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Welcome to the ASP.NET FAQ.

The online version of this FAQ is at http://asp.net.do/faq/
Bookmark it!

Thank you for reading this FAQ!
Use it to improve your online experience.

The Microsoft Public Newsgroups allow users of Microsoft products to exchange technical
information and expertise. Please avoid personal attacks, slurs and profanity in your

A FAQ is a list of Frequently Answered Questions;
This is a guide to using this newsgroup intelligently in order to find answers to your
ASP.NET questions.

The kind of answer you get to your questions depends on the way
you ask the questions as well as on the difficulty of writing the answer.

This FAQ will show you how to ask questions in a way that is likely to get you the answer
you want to get : the right answer.

You have to do your part, too, if this is going to work out in such a way
that you *learn* what you need to learn, instead of getting ready-made answers
which you will promptly forget and need to ask for them again.

With that in mind, the first FAQ recommendation is that you use search engines
to find out if the question you intend to ask has been already answered in newsgroups.

Use resources like :

Google Groups Advanced Search ( http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search )
MSN Search ( http://www.msn.com/ )

to search for the text of the problem which is stumping you,
and save everybody the waste of time that asking a FAQ entails.

Remember : thousands of programmers will read your post. Be considerate of their time.

1. General ASP.NET Questions

1.1 What is ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is a technology for creating dynamic Web pages which uses the .Net Framework.

You can author applications in any .NET compatible language, including Visual Basic .NET,
C#, and JScript .NET, and many others listed at
http://www.dotnetpowered.com/languages.aspx .

1.2 Where can I get ASP.NET?

You can get ASP.NET by installing the Microsoft .NET Framework on a computer which has IIS
The .NET Framework is available in either a redistributable or SDK format.

ASP.NET 2.0, currently in Beta, will be released the first week in November, 2005.

1.3 I've installed the .NET Framework, but ASP.NET doesn't seem to work.
What can I do to fix it?

You must install IIS before you install the .NET Framework.

If you install IIS after you install the .NET Framework,
you must then register the ASP.NET extensions with IIS.

You can do this by running the aspnet_regiis executable from:
%windows root directory%\Micr osoft.NET\Frame work\%version of the .NET
Framework%\aspn et_regiis -i

Where %windows root directory% is the directory Windows is installed to
(normally c:\windows or c:\winnt) and %version of the .NET Framework%
is the version of the .NET Framework you have installed.

The directory for .NET 1.0 is v1.0.3705 ; for 1.1 it's v1.1.4322 and for Beta 2, it's

It's always a good idea to try to find the answer to your question by reading the
Yes, Read The Manual! The ASP.NET Quickstarts have many answers and samples.

You can install a local copy of the QuickStarts by installing the ASP.NET SDK.

The ASP.NET 1.1 SDK is available at :

The ASP.NET 2.0 SDK comes with the VS.NET Beta :

If you can't install local copies of the ASP.NET QuickStart,

the ASP.NET 1.1 QuickStart is available online at :

The ASP.NET 1.1 Starter Kits are available at :

The ASP.NET 2.0 QuickStart is available online at :

The ASP.NET Beta 2 Starter Kits are available at :

Always try to find an answer by experimenting with the code.
The .NET Framework Class Browser is of great assistance to help you do this.

The .NET Framework 1.1 Class Browser is available at :
and also at :

The .NET Framework 2.0 Class Browser is available at :

MSDN has all the ASP.NET documentation and Knowledge Base articles online.

Search MSDN for ASP.NET and .Net Framework questions at:

Search the MSDN Visual Studio Beta 2 documentation at:

Major changes to ASP.NET and VS.NET going from Beta 2 --> RTM :
Obsolete APIs removed after Beta 2 :

2. Newsgroup Questions

2.1 What subjects are appropriate in this newsgroup?

Any subject which relates to programming, installing or configuring ASP.NET.
Please don't post questions unrelated to ASP.NET.

ASP.NET is not the same as ASP. If you have questions relating to "Classic ASP",
post them in the ASP newsgroups, e.g. microsoft.publi c.inetserver.as p.general.

We encourage the posting of links to free ASP.NET controls/assemblies you have developed,
but request that commercial product availabilities be sent to :

microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.anno uncements

Otherwise, your post will be deleted as SPAM.

2.2 How to write your post

a. Make the "Subject" a short, relevant summary of your problem

b. Make sure you describe your problem accurately.
Please post the exact code which is failing/generating your error.
That will help others find the solution to your problem.

c. Deal with one problem at a time.
If you have more than one problem, post it separately.

d. Make sure you include the version of ASP.NET and the
operating system you are using. This *really* helps others help you!

If the problem is a browser-related problem, include the relevant
browser identity and operating system information.

e. If you are getting an error message, include the error number and its text.

f. Tell us what you have already tried to do to solve the problem.

2.3 How not to write your post

a. Avoid cross-posting, unless your problem applies to more than one newsgroup.

b. Never post identical messages with different subjects.
This is a sure way to get your posts ignored.

c. Don't post your message in ALL CAPITALS. It's very hard to read.
This is another sure way to get your posts ignored.

d. Don't use unclear subject lines which don't summarize a problem, like these:

Need help please.
Any experts here?

This is yet another sure way to get your posts ignored.

e. Don't ask for an email reply. The basis for peer-to-peer help newsgroups
like this one is for *everybody* to be helped by the answers provided.

f. Don't flame anyone, period. Nobody needs that in technical newsgroups.
If something, or someone, irks you, ignore the post.

Please treat all participants with respect, valuing divergent views and contrary
Be polite. Share your perspectives to question ideas and stimulate interesting

g. The ASP.NET newsgroups, like all Microsoft public ng's, are unmoderated.

From time to time, there will be totally off-topic posts from trolls, spammers,
pornographers, etc. Please don't reply to these posts, as it's a waste of time.

Instead, killfile the poster if the post bothers you.

Microsoft has an anti-spam program in effect, and spam messages
are eliminated by a community program, but it's difficult to detect
some SPAM messages. Have patience and don't reply to any SPAM message.

We will get to it, and delete it.

2.4 Dealing with replies to your post

a. Trim unnecessary text from the replies to your posts, leaving just enough to
get the context of the reply and the original problem. This is greatly
appreciated by the people who are trying to help you, since it saves them time.

b. Analyze the suggestion you were given, and test to see whether it solves the problem.

c. If the problem isn't solved by the suggestion, explain why in a follow-up reply.

2.5 After you get your answer...

a. Confirm whether the proposed solution worked or not.

b. Thank the poster who gave you the answer to your question.

For people who spend their free time, unpaid, helping others in
peer-to-peer newsgroups, there's nothing better than to get a "Thank you".

Your "Thank you" is also helpful to others reading about your problem
because they see that the solution sent to you *did* work.

ASP.NET links :

Learning ASP.NET : http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/learn/

ASP.NET Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/

ASP.NET Developer Center Archive : http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/archive/default.aspx

ASP.NET Forums : http://forums.asp.net/ ( Online ASP.NET Forum )

ASP.NET 1.1 Support Center : http://support.microsoft.com/ph/6351

ASP.NET Security Practices :

ASP.NET Security How Tos :

ADO.NET Support Center : http://support.microsoft.com/adonet

SQL Server Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/SQL/

IIS Tips and Hints : http://www.asp.net/Default.aspx?tabindex=9&tabid=48

Please ask VS2005 questions at http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/ , and not in this ASP.NET

ASP.NET 2.0 questions can be posted either here or at :

Official FAQs and Developer Resources :

ASP.NET Beta 2 FAQ : http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/be...q/default.aspx

..Net Framework Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/

VB Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/

C# Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/vcsharp/

J# Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/vjsharp/

New ASP.NET Developer? See : http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/le...todevelopment/

Free Learning Courses from Microsoft : http://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/vs2005/learning/

ASP.NET Webcasts at MSDN : http://www.microsoft.com/events/seri...aspnetoct.mspx

Fritz Onion's Essential ASP.NET Webcasts :

Selected MSDN Technical Articles on ASP.NET :

Full Index to MSDN ASP.NET articles :

Free Online Book : Improving .Net Application Performance and Scalability:

Dedicated ASP.NET newsgroups at msnews.microsof t.com ( Microsoft's public nntp server ):

microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.secu rity
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.cach ing
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.webs ervices
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.buil dingcontrols
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.webc ontrols
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.data gridcontrol
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.anno uncements

The general .NET Framework newsgroup is : microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork

The ADO.NET newsgroup is : microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.adonet

The newsgroups for SQL Server and MSDE are :
microsoft.publi c.sqlserver.ser ver and microsoft.publi c.sqlserver.msd e

If you have a question which would fit better at one of the
above newsgroups, consider posting it in the appropiate one(s).

You can also use the HTML interface to the Microsoft Discussion Groups :

Other FAQs and Developer Resources :

Connection Strings : http://www.connectionstrings.com/

SQL Server Forums : http://www.sqlmonster.com/

DotNetJunkies : http://www.dotnetjunkies.com/

ASP.NET at 4GuysFromRolla : http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/

ASP.NET at the ASP Alliance :

Wintellect's ASP.NET FAQ : http://www.wintellect.com/resources/....aspx?faq_id=1

W3Schools ASP.NET Tutorial : http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/default.asp

Egghead Cafe : http://www.eggheadcafe.com/default.asp

123aspx ASP.NET Directory : http://www.123aspx.com/

411 ASP.NET Resource Directory : http://www.411asp.net/

..NET 247 Assembly References and Discussions :

..Net Framework FAQ : http://www.andymcm.com/dotnetfaq.htm

Bill Evjen's "Learn ASP.NET" page :

Jon Skeet's C# FAQ and articles : http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/csharp/

Articles : http://odetocode.com/Articles/default.aspx
Resources : http://odetocode.com/Resources/default.aspx

Karl Seguin's ASP.NET articles : http://www.openmymind.net/MyArticles.aspx

Steve Orr's list of free controls : http://steveorr.net/freecontrols/

C# FAQ for C++ programmers : http://www.andymcm.com/csharpfaq.htm

Free eBook : VB.NET Fundamentals, Sheriff and Getz :

Free Computer Science books and lecture notes : http://www.freetechbooks.com/

ASP.NET Version Switcher : http://www.denisbauer.com/NETTools/A...nSwitcher.aspx

Interesting Blogs for ASP.NET Developers:

Scott Guthrie : http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu
Dino Esposito : http://weblogs.asp.net/despos
Scott Mitchell : http://www.scottonwriting.net/
Brock Allen : http://staff.develop.com/ballen/blog/
Bill Evjen : http://www.geekswithblogs.net/evjen
Rick Strahl : http://west-wind.com/weblog/
Rob Howard : http://weblogs.asp.net/rhoward/
Scott Watermasysk : http://scottwater.com/blog/default.aspx
Nikhil Kothari : http://www.nikhilk.net/
G. Andrew Duthie : http://blogs.msdn.com/gduthie/
Steven Smith : http://blogs.aspadvice.com/ssmith/
Kent Sharkey : http://www.acmebinary.com/blogs/kent

We are working on a FAQ for specific programming questions.
When it's ready, we will include a link to it in this FAQ.
Nov 19 '05 #1
6 1965
Just out of interest, you posted this comprehensive FAQ for the group, but
it left me wondering if you are someone in authority ( Microsoft Employee
etc ) or have you just thought you would post this for general consumption.
Also, where did this FAQ come from ?

Regards - Mr Newbie.

"Juan T. Llibre" <no***********@ nowhere.com> wrote in message
news:Ov******** *******@TK2MSFT NGP12.phx.gbl.. .
Welcome to the ASP.NET FAQ.

The online version of this FAQ is at http://asp.net.do/faq/
Bookmark it!

Thank you for reading this FAQ!
Use it to improve your online experience.

The Microsoft Public Newsgroups allow users of Microsoft products to
exchange technical
information and expertise. Please avoid personal attacks, slurs and
profanity in your posts.

A FAQ is a list of Frequently Answered Questions;
This is a guide to using this newsgroup intelligently in order to find
answers to your ASP.NET questions.

The kind of answer you get to your questions depends on the way
you ask the questions as well as on the difficulty of writing the answer.

This FAQ will show you how to ask questions in a way that is likely to get
you the answer you want to get : the right answer.

You have to do your part, too, if this is going to work out in such a way
that you *learn* what you need to learn, instead of getting ready-made
which you will promptly forget and need to ask for them again.

With that in mind, the first FAQ recommendation is that you use search
to find out if the question you intend to ask has been already answered in

Use resources like :

Google Groups Advanced Search (
http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search )
MSN Search ( http://www.msn.com/ )

to search for the text of the problem which is stumping you,
and save everybody the waste of time that asking a FAQ entails.

Remember : thousands of programmers will read your post. Be considerate of
their time.

1. General ASP.NET Questions

1.1 What is ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is a technology for creating dynamic Web pages which uses the .Net

You can author applications in any .NET compatible language, including
Visual Basic .NET,
C#, and JScript .NET, and many others listed at
http://www.dotnetpowered.com/languages.aspx .

1.2 Where can I get ASP.NET?

You can get ASP.NET by installing the Microsoft .NET Framework on a
computer which has IIS installed.
The .NET Framework is available in either a redistributable or SDK format.

ASP.NET 2.0, currently in Beta, will be released the first week in
November, 2005.

1.3 I've installed the .NET Framework, but ASP.NET doesn't seem to work.
What can I do to fix it?

You must install IIS before you install the .NET Framework.

If you install IIS after you install the .NET Framework,
you must then register the ASP.NET extensions with IIS.

You can do this by running the aspnet_regiis executable from:
%windows root directory%\Micr osoft.NET\Frame work\%version of the .NET
Framework%\aspn et_regiis -i

Where %windows root directory% is the directory Windows is installed to
(normally c:\windows or c:\winnt) and %version of the .NET Framework%
is the version of the .NET Framework you have installed.

The directory for .NET 1.0 is v1.0.3705 ; for 1.1 it's v1.1.4322 and for
Beta 2, it's v2.0.50215.

It's always a good idea to try to find the answer to your question by
reading the documentation.
Yes, Read The Manual! The ASP.NET Quickstarts have many answers and

You can install a local copy of the QuickStarts by installing the ASP.NET

The ASP.NET 1.1 SDK is available at :

The ASP.NET 2.0 SDK comes with the VS.NET Beta :

If you can't install local copies of the ASP.NET QuickStart,

the ASP.NET 1.1 QuickStart is available online at :

The ASP.NET 1.1 Starter Kits are available at :

The ASP.NET 2.0 QuickStart is available online at :

The ASP.NET Beta 2 Starter Kits are available at :

Always try to find an answer by experimenting with the code.
The .NET Framework Class Browser is of great assistance to help you do

The .NET Framework 1.1 Class Browser is available at :
and also at :

The .NET Framework 2.0 Class Browser is available at :

MSDN has all the ASP.NET documentation and Knowledge Base articles online.

Search MSDN for ASP.NET and .Net Framework questions at:

Search the MSDN Visual Studio Beta 2 documentation at:

Major changes to ASP.NET and VS.NET going from Beta 2 --> RTM :
Obsolete APIs removed after Beta 2 :

2. Newsgroup Questions

2.1 What subjects are appropriate in this newsgroup?

Any subject which relates to programming, installing or configuring
Please don't post questions unrelated to ASP.NET.

ASP.NET is not the same as ASP. If you have questions relating to "Classic
post them in the ASP newsgroups, e.g.
microsoft.publi c.inetserver.as p.general.

We encourage the posting of links to free ASP.NET controls/assemblies you
have developed,
but request that commercial product availabilities be sent to :

microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.anno uncements

Otherwise, your post will be deleted as SPAM.

2.2 How to write your post

a. Make the "Subject" a short, relevant summary of your problem

b. Make sure you describe your problem accurately.
Please post the exact code which is failing/generating your error.
That will help others find the solution to your problem.

c. Deal with one problem at a time.
If you have more than one problem, post it separately.

d. Make sure you include the version of ASP.NET and the
operating system you are using. This *really* helps others help you!

If the problem is a browser-related problem, include the relevant
browser identity and operating system information.

e. If you are getting an error message, include the error number and its

f. Tell us what you have already tried to do to solve the problem.

2.3 How not to write your post

a. Avoid cross-posting, unless your problem applies to more than one

b. Never post identical messages with different subjects.
This is a sure way to get your posts ignored.

c. Don't post your message in ALL CAPITALS. It's very hard to read.
This is another sure way to get your posts ignored.

d. Don't use unclear subject lines which don't summarize a problem, like

Need help please.
Any experts here?

This is yet another sure way to get your posts ignored.

e. Don't ask for an email reply. The basis for peer-to-peer help
like this one is for *everybody* to be helped by the answers provided.

f. Don't flame anyone, period. Nobody needs that in technical newsgroups.
If something, or someone, irks you, ignore the post.

Please treat all participants with respect, valuing divergent views and
contrary opinions.
Be polite. Share your perspectives to question ideas and stimulate
interesting discussions.

g. The ASP.NET newsgroups, like all Microsoft public ng's, are

From time to time, there will be totally off-topic posts from trolls,
pornographers, etc. Please don't reply to these posts, as it's a waste
of time.

Instead, killfile the poster if the post bothers you.

Microsoft has an anti-spam program in effect, and spam messages
are eliminated by a community program, but it's difficult to detect
some SPAM messages. Have patience and don't reply to any SPAM message.

We will get to it, and delete it.

2.4 Dealing with replies to your post

a. Trim unnecessary text from the replies to your posts, leaving just
enough to
get the context of the reply and the original problem. This is greatly
appreciated by the people who are trying to help you, since it saves
them time.

b. Analyze the suggestion you were given, and test to see whether it
solves the problem.

c. If the problem isn't solved by the suggestion, explain why in a
follow-up reply.

2.5 After you get your answer...

a. Confirm whether the proposed solution worked or not.

b. Thank the poster who gave you the answer to your question.

For people who spend their free time, unpaid, helping others in
peer-to-peer newsgroups, there's nothing better than to get a "Thank

Your "Thank you" is also helpful to others reading about your problem
because they see that the solution sent to you *did* work.

ASP.NET links :

Learning ASP.NET : http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/learn/

ASP.NET Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/

ASP.NET Developer Center Archive :

ASP.NET Forums : http://forums.asp.net/ ( Online ASP.NET Forum )

ASP.NET 1.1 Support Center : http://support.microsoft.com/ph/6351

ASP.NET Security Practices :

ASP.NET Security How Tos :

ADO.NET Support Center : http://support.microsoft.com/adonet

SQL Server Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/SQL/

IIS Tips and Hints : http://www.asp.net/Default.aspx?tabindex=9&tabid=48

Please ask VS2005 questions at http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/ , and not
in this ASP.NET newsgroup.

ASP.NET 2.0 questions can be posted either here or at :

Official FAQs and Developer Resources :

ASP.NET Beta 2 FAQ :

.Net Framework Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/

VB Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/

C# Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/vcsharp/

J# Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/vjsharp/

New ASP.NET Developer? See :

Free Learning Courses from Microsoft :

ASP.NET Webcasts at MSDN :

Fritz Onion's Essential ASP.NET Webcasts :

Selected MSDN Technical Articles on ASP.NET :

Full Index to MSDN ASP.NET articles :

Free Online Book : Improving .Net Application Performance and Scalability:

Dedicated ASP.NET newsgroups at msnews.microsof t.com ( Microsoft's public
nntp server ):

microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.secu rity
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.cach ing
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.webs ervices
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.buil dingcontrols
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.webc ontrols
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.data gridcontrol
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.anno uncements

The general .NET Framework newsgroup is :
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork

The ADO.NET newsgroup is : microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.adonet

The newsgroups for SQL Server and MSDE are :
microsoft.publi c.sqlserver.ser ver and microsoft.publi c.sqlserver.msd e

If you have a question which would fit better at one of the
above newsgroups, consider posting it in the appropiate one(s).

You can also use the HTML interface to the Microsoft Discussion Groups :

Other FAQs and Developer Resources :

Connection Strings : http://www.connectionstrings.com/

SQL Server Forums : http://www.sqlmonster.com/

DotNetJunkies : http://www.dotnetjunkies.com/

ASP.NET at 4GuysFromRolla : http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/

ASP.NET at the ASP Alliance :

Wintellect's ASP.NET FAQ :

W3Schools ASP.NET Tutorial : http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/default.asp

Egghead Cafe : http://www.eggheadcafe.com/default.asp

123aspx ASP.NET Directory : http://www.123aspx.com/

411 ASP.NET Resource Directory : http://www.411asp.net/

.NET 247 Assembly References and Discussions :

.Net Framework FAQ : http://www.andymcm.com/dotnetfaq.htm

Bill Evjen's "Learn ASP.NET" page :

Jon Skeet's C# FAQ and articles : http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/csharp/

Articles : http://odetocode.com/Articles/default.aspx
Resources : http://odetocode.com/Resources/default.aspx

Karl Seguin's ASP.NET articles : http://www.openmymind.net/MyArticles.aspx

Steve Orr's list of free controls : http://steveorr.net/freecontrols/

C# FAQ for C++ programmers : http://www.andymcm.com/csharpfaq.htm

Free eBook : VB.NET Fundamentals, Sheriff and Getz :

Free Computer Science books and lecture notes :

ASP.NET Version Switcher :

Interesting Blogs for ASP.NET Developers:

Scott Guthrie : http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu
Dino Esposito : http://weblogs.asp.net/despos
Scott Mitchell : http://www.scottonwriting.net/
Brock Allen : http://staff.develop.com/ballen/blog/
Bill Evjen : http://www.geekswithblogs.net/evjen
Rick Strahl : http://west-wind.com/weblog/
Rob Howard : http://weblogs.asp.net/rhoward/
Scott Watermasysk : http://scottwater.com/blog/default.aspx
Nikhil Kothari : http://www.nikhilk.net/
G. Andrew Duthie : http://blogs.msdn.com/gduthie/
Steven Smith : http://blogs.aspadvice.com/ssmith/
Kent Sharkey : http://www.acmebinary.com/blogs/kent

We are working on a FAQ for specific programming questions.
When it's ready, we will include a link to it in this FAQ.

Nov 19 '05 #2
it left me wondering if you are someone in authority (Microsoft Employee
My only "authority" is having dealt with ASP.NET since pre-beta,
and with ASP since pre-beta, since 1997.

I have also co-authored a few books on the subjects :

That might confer me some "authority" , too. ;-)

MVPs cannot be Microsoft employees, btw.

re: you just thought you would post this for general consumption.
Yes I did, primarily as a guide for ASP.NET newbies.
The online version is at : http://asp.net.do/faq/

re: Also, where did this FAQ come from ?
I wrote most of it.

A couple of friendly guys who frequent this newsgroup reviewed it
and made some very much on-target suggestions for improvement.

I took their advice and corrected what concerned them.

If you have any suggestions/corrections/additions for the FAQ, please email me.
The email address is both on the FAQ posted and at the website.

btw, the Q & A portion of the FAQ will be ready shortly.
There's already some 200 questions and answers in it.

I will post the URL here as soon as it's ready.

best regards,

Juan T. Llibre, ASP.NET MVP
ASP.NET FAQ : http://asp.net.do/faq/
Foros de ASP.NET en Español : http://asp.net.do/foros/
=============== =============== ========
"Mr Newbie" <he**@now.com > wrote in message news:O7******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP14.phx.gbl... Just out of interest, you posted this comprehensive FAQ for the group, but it left me
wondering if you are someone in authority ( Microsoft Employee etc ) or have you just
thought you would post this for general consumption. Also, where did this FAQ come from

Regards - Mr Newbie. "Juan T. Llibre" <no***********@ nowhere.com> wrote in message
news:Ov******** *******@TK2MSFT NGP12.phx.gbl.. .
Welcome to the ASP.NET FAQ.

The online version of this FAQ is at http://asp.net.do/faq/ We are working on a FAQ for specific programming questions.
When it's ready, we will include a link to it in this FAQ.

Nov 19 '05 #3
Be happy somone took is time to do it first

"Mr Newbie" <he**@now.com > wrote in message
news:O7******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP14.phx.gbl...
Just out of interest, you posted this comprehensive FAQ for the group, but
it left me wondering if you are someone in authority ( Microsoft Employee
etc ) or have you just thought you would post this for general consumption. Also, where did this FAQ come from ?

Regards - Mr Newbie.

"Juan T. Llibre" <no***********@ nowhere.com> wrote in message
news:Ov******** *******@TK2MSFT NGP12.phx.gbl.. .
Welcome to the ASP.NET FAQ.

The online version of this FAQ is at http://asp.net.do/faq/
Bookmark it!

Thank you for reading this FAQ!
Use it to improve your online experience.

The Microsoft Public Newsgroups allow users of Microsoft products to
exchange technical
information and expertise. Please avoid personal attacks, slurs and
profanity in your posts.

A FAQ is a list of Frequently Answered Questions;
This is a guide to using this newsgroup intelligently in order to find
answers to your ASP.NET questions.

The kind of answer you get to your questions depends on the way
you ask the questions as well as on the difficulty of writing the answer.
This FAQ will show you how to ask questions in a way that is likely to get you the answer you want to get : the right answer.

You have to do your part, too, if this is going to work out in such a way that you *learn* what you need to learn, instead of getting ready-made
which you will promptly forget and need to ask for them again.

With that in mind, the first FAQ recommendation is that you use search
to find out if the question you intend to ask has been already answered in newsgroups.

Use resources like :

Google Groups Advanced Search (
http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search )
MSN Search ( http://www.msn.com/ )

to search for the text of the problem which is stumping you,
and save everybody the waste of time that asking a FAQ entails.

Remember : thousands of programmers will read your post. Be considerate of their time.

1. General ASP.NET Questions

1.1 What is ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is a technology for creating dynamic Web pages which uses the ..Net Framework.

You can author applications in any .NET compatible language, including
Visual Basic .NET,
C#, and JScript .NET, and many others listed at
http://www.dotnetpowered.com/languages.aspx .

1.2 Where can I get ASP.NET?

You can get ASP.NET by installing the Microsoft .NET Framework on a
computer which has IIS installed.
The .NET Framework is available in either a redistributable or SDK format.
ASP.NET 2.0, currently in Beta, will be released the first week in
November, 2005.

1.3 I've installed the .NET Framework, but ASP.NET doesn't seem to work.
What can I do to fix it?

You must install IIS before you install the .NET Framework.

If you install IIS after you install the .NET Framework,
you must then register the ASP.NET extensions with IIS.

You can do this by running the aspnet_regiis executable from:
%windows root directory%\Micr osoft.NET\Frame work\%version of the .NET
Framework%\aspn et_regiis -i

Where %windows root directory% is the directory Windows is installed to
(normally c:\windows or c:\winnt) and %version of the .NET Framework%
is the version of the .NET Framework you have installed.

The directory for .NET 1.0 is v1.0.3705 ; for 1.1 it's v1.1.4322 and for
Beta 2, it's v2.0.50215.

It's always a good idea to try to find the answer to your question by
reading the documentation.
Yes, Read The Manual! The ASP.NET Quickstarts have many answers and

You can install a local copy of the QuickStarts by installing the ASP.NET SDK.

The ASP.NET 1.1 SDK is available at :
9f41-a333c6b9181d&di splaylang=en
The ASP.NET 2.0 SDK comes with the VS.NET Beta :

If you can't install local copies of the ASP.NET QuickStart,

the ASP.NET 1.1 QuickStart is available online at :

The ASP.NET 1.1 Starter Kits are available at :

The ASP.NET 2.0 QuickStart is available online at :

The ASP.NET Beta 2 Starter Kits are available at :

Always try to find an answer by experimenting with the code.
The .NET Framework Class Browser is of great assistance to help you do

The .NET Framework 1.1 Class Browser is available at :
and also at :
The .NET Framework 2.0 Class Browser is available at :

MSDN has all the ASP.NET documentation and Knowledge Base articles online.
Search MSDN for ASP.NET and .Net Framework questions at:

Search the MSDN Visual Studio Beta 2 documentation at:

Major changes to ASP.NET and VS.NET going from Beta 2 --> RTM :
Obsolete APIs removed after Beta 2 :
98b9-173c262a9f31&di splaylang=en
2. Newsgroup Questions

2.1 What subjects are appropriate in this newsgroup?

Any subject which relates to programming, installing or configuring
Please don't post questions unrelated to ASP.NET.

ASP.NET is not the same as ASP. If you have questions relating to "Classic ASP",
post them in the ASP newsgroups, e.g.
microsoft.publi c.inetserver.as p.general.

We encourage the posting of links to free ASP.NET controls/assemblies you have developed,
but request that commercial product availabilities be sent to :

microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.anno uncements

Otherwise, your post will be deleted as SPAM.

2.2 How to write your post

a. Make the "Subject" a short, relevant summary of your problem

b. Make sure you describe your problem accurately.
Please post the exact code which is failing/generating your error.
That will help others find the solution to your problem.

c. Deal with one problem at a time.
If you have more than one problem, post it separately.

d. Make sure you include the version of ASP.NET and the
operating system you are using. This *really* helps others help you!

If the problem is a browser-related problem, include the relevant
browser identity and operating system information.

e. If you are getting an error message, include the error number and its

f. Tell us what you have already tried to do to solve the problem.

2.3 How not to write your post

a. Avoid cross-posting, unless your problem applies to more than one

b. Never post identical messages with different subjects.
This is a sure way to get your posts ignored.

c. Don't post your message in ALL CAPITALS. It's very hard to read.
This is another sure way to get your posts ignored.

d. Don't use unclear subject lines which don't summarize a problem, like

Need help please.
Any experts here?

This is yet another sure way to get your posts ignored.

e. Don't ask for an email reply. The basis for peer-to-peer help
like this one is for *everybody* to be helped by the answers provided.

f. Don't flame anyone, period. Nobody needs that in technical newsgroups. If something, or someone, irks you, ignore the post.

Please treat all participants with respect, valuing divergent views and contrary opinions.
Be polite. Share your perspectives to question ideas and stimulate
interesting discussions.

g. The ASP.NET newsgroups, like all Microsoft public ng's, are

From time to time, there will be totally off-topic posts from trolls,
pornographers, etc. Please don't reply to these posts, as it's a waste of time.

Instead, killfile the poster if the post bothers you.

Microsoft has an anti-spam program in effect, and spam messages
are eliminated by a community program, but it's difficult to detect
some SPAM messages. Have patience and don't reply to any SPAM message.
We will get to it, and delete it.

2.4 Dealing with replies to your post

a. Trim unnecessary text from the replies to your posts, leaving just
enough to
get the context of the reply and the original problem. This is greatly
appreciated by the people who are trying to help you, since it saves
them time.

b. Analyze the suggestion you were given, and test to see whether it
solves the problem.

c. If the problem isn't solved by the suggestion, explain why in a
follow-up reply.

2.5 After you get your answer...

a. Confirm whether the proposed solution worked or not.

b. Thank the poster who gave you the answer to your question.

For people who spend their free time, unpaid, helping others in
peer-to-peer newsgroups, there's nothing better than to get a "Thank

Your "Thank you" is also helpful to others reading about your problem
because they see that the solution sent to you *did* work.

ASP.NET links :

Learning ASP.NET : http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/learn/

ASP.NET Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/

ASP.NET Developer Center Archive :

ASP.NET Forums : http://forums.asp.net/ ( Online ASP.NET Forum )

ASP.NET 1.1 Support Center : http://support.microsoft.com/ph/6351

ASP.NET Security Practices :

ASP.NET Security How Tos :
ADO.NET Support Center : http://support.microsoft.com/adonet

SQL Server Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/SQL/

IIS Tips and Hints : http://www.asp.net/Default.aspx?tabindex=9&tabid=48

Please ask VS2005 questions at http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/ , and not in this ASP.NET newsgroup.

ASP.NET 2.0 questions can be posted either here or at :

Official FAQs and Developer Resources :

ASP.NET Beta 2 FAQ :

.Net Framework Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/
VB Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/

C# Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/vcsharp/

J# Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/vjsharp/

New ASP.NET Developer? See :

Free Learning Courses from Microsoft :

ASP.NET Webcasts at MSDN :

Fritz Onion's Essential ASP.NET Webcasts :

Selected MSDN Technical Articles on ASP.NET :

Full Index to MSDN ASP.NET articles :

Free Online Book : Improving .Net Application Performance and Scalability: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en...l/scalenet.asp

Dedicated ASP.NET newsgroups at msnews.microsof t.com ( Microsoft's public nntp server ):

microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.secu rity
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.cach ing
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.webs ervices
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.buil dingcontrols
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.webc ontrols
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.data gridcontrol
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.anno uncements

The general .NET Framework newsgroup is :
microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork

The ADO.NET newsgroup is : microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.adonet

The newsgroups for SQL Server and MSDE are :
microsoft.publi c.sqlserver.ser ver and microsoft.publi c.sqlserver.msd e

If you have a question which would fit better at one of the
above newsgroups, consider posting it in the appropiate one(s).

You can also use the HTML interface to the Microsoft Discussion Groups :

Other FAQs and Developer Resources :

Connection Strings : http://www.connectionstrings.com/

SQL Server Forums : http://www.sqlmonster.com/

DotNetJunkies : http://www.dotnetjunkies.com/

ASP.NET at 4GuysFromRolla : http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/

ASP.NET at the ASP Alliance :

Wintellect's ASP.NET FAQ :

W3Schools ASP.NET Tutorial : http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/default.asp

Egghead Cafe : http://www.eggheadcafe.com/default.asp

123aspx ASP.NET Directory : http://www.123aspx.com/

411 ASP.NET Resource Directory : http://www.411asp.net/

.NET 247 Assembly References and Discussions :

.Net Framework FAQ : http://www.andymcm.com/dotnetfaq.htm

Bill Evjen's "Learn ASP.NET" page :

Jon Skeet's C# FAQ and articles : http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/csharp/

Articles : http://odetocode.com/Articles/default.aspx
Resources : http://odetocode.com/Resources/default.aspx

Karl Seguin's ASP.NET articles : http://www.openmymind.net/MyArticles.aspx
Steve Orr's list of free controls : http://steveorr.net/freecontrols/

C# FAQ for C++ programmers : http://www.andymcm.com/csharpfaq.htm

Free eBook : VB.NET Fundamentals, Sheriff and Getz :
Free Computer Science books and lecture notes :

ASP.NET Version Switcher :

Interesting Blogs for ASP.NET Developers:

Scott Guthrie : http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu
Dino Esposito : http://weblogs.asp.net/despos
Scott Mitchell : http://www.scottonwriting.net/
Brock Allen : http://staff.develop.com/ballen/blog/
Bill Evjen : http://www.geekswithblogs.net/evjen
Rick Strahl : http://west-wind.com/weblog/
Rob Howard : http://weblogs.asp.net/rhoward/
Scott Watermasysk : http://scottwater.com/blog/default.aspx
Nikhil Kothari : http://www.nikhilk.net/
G. Andrew Duthie : http://blogs.msdn.com/gduthie/
Steven Smith : http://blogs.aspadvice.com/ssmith/
Kent Sharkey : http://www.acmebinary.com/blogs/kent

We are working on a FAQ for specific programming questions.
When it's ready, we will include a link to it in this FAQ.

Nov 19 '05 #4

I guess that surely makes you the person to ask questions of then.

Thanks ! - Mr Newbie

"Juan T. Llibre" <no***********@ nowhere.com> wrote in message
news:Ou******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP15.phx.gbl...
it left me wondering if you are someone in authority (Microsoft Employee

My only "authority" is having dealt with ASP.NET since pre-beta,
and with ASP since pre-beta, since 1997.

I have also co-authored a few books on the subjects :

That might confer me some "authority" , too. ;-)

MVPs cannot be Microsoft employees, btw.

you just thought you would post this for general consumption.

Yes I did, primarily as a guide for ASP.NET newbies.
The online version is at : http://asp.net.do/faq/

Also, where did this FAQ come from ?

I wrote most of it.

A couple of friendly guys who frequent this newsgroup reviewed it
and made some very much on-target suggestions for improvement.

I took their advice and corrected what concerned them.

If you have any suggestions/corrections/additions for the FAQ, please
email me.
The email address is both on the FAQ posted and at the website.

btw, the Q & A portion of the FAQ will be ready shortly.
There's already some 200 questions and answers in it.

I will post the URL here as soon as it's ready.

best regards,

Juan T. Llibre, ASP.NET MVP
ASP.NET FAQ : http://asp.net.do/faq/
Foros de ASP.NET en Español : http://asp.net.do/foros/
=============== =============== ========
"Mr Newbie" <he**@now.com > wrote in message
news:O7******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP14.phx.gbl...
Just out of interest, you posted this comprehensive FAQ for the group,
but it left me wondering if you are someone in authority ( Microsoft
Employee etc ) or have you just thought you would post this for general
consumption. Also, where did this FAQ come from ?

Regards - Mr Newbie.

"Juan T. Llibre" <no***********@ nowhere.com> wrote in message
news:Ov******** *******@TK2MSFT NGP12.phx.gbl.. .
Welcome to the ASP.NET FAQ.

The online version of this FAQ is at http://asp.net.do/faq/ We are working on a FAQ for specific programming questions.
When it's ready, we will include a link to it in this FAQ.

Nov 19 '05 #5
Was not a knock, just a question is all !

"Patrick.O. Ige" <pa********@opt usnet.com.au> wrote in message
news:uh******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP09.phx.gbl...
Be happy somone took is time to do it first

"Mr Newbie" <he**@now.com > wrote in message
news:O7******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP14.phx.gbl...
Just out of interest, you posted this comprehensive FAQ for the group,
it left me wondering if you are someone in authority ( Microsoft Employee
etc ) or have you just thought you would post this for general

Also, where did this FAQ come from ?

Regards - Mr Newbie.

"Juan T. Llibre" <no***********@ nowhere.com> wrote in message
news:Ov******** *******@TK2MSFT NGP12.phx.gbl.. .
> Welcome to the ASP.NET FAQ.
> The online version of this FAQ is at http://asp.net.do/faq/
> Bookmark it!
> Thank you for reading this FAQ!
> Use it to improve your online experience.
> The Microsoft Public Newsgroups allow users of Microsoft products to
> exchange technical
> information and expertise. Please avoid personal attacks, slurs and
> profanity in your posts.
> A FAQ is a list of Frequently Answered Questions;
> This is a guide to using this newsgroup intelligently in order to find
> answers to your ASP.NET questions.
> The kind of answer you get to your questions depends on the way
> you ask the questions as well as on the difficulty of writing the answer. >
> This FAQ will show you how to ask questions in a way that is likely to get > you the answer you want to get : the right answer.
> You have to do your part, too, if this is going to work out in such a way > that you *learn* what you need to learn, instead of getting ready-made
> answers
> which you will promptly forget and need to ask for them again.
> With that in mind, the first FAQ recommendation is that you use search
> engines
> to find out if the question you intend to ask has been already answered in > newsgroups.
> Use resources like :
> Google Groups Advanced Search (
> http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search )
> MSN Search ( http://www.msn.com/ )
> to search for the text of the problem which is stumping you,
> and save everybody the waste of time that asking a FAQ entails.
> Remember : thousands of programmers will read your post. Be considerate of > their time.
> 1. General ASP.NET Questions
> 1.1 What is ASP.NET?
> ASP.NET is a technology for creating dynamic Web pages which uses the .Net > Framework.
> You can author applications in any .NET compatible language, including
> Visual Basic .NET,
> C#, and JScript .NET, and many others listed at
> http://www.dotnetpowered.com/languages.aspx .
> 1.2 Where can I get ASP.NET?
> You can get ASP.NET by installing the Microsoft .NET Framework on a
> computer which has IIS installed.
> The .NET Framework is available in either a redistributable or SDK format. >
> ASP.NET 2.0, currently in Beta, will be released the first week in
> November, 2005.
> 1.3 I've installed the .NET Framework, but ASP.NET doesn't seem to
> work.
> What can I do to fix it?
> You must install IIS before you install the .NET Framework.
> If you install IIS after you install the .NET Framework,
> you must then register the ASP.NET extensions with IIS.
> You can do this by running the aspnet_regiis executable from:
> %windows root directory%\Micr osoft.NET\Frame work\%version of the .NET
> Framework%\aspn et_regiis -i
> Where %windows root directory% is the directory Windows is installed to
> (normally c:\windows or c:\winnt) and %version of the .NET Framework%
> is the version of the .NET Framework you have installed.
> The directory for .NET 1.0 is v1.0.3705 ; for 1.1 it's v1.1.4322 and
> for
> Beta 2, it's v2.0.50215.
> It's always a good idea to try to find the answer to your question by
> reading the documentation.
> Yes, Read The Manual! The ASP.NET Quickstarts have many answers and
> samples.
> You can install a local copy of the QuickStarts by installing the ASP.NET > SDK.
> The ASP.NET 1.1 SDK is available at :
> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...ca6-3647-4070-
9f41-a333c6b9181d&di splaylang=en >
> The ASP.NET 2.0 SDK comes with the VS.NET Beta :
> http://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/vs2005/
> If you can't install local copies of the ASP.NET QuickStart,
> the ASP.NET 1.1 QuickStart is available online at :
> http://www.asp.net/Tutorials/quickstart.aspx
> The ASP.NET 1.1 Starter Kits are available at :
> http://www.asp.net/Default.aspx?tabindex=8&tabid=47
> The ASP.NET 2.0 QuickStart is available online at :
> http://beta.asp.net/quickstart/aspnet/Default.aspx
> The ASP.NET Beta 2 Starter Kits are available at :
> http://www.asp.net/vwd/starterkits.a...dex=4&tabId=46
> Always try to find an answer by experimenting with the code.
> The .NET Framework Class Browser is of great assistance to help you do
> this.
> The .NET Framework 1.1 Class Browser is available at :
> http://www.dotnetjunkies.com/samples...ssBrowser.aspx
> and also at :
> http://www.csharpfriends.com/quickst...rowser/vb/clas
sbrowser.aspx >
> The .NET Framework 2.0 Class Browser is available at :
> http://beta.asp.net/quickstart/util/classbrowser.aspx
> MSDN has all the ASP.NET documentation and Knowledge Base articles online. >
> Search MSDN for ASP.NET and .Net Framework questions at:
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/
> Search the MSDN Visual Studio Beta 2 documentation at:
> http://msdn2.microsoft.com/library/default.aspx
> Major changes to ASP.NET and VS.NET going from Beta 2 --> RTM :
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/be...s/default.aspx
> Obsolete APIs removed after Beta 2 :
> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...36b-e486-4ee3-
98b9-173c262a9f31&di splaylang=en >
> 2. Newsgroup Questions
> 2.1 What subjects are appropriate in this newsgroup?
> Any subject which relates to programming, installing or configuring
> Please don't post questions unrelated to ASP.NET.
> ASP.NET is not the same as ASP. If you have questions relating to "Classic > ASP",
> post them in the ASP newsgroups, e.g.
> microsoft.publi c.inetserver.as p.general.
> We encourage the posting of links to free ASP.NET controls/assemblies you > have developed,
> but request that commercial product availabilities be sent to :
> microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.anno uncements
> Otherwise, your post will be deleted as SPAM.
> 2.2 How to write your post
> a. Make the "Subject" a short, relevant summary of your problem
> b. Make sure you describe your problem accurately.
> Please post the exact code which is failing/generating your error.
> That will help others find the solution to your problem.
> c. Deal with one problem at a time.
> If you have more than one problem, post it separately.
> d. Make sure you include the version of ASP.NET and the
> operating system you are using. This *really* helps others help you!
> If the problem is a browser-related problem, include the relevant
> browser identity and operating system information.
> e. If you are getting an error message, include the error number and
> its
> text.
> f. Tell us what you have already tried to do to solve the problem.
> 2.3 How not to write your post
> a. Avoid cross-posting, unless your problem applies to more than one
> newsgroup.
> b. Never post identical messages with different subjects.
> This is a sure way to get your posts ignored.
> c. Don't post your message in ALL CAPITALS. It's very hard to read.
> This is another sure way to get your posts ignored.
> d. Don't use unclear subject lines which don't summarize a problem,
> like
> these:
> Need help please.
> Any experts here?
> This is yet another sure way to get your posts ignored.
> e. Don't ask for an email reply. The basis for peer-to-peer help
> newsgroups
> like this one is for *everybody* to be helped by the answers
> provided.
> f. Don't flame anyone, period. Nobody needs that in technical newsgroups. > If something, or someone, irks you, ignore the post.
> Please treat all participants with respect, valuing divergent views and > contrary opinions.
> Be polite. Share your perspectives to question ideas and stimulate
> interesting discussions.
> g. The ASP.NET newsgroups, like all Microsoft public ng's, are
> unmoderated.
> From time to time, there will be totally off-topic posts from
> trolls,
> spammers,
> pornographers, etc. Please don't reply to these posts, as it's a waste > of time.
> Instead, killfile the poster if the post bothers you.
> Microsoft has an anti-spam program in effect, and spam messages
> are eliminated by a community program, but it's difficult to detect
> some SPAM messages. Have patience and don't reply to any SPAM message. >
> We will get to it, and delete it.
> 2.4 Dealing with replies to your post
> a. Trim unnecessary text from the replies to your posts, leaving just
> enough to
> get the context of the reply and the original problem. This is
> greatly
> appreciated by the people who are trying to help you, since it saves
> them time.
> b. Analyze the suggestion you were given, and test to see whether it
> solves the problem.
> c. If the problem isn't solved by the suggestion, explain why in a
> follow-up reply.
> 2.5 After you get your answer...
> a. Confirm whether the proposed solution worked or not.
> b. Thank the poster who gave you the answer to your question.
> For people who spend their free time, unpaid, helping others in
> peer-to-peer newsgroups, there's nothing better than to get a "Thank
> you".
> Your "Thank you" is also helpful to others reading about your problem
> because they see that the solution sent to you *did* work.
> ASP.NET links :
> Learning ASP.NET : http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/learn/
> ASP.NET Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/
> ASP.NET Developer Center Archive :
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/archive/default.aspx
> ASP.NET Forums : http://forums.asp.net/ ( Online ASP.NET Forum )
> ASP.NET 1.1 Support Center : http://support.microsoft.com/ph/6351
> ASP.NET Security Practices :
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en...ctices0001.asp
> ASP.NET Security How Tos :
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en...owTosIndex.asp >
> ADO.NET Support Center : http://support.microsoft.com/adonet
> SQL Server Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/SQL/
> IIS Tips and Hints :
> http://www.asp.net/Default.aspx?tabindex=9&tabid=48
> Please ask VS2005 questions at http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/ , and not > in this ASP.NET newsgroup.
> ASP.NET 2.0 questions can be posted either here or at :
> http://forums.asp.net/default.aspx?ForumGroupID=26
> Official FAQs and Developer Resources :
> ASP.NET Beta 2 FAQ :
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/be...q/default.aspx
> .Net Framework Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/ >
> VB Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/
> C# Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/vcsharp/
> J# Developer Center : http://msdn.microsoft.com/vjsharp/
> New ASP.NET Developer? See :
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/le...todevelopment/
> Free Learning Courses from Microsoft :
> http://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/vs2005/learning/
> ASP.NET Webcasts at MSDN :
> http://www.microsoft.com/events/seri...aspnetoct.mspx
> Fritz Onion's Essential ASP.NET Webcasts :
> http://www.microsoft.com/events/seri...ialaspnet.mspx
> Selected MSDN Technical Articles on ASP.NET :
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/articles/default.aspx
> Full Index to MSDN ASP.NET articles :
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/archive/default.aspx
> Free Online Book : Improving .Net Application Performance and Scalability: > http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en...l/scalenet.asp
> Dedicated ASP.NET newsgroups at msnews.microsof t.com ( Microsoft's public > nntp server ):
> microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
> microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.secu rity
> microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.cach ing
> microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.webs ervices
> microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.buil dingcontrols
> microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.webc ontrols
> microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.data gridcontrol
> microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet.anno uncements
> The general .NET Framework newsgroup is :
> microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork
> The ADO.NET newsgroup is : microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.adonet
> The newsgroups for SQL Server and MSDE are :
> microsoft.publi c.sqlserver.ser ver and microsoft.publi c.sqlserver.msd e
> If you have a question which would fit better at one of the
> above newsgroups, consider posting it in the appropiate one(s).
> You can also use the HTML interface to the Microsoft Discussion Groups
> :
> http://www.microsoft.com/communities...s/default.aspx
> Other FAQs and Developer Resources :
> Connection Strings : http://www.connectionstrings.com/
> SQL Server Forums : http://www.sqlmonster.com/
> DotNetJunkies : http://www.dotnetjunkies.com/
> ASP.NET at 4GuysFromRolla : http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/
> ASP.NET at the ASP Alliance :
> http://aspalliance.com/articles/LearnASPNET.aspx
> http://aspalliance.com/articles/LearnControls.aspx
> Wintellect's ASP.NET FAQ :
> http://www.wintellect.com/resources/....aspx?faq_id=1
> W3Schools ASP.NET Tutorial :
> http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/default.asp
> Egghead Cafe : http://www.eggheadcafe.com/default.asp
> 123aspx ASP.NET Directory : http://www.123aspx.com/
> 411 ASP.NET Resource Directory : http://www.411asp.net/
> .NET 247 Assembly References and Discussions :
> http://www.dotnet247.com/247reference/default.aspx
> .Net Framework FAQ : http://www.andymcm.com/dotnetfaq.htm
> Bill Evjen's "Learn ASP.NET" page :
> http://www.geekswithblogs.net/evjen/...arnaspnet.aspx
> Jon Skeet's C# FAQ and articles : http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/csharp/
> OdeToCode.com
> Articles : http://odetocode.com/Articles/default.aspx
> Resources : http://odetocode.com/Resources/default.aspx
> Karl Seguin's ASP.NET articles : http://www.openmymind.net/MyArticles.aspx >
> Steve Orr's list of free controls : http://steveorr.net/freecontrols/
> C# FAQ for C++ programmers : http://www.andymcm.com/csharpfaq.htm
> Free eBook : VB.NET Fundamentals, Sheriff and Getz :
> http://platform.innerworkings.com/pu...ndamentals.msi >
> Free Computer Science books and lecture notes :
> http://www.freetechbooks.com/
> ASP.NET Version Switcher :
> http://www.denisbauer.com/NETTools/A...nSwitcher.aspx
> Interesting Blogs for ASP.NET Developers:
> Scott Guthrie : http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu
> Dino Esposito : http://weblogs.asp.net/despos
> Scott Mitchell : http://www.scottonwriting.net/
> Brock Allen : http://staff.develop.com/ballen/blog/
> Bill Evjen : http://www.geekswithblogs.net/evjen
> Rick Strahl : http://west-wind.com/weblog/
> Rob Howard : http://weblogs.asp.net/rhoward/
> Scott Watermasysk : http://scottwater.com/blog/default.aspx
> Nikhil Kothari : http://www.nikhilk.net/
> G. Andrew Duthie : http://blogs.msdn.com/gduthie/
> Steven Smith : http://blogs.aspadvice.com/ssmith/
> Kent Sharkey : http://www.acmebinary.com/blogs/kent
> We are working on a FAQ for specific programming questions.
> When it's ready, we will include a link to it in this FAQ.

Nov 19 '05 #6
>Was not a knock, just a question is all !

If you look back through the recent postings here, you'll see that the
main input for the FAQ came from a recognised expert in the field, with
peer review and suggestions from other people here.

The fact is that there are enough knowledgeable people here who have
looked at it, that if there were any mistakes, they would have been
spotted and fixed by now.

Hope that answers your question ;-)

Alan Silver
(anything added below this line is nothing to do with me)
Nov 19 '05 #7

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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