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Can login with Login Control

I used login Controls of VS2005 to develop Web application.
My program will check password and user ID in login.aspx. If the password
is wrong, my program will display an "password is wrong" message to user.
If the ID and password are correct, my program wiill transfer to home.aspx
After my program deployment to server, when user login with correct ID and
wrong pw, it display "password is wrong" message.
But if the ID and password are both correct, it stay in login.aspx with no
"password is wrong" message, but not transfer to home.aspx.

It may be something wrong ! How can I do?
Aug 28 '06 #1
9 2405
hi ad,
how can we know what's wrong when you didn't post any code?!
please post your web.config and all the code-behind for your login page.

Aug 28 '06 #2
Thanks, below is my web.config and custum MembershipProvi der
Please help me.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuratio n xmlns="http://schemas.microso ft.com/.NetConfigurati on/v2.0">
<connectionStri ngs>
............... .......
</connectionStrin gs>
<httpRuntime maxRequestLengt h="2097151"/>
<membership defaultProvider ="MyMembershipP rovider">
<add name="MyMembers hipProvider" type="MyMembers hipProvider"
minRequiredPass wordLength="7"/>
<httpHandlers >
<authenticati on mode="Forms">
<forms name="HealthCoo kie" loginUrl="Login .aspx" defaultUrl="~/Home.aspx"
protection="Val idation">
<authorizatio n>
<deny users="?"/>
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnl y"
defaultRedirect ="~/ErrorPage/GenericErrorPag e.aspx">
<pages maintainScrollP ositionOnPostBa ck="true"
masterPageFile= "~/MasterPage.mast er"/>
<sessionState mode="InProc"/>
<compilation debug="true">
<buildProviders >
public class MyMembershipPro vider : MembershipProvi der
private FormsAuthentica tionUserCollect ion _users = null;
private FormsAuthPasswo rdFormat _passwordFormat ;
//private int _MinRequiredNon AlphanumericCha racters = 0;
private int _MinRequiredPas swordLength = 4;
//private int _MaxInvalidPass wordAttempts = 5;
//private int _PasswordAttemp tWindow = 5;
#region Not Implemented Members
public override string ApplicationName
............... ..............

public override MembershipUser GetUser(string username, bool
DateTime myDate = DateTime.Today;
MembershipUser user = new MembershipUser(
Name, // Provider name
username, // Username
null, // providerUserKey
"aa@wfs.tan.edu .tw", // Email
String.Empty, // passwordQuestio n
"Comment", // Comment
true, // isApproved
false, // isLockedOut
DateTime.Now, // creationDate
DateTime.Now, // lastLoginDate
DateTime.Now, // lastActivityDat e
DateTime.Now, // lastPasswordCha ngedDate
new DateTime(1980, 1, 1) // lastLockoutDate
return user;

public override bool ChangePassword( string username, string
oldPassword, string newPassword)
............... ............... ...............
public override void Initialize(stri ng name,
System.Collecti ons.Specialized .NameValueColle ction config)
base.Initialize (name, config);
_passwordFormat = getPasswordForm at();
string sMin=config["minRequiredPas swordLength"].ToString();
sMin = WillNs.Util.Get Default(sMin, "4");
_MinRequiredPas swordLength = int.Parse(sMin) ;

public override bool ValidateUser(st ring username, string password)
bool Authenticated = false;
Authenticated = DMHealth.CheckP W(username, password);
if (Authenticated)
//HttpContext.Cur rent.Session.Ab andon();
new AuthenticationS uccessEvent(use rname, this).Raise();
return true;
new AuthenticationF ailureEvent(use rname, this).Raise();
return false;

protected FormsAuthentica tionUserCollect ion getUsers()
if (_users == null)
AuthenticationS ection section = getAuthenticati onSection();
FormsAuthentica tionCredentials creds =
section.Forms.C redentials;
_users = section.Forms.C redentials.User s;

return _users;

protected AuthenticationS ection getAuthenticati onSection()
Configuration config =
WebConfiguratio nManager.OpenWe bConfiguration( "~");
(Authentication Section)config. GetSection("sys tem.web/authentication" );

protected FormsAuthPasswo rdFormat getPasswordForm at()
getAuthenticati onSection().For ms.Credentials. PasswordFormat;
protected MembershipSecti on getMembershipSe ction()
Configuration config =
WebConfiguratio nManager.OpenWe bConfiguration( "~");
(MembershipSect ion)config.GetS ection("system. web/Membership");

"Tim_Mac" <ti********@com munity.nospam级 糶秎ン穝籇:uP **************@ TK2MSFTNGP03.ph x.gbl...
hi ad,
how can we know what's wrong when you didn't post any code?!
please post your web.config and all the code-behind for your login page.


Aug 28 '06 #3
hi Ad,
i notice you have ~/home.aspx as your defaultUrl.
how is your web site deployed in IIS. as a web site? virtual directory?
or just in a folder?
the reason i ask is because the ~ syntax refers to the root of the web
application. if you have it deployed inside a folder without creating an
application in IIS, the ~ url you use would refer to the wrong page and
possibly a 404.

Aug 29 '06 #4
i deployed my project to as an application of IIS.
But maybe the ~/ is not need.
Have there any reason cause repeating login?

"Tim_Mac" <ti********@com munity.nospam级 糶秎ン穝籇:uz **************@ TK2MSFTNGP02.ph x.gbl...
hi Ad,
i notice you have ~/home.aspx as your defaultUrl.
how is your web site deployed in IIS. as a web site? virtual directory?
or just in a folder?
the reason i ask is because the ~ syntax refers to the root of the web
application. if you have it deployed inside a folder without creating an
application in IIS, the ~ url you use would refer to the wrong page and
possibly a 404.


Aug 29 '06 #5
hi Ad,
sorry i'm not sure what you mean by repeating login..
Aug 29 '06 #6
I have remove the ~\ form the defaultUrl, but the user still repeating
That is the login page appear again after the user login sucessfully, the
web application dose not direct to defaultUrl
"Tim_Mac" <ti********@com munity.nospam级 糶秎ン穝籇:uz **************@ TK2MSFTNGP05.ph x.gbl...
hi Ad,
sorry i'm not sure what you mean by repeating login..

Aug 30 '06 #7
hi ad ,
you could try adding an event handler for the OnLoggedIn event of your Login
then you can use Response.Redire ct to go wherever.

hope this helps
"ad" <fl****@wfes.tc c.edu.twwrote in message
news:OX******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP04.phx.gbl...
>I have remove the ~\ form the defaultUrl, but the user still repeating
That is the login page appear again after the user login sucessfully, the
web application dose not direct to defaultUrl
"Tim_Mac" <ti********@com munity.nospam>
级糶秎ン穝籇: uz************* *@TK2MSFTNGP05. phx.gbl...
>hi Ad,
sorry i'm not sure what you mean by repeating login..

Aug 30 '06 #8
Hi, Tim
Today I find a regularity on the problem pc.
If I use http://health/HealthWeb (where health is computer name, HealthWeb
is application name), the repeating login occur, but if I use or, it run ok.
But if I call http://health/HealthWeb from another machine, it run ok.

It's really something strange!

Have some advice?
"Tim_Mac" <ti********@com munity.nospam级 糶秎ン穝籇:eg **************@ TK2MSFTNGP03.ph x.gbl...
hi ad ,
you could try adding an event handler for the OnLoggedIn event of your
Login control.
then you can use Response.Redire ct to go wherever.

hope this helps
"ad" <fl****@wfes.tc c.edu.twwrote in message
news:OX******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP04.phx.gbl...
>>I have remove the ~\ form the defaultUrl, but the user still repeating
That is the login page appear again after the user login sucessfully, the
web application dose not direct to defaultUrl
"Tim_Mac" <ti********@com munity.nospam级 糶秎ン穝籇:uz **************@ TK2MSFTNGP05.ph x.gbl...
>>hi Ad,
sorry i'm not sure what you mean by repeating login..

Aug 31 '06 #9
you could try resetting the browser settings on that PC. it could be caused
by a different security zone for the 'health' web site. i can't imagine
exactly what would prevent the page loading, but perhaps cookies are
disabled or something.

all i can suggest is my previous post to manually redirect the user to
whatever page you want them to, if it is still causing problems.

good luck

"ad" <fl****@wfes.tc c.edu.twwrote in message
news:uS******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP05.phx.gbl...
Hi, Tim
Today I find a regularity on the problem pc.
If I use http://health/HealthWeb (where health is computer name,
HealthWeb is application name), the repeating login occur, but if I use or, it run ok.
But if I call http://health/HealthWeb from another machine, it run ok.

It's really something strange!

Have some advice?
"Tim_Mac" <ti********@com munity.nospam>
级糶秎ン穝籇: eg************* *@TK2MSFTNGP03. phx.gbl...
>hi ad ,
you could try adding an event handler for the OnLoggedIn event of your
Login control.
then you can use Response.Redire ct to go wherever.

hope this helps
"ad" <fl****@wfes.tc c.edu.twwrote in message
news:OX******* *******@TK2MSFT NGP04.phx.gbl.. .
>>>I have remove the ~\ form the defaultUrl, but the user still repeating
That is the login page appear again after the user login sucessfully,
the web application dose not direct to defaultUrl
"Tim_Mac" <ti********@com munity.nospam>
级糶秎ン穝 D:uz*********** ***@TK2MSFTNGP0 5.phx.gbl...
hi Ad,
sorry i'm not sure what you mean by repeating login..

Aug 31 '06 #10

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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