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Dynamic Table Question


I use this bit of code to generate dynamic tables in the page load section
Dim ntable as New Table
For i = 1993 To 2008
ntable = New Table
ntable.ID = "Q" + i.ToString

How to use the properties of each table ?
I would like to set visible and not visible some of them using their ID.

Nov 18 '05 #1
7 1440
Stan, I'd add the tables to a hashtable so that you can access them back
that way:

Dim tables as HashTable(15)
for i = 1993 to 2008
dim table as new Table()
Controls.Add(ta ble)
tables.Add(i, table)

you can then access the table by the year:

dim table as Table = ctype(tables(19 99), Table)
table.visible = false

"Stan Sainte-Rose" <st**@cyber972. com> wrote in message
news:OF******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP09.phx.gbl...

I use this bit of code to generate dynamic tables in the page load section
Dim ntable as New Table
For i = 1993 To 2008
ntable = New Table
ntable.ID = "Q" + i.ToString

How to use the properties of each table ?
I would like to set visible and not visible some of them using their ID.


Nov 18 '05 #2
Hi Karl
It seems the Dim tables as HashTable(15) is not correct..

"Karl" <none> a écrit dans le message de news:
#m************* *@TK2MSFTNGP10. phx.gbl...
Stan, I'd add the tables to a hashtable so that you can access them back
that way:

Dim tables as HashTable(15)
for i = 1993 to 2008
dim table as new Table()
Controls.Add(ta ble)
tables.Add(i, table)

you can then access the table by the year:

dim table as Table = ctype(tables(19 99), Table)
table.visible = false

"Stan Sainte-Rose" <st**@cyber972. com> wrote in message
news:OF******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP09.phx.gbl...

I use this bit of code to generate dynamic tables in the page load section ...
Dim ntable as New Table
For i = 1993 To 2008
ntable = New Table
ntable.ID = "Q" + i.ToString

How to use the properties of each table ?
I would like to set visible and not visible some of them using their ID.


Nov 18 '05 #3
Maybe I have to reconsider my code.

Here s what I want to do (I works fine with ASP and I m trying to do it with

I need to load 16 tables, and hide 15 of them.
I have a another table where I display the years between 1993 to 2008
When I choose one year, I would like to hide all the table and just display
the table regarding the year.
Within asp, I m using Span and a javascript for hiding/showing the right
Any help ?

Of course all the tables are dynamic and their content come from a database.
I don't have problems with the ado.net part..


"Ryan Riddell" <Ry*********@di scussions.micro soft.com> a écrit dans le
message de news: 88************* *************** **...icrosof t.com...
Can you do this while inside the for loop?

Otherwise you can do ((Table)contain er.FindControl( "Q" + i)).Visible =
false;. Where container is the object you added the table controls to. But I'm not sure if the container controls will be available immediately after
adding them.

"Stan Sainte-Rose" wrote:

I use this bit of code to generate dynamic tables in the page load section ....
Dim ntable as New Table
For i = 1993 To 2008
ntable = New Table
ntable.ID = "Q" + i.ToString

How to use the properties of each table ?
I would like to set visible and not visible some of them using their ID.


Nov 18 '05 #4
Oopps..forgot the new
Dim tables as new Hashtable(15)

or, if you don't have System.Collecti ons imported, try:
Dim tables As New System.Collecti ons.Hashtable(1 5)

What ryan says about using FindControl will also work, but you should get
better performance this way, and you'll need to do less error checking.


"Stan Sainte-Rose" <st**@cyber972. com> wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP09.phx.gbl. ..
Hi Karl
It seems the Dim tables as HashTable(15) is not correct..

"Karl" <none> a écrit dans le message de news:
#m************* *@TK2MSFTNGP10. phx.gbl...
Stan, I'd add the tables to a hashtable so that you can access them back
that way:

Dim tables as HashTable(15)
for i = 1993 to 2008
dim table as new Table()
Controls.Add(ta ble)
tables.Add(i, table)

you can then access the table by the year:

dim table as Table = ctype(tables(19 99), Table)
table.visible = false

"Stan Sainte-Rose" <st**@cyber972. com> wrote in message
news:OF******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP09.phx.gbl...

I use this bit of code to generate dynamic tables in the page load section ...
Dim ntable as New Table
For i = 1993 To 2008
ntable = New Table
ntable.ID = "Q" + i.ToString

How to use the properties of each table ?
I would like to set visible and not visible some of them using their ID.

Nov 18 '05 #5
Hi again

Stupid question...
Your procedure works fine..

But I have a problem..
When I look at the html source from the browser, the table is out the <Form>
How can I add the table between <Form> and </Form> knowing that my table has
input textbox and a submit button

Or, is there an elegant method to do it ?


"Karl" <none> a écrit dans le message de news:
#n************* @TK2MSFTNGP09.p hx.gbl...
Oopps..forgot the new
Dim tables as new Hashtable(15)

or, if you don't have System.Collecti ons imported, try:
Dim tables As New System.Collecti ons.Hashtable(1 5)

What ryan says about using FindControl will also work, but you should get
better performance this way, and you'll need to do less error checking.


"Stan Sainte-Rose" <st**@cyber972. com> wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP09.phx.gbl. ..
Hi Karl
It seems the Dim tables as HashTable(15) is not correct..

"Karl" <none> a écrit dans le message de news:
#m************* *@TK2MSFTNGP10. phx.gbl...
Stan, I'd add the tables to a hashtable so that you can access them back that way:

Dim tables as HashTable(15)
for i = 1993 to 2008
dim table as new Table()
Controls.Add(ta ble)
tables.Add(i, table)

you can then access the table by the year:

dim table as Table = ctype(tables(19 99), Table)
table.visible = false

"Stan Sainte-Rose" <st**@cyber972. com> wrote in message
news:OF******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP09.phx.gbl...
> Hi,
> I use this bit of code to generate dynamic tables in the page load

> ...
> Dim ntable as New Table
> For i = 1993 To 2008
> ntable = New Table
> ntable.ID = "Q" + i.ToString
> ....
> ....
> Next
> How to use the properties of each table ?
> I would like to set visible and not visible some of them using their ID. >
> Stan

Nov 18 '05 #6
When you did Controls.Add(ta ble), you were accessing the Page's Control
property and adding the table to it Instead, you want to add the tables to
the Controls() property of the form, or a placeholder inside the form.

Not sure if you are using vs.net or not, but you should be able to to
Form1.Controls. Add(table) where Form1 is the ID of the form.


"Stan Sainte-Rose" <st**@cyber972. com> wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP09.phx.gbl. ..
Hi again

Stupid question...
Your procedure works fine..

But I have a problem..
When I look at the html source from the browser, the table is out the <Form> tag.
How can I add the table between <Form> and </Form> knowing that my table has input textbox and a submit button

Or, is there an elegant method to do it ?


"Karl" <none> a écrit dans le message de news:
#n************* @TK2MSFTNGP09.p hx.gbl...
Oopps..forgot the new
Dim tables as new Hashtable(15)

or, if you don't have System.Collecti ons imported, try:
Dim tables As New System.Collecti ons.Hashtable(1 5)

What ryan says about using FindControl will also work, but you should get
better performance this way, and you'll need to do less error checking.


"Stan Sainte-Rose" <st**@cyber972. com> wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP09.phx.gbl. ..
Hi Karl
It seems the Dim tables as HashTable(15) is not correct..

"Karl" <none> a écrit dans le message de news:
#m************* *@TK2MSFTNGP10. phx.gbl...
> Stan, I'd add the tables to a hashtable so that you can access them back > that way:
> Dim tables as HashTable(15)
> for i = 1993 to 2008
> dim table as new Table()
> ...
> Controls.Add(ta ble)
> tables.Add(i, table)
> next
> you can then access the table by the year:
> dim table as Table = ctype(tables(19 99), Table)
> table.visible = false
> Karl
> "Stan Sainte-Rose" <st**@cyber972. com> wrote in message
> news:OF******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP09.phx.gbl...
> > Hi,
> >
> > I use this bit of code to generate dynamic tables in the page load
> > ...
> > Dim ntable as New Table
> > For i = 1993 To 2008
> > ntable = New Table
> > ntable.ID = "Q" + i.ToString
> > ....
> > ....
> > Next
> >
> > How to use the properties of each table ?
> > I would like to set visible and not visible some of them using

their ID.
> >
> > Stan
> >
> >

Nov 18 '05 #7
Thanks Karl,

Yes I m using VS.Net
In fact, I ve used a Panel control and I ve added the Table like this
Panel1.Controls .Add(tableau)
So, I will try yours..

However, I still have a little problem.
here's my code.
I would like to use the Page.Ispostback to avoid to reload the database and
I would like to update it when I click on the button.
If you have time to look at the code and tell me where I can add the
Ispostback command.
When the button is pressed and the database is update I would like to change
the button text to "Updated".
I think I will be able to change it to Update when one textbox will be
As I said, I m from ASP ... so.... :-)

Here's the code..
Imports System.Configur ation
Imports System.Data.Sql Client
Public Class A_QUESTIONS
Inherits System.Web.UI.P age
Dim Ds As New DataSet("MonDS" )
Dim cn As New
SqlConnection(C onfigurationSet tings.AppSettin gs.Item("dbData "))

Protected WithEvents Table As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Tabl e
Protected WithEvents Panel1 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Pane l
Protected WithEvents Bouton As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Butt on
Protected WithEvents Button1 As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Butt on
Dim Table1 As Table
Dim Langue As String
Dim tables As New Hashtable(15)

#Region " Code généré par le Concepteur Web Form "

'Cet appel est requis par le Concepteur Web Form.
<System.Diagnos tics.DebuggerSt epThrough()> Private Sub
InitializeCompo nent()

End Sub

'REMARQUE : la déclaration d'espace réservé suivante est requise par le
Concepteur Web Form.
'Ne pas supprimer ou déplacer.
Private designerPlaceho lderDeclaration As System.Object

Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Init
'CODEGEN : cet appel de méthode est requis par le Concepteur Web
'Ne le modifiez pas en utilisant l'éditeur de code.
InitializeCompo nent()
End Sub

#End Region

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load

Langue = "FR"
Dim Pays, Chapitre, Schapitre As Integer
'Pays = Request.QuerySt ring("PAYS")
Pays = 1
Chapitre = Request.QuerySt ring("IDC")
If Request.QuerySt ring("IDS") = "" Then
Schapitre = 0
Schapitre = Request.QuerySt ring("IDS")
End If
Ds.Tables.Add(" QUESTIONS")
Dim daQUESTIONS As New SqlDataAdapter
daQUESTIONS.Sel ectCommand = SQL_LISTE_QUEST IONS(Langue, Pays,
Chapitre, Schapitre)
daQUESTIONS.Fil l(Ds.Tables("QU ESTIONS"))

Dim paragraphe As String = ""
Dim tableau As New Table
Dim Ligne As New TableRow
Dim cell1 As New TableCell
Dim cell2 As New TableCell
Dim cell3 As New TableCell
Dim row As DataRow
Dim i As Integer
Dim CPTAN As Integer = 3
For i = 1993 To 2008
CPTAN += 1
tableau = New Table
tableau.ID = "Q" + i.ToString
tableau.Visible = False
For Each row In Ds.Tables("QUES TIONS").Rows
If paragraphe <> row("paragraphe ") Then
Ligne = New TableRow
cell1 = New TableCell
cell1.ColumnSpa n = 3
cell1.Text = row("Paragraphe ")
paragraphe = row("paragraphe ")
Ligne.Cells.Add (cell1)
tableau.Rows.Ad d(Ligne)
End If
Ligne = New TableRow
cell1 = New TableCell
cell2 = New TableCell
cell3 = New TableCell

If row("Question") = "[TEXT]" Then
cell1.Text = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=T_" &
row("idquestion ") & "_" & i & " VALUE=""" & row(16 + CPTAN) & """>"
cell1.Text = row("Question")
End If
cell2.Text = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=" & row("idquestion ") &
"_" & i & " VALUE=""" & row(16 + CPTAN) & """ onBlur=""TypeCh amps(this,'" &
Trim(row("TypeT est")) & "');"">"
cell3.Text = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=S" & row("idquestion ") &
"_" & i & " VALUE=""" & row(16 + CPTAN) & """>"
cell1.Width = Unit.Point(254)
cell2.Width = Unit.Point(100)
cell3.Width = Unit.Point(110)

Ligne.Cells.Add (cell1)
Ligne.Cells.Add (cell2)
Ligne.Cells.Add (cell3)
tableau.Rows.Ad d(Ligne)
Ligne = New TableRow
cell1 = New TableCell
cell1.ColumnSpa n = 3
Dim button1 As New Button
button1.CausesV alidation = False
button1.Text = "Mise à Jour"

button1.ID = "B" + i.ToString
cell1.Controls. Add(button1)
Ligne.Cells.Add (cell1)
tableau.Rows.Ad d(Ligne)
tableau.Visible = False
Panel1.Controls .Add(tableau)
tables.Add(i, tableau)
Table1 = CType(tables(19 99), Table)
Table1.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Function SQL_LISTE_QUEST IONS(ByVal Langue As String, ByVal Pays
As Integer, ByVal Chapitre As Integer, ByVal Schapitre As Integer) As
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("A_L ISTE_QUESTIONS" , cn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Sto redProcedure
Dim pc As SqlParameterCol lection = cmd.Parameters
pc.Add("@langue ", SqlDbType.VarCh ar, 2)
pc.Add("@Pays", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
pc.Add("@Chapit re", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
pc.Add("@Schapi tre", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
pc("@langue").V alue = Langue
pc("@pays").Val ue = Pays
pc("@Chapitre") .Value = Chapitre
pc("@Schapitre" ).Value = Schapitre
Return cmd
End Function

Private Sub Bouton_Click(By Val sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles Bouton.Click
sender.text = "OK"
End Sub
Nov 18 '05 #8

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