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User Control... HELP???

Can someone please help....

I'm having major issues with a user control I'm tring to create!

I an trying to execute a sub called UploadData() from a user control which I
managed to do but for some reason I keep getting the error:

Exception Details: System.NullRefe renceException: Object reference not set
to an instance of an object.

Source Error:
Line 114: Sub UploadData()
Line 115: 'Dim ImageFile As System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lInputFile
Line 116: Dim imgstream As Stream = ImageFile.Poste dFile.InputStre am
Line 117: Dim imgdata(ImageFi le.PostedFile.C ontentLength) As Byte
Line 118: imgstream.Read( imgdata, 0,
ImageFile.Poste dFile.ContentLe ngth)

Error is on line 116...

I know that the sub works because if I put it staight into the aspx page it
works fine but as soon as I put the sub into the User Control it seems to
stop working as ImageFile.Poste dFile.InputStre am = nothing...

Can someone please please HELP.... Why does this happen???



Imports System.Data.Sql Client
Imports System.Data
Imports System.IO

Public Class binUpload
Inherits System.Web.UI.P age
#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "

'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.
<System.diagnos tics.debuggerst epthrough()> Private Sub
InitializeCompo nent()

End Sub
Protected WithEvents Menu1 As skmMenu.Menu
Protected WithEvents phHeader As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phHeaderMenu As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phFooter As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phQuickLinks As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phRefresh As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phBody As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phUploader As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phWait As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phResults As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
'NOTE: The following placeholder declaration is required by the Web Form
'Do not delete or move it.
Private designerPlaceho lderDeclaration As System.Object

Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Init
'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
InitializeCompo nent()
End Sub

#End Region
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load
'Put user code to initialize the page here

phBody.Controls .Add(New LiteralControl( "<body bottomMargin=" &
Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "leftMargin =" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) &
"topMargin= " & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "rightMargi n=" & Chr(34) & "0" &
Chr(34) & "runat=" & Chr(34) & "server" & Chr(34) & ">"))
Dim UploadCnt As Control =
LoadControl("../binFileUpload/UploadCnt.ascx" )
phWait.Controls .Clear()
phResults.Contr ols.Clear()
phUploader.Cont rols.Add(Upload Cnt)

If Page.IsPostBack Then

' user submitted file to be uploaded
' create URL with query string to confirm file upload
' next page will not be a postback, so viewstate will be lost
Dim sRefreshURL As String = Request.Url.ToS tring() &
"?Upload=Tr ue"

If Request.Browser .Browser = "IE" Then
phBody.Controls .Clear()
phBody.Controls .Add(New LiteralControl( "<body onload=" &
Chr(34) & "loadTarget (" & Chr(39) & sRefreshURL & Chr(39) & ")" & Chr(59) &
Chr(34) & " bottomMargin=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " leftMargin=" &
Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " topMargin=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "
rightMargin=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " runat=" & Chr(34) & "server" &
Chr(34) & ">"))

' set META REFRESH as well in case script is disabled
' use long delay so that script can load page first if
phRefresh.Contr ols.Clear()
phRefresh.Contr ols.Add(New LiteralControl( "<meta
http-equiv=" & Chr(34) & "refresh" & Chr(34) & " content=" & Chr(34) &
"30;url=" & sRefreshURL & Chr(34) & ">"))

' not IE so use META REFRESH to start loading next page
' allow 3 seconds for progress bar image to load

phRefresh.Contr ols.Clear()
phRefresh.Contr ols.Add(New LiteralControl( "<meta
http-equiv=" & Chr(34) & "Refresh" & Chr(34) & " content=" & Chr(34) &
"3;url=" & sRefreshURL & Chr(34) & ">"))

End If

' hide Upload file controls and show "wait" section
Dim WaitCnt As Control =
LoadControl("../binFileUpload/ProgressCnt.asc x")
phUploader.Cont rols.Clear()
phResults.Contr ols.Clear()
phWait.Controls .Add(WaitCnt)

'pnlUploadFile. Visible = False
'pnlWait.Visibl e = True
Dim objUpload As UploadCnt
objUpload.Uploa dData()


' get query string
Dim iUpload As String = Request.QuerySt ring("Upload")
If iUpload = "" Then

'pnlUploadFile. Visible = True
phWait.Controls .Clear()
phResults.Contr ols.Clear()
phUploader.Cont rols.Add(Upload Cnt)

phUploader.Cont rols.Clear()
phWait.Controls .Clear()
Dim ResultsCnt As Control =
LoadControl("../binFileUpload/ResultsCnt.ascx ")
phResults.Contr ols.Add(Results Cnt)

End If
Dim sRefreshURL As String = Request.Url.ToS tring() &
"?Upload=Fa lse"
End If
End Sub

End Class

Imports System.Data.Sql Client
Imports System.Data
Imports System.IO
Public Class UploadCnt
Inherits System.Web.UI.U serControl

#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "

'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.
<System.Diagnos tics.DebuggerSt epThrough()> Private Sub
InitializeCompo nent()

End Sub
Protected WithEvents phHeader As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phHeaderMenu As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents ImageTitle As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
Protected WithEvents Image4 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
Protected WithEvents fldDescription As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
Protected WithEvents Image3 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
Protected WithEvents Image1 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
Protected WithEvents fldOwner As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
Protected WithEvents ddlOffice As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Drop DownList
Protected WithEvents Image5 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
Protected WithEvents lblMessage As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Labe l
Protected WithEvents urlUploadedFile s As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Hype rLink
Protected WithEvents phQuickLinks As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phFooter As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents Table2 As System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lTable
Protected WithEvents ImageFile As System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lInputFile
Protected WithEvents Upload As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Butt on

'NOTE: The following placeholder declaration is required by the Web Form
'Do not delete or move it.
Private designerPlaceho lderDeclaration As System.Object

Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Init
'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
InitializeCompo nent()
End Sub

#End Region

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load
'Put user code to initialize the page here

'Loads user controls
Dim c1 As Control = LoadControl("../userControls/footer.ascx")
phFooter.Contro ls.Add(c1)
Dim c2 As Control = LoadControl("../userControls/headerMenu.ascx ")
phHeaderMenu.Co ntrols.Add(c2)
Dim c3 As Control = LoadControl("../userControls/Header.ascx")
phHeader.Contro ls.Add(c3)
Dim c4 As Control = LoadControl("../userControls/QuickLinks.ascx ")
phQuickLinks.Co ntrols.Add(c4)

End Sub
Sub UploadData()
'Dim ImageFile As System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lInputFile
Dim imgstream As Stream = ImageFile.Poste dFile.InputStre am
Dim imgdata(ImageFi le.PostedFile.C ontentLength) As Byte
imgstream.Read( imgdata, 0, ImageFile.Poste dFile.ContentLe ngth)
Dim MyConn As New
SqlConnection(C onfigurationSet tings.AppSettin gs("strConn"))
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("fil eUpload", MyConn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Sto redProcedure

Dim titleparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileTitle", SqlDbType.NVarC har,
Dim descriptionpara m As New SqlParameter("@ fileDescription ",
SqlDbType.NVarC har, 255)
Dim Ownerparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileOwner", SqlDbType.NVarC har,
Dim Officeparam As New SqlParameter("@ officeID", SqlDbType.Int)
Dim typeparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileType", SqlDbType.NVarC har,
Dim dataparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileData", SqlDbType.Image )

'Dim ImageTitle As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
'Dim fldOwner As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
'Dim fldDescription As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
'Dim ddlOffice As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Drop DownList

titleparam.Valu e = ImageTitle.Text
descriptionpara m.Value = fldDescription. Text
Ownerparam.Valu e = fldOwner.Text
Officeparam.Val ue = ddlOffice.Selec tedIndex
typeparam.Value = ImageFile.Poste dFile.ContentTy pe
dataparam.Value = imgdata

cmd.Parameters. Add(titleparam)
cmd.Parameters. Add(description param)
cmd.Parameters. Add(Ownerparam)
cmd.Parameters. Add(Officeparam )
cmd.Parameters. Add(typeparam)
cmd.Parameters. Add(dataparam)

cmd.ExecuteNonQ uery()
End Sub
End Class
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Nov 19 '05 #1
3 2234
NullReference exceptions are typically easy to track down. My guess is
simply that ImageFile isn't a control in your user control. In other words,
there's no:
<input type="file" id="ImageFile" runat="server" /> in yoru ascx

MY ASP.Net tutorials
http://www.openmymind.net/ - New and Improved (yes, the popup is
http://www.openmymind.net/faq.aspx - unofficial newsgroup FAQ (more to
"Tim::.." <myatix_at_hotm ail.com> wrote in message
news:D3******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
Can someone please help....

I'm having major issues with a user control I'm tring to create!

I an trying to execute a sub called UploadData() from a user control which
managed to do but for some reason I keep getting the error:

Exception Details: System.NullRefe renceException: Object reference not set
to an instance of an object.

Source Error:
Line 114: Sub UploadData()
Line 115: 'Dim ImageFile As
System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lInputFile
Line 116: Dim imgstream As Stream =
ImageFile.Poste dFile.InputStre am
Line 117: Dim imgdata(ImageFi le.PostedFile.C ontentLength) As Byte
Line 118: imgstream.Read( imgdata, 0,
ImageFile.Poste dFile.ContentLe ngth)

Error is on line 116...

I know that the sub works because if I put it staight into the aspx page
works fine but as soon as I put the sub into the User Control it seems to
stop working as ImageFile.Poste dFile.InputStre am = nothing...

Can someone please please HELP.... Why does this happen???



Imports System.Data.Sql Client
Imports System.Data
Imports System.IO

Public Class binUpload
Inherits System.Web.UI.P age
#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "

'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.
<System.diagnos tics.debuggerst epthrough()> Private Sub
InitializeCompo nent()

End Sub
Protected WithEvents Menu1 As skmMenu.Menu
Protected WithEvents phHeader As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phHeaderMenu As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phFooter As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phQuickLinks As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phRefresh As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phBody As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phUploader As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phWait As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phResults As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
'NOTE: The following placeholder declaration is required by the Web
'Do not delete or move it.
Private designerPlaceho lderDeclaration As System.Object

Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Init
'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
InitializeCompo nent()
End Sub

#End Region
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load
'Put user code to initialize the page here

phBody.Controls .Add(New LiteralControl( "<body bottomMargin=" &
Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "leftMargin =" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) &
"topMargin= " & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "rightMargi n=" & Chr(34) & "0" &
Chr(34) & "runat=" & Chr(34) & "server" & Chr(34) & ">"))
Dim UploadCnt As Control =
LoadControl("../binFileUpload/UploadCnt.ascx" )
phWait.Controls .Clear()
phResults.Contr ols.Clear()
phUploader.Cont rols.Add(Upload Cnt)

If Page.IsPostBack Then

' user submitted file to be uploaded
' create URL with query string to confirm file upload
' next page will not be a postback, so viewstate will be lost
Dim sRefreshURL As String = Request.Url.ToS tring() &
"?Upload=Tr ue"

If Request.Browser .Browser = "IE" Then
phBody.Controls .Clear()
phBody.Controls .Add(New LiteralControl( "<body onload=" &
Chr(34) & "loadTarget (" & Chr(39) & sRefreshURL & Chr(39) & ")" & Chr(59)
Chr(34) & " bottomMargin=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " leftMargin=" &
Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " topMargin=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "
rightMargin=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " runat=" & Chr(34) & "server" &
Chr(34) & ">"))

' set META REFRESH as well in case script is disabled
' use long delay so that script can load page first if
phRefresh.Contr ols.Clear()
phRefresh.Contr ols.Add(New LiteralControl( "<meta
http-equiv=" & Chr(34) & "refresh" & Chr(34) & " content=" & Chr(34) &
"30;url=" & sRefreshURL & Chr(34) & ">"))

' not IE so use META REFRESH to start loading next page
' allow 3 seconds for progress bar image to load

phRefresh.Contr ols.Clear()
phRefresh.Contr ols.Add(New LiteralControl( "<meta
http-equiv=" & Chr(34) & "Refresh" & Chr(34) & " content=" & Chr(34) &
"3;url=" & sRefreshURL & Chr(34) & ">"))

End If

' hide Upload file controls and show "wait" section
Dim WaitCnt As Control =
LoadControl("../binFileUpload/ProgressCnt.asc x")
phUploader.Cont rols.Clear()
phResults.Contr ols.Clear()
phWait.Controls .Add(WaitCnt)

'pnlUploadFile. Visible = False
'pnlWait.Visibl e = True
Dim objUpload As UploadCnt
objUpload.Uploa dData()


' get query string
Dim iUpload As String = Request.QuerySt ring("Upload")
If iUpload = "" Then

'pnlUploadFile. Visible = True
phWait.Controls .Clear()
phResults.Contr ols.Clear()
phUploader.Cont rols.Add(Upload Cnt)

phUploader.Cont rols.Clear()
phWait.Controls .Clear()
Dim ResultsCnt As Control =
LoadControl("../binFileUpload/ResultsCnt.ascx ")
phResults.Contr ols.Add(Results Cnt)

End If
Dim sRefreshURL As String = Request.Url.ToS tring() &
"?Upload=Fa lse"
End If
End Sub

End Class

Imports System.Data.Sql Client
Imports System.Data
Imports System.IO
Public Class UploadCnt
Inherits System.Web.UI.U serControl

#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "

'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.
<System.Diagnos tics.DebuggerSt epThrough()> Private Sub
InitializeCompo nent()

End Sub
Protected WithEvents phHeader As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phHeaderMenu As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents ImageTitle As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
Protected WithEvents Image4 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
Protected WithEvents fldDescription As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
Protected WithEvents Image3 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
Protected WithEvents Image1 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
Protected WithEvents fldOwner As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
Protected WithEvents ddlOffice As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Drop DownList
Protected WithEvents Image5 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
Protected WithEvents lblMessage As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Labe l
Protected WithEvents urlUploadedFile s As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Hype rLink
Protected WithEvents phQuickLinks As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phFooter As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents Table2 As System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lTable
Protected WithEvents ImageFile As
System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lInputFile
Protected WithEvents Upload As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Butt on

'NOTE: The following placeholder declaration is required by the Web
'Do not delete or move it.
Private designerPlaceho lderDeclaration As System.Object

Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Init
'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
InitializeCompo nent()
End Sub

#End Region

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load
'Put user code to initialize the page here

'Loads user controls
Dim c1 As Control = LoadControl("../userControls/footer.ascx")
phFooter.Contro ls.Add(c1)
Dim c2 As Control = LoadControl("../userControls/headerMenu.ascx ")
phHeaderMenu.Co ntrols.Add(c2)
Dim c3 As Control = LoadControl("../userControls/Header.ascx")
phHeader.Contro ls.Add(c3)
Dim c4 As Control = LoadControl("../userControls/QuickLinks.ascx ")
phQuickLinks.Co ntrols.Add(c4)

End Sub
Sub UploadData()
'Dim ImageFile As System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lInputFile
Dim imgstream As Stream = ImageFile.Poste dFile.InputStre am
Dim imgdata(ImageFi le.PostedFile.C ontentLength) As Byte
imgstream.Read( imgdata, 0, ImageFile.Poste dFile.ContentLe ngth)
Dim MyConn As New
SqlConnection(C onfigurationSet tings.AppSettin gs("strConn"))
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("fil eUpload", MyConn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Sto redProcedure

Dim titleparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileTitle",
SqlDbType.NVarC har,
Dim descriptionpara m As New SqlParameter("@ fileDescription ",
SqlDbType.NVarC har, 255)
Dim Ownerparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileOwner",
SqlDbType.NVarC har,
Dim Officeparam As New SqlParameter("@ officeID", SqlDbType.Int)
Dim typeparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileType", SqlDbType.NVarC har,
Dim dataparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileData", SqlDbType.Image )

'Dim ImageTitle As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
'Dim fldOwner As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
'Dim fldDescription As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
'Dim ddlOffice As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Drop DownList

titleparam.Valu e = ImageTitle.Text
descriptionpara m.Value = fldDescription. Text
Ownerparam.Valu e = fldOwner.Text
Officeparam.Val ue = ddlOffice.Selec tedIndex
typeparam.Value = ImageFile.Poste dFile.ContentTy pe
dataparam.Value = imgdata

cmd.Parameters. Add(titleparam)
cmd.Parameters. Add(description param)
cmd.Parameters. Add(Ownerparam)
cmd.Parameters. Add(Officeparam )
cmd.Parameters. Add(typeparam)
cmd.Parameters. Add(dataparam)

cmd.ExecuteNonQ uery()
End Sub
End Class
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Nov 19 '05 #2
Hi Karl,

Thanks for the reply... The thing is the control is in the ASCX file!

The other strange thing is if I take the code from the control and put it
straight into the page it works file!

Any other ideas.... I'm stuck....

"Karl Seguin" wrote:
NullReference exceptions are typically easy to track down. My guess is
simply that ImageFile isn't a control in your user control. In other words,
there's no:
<input type="file" id="ImageFile" runat="server" /> in yoru ascx

MY ASP.Net tutorials
http://www.openmymind.net/ - New and Improved (yes, the popup is
http://www.openmymind.net/faq.aspx - unofficial newsgroup FAQ (more to
"Tim::.." <myatix_at_hotm ail.com> wrote in message
news:D3******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
Can someone please help....

I'm having major issues with a user control I'm tring to create!

I an trying to execute a sub called UploadData() from a user control which
managed to do but for some reason I keep getting the error:

Exception Details: System.NullRefe renceException: Object reference not set
to an instance of an object.

Source Error:
Line 114: Sub UploadData()
Line 115: 'Dim ImageFile As
System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lInputFile
Line 116: Dim imgstream As Stream =
ImageFile.Poste dFile.InputStre am
Line 117: Dim imgdata(ImageFi le.PostedFile.C ontentLength) As Byte
Line 118: imgstream.Read( imgdata, 0,
ImageFile.Poste dFile.ContentLe ngth)

Error is on line 116...

I know that the sub works because if I put it staight into the aspx page
works fine but as soon as I put the sub into the User Control it seems to
stop working as ImageFile.Poste dFile.InputStre am = nothing...

Can someone please please HELP.... Why does this happen???



Imports System.Data.Sql Client
Imports System.Data
Imports System.IO

Public Class binUpload
Inherits System.Web.UI.P age
#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "

'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.
<System.diagnos tics.debuggerst epthrough()> Private Sub
InitializeCompo nent()

End Sub
Protected WithEvents Menu1 As skmMenu.Menu
Protected WithEvents phHeader As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phHeaderMenu As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phFooter As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phQuickLinks As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phRefresh As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phBody As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phUploader As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phWait As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phResults As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
'NOTE: The following placeholder declaration is required by the Web
'Do not delete or move it.
Private designerPlaceho lderDeclaration As System.Object

Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Init
'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
InitializeCompo nent()
End Sub

#End Region
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load
'Put user code to initialize the page here

phBody.Controls .Add(New LiteralControl( "<body bottomMargin=" &
Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "leftMargin =" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) &
"topMargin= " & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "rightMargi n=" & Chr(34) & "0" &
Chr(34) & "runat=" & Chr(34) & "server" & Chr(34) & ">"))
Dim UploadCnt As Control =
LoadControl("../binFileUpload/UploadCnt.ascx" )
phWait.Controls .Clear()
phResults.Contr ols.Clear()
phUploader.Cont rols.Add(Upload Cnt)

If Page.IsPostBack Then

' user submitted file to be uploaded
' create URL with query string to confirm file upload
' next page will not be a postback, so viewstate will be lost
Dim sRefreshURL As String = Request.Url.ToS tring() &
"?Upload=Tr ue"

If Request.Browser .Browser = "IE" Then
phBody.Controls .Clear()
phBody.Controls .Add(New LiteralControl( "<body onload=" &
Chr(34) & "loadTarget (" & Chr(39) & sRefreshURL & Chr(39) & ")" & Chr(59)
Chr(34) & " bottomMargin=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " leftMargin=" &
Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " topMargin=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "
rightMargin=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " runat=" & Chr(34) & "server" &
Chr(34) & ">"))

' set META REFRESH as well in case script is disabled
' use long delay so that script can load page first if
phRefresh.Contr ols.Clear()
phRefresh.Contr ols.Add(New LiteralControl( "<meta
http-equiv=" & Chr(34) & "refresh" & Chr(34) & " content=" & Chr(34) &
"30;url=" & sRefreshURL & Chr(34) & ">"))

' not IE so use META REFRESH to start loading next page
' allow 3 seconds for progress bar image to load

phRefresh.Contr ols.Clear()
phRefresh.Contr ols.Add(New LiteralControl( "<meta
http-equiv=" & Chr(34) & "Refresh" & Chr(34) & " content=" & Chr(34) &
"3;url=" & sRefreshURL & Chr(34) & ">"))

End If

' hide Upload file controls and show "wait" section
Dim WaitCnt As Control =
LoadControl("../binFileUpload/ProgressCnt.asc x")
phUploader.Cont rols.Clear()
phResults.Contr ols.Clear()
phWait.Controls .Add(WaitCnt)

'pnlUploadFile. Visible = False
'pnlWait.Visibl e = True
Dim objUpload As UploadCnt
objUpload.Uploa dData()


' get query string
Dim iUpload As String = Request.QuerySt ring("Upload")
If iUpload = "" Then

'pnlUploadFile. Visible = True
phWait.Controls .Clear()
phResults.Contr ols.Clear()
phUploader.Cont rols.Add(Upload Cnt)

phUploader.Cont rols.Clear()
phWait.Controls .Clear()
Dim ResultsCnt As Control =
LoadControl("../binFileUpload/ResultsCnt.ascx ")
phResults.Contr ols.Add(Results Cnt)

End If
Dim sRefreshURL As String = Request.Url.ToS tring() &
"?Upload=Fa lse"
End If
End Sub

End Class

Imports System.Data.Sql Client
Imports System.Data
Imports System.IO
Public Class UploadCnt
Inherits System.Web.UI.U serControl

#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "

'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.
<System.Diagnos tics.DebuggerSt epThrough()> Private Sub
InitializeCompo nent()

End Sub
Protected WithEvents phHeader As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phHeaderMenu As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents ImageTitle As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
Protected WithEvents Image4 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
Protected WithEvents fldDescription As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
Protected WithEvents Image3 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
Protected WithEvents Image1 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
Protected WithEvents fldOwner As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
Protected WithEvents ddlOffice As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Drop DownList
Protected WithEvents Image5 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
Protected WithEvents lblMessage As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Labe l
Protected WithEvents urlUploadedFile s As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Hype rLink
Protected WithEvents phQuickLinks As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents phFooter As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
Protected WithEvents Table2 As System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lTable
Protected WithEvents ImageFile As
System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lInputFile
Protected WithEvents Upload As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Butt on

'NOTE: The following placeholder declaration is required by the Web
'Do not delete or move it.
Private designerPlaceho lderDeclaration As System.Object

Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Init
'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
InitializeCompo nent()
End Sub

#End Region

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load
'Put user code to initialize the page here

'Loads user controls
Dim c1 As Control = LoadControl("../userControls/footer.ascx")
phFooter.Contro ls.Add(c1)
Dim c2 As Control = LoadControl("../userControls/headerMenu.ascx ")
phHeaderMenu.Co ntrols.Add(c2)
Dim c3 As Control = LoadControl("../userControls/Header.ascx")
phHeader.Contro ls.Add(c3)
Dim c4 As Control = LoadControl("../userControls/QuickLinks.ascx ")
phQuickLinks.Co ntrols.Add(c4)

End Sub
Sub UploadData()
'Dim ImageFile As System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lInputFile
Dim imgstream As Stream = ImageFile.Poste dFile.InputStre am
Dim imgdata(ImageFi le.PostedFile.C ontentLength) As Byte
imgstream.Read( imgdata, 0, ImageFile.Poste dFile.ContentLe ngth)
Dim MyConn As New
SqlConnection(C onfigurationSet tings.AppSettin gs("strConn"))
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("fil eUpload", MyConn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Sto redProcedure

Dim titleparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileTitle",
SqlDbType.NVarC har,
Dim descriptionpara m As New SqlParameter("@ fileDescription ",
SqlDbType.NVarC har, 255)
Dim Ownerparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileOwner",
SqlDbType.NVarC har,
Dim Officeparam As New SqlParameter("@ officeID", SqlDbType.Int)
Dim typeparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileType", SqlDbType.NVarC har,
Dim dataparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileData", SqlDbType.Image )

'Dim ImageTitle As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
'Dim fldOwner As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
'Dim fldDescription As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
'Dim ddlOffice As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Drop DownList

titleparam.Valu e = ImageTitle.Text
descriptionpara m.Value = fldDescription. Text
Ownerparam.Valu e = fldOwner.Text
Officeparam.Val ue = ddlOffice.Selec tedIndex
typeparam.Value = ImageFile.Poste dFile.ContentTy pe
dataparam.Value = imgdata

cmd.Parameters. Add(titleparam)
cmd.Parameters. Add(description param)
cmd.Parameters. Add(Ownerparam)
cmd.Parameters. Add(Officeparam )
cmd.Parameters. Add(typeparam)
cmd.Parameters. Add(dataparam)

Nov 19 '05 #3
I'm going to have to stick to my first recommendation. You must be taking
more than the sub and also moving the ascx code? Why don't you just try to
debug and see if ImageFile is a nothing?


MY ASP.Net tutorials
http://www.openmymind.net/ - New and Improved (yes, the popup is
http://www.openmymind.net/faq.aspx - unofficial newsgroup FAQ (more to
"Tim::.." <myatix_at_hotm ail.com> wrote in message
news:E5******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
Hi Karl,

Thanks for the reply... The thing is the control is in the ASCX file!

The other strange thing is if I take the code from the control and put it
straight into the page it works file!

Any other ideas.... I'm stuck....

"Karl Seguin" wrote:
NullReference exceptions are typically easy to track down. My guess is
simply that ImageFile isn't a control in your user control. In other
there's no:
<input type="file" id="ImageFile" runat="server" /> in yoru ascx

MY ASP.Net tutorials
http://www.openmymind.net/ - New and Improved (yes, the popup is
http://www.openmymind.net/faq.aspx - unofficial newsgroup FAQ (more to
"Tim::.." <myatix_at_hotm ail.com> wrote in message
news:D3******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
> Can someone please help....
> I'm having major issues with a user control I'm tring to create!
> I an trying to execute a sub called UploadData() from a user control
> which
> I
> managed to do but for some reason I keep getting the error:
> Exception Details: System.NullRefe renceException: Object reference not
> set
> to an instance of an object.
> Source Error:
> Line 114: Sub UploadData()
> Line 115: 'Dim ImageFile As
> System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lInputFile
> Line 116: Dim imgstream As Stream =
> ImageFile.Poste dFile.InputStre am
> Line 117: Dim imgdata(ImageFi le.PostedFile.C ontentLength) As
> Byte
> Line 118: imgstream.Read( imgdata, 0,
> ImageFile.Poste dFile.ContentLe ngth)
> Error is on line 116...
> I know that the sub works because if I put it staight into the aspx
> page
> it
> works fine but as soon as I put the sub into the User Control it seems
> to
> stop working as ImageFile.Poste dFile.InputStre am = nothing...
> Can someone please please HELP.... Why does this happen???
> Thanks
> Imports System.Data.Sql Client
> Imports System.Data
> Imports System.IO
> Public Class binUpload
> Inherits System.Web.UI.P age
> #Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "
> 'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.
> <System.diagnos tics.debuggerst epthrough()> Private Sub
> InitializeCompo nent()
> End Sub
> Protected WithEvents Menu1 As skmMenu.Menu
> Protected WithEvents phHeader As
> System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
> Protected WithEvents phHeaderMenu As
> System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
> Protected WithEvents phFooter As
> System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
> Protected WithEvents phQuickLinks As
> System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
> Protected WithEvents phRefresh As
> System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
> Protected WithEvents phBody As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
> Protected WithEvents phUploader As
> System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
> Protected WithEvents phWait As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
> Protected WithEvents phResults As
> System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
> 'NOTE: The following placeholder declaration is required by the Web
> Form
> Designer.
> 'Do not delete or move it.
> Private designerPlaceho lderDeclaration As System.Object
> Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
> System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Init
> 'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer
> 'Do not modify it using the code editor.
> InitializeCompo nent()
> End Sub
> #End Region
> Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
> System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load
> 'Put user code to initialize the page here
> phBody.Controls .Add(New LiteralControl( "<body bottomMargin=" &
> Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "leftMargin =" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) &
> "topMargin= " & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "rightMargi n=" & Chr(34) & "0"
> &
> Chr(34) & "runat=" & Chr(34) & "server" & Chr(34) & ">"))
> Dim UploadCnt As Control =
> LoadControl("../binFileUpload/UploadCnt.ascx" )
> phWait.Controls .Clear()
> phResults.Contr ols.Clear()
> phUploader.Cont rols.Add(Upload Cnt)
> If Page.IsPostBack Then
> ' user submitted file to be uploaded
> ' create URL with query string to confirm file upload
> ' next page will not be a postback, so viewstate will be
> lost
> Dim sRefreshURL As String = Request.Url.ToS tring() &
> "?Upload=Tr ue"
> If Request.Browser .Browser = "IE" Then
> phBody.Controls .Clear()
> phBody.Controls .Add(New LiteralControl( "<body onload=" &
> Chr(34) & "loadTarget (" & Chr(39) & sRefreshURL & Chr(39) & ")" &
> Chr(59)
> &
> Chr(34) & " bottomMargin=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " leftMargin=" &
> Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " topMargin=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "
> rightMargin=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " runat=" & Chr(34) &
> "server" &
> Chr(34) & ">"))
> ' set META REFRESH as well in case script is disabled
> ' use long delay so that script can load page first if
> possible
> phRefresh.Contr ols.Clear()
> phRefresh.Contr ols.Add(New LiteralControl( "<meta
> http-equiv=" & Chr(34) & "refresh" & Chr(34) & " content=" & Chr(34) &
> "30;url=" & sRefreshURL & Chr(34) & ">"))
> Else
> ' not IE so use META REFRESH to start loading next page
> ' allow 3 seconds for progress bar image to load
> phRefresh.Contr ols.Clear()
> phRefresh.Contr ols.Add(New LiteralControl( "<meta
> http-equiv=" & Chr(34) & "Refresh" & Chr(34) & " content=" & Chr(34) &
> "3;url=" & sRefreshURL & Chr(34) & ">"))
> End If
> ' hide Upload file controls and show "wait" section
> Dim WaitCnt As Control =
> LoadControl("../binFileUpload/ProgressCnt.asc x")
> phUploader.Cont rols.Clear()
> phResults.Contr ols.Clear()
> phWait.Controls .Add(WaitCnt)
> 'pnlUploadFile. Visible = False
> 'pnlWait.Visibl e = True
> Dim objUpload As UploadCnt
> objUpload.Uploa dData()
> Else
> ' get query string
> Dim iUpload As String = Request.QuerySt ring("Upload")
> If iUpload = "" Then
> 'pnlUploadFile. Visible = True
> phWait.Controls .Clear()
> phResults.Contr ols.Clear()
> phUploader.Cont rols.Add(Upload Cnt)
> Else
> phUploader.Cont rols.Clear()
> phWait.Controls .Clear()
> Dim ResultsCnt As Control =
> LoadControl("../binFileUpload/ResultsCnt.ascx ")
> phResults.Contr ols.Add(Results Cnt)
> End If
> Dim sRefreshURL As String = Request.Url.ToS tring() &
> "?Upload=Fa lse"
> End If
> End Sub
> End Class
> Imports System.Data.Sql Client
> Imports System.Data
> Imports System.IO
> Public Class UploadCnt
> Inherits System.Web.UI.U serControl
> #Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "
> 'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.
> <System.Diagnos tics.DebuggerSt epThrough()> Private Sub
> InitializeCompo nent()
> End Sub
> Protected WithEvents phHeader As
> System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
> Protected WithEvents phHeaderMenu As
> System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
> Protected WithEvents ImageTitle As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
> Protected WithEvents Image4 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
> Protected WithEvents fldDescription As
> System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
> Protected WithEvents Image3 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
> Protected WithEvents Image1 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
> Protected WithEvents fldOwner As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
> Protected WithEvents ddlOffice As
> System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Drop DownList
> Protected WithEvents Image5 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Imag e
> Protected WithEvents lblMessage As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Labe l
> Protected WithEvents urlUploadedFile s As
> System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Hype rLink
> Protected WithEvents phQuickLinks As
> System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
> Protected WithEvents phFooter As
> System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Plac eHolder
> Protected WithEvents Table2 As System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lTable
> Protected WithEvents ImageFile As
> System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lInputFile
> Protected WithEvents Upload As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Butt on
> 'NOTE: The following placeholder declaration is required by the Web
> Form
> Designer.
> 'Do not delete or move it.
> Private designerPlaceho lderDeclaration As System.Object
> Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
> System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Init
> 'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer
> 'Do not modify it using the code editor.
> InitializeCompo nent()
> End Sub
> #End Region
> Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
> System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load
> 'Put user code to initialize the page here
> 'Loads user controls
> Dim c1 As Control = LoadControl("../userControls/footer.ascx")
> phFooter.Contro ls.Add(c1)
> Dim c2 As Control =
> LoadControl("../userControls/headerMenu.ascx ")
> phHeaderMenu.Co ntrols.Add(c2)
> Dim c3 As Control = LoadControl("../userControls/Header.ascx")
> phHeader.Contro ls.Add(c3)
> Dim c4 As Control =
> LoadControl("../userControls/QuickLinks.ascx ")
> phQuickLinks.Co ntrols.Add(c4)
> End Sub
> Sub UploadData()
> 'Dim ImageFile As System.Web.UI.H tmlControls.Htm lInputFile
> Dim imgstream As Stream = ImageFile.Poste dFile.InputStre am
> Dim imgdata(ImageFi le.PostedFile.C ontentLength) As Byte
> imgstream.Read( imgdata, 0, ImageFile.Poste dFile.ContentLe ngth)
> Dim MyConn As New
> SqlConnection(C onfigurationSet tings.AppSettin gs("strConn"))
> Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("fil eUpload", MyConn)
> cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Sto redProcedure
> Dim titleparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileTitle",
> SqlDbType.NVarC har,
> 255)
> Dim descriptionpara m As New SqlParameter("@ fileDescription ",
> SqlDbType.NVarC har, 255)
> Dim Ownerparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileOwner",
> SqlDbType.NVarC har,
> 255)
> Dim Officeparam As New SqlParameter("@ officeID", SqlDbType.Int)
> Dim typeparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileType",
> SqlDbType.NVarC har,
> 100)
> Dim dataparam As New SqlParameter("@ fileData", SqlDbType.Image )
> 'Dim ImageTitle As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
> 'Dim fldOwner As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
> 'Dim fldDescription As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Text Box
> 'Dim ddlOffice As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Drop DownList
> titleparam.Valu e = ImageTitle.Text
> descriptionpara m.Value = fldDescription. Text
> Ownerparam.Valu e = fldOwner.Text
> Officeparam.Val ue = ddlOffice.Selec tedIndex
> typeparam.Value = ImageFile.Poste dFile.ContentTy pe
> dataparam.Value = imgdata
> cmd.Parameters. Add(titleparam)
> cmd.Parameters. Add(description param)
> cmd.Parameters. Add(Ownerparam)
> cmd.Parameters. Add(Officeparam )
> cmd.Parameters. Add(typeparam)
> cmd.Parameters. Add(dataparam)

Nov 19 '05 #4

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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