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datagrid - edit problem

hi all!

im trying to edit data in a datagrid (like described here:
http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/071002-1.aspx) but if i click
the edit button i get the following error

invalid attempt to FieldCount because datareader is already closed
(sorry, this error message is translated from german)

when trying to do the databinding.

heres my code:

<asp:datagrid id="dgSoftware " style="Z-INDEX: 102; LEFT: 23px; POSITION:
absolute; TOP: 68px"
runat="server" Height="235px" Width="856px"
AutoGenerateCol umns="False" DataKeyField="s w_ref" GridLines="None "
CellPadding="3" BackColor="Whit e"
BorderWidth="2p x" CellSpacing="1" BorderStyle="Ri dge"
BorderColor="Wh ite">
<SelectedItemSt yle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="Whit e"
BackColor="#947 1DE"></SelectedItemSty le>
<ItemStyle ForeColor="Blac k" BackColor="#DED FDE"></ItemStyle>
<HeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#E7E 7FF"
BackColor="#4A3 C8C"></HeaderStyle>
<FooterStyle ForeColor="Blac k" BackColor="#C6C 3C6"></FooterStyle>
<asp:BoundColum n DataField="sw_b ez_str"
HeaderText="Bez eichnung"></asp:BoundColumn >
<asp:BoundColum n DataField="sw_h erst_str"
HeaderText="Her steller"></asp:BoundColumn >
<asp:BoundColum n DataField="sw_f ilesys_str"
HeaderText="Dat eisystem"></asp:BoundColumn >
<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Sof twareart">
<ItemTemplate >
<%# getHtswtyp(Data Binder.Eval(Con tainer.DataItem ,
"htswtyp_re f")) %>
<EditItemTempla te>
<asp:DropDownLi st ID="DropDownSwr ef" Runat="server"
DataTextField=" htswtyp_name_st r" DataValueField= "htswtyp_re f"
DataSource='<%# getSwtyp() %>' SelectedIndex=' <%#
GetSelIndexSwar t(DataBinder.Ev al(Container.Da taItem, "htswtyp_re f")) %>' />
</EditItemTemplat e>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>
<asp:BoundColum n DataField="sw_b em_str"
HeaderText="Bem erkung"></asp:BoundColumn >
<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="zug ehörige Hardware">
<ItemTemplate >
<%# getHwref(DataBi nder.Eval(Conta iner.DataItem,
"hw_ref")) %>
<EditItemTempla te>
<asp:DropDownLi st ID="DropDownHwr ef" Runat="server"
DataTextField=" id" DataValueField= "hwId" DataSource='<%# getRechner()%>'
SelectedIndex=' <%#
GetSelIndexRech ner(DataBinder. Eval(Container. DataItem, "hw_ref")) %>' />
</EditItemTemplat e>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>
<asp:EditComman dColumn ButtonType="Lin kButton"
UpdateText="Akt ualisieren" CancelText="Abb rechen"
EditText="Bearb eiten"></asp:EditCommand Column>
<asp:ButtonColu mn Text="Löschen"
CommandName="De lete"></asp:ButtonColum n>
<PagerStyle HorizontalAlign ="Right" ForeColor="Blac k"
Position="TopAn dBottom" BackColor="#C6C 3C6"></PagerStyle>
codebehind code:
private void Page_Load(objec t sender, System.EventArg s e)
// Hier Benutzercode zur Seiteninitialis ierung einfügen
this.strDbConn = ConfigurationSe ttings.AppSetti ngs["connString "];
this.strDownloa dKennung =
ConfigurationSe ttings.AppSetti ngs["downloadKennun g"];
//this.iId = (int) Session.Get("id ");
alHwId = new ArrayList((Arra yList) Session["alHwId"]);
this.iId = 1231;
this.datAktDatu m = DateTime.Now.To String("dd.MM.y yyy HH:mm:ss");

//datatable mit id/hwid erzeugen
DataColumn dcTemp;
DataRow drTemp;

dcTemp = new DataColumn();
dcTemp.DataType = System.Type.Get Type("System.In t32");
dcTemp.ColumnNa me = "id";
dtHwid.Columns. Add(dcTemp);

dcTemp = new DataColumn();
dcTemp.DataType = System.Type.Get Type("System.In t32");
dcTemp.ColumnNa me = "hwId";
dtHwid.Columns. Add(dcTemp);

ArrayList alIds = (ArrayList)Sess ion["alHwId"];
int[][] iIds = new int[alIds.Count][];
for (int i = 0; i < alIds.Count; i++)
drTemp = dtHwid.NewRow() ;
drTemp["id"] = i+1;
drTemp["hwId"] = Convert.ToInt32 (alIds[i].ToString());

dtHwid.Rows.Add (drTemp);
//ENDE datatable

if (!IsPostBack)
showDataSoftwar e();
showDataHardwar e();
private void showDataSoftwar e()
string strWherebuilder = "";
for (int i =0; i < this.alHwId.Cou nt; i++)
if (this.alHwId.Co unt == 1 || i == (this.alHwId.Co unt-1) )
strWherebuilder += this.alHwId[i].ToString();
else strWherebuilder += this.alHwId[i].ToString() + " OR hw_ref
= ";
string query = "SELECT * FROM sw WHERE hw_ref = " + strWherebuilder ;

this.tbDebug.Te xt += "QUERY: " + query;

this.sqlConn = new SqlConnection(t his.strDbConn);
this.sqlAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter( query, this.sqlConn);
this.sqlConn.Op en();
this.dsDaten = new DataSet();
this.sqlAdapter .Fill(this.dsDa ten, "sw" );

//this.createList (query);

//neue zeile einfuegen
DataRow BlankRow = this.dsDaten.Ta bles["sw"].NewRow( );
BlankRow[1] = "Bitte Wert eingeben!";
this.dsDaten.Ta bles[ "sw" ].Rows.InsertAt( BlankRow, 0 );

//daten binden
this.dgSoftware .DataSource = this.dsDaten;
this.dgSoftware .DataBind(); <----------error occurs here!!!!
this.sqlConn.Cl ose();

does anyone know what could be the problem???

thx for help in advance!

Nov 19 '05 #1
2 1406
wolfgang wagner wrote:
hi all!

im trying to edit data in a datagrid (like described here:
http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/071002-1.aspx) but if i
click the edit button i get the following error

invalid attempt to FieldCount because datareader is already closed
(sorry, this error message is translated from german)

when trying to do the databinding.

heres my code:

<asp:datagrid id="dgSoftware " style="Z-INDEX: 102; LEFT: 23px;
POSITION: absolute; TOP: 68px"
runat="server" Height="235px" Width="856px"
AutoGenerateCol umns="False" DataKeyField="s w_ref" GridLines="None "
CellPadding="3" BackColor="Whit e"
BorderWidth="2p x" CellSpacing="1" BorderStyle="Ri dge"
BorderColor="Wh ite">
<SelectedItemSt yle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="Whit e"
BackColor="#947 1DE"></SelectedItemSty le>
<ItemStyle ForeColor="Blac k" BackColor="#DED FDE"></ItemStyle>
<HeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#E7E 7FF"
BackColor="#4A3 C8C"></HeaderStyle>
<FooterStyle ForeColor="Blac k"
BackColor="#C6C 3C6"></FooterStyle> <Columns>
<asp:BoundColum n DataField="sw_b ez_str"
HeaderText="Bez eichnung"></asp:BoundColumn >
<asp:BoundColum n DataField="sw_h erst_str"
HeaderText="Her steller"></asp:BoundColumn >
<asp:BoundColum n DataField="sw_f ilesys_str"
HeaderText="Dat eisystem"></asp:BoundColumn >
<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Sof twareart">
<ItemTemplate >
<%# getHtswtyp(Data Binder.Eval(Con tainer.DataItem ,
"htswtyp_re f")) %>
<EditItemTempla te>
<asp:DropDownLi st ID="DropDownSwr ef" Runat="server"
DataTextField=" htswtyp_name_st r" DataValueField= "htswtyp_re f"
DataSource='<%# getSwtyp() %>' SelectedIndex=' <%#
GetSelIndexSwar t(DataBinder.Ev al(Container.Da taItem, "htswtyp_re f"))
%>' /> </EditItemTemplat e>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>
<asp:BoundColum n DataField="sw_b em_str"
HeaderText="Bem erkung"></asp:BoundColumn >
<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="zug ehörige Hardware">
<ItemTemplate >
<%# getHwref(DataBi nder.Eval(Conta iner.DataItem,
"hw_ref")) %>
<EditItemTempla te>
<asp:DropDownLi st ID="DropDownHwr ef" Runat="server"
DataTextField=" id" DataValueField= "hwId" DataSource='<%#
getRechner()%>' SelectedIndex=' <%#
GetSelIndexRech ner(DataBinder. Eval(Container. DataItem, "hw_ref")) %>'
/> </EditItemTemplat e>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>
<asp:EditComman dColumn ButtonType="Lin kButton"
UpdateText="Akt ualisieren" CancelText="Abb rechen"
EditText="Bearb eiten"></asp:EditCommand Column>
<asp:ButtonColu mn Text="Löschen"
CommandName="De lete"></asp:ButtonColum n>
<PagerStyle HorizontalAlign ="Right" ForeColor="Blac k"
Position="TopAn dBottom" BackColor="#C6C 3C6"></PagerStyle>
codebehind code:
private void Page_Load(objec t sender, System.EventArg s e)
// Hier Benutzercode zur Seiteninitialis ierung einfügen
this.strDbConn =
ConfigurationSe ttings.AppSetti ngs["connString "];
this.strDownloa dKennung =
ConfigurationSe ttings.AppSetti ngs["downloadKennun g"];
//this.iId = (int) Session.Get("id "); alHwId = new
ArrayList((Arra yList) Session["alHwId"]); this.iId = 1231;
this.datAktDatu m = DateTime.Now.To String("dd.MM.y yyy HH:mm:ss");

//datatable mit id/hwid erzeugen
DataColumn dcTemp;
DataRow drTemp;

dcTemp = new DataColumn();
dcTemp.DataType = System.Type.Get Type("System.In t32");
dcTemp.ColumnNa me = "id";
dtHwid.Columns. Add(dcTemp);

dcTemp = new DataColumn();
dcTemp.DataType = System.Type.Get Type("System.In t32");
dcTemp.ColumnNa me = "hwId";
dtHwid.Columns. Add(dcTemp);

ArrayList alIds = (ArrayList)Sess ion["alHwId"];
int[][] iIds = new int[alIds.Count][];
for (int i = 0; i < alIds.Count; i++)
drTemp = dtHwid.NewRow() ;
drTemp["id"] = i+1;
drTemp["hwId"] = Convert.ToInt32 (alIds[i].ToString());

dtHwid.Rows.Add (drTemp);
//ENDE datatable

if (!IsPostBack)
showDataSoftwar e();
showDataHardwar e();
private void showDataSoftwar e()
string strWherebuilder = "";
for (int i =0; i < this.alHwId.Cou nt; i++)
if (this.alHwId.Co unt == 1 || i == (this.alHwId.Co unt-1) )
strWherebuilder += this.alHwId[i].ToString();
else strWherebuilder += this.alHwId[i].ToString() + " OR
hw_ref = ";
string query = "SELECT * FROM sw WHERE hw_ref = " +
strWherebuilder ;
this.tbDebug.Te xt += "QUERY: " + query;

this.sqlConn = new SqlConnection(t his.strDbConn);
this.sqlAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter( query, this.sqlConn);
this.sqlConn.Op en();
this.dsDaten = new DataSet();
this.sqlAdapter .Fill(this.dsDa ten, "sw" );

//this.createList (query);

//neue zeile einfuegen
DataRow BlankRow = this.dsDaten.Ta bles["sw"].NewRow( );
BlankRow[1] = "Bitte Wert eingeben!";
this.dsDaten.Ta bles[ "sw" ].Rows.InsertAt( BlankRow, 0 );

//daten binden
this.dgSoftware .DataSource = this.dsDaten;
this.dgSoftware .DataBind(); <----------error occurs here!!!!
this.sqlConn.Cl ose();

does anyone know what could be the problem???

thx for help in advance!


The problem is probably that you're trying to set the datasource
of your dropdownlist (getRechner()), while the datagrid is still
being filled.

Instead of setting the datasource in a databinding expression,
try to do it from ItemDataBound. It will occur after databinding,
and it will not cause a conflict anymore.


Nov 19 '05 #2
Riki wrote:
wolfgang wagner wrote:
hi all!

im trying to edit data in a datagrid (like described here:
http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/071002-1.aspx) but if i
click the edit button i get the following error

invalid attempt to FieldCount because datareader is already closed
(sorry, this error message is translated from german)

when trying to do the databinding.

heres my code:

<asp:datagr id id="dgSoftware " style="Z-INDEX: 102; LEFT: 23px;
POSITION: absolute; TOP: 68px"
runat="server" Height="235px" Width="856px"
AutoGenerateC olumns="False" DataKeyField="s w_ref" GridLines="None "
CellPadding=" 3" BackColor="Whit e"
BorderWidth="2p x" CellSpacing="1" BorderStyle="Ri dge"
BorderColor=" White">
<SelectedItemSt yle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="Whit e"
BackColor="#9 471DE"></SelectedItemSty le>
<ItemStyle ForeColor="Blac k" BackColor="#DED FDE"></ItemStyle>
<HeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#E7E 7FF"
BackColor="#4 A3C8C"></HeaderStyle>
<FooterStyle ForeColor="Blac k"
BackColor="#C6C 3C6"></FooterStyle> <Columns>
<asp:BoundColum n DataField="sw_b ez_str"
HeaderText="B ezeichnung"></asp:BoundColumn >
<asp:BoundColum n DataField="sw_h erst_str"
HeaderText="H ersteller"></asp:BoundColumn >
<asp:BoundColum n DataField="sw_f ilesys_str"
HeaderText="D ateisystem"></asp:BoundColumn >
<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Sof twareart">
<ItemTemplate >
<%# getHtswtyp(Data Binder.Eval(Con tainer.DataItem ,
"htswtyp_ref" )) %>
<EditItemTempla te>
<asp:DropDownLi st ID="DropDownSwr ef" Runat="server"
DataTextField ="htswtyp_name_ str" DataValueField= "htswtyp_re f"
DataSource='< %# getSwtyp() %>' SelectedIndex=' <%#
GetSelIndexSw art(DataBinder. Eval(Container. DataItem, "htswtyp_re f"))
%>' /> </EditItemTemplat e>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>
<asp:BoundColum n DataField="sw_b em_str"
HeaderText="B emerkung"></asp:BoundColumn >
<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="zug ehörige Hardware">
<ItemTemplate >
<%# getHwref(DataBi nder.Eval(Conta iner.DataItem,
"hw_ref")) %>
<EditItemTempla te>
<asp:DropDownLi st ID="DropDownHwr ef" Runat="server"
DataTextField ="id" DataValueField= "hwId" DataSource='<%#
getRechner()% >' SelectedIndex=' <%#
GetSelIndexRe chner(DataBinde r.Eval(Containe r.DataItem, "hw_ref")) %>'
/> </EditItemTemplat e>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>
<asp:EditComman dColumn ButtonType="Lin kButton"
UpdateText="A ktualisieren" CancelText="Abb rechen"
EditText="Bea rbeiten"></asp:EditCommand Column>
<asp:ButtonColu mn Text="Löschen"
CommandName=" Delete"></asp:ButtonColum n>
<PagerStyle HorizontalAlign ="Right" ForeColor="Blac k"
Position="Top AndBottom" BackColor="#C6C 3C6"></PagerStyle>
codebehind code:
private void Page_Load(objec t sender, System.EventArg s e)
// Hier Benutzercode zur Seiteninitialis ierung einfügen
this.strDbConn =
ConfigurationSe ttings.AppSetti ngs["connString "];
this.strDownl oadKennung =
ConfigurationSe ttings.AppSetti ngs["downloadKennun g"];
//this.iId = (int) Session.Get("id "); alHwId = new
ArrayList((Arra yList) Session["alHwId"]); this.iId = 1231;
this.datAktDatu m = DateTime.Now.To String("dd.MM.y yyy HH:mm:ss");

//datatable mit id/hwid erzeugen
DataColumn dcTemp;
DataRow drTemp;

dcTemp = new DataColumn();
dcTemp.DataType = System.Type.Get Type("System.In t32");
dcTemp.ColumnNa me = "id";
dtHwid.Columns. Add(dcTemp);

dcTemp = new DataColumn();
dcTemp.DataType = System.Type.Get Type("System.In t32");
dcTemp.ColumnNa me = "hwId";
dtHwid.Columns. Add(dcTemp);

ArrayList alIds = (ArrayList)Sess ion["alHwId"];
int[][] iIds = new int[alIds.Count][];
for (int i = 0; i < alIds.Count; i++)
drTemp = dtHwid.NewRow() ;
drTemp["id"] = i+1;
drTemp["hwId"] = Convert.ToInt32 (alIds[i].ToString());

dtHwid.Rows.Add (drTemp);
//ENDE datatable

if (!IsPostBack)
showDataSoftwar e();
showDataHardwar e();
private void showDataSoftwar e()
string strWherebuilder = "";
for (int i =0; i < this.alHwId.Cou nt; i++)
if (this.alHwId.Co unt == 1 || i == (this.alHwId.Co unt-1) )
strWherebuild er += this.alHwId[i].ToString();
else strWherebuilder += this.alHwId[i].ToString() + " OR
hw_ref = ";
string query = "SELECT * FROM sw WHERE hw_ref = " +
strWherebuild er;
this.tbDebug.Te xt += "QUERY: " + query;

this.sqlConn = new SqlConnection(t his.strDbConn);
this.sqlAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter( query, this.sqlConn);
this.sqlConn.Op en();
this.dsDaten = new DataSet();
this.sqlAdapter .Fill(this.dsDa ten, "sw" );

//this.createList (query);

//neue zeile einfuegen
DataRow BlankRow = this.dsDaten.Ta bles["sw"].NewRow( );
BlankRow[1] = "Bitte Wert eingeben!";
this.dsDaten.Ta bles[ "sw" ].Rows.InsertAt( BlankRow, 0 );

//daten binden
this.dgSoftware .DataSource = this.dsDaten;
this.dgSoftware .DataBind(); <----------error occurs here!!!!
this.sqlConn.Cl ose();

does anyone know what could be the problem???

thx for help in advance!


The problem is probably that you're trying to set the datasource
of your dropdownlist (getRechner()), while the datagrid is still
being filled.

Instead of setting the datasource in a databinding expression,
try to do it from ItemDataBound. It will occur after databinding,
and it will not cause a conflict anymore.

thx a lot!!
getting rind of the datasource and selectedindex code in the aspx page
make it running.
but now i do have the problem that i cannot select indexes of the
how am i able to select an index of a dropdownlist in edit mode??

Nov 19 '05 #3

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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