width: 5%;">
<td colspan="3">
<asp:Label ID="lSupportInf o" runat="server" Text=""
Visible="false" Font-Size="14px"
Font-Bold="true" Width="100%"></asp:Label>
<asp:DataList ID="dlSupportIn fo" runat="server"
DataKeyField="P rofileID" DataSourceID="s qldsSupportInfo "
Width="100%" RepeatDirection ="Horizontal " ShowFooter="Fal se"
ShowHeader="Fal se"
CssClass="dataT able" CellSpacing="-1"
OnPreRender="dl SupportInfo_Pre Render">
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:Label Font-Bold="true" ID="ProfileIDLa bel"
runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("ProfileID ") %>'
ToolTip='<%# "Profil: " + Eval("Name") +
Environment.New Line + Eval("Descripti on") %>'></asp:Label><br />
<asp:Label ID="SupportLabe l" runat="server" Text='<%#
Eval("Support") + " / " + Eval("Need") %>'
ToolTip=""></asp:Label><br />
<asp:SqlDataSou rce ID="sqldsSuppor tInfo" runat="server"
ConnectionStrin g="<%$ ConnectionStrin gs:dbConnection String %>"
SelectCommand=" owrsp_GetInfoFo rSupportPOSNeed "
SelectCommandTy pe="StoredProce dure"
DataSourceMode= "DataReader "
OnSelected="sql dsSupportInfo_S elected">
<SelectParamete rs>
<asp:Paramete r Name="jo" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlPar ameter ControlID="ddlC onversionDates"
Name="conversio nDate" PropertyName="S electedValue"
Type="DateTime" />
</SelectParameter s>
</asp:SqlDataSour ce>

Here i set jo params i page load:

protected void Page_Load(objec t sender, EventArgs e)
//getting JO of updating POS
NavigatorItem selectedItem = (NavigatorItem) Parameters["Item"];
unitName = selectedItem.Te xt;
GetSelectedItem JO(selectedItem );

//setting parameters of controls
sqldsConversion Dates.SelectPar ameters["jo"].DefaultValue = jo;
sqldsSupportInf o.SelectParamet ers["jo"].DefaultValue = jo;

This is call trace:
Coordinators_Us erControls_Supp ort_POS.sqldsSu pportInfo_Selec ted(object,
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.SqlD ataSourceStatus EventArgs), Thread: 0xF40 <No
Name>, Stack:
App_Web_irip9ki 6.dll!Coordinat ors_UserControl s_Support_POS.s qldsSupportInfo _Selected
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.SqlD ataSourceView.O nSelected
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.SqlD ataSourceView.E xecuteSelect
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Base DataList.GetDat a
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Data List.CreateCont rolHierarchy
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Base DataList.OnData Binding
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Base DataList.DataBi nd
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Base DataList.Ensure DataBound
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Base DataList.Create ChildControls
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.EnsureCh ildControls
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.PreRende rRecursiveInter nal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.PreRende rRecursiveInter nal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.PreRende rRecursiveInter nal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.PreRende rRecursiveInter nal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.PreRende rRecursiveInter nal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.PreRende rRecursiveInter nal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.PreRende rRecursiveInter nal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.P age.ProcessRequ estMain
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.P age.ProcessRequ est
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.P age.ProcessRequ est
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.P age.ProcessRequ estWithNoAssert
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.P age.ProcessRequ est
App_Web_w8u2q5z q.dll!ASP.coord inators_coordin atorsportal_asp x.ProcessReques t
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Application.Cal lHandlerExecuti onStep.System.W eb.HttpApplicat ion.IExecutionS tep.Execute
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Application.Exe cuteStep
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Application.Res umeSteps
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Application.Sys tem.Web.IHttpAs yncHandler.Begi nProcessRequest
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Runtime.Process RequestInternal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Runtime.Process RequestNow
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Runtime.Process RequestNoDemand
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Runtime.Process Request
WebDev.WebHost. dll!Microsoft.V isualStudio.Web Host.Request.Pr ocess
WebDev.WebHost. dll!Microsoft.V isualStudio.Web Host.Host.Proce ssRequest
[Appdomain Transition]
WebDev.WebHost. dll!Microsoft.V isualStudio.Web Host.Server.OnS ocketAccept
mscorlib.dll!Sy stem.Threading. _ThreadPoolWait Callback.WaitCa llback_Context
mscorlib.dll!Sy stem.Threading. ExecutionContex t.Run
mscorlib.dll!Sy stem.Threading. _ThreadPoolWait Callback.Perfor mWaitCallback

Coordinators_Us erControls_Supp ort_POS.sqldsSu pportInfo_Selec ted(object,
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.SqlD ataSourceStatus EventArgs), Thread: 0xF40 <No
Name>, Stack:
App_Web_irip9ki 6.dll!Coordinat ors_UserControl s_Support_POS.s qldsSupportInfo _Selected
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.SqlD ataSourceView.O nSelected
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.SqlD ataSourceView.E xecuteSelect
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Base DataList.GetDat a
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Data List.CreateCont rolHierarchy
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Base DataList.OnData Binding
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Base DataList.DataBi nd
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Base DataList.Ensure DataBound
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Base DataList.OnPreR ender
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.PreRende rRecursiveInter nal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.PreRende rRecursiveInter nal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.PreRende rRecursiveInter nal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.PreRende rRecursiveInter nal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.PreRende rRecursiveInter nal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.PreRende rRecursiveInter nal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.PreRende rRecursiveInter nal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.P age.ProcessRequ estMain
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.P age.ProcessRequ est
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.P age.ProcessRequ est
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.P age.ProcessRequ estWithNoAssert
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.P age.ProcessRequ est
App_Web_w8u2q5z q.dll!ASP.coord inators_coordin atorsportal_asp x.ProcessReques t
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Application.Cal lHandlerExecuti onStep.System.W eb.HttpApplicat ion.IExecutionS tep.Execute
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Application.Exe cuteStep
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Application.Res umeSteps
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Application.Sys tem.Web.IHttpAs yncHandler.Begi nProcessRequest
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Runtime.Process RequestInternal
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Runtime.Process RequestNow
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Runtime.Process RequestNoDemand
System.Web.dll! System.Web.Http Runtime.Process Request
WebDev.WebHost. dll!Microsoft.V isualStudio.Web Host.Request.Pr ocess
WebDev.WebHost. dll!Microsoft.V isualStudio.Web Host.Host.Proce ssRequest
[Appdomain Transition]
WebDev.WebHost. dll!Microsoft.V isualStudio.Web Host.Server.OnS ocketAccept
mscorlib.dll!Sy stem.Threading. _ThreadPoolWait Callback.WaitCa llback_Context
mscorlib.dll!Sy stem.Threading. ExecutionContex t.Run
mscorlib.dll!Sy stem.Threading. _ThreadPoolWait Callback.Perfor mWaitCallback

Call stacks are different here:
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Base DataList.Ensure DataBound
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Base DataList.Create ChildControls
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.C ontrol.EnsureCh ildControls
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Base DataList.Ensure DataBound
System.Web.dll! System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Base DataList.OnPreR ender
It seems like EnsureDataBound metod doesnt feel that datalist has already
bounded data.

Please help
Jun 27 '08 #1
0 1093

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