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I am running into an issue. Recently I installed IBuySpy Portal and then converted the data source to odp.net. When debugging the app my machine would freeze or become really slow. I can reproduce it by:

Setting a breakpoint somewhere in the code, hitting F5, once the application has completely loaded hit the stop button, make a quick change and then select F5 again.

It appears that the debugger attaches to the previous aspnet_wp.exe process, which is in the process of dieing. I created a batch script that kills the aspnet_wp.exe process, after running the script my PC would become responsive again (after a few minutes). It appears to lock up after or near the loading of oracle.dataacce ss.dll. Has anyone else seen this behavior?

Auto-attach to process '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe' on machine 'MCARR' succeeded.
'DefaultDomain' : Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain' : Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.web.. dll', No symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain' : Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll', No symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain' : Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.enter priseservices.d ll', No symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain' : Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.enter priseservices.t hunk.dll', No symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain' : Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. data\1.0.5000.0 __b77a5c561934e 089\system.data .dll', No symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain' : Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. drawing\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\system.. drawing.dll', No symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain' : Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. xml\1.0.5000.0_ _b77a5c561934e0 89\system.xml.. dll', No symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain' : Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.regularexpr essions\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\system.w eb.regularexpre ssions.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.web.. dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. xml\1.0.5000.0_ _b77a5c561934e0 89\system.xml.. dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.regularexpr essions\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\system.w eb.regularexpre ssions.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \8auziyec.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \assembly\dl2\2 a698158\3e4b284 1_cd6ac401\port al.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\compone ntart.web.ui\1. 5.1920.0__9bc9f 846553156bb\com ponentart.web.u i.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. drawing\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\system.. drawing.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. data\1.0.5000.0 __b77a5c561934e 089\system.data .dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\aspnetm enu\ c9f846553156bb\ aspnetmenu.dll' , No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.enter priseservices.d ll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.enter priseservices.t hunk.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.mobile\1.0. 5000.0__b03f5f7 f11d50a3a\syste m.web.mobile.dl l', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.services\1. 0.5000.0__b03f5 f7f11d50a3a\sys tem.web.service s.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \assembly\dl2\6 a8f36d5\ead4450 f_a06ac401\kyoc erawirelesscorp .mfgapps.data.d ll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\oracle. dataaccess\9.2. 0.401__89b483f4 29c47342\oracle .dataaccess.dll ', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \mvklu7as.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \moyzfesj.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \1dahfmm0.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \jge-bfdd.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \gsd_fkoj.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \iicvmigi.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \kp3xk_zo.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \_tmmea83.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.web.. dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.enter priseservices.d ll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.enter priseservices.t hunk.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. data\1.0.5000.0 __b77a5c561934e 089\system.data .dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. drawing\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\system.. drawing.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. xml\1.0.5000.0_ _b77a5c561934e0 89\system.xml.. dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.regularexpr essions\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\system.w eb.regularexpre ssions.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\compone ntart.web.ui\1. 5.1920.0__9bc9f 846553156bb\com ponentart.web.u i.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\aspnetm enu\ c9f846553156bb\ aspnetmenu.dll' , No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.mobile\1.0. 5000.0__b03f5f7 f11d50a3a\syste m.web.mobile.dl l', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.services\1. 0.5000.0__b03f5 f7f11d50a3a\sys tem.web.service s.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \assembly\dl2\2 a698158\860ad45 1_cd6ac401\port al.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \assembly\dl2\6 a8f36d5\ead4450 f_a06ac401\kyoc erawirelesscorp .mfgapps.data.d ll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \pii4fhuj.dll', Symbols loaded.
The thread '<No Name>' (0xba8) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\oracle. dataaccess\9.2. 0.401__89b483f4 29c47342\oracle .dataaccess.dll ', No symbols loaded.
It appears to lock up here
The thread '<No Name>' (0xbc8) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The program '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe: DefaultDomain' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The program '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe: /LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

Nov 18 '05 #1
9 2450
Hi Mike,

In order to tell for sure, we would need to get a dump of the process at
the point where it hangs and find out what is causing that. Your message
title is "deadlocks. " Are you seeing entries in the Event Viewer
Application log that indicate that we're in a deadlocked state?

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.
Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
Subject: Deadlocks
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:22:54 -0700
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I am running into an issue. Recently I installed IBuySpy Portal and then converted the data source to odp.net. When debugging the app my machine
would freeze or become really slow. I can reproduce it by:Setting a breakpoint somewhere in the code, hitting F5, once the application has completely loaded hit the stop button, make a quick change
and then select F5 again.It appears that the debugger attaches to the previous aspnet_wp.exe process, which is in the process of dieing. I created a batch script that
kills the aspnet_wp.exe process, after running the script my PC would
become responsive again (after a few minutes). It appears to lock up after
or near the loading of oracle.dataacce ss.dll. Has anyone else seen this
behavior?Auto-attach to process '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe' on machine 'MCARR' succeeded.
'DefaultDomain ': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No symbols
loaded.'DefaultDomain ': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.web.d l
l', No symbols loaded.'DefaultDomain ': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll', No
symbols loaded.'DefaultDomain ': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3
a\system.enterp riseservices.dl l', No symbols loaded.'DefaultDomain ': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3
a\system.enterp riseservices.th unk.dll', No symbols loaded.'DefaultDomain ': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. data\1.0.5000.0 __b77a5c561934e 089\system.data .
dll', No symbols loaded.'DefaultDomain ': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. drawing\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\system.d r
awing.dll', No symbols loaded.'DefaultDomain ': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. xml\1.0.5000.0_ _b77a5c561934e0 89\system.xml.d l
l', No symbols loaded.'DefaultDomain ': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.regularexpr essions\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d
50a3a\system.we b.regularexpres sions.dll', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No symbols
loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.web.d l
l', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll', No
symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. xml\1.0.5000.0_ _b77a5c561934e0 89\system.xml.d l
l', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.regularexpr essions\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d
50a3a\system.we b.regularexpres sions.dll', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \8auziyec.dll', Symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \assembly\dl2\2 a698158\3e4b284 1_cd6ac401\port a
l.dll', Symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\compone ntart.web.ui\1. 5.1920.0__9bc9f 846553156bb\com p
onentart.web.ui .dll', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. drawing\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\system.d r
awing.dll', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. data\1.0.5000.0 __b77a5c561934e 089\system.data .
dll', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\aspnetm enu\ c9f846553156bb\ aspnetmenu.dll' ,
No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3
a\system.enterp riseservices.dl l', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3
a\system.enterp riseservices.th unk.dll', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.mobile\1.0. 5000.0__b03f5f7 f11d50a3a\syste m
web.mobile.dll' , No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.services\1. 0.5000.0__b03f5 f7f11d50a3a\sys t
em.web.services .dll', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \assembly\dl2\6 a8f36d5\ead4450 f_a06ac401\kyoc e
rawirelesscorp. mfgapps.data.dl l', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\oracle. dataaccess\9.2. 0.401__89b483f4 29c47342\oracle .
dataaccess.dll' , No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \mvklu7as.dll', Symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \moyzfesj.dll', Symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \1dahfmm0.dll', Symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \jge-bfdd.dll', Symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \gsd_fkoj.dll', Symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \iicvmigi.dll', Symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \kp3xk_zo.dll', Symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \_tmmea83.dll', Symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No symbols
loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.web.d l
l', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll', No
symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3
a\system.enterp riseservices.dl l', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3
a\system.enterp riseservices.th unk.dll', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. data\1.0.5000.0 __b77a5c561934e 089\system.data .
dll', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. drawing\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\system.d r
awing.dll', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. xml\1.0.5000.0_ _b77a5c561934e0 89\system.xml.d l
l', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.regularexpr essions\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d
50a3a\system.we b.regularexpres sions.dll', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\compone ntart.web.ui\1. 5.1920.0__9bc9f 846553156bb\com p
onentart.web.ui .dll', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\aspnetm enu\ c9f846553156bb\ aspnetmenu.dll' ,
No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.mobile\1.0. 5000.0__b03f5f7 f11d50a3a\syste m
web.mobile.dll' , No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.services\1. 0.5000.0__b03f5 f7f11d50a3a\sys t
em.web.services .dll', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \assembly\dl2\2 a698158\860ad45 1_cd6ac401\port a
l.dll', Symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \assembly\dl2\6 a8f36d5\ead4450 f_a06ac401\kyoc e
rawirelesscorp. mfgapps.data.dl l', No symbols loaded.'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \pii4fhuj.dll', Symbols loaded.The thread '<No Name>' (0xba8) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\oracle. dataaccess\9.2. 0.401__89b483f4 29c47342\oracle .
dataaccess.dll' , No symbols loaded.It appears to lock up here
The thread '<No Name>' (0xbc8) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The program '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe: DefaultDomain' has exited with code 0 (0x0).The program '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe: /LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530' has exited with code 0 (0x0).--

Nov 18 '05 #2
No,only(see below) how can I get a dump?

Event Type: Error
Event Source: ASP.NET 1.1.4322.0
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1000
Date: 7/16/2004
Time: 10:23:55 AM
User: N/A
Computer: MCARR
aspnet_wp.exe (PID: 2600) stopped unexpectedly.

"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
news:2q******** ******@cpmsftng xa06.phx.gbl...
Hi Mike,

In order to tell for sure, we would need to get a dump of the process at
the point where it hangs and find out what is causing that. Your message
title is "deadlocks. " Are you seeing entries in the Event Viewer
Application log that indicate that we're in a deadlocked state?

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.
Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
Subject: Deadlocks
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:22:54 -0700
Lines: 434
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
boundary="----=_NextPart_000_ 0014_01C46B16.7 9349C00"
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
Message-ID: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>
Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP09.phx.g bl
Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet:2477 05X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet

I am running into an issue. Recently I installed IBuySpy Portal and then converted the data source to odp.net. When debugging the app my machine
would freeze or become really slow. I can reproduce it by:
Setting a breakpoint somewhere in the code, hitting F5, once the

application has completely loaded hit the stop button, make a quick change
and then select F5 again.
It appears that the debugger attaches to the previous aspnet_wp.exe

process, which is in the process of dieing. I created a batch script that
kills the aspnet_wp.exe process, after running the script my PC would
become responsive again (after a few minutes). It appears to lock up

after or near the loading of oracle.dataacce ss.dll. Has anyone else seen this
Auto-attach to process '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe' on machine 'MCARR' succeeded.'DefaultDomain ': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No symbols
'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.web.d l l', No symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain ': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll', No
symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3 a\system.enterp riseservices.dl l', No symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3 a\system.enterp riseservices.th unk.dll', No symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. data\1.0.5000.0 __b77a5c561934e 089\system.data . dll', No symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. drawing\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\system.d r awing.dll', No symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. xml\1.0.5000.0_ _b77a5c561934e0 89\system.xml.d l l', No symbols loaded.
'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.regularexpr essions\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d 50a3a\system.we b.regularexpres sions.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No symbols
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.web.d l l', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll', No
symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. xml\1.0.5000.0_ _b77a5c561934e0 89\system.xml.d l l', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.regularexpr essions\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d 50a3a\system.we b.regularexpres sions.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \8auziyec.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net

files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \assembly\dl2\2 a698158\3e4b284 1_cd6ac401\port a l.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\compone ntart.web.ui\1. 5.1920.0__9bc9f 846553156bb\com p onentart.web.ui .dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. drawing\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\system.d r awing.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. data\1.0.5000.0 __b77a5c561934e 089\system.data . dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\aspnetm enu\ c9f846553156bb\ aspnetmenu.dll' , No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3 a\system.enterp riseservices.dl l', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3 a\system.enterp riseservices.th unk.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.mobile\1.0. 5000.0__b03f5f7 f11d50a3a\syste m web.mobile.dll' , No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.services\1. 0.5000.0__b03f5 f7f11d50a3a\sys t em.web.services .dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net

files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \assembly\dl2\6 a8f36d5\ead4450 f_a06ac401\kyoc e rawirelesscorp. mfgapps.data.dl l', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\oracle. dataaccess\9.2. 0.401__89b483f4 29c47342\oracle . dataaccess.dll' , No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \mvklu7as.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \moyzfesj.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \1dahfmm0.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \jge-bfdd.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \gsd_fkoj.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \iicvmigi.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \kp3xk_zo.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-1-127344371437218 366': Loaded

'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \_tmmea83.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded

'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No symbols
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\system.web.d l l', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll', No
symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3 a\system.enterp riseservices.dl l', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. enterpriseservi ces\1.0.5000.0_ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3 a\system.enterp riseservices.th unk.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. data\1.0.5000.0 __b77a5c561934e 089\system.data . dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. drawing\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\system.d r awing.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. xml\1.0.5000.0_ _b77a5c561934e0 89\system.xml.d l l', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.regularexpr essions\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d 50a3a\system.we b.regularexpres sions.dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\compone ntart.web.ui\1. 5.1920.0__9bc9f 846553156bb\com p onentart.web.ui .dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\aspnetm enu\ c9f846553156bb\ aspnetmenu.dll' , No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.mobile\1.0. 5000.0__b03f5f7 f11d50a3a\syste m web.mobile.dll' , No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system. web.services\1. 0.5000.0__b03f5 f7f11d50a3a\sys t em.web.services .dll', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net

files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \assembly\dl2\2 a698158\860ad45 1_cd6ac401\port a l.dll', Symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net

files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \assembly\dl2\6 a8f36d5\ead4450 f_a06ac401\kyoc e rawirelesscorp. mfgapps.data.dl l', No symbols loaded.
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\t emporary asp.net
files\portal\ee 2d851c\51c9a2c7 \pii4fhuj.dll', Symbols loaded.
The thread '<No Name>' (0xba8) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
'/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\oracle. dataaccess\9.2. 0.401__89b483f4 29c47342\oracle . dataaccess.dll' , No symbols loaded.
It appears to lock up here
The thread '<No Name>' (0xbc8) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The program '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe: DefaultDomain' has exited with code 0

The program '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe:

/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Portal-2-127344371547688 530' has exited with code 0


Nov 18 '05 #3

That's a crash, not a deadlock. In order to get a dump of that, you will
need to use a configuration file against adplus. If I remove that
underscore in your e-mail, will an e-mail get to you?

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl> <2q************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>Subject: Re: Deadlocks
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 12:26:58 -0700
Lines: 276
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
Message-ID: <eA************ **@TK2MSFTNGP12 .phx.gbl>
Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP12.phx.g bl
Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet:2477 50
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet

No,only(see below) how can I get a dump?

Event Type: Error
Event Source: ASP.NET 1.1.4322.0
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1000
Date: 7/16/2004
Time: 10:23:55 AM
User: N/A
Computer: MCARR
aspnet_wp.ex e (PID: 2600) stopped unexpectedly.

"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
news:2q******* *******@cpmsftn gxa06.phx.gbl.. .
Hi Mike,

In order to tell for sure, we would need to get a dump of the process at
the point where it hangs and find out what is causing that. Your message
title is "deadlocks. " Are you seeing entries in the Event Viewer
Application log that indicate that we're in a deadlocked state?

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.
>Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>Subject: Deadlocks
>Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:22:54 -0700
>Lines: 434
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> boundary="----=_NextPart_000_ 0014_01C46B16.7 9349C00"
>X-Priority: 3
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>Message-ID: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>
>Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
>Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP09.phx.g bl
>Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gblmicrosoft.publ ic.dotnet.frame work.aspnet:247 705 >X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>I am running into an issue. Recently I installed IBuySpy Portal and
converted the data source to odp.net. When debugging the app my machine
would freeze or become really slow. I can reproduce it by:
>Setting a breakpoint somewhere in the code, hitting F5, once the

application has completely loaded hit the stop button, make a quick change and then select F5 again.
>It appears that the debugger attaches to the previous aspnet_wp.exe

process, which is in the process of dieing. I created a batch script that kills the aspnet_wp.exe process, after running the script my PC would
become responsive again (after a few minutes). It appears to lock up

or near the loading of oracle.dataacce ss.dll. Has anyone else seen this
>Auto-attach to process '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe' on machine 'MCARR'succeeded. >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No symbols
>'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\asse mbly\gac\system .web\1.0.5000.0 __b03f5f7f11d50 a3a\system.web. d

l l', No symbols loaded.
>'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll', No symbols loaded.
>'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\asse mbly\gac\system .enterpriseserv ices\1.0.5000.0 __b03f5f7f11d50 a

a\system.enterp riseservices.dl l', No symbols loaded.
>'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\asse mbly\gac\system .enterpriseserv ices\1.0.5000.0 __b03f5f7f11d50 a

a\system.enterp riseservices.th unk.dll', No symbols loaded.
>'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\asse mbly\gac\system .data\1.0.5000. 0__b77a5c561934 e089\system.dat a

Nov 18 '05 #4
Yes sir


"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
news:wk******** ******@cpmsftng xa06.phx.gbl...

That's a crash, not a deadlock. In order to get a dump of that, you will
need to use a configuration file against adplus. If I remove that
underscore in your e-mail, will an e-mail get to you?

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>

<2q************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
Subject: Re: Deadlocks
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 12:26:58 -0700
Lines: 276
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
Message-ID: <eA************ **@TK2MSFTNGP12 .phx.gbl>
Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP12.phx.g bl
Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet:2477 50
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet

No,only(see below) how can I get a dump?

Event Type: Error
Event Source: ASP.NET 1.1.4322.0
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1000
Date: 7/16/2004
Time: 10:23:55 AM
User: N/A
Computer: MCARR
aspnet_wp.ex e (PID: 2600) stopped unexpectedly.

"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
news:2q******* *******@cpmsftn gxa06.phx.gbl.. .
Hi Mike,

In order to tell for sure, we would need to get a dump of the process at the point where it hangs and find out what is causing that. Your message title is "deadlocks. " Are you seeing entries in the Event Viewer
Application log that indicate that we're in a deadlocked state?

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.
>Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>Subject: Deadlocks
>Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:22:54 -0700
>Lines: 434
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> boundary="----=_NextPart_000_ 0014_01C46B16.7 9349C00"
>X-Priority: 3
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>Message-ID: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>
>Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
>Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP09.phx.g bl
>Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl

microsoft.publ ic.dotnet.frame work.aspnet:247 705
>X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>I am running into an issue. Recently I installed IBuySpy Portal and

then converted the data source to odp.net. When debugging the app my machine would freeze or become really slow. I can reproduce it by:
>Setting a breakpoint somewhere in the code, hitting F5, once the
application has completely loaded hit the stop button, make a quick change and then select F5 again.
>It appears that the debugger attaches to the previous aspnet_wp.exe
process, which is in the process of dieing. I created a batch script that kills the aspnet_wp.exe process, after running the script my PC would
become responsive again (after a few minutes). It appears to lock up

or near the loading of oracle.dataacce ss.dll. Has anyone else seen this behavior?
>Auto-attach to process '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe' on machine 'MCARR'

>'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No symbols
>'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\asse mbly\gac\system .web\1.0.5000.0 __b03f5f7f11d50 a3a\system.web. d
l l', No symbols loaded.
>'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll', No symbols loaded.
>'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\asse mbly\gac\system .enterpriseserv ices\1.0.5000.0 __b03f5f7f11d50 a
3 a\system.enterp riseservices.dl l', No symbols loaded.
>'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\asse mbly\gac\system .enterpriseserv ices\1.0.5000.0 __b03f5f7f11d50 a
3 a\system.enterp riseservices.th unk.dll', No symbols loaded.
>'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\asse mbly\gac\system .data\1.0.5000. 0__b77a5c561934 e089\system.dat a

Nov 18 '05 #5
Good deal. I sent you instructions.

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.
Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl> <2q************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
<eA************ **@TK2MSFTNGP12 .phx.gbl>
<wk************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>Subject: Re: Deadlocks
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 15:01:30 -0700
Lines: 148
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
Message-ID: <OV************ **@TK2MSFTNGP10 .phx.gbl>
Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG XS01.phx.gbl!TK 2MSFTNGXA05.phx .gbl!TK2MSFTNGP 0
8.phx.gbl!TK2MS FTNGP10.phx.gblXref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet:2477 79
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet

Yes sir


"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
news:wk******* *******@cpmsftn gxa06.phx.gbl.. .

That's a crash, not a deadlock. In order to get a dump of that, you will
need to use a configuration file against adplus. If I remove that
underscore in your e-mail, will an e-mail get to you?

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

>Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl> <2q************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
>Subject: Re: Deadlocks
>Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 12:26:58 -0700
>Lines: 276
>X-Priority: 3
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>Message-ID: <eA************ **@TK2MSFTNGP12 .phx.gbl>
>Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
>Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP12.phx.g bl
>Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gblmicrosoft.publ ic.dotnet.frame work.aspnet:247 750 >X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>No,only(see below) how can I get a dump?
>Event Type: Error
>Event Source: ASP.NET 1.1.4322.0
>Event Category: None
>Event ID: 1000
>Date: 7/16/2004
>Time: 10:23:55 AM
>User: N/A
>Computer: MCARR
>aspnet_wp.ex e (PID: 2600) stopped unexpectedly.
>"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
>news:2q******* *******@cpmsftn gxa06.phx.gbl.. .
>> Hi Mike,
>> In order to tell for sure, we would need to get a dump of the processat >> the point where it hangs and find out what is causing that. Yourmessage >> title is "deadlocks. " Are you seeing entries in the Event Viewer
>> Application log that indicate that we're in a deadlocked state?
>> Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
>> Microsoft Developer Support
>> ja******@online .microsoft.com
>> This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights. >>
>> --------------------
>> >Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >Subject: Deadlocks
>> >Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:22:54 -0700
>> >Lines: 434
>> >MIME-Version: 1.0
>> >Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>> > boundary="----=_NextPart_000_ 0014_01C46B16.7 9349C00"
>> >X-Priority: 3
>> >X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>> >X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>> >X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>> >Message-ID: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>
>> >Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
>> >Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP09.phx.g bl
>> >Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl
>microsoft.publ ic.dotnet.frame work.aspnet:247 705
>> >X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >
>> >I am running into an issue. Recently I installed IBuySpy Portal and

>> converted the data source to odp.net. When debugging the app mymachine >> would freeze or become really slow. I can reproduce it by:
>> >Setting a breakpoint somewhere in the code, hitting F5, once the
>> application has completely loaded hit the stop button, make a quick

>> and then select F5 again.
>> >It appears that the debugger attaches to the previous aspnet_wp.exe
>> process, which is in the process of dieing. I created a batch script

>> kills the aspnet_wp.exe process, after running the script my PC would
>> become responsive again (after a few minutes). It appears to lock up
>> or near the loading of oracle.dataacce ss.dll. Has anyone else seenthis >> behavior?
>> >Auto-attach to process '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe' on machine 'MCARR'
>> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No symbols
>> loaded.
>> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.web\1.0.5000. 0__b03f5f7f11d5 0a3a\system.web . d l
>> l', No symbols loaded.
>> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll', No
>> symbols loaded.
>> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.enterpriseser vices\1.0.5000. 0__b03f5f7f11d5 0 a 3
>> a\system.enterp riseservices.dl l', No symbols loaded.
>> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.enterpriseser vices\1.0.5000. 0__b03f5f7f11d5 0 a 3
>> a\system.enterp riseservices.th unk.dll', No symbols loaded.
>> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.data\1.0.5000 .0__b77a5c56193 4e089\system.da t


Nov 18 '05 #6
I have the debug files, the newsserver will not allow me to post


"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
news:$K******** ********@cpmsft ngxa06.phx.gbl. ..
Good deal. I sent you instructions.

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.
Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl> <2q************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
<eA************ **@TK2MSFTNGP12 .phx.gbl>
<wk************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
Subject: Re: Deadlocks
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 15:01:30 -0700
Lines: 148
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
Message-ID: <OV************ **@TK2MSFTNGP10 .phx.gbl>
Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com

cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG XS01.phx.gbl!TK 2MSFTNGXA05.phx .gbl!TK2MSFTNGP 0 8.phx.gbl!TK2MS FTNGP10.phx.gbl
Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet:2477 79
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet

Yes sir


"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
news:wk******* *******@cpmsftn gxa06.phx.gbl.. .

That's a crash, not a deadlock. In order to get a dump of that, you will need to use a configuration file against adplus. If I remove that
underscore in your e-mail, will an e-mail get to you?

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

>Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>
<2q************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
>Subject: Re: Deadlocks
>Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 12:26:58 -0700
>Lines: 276
>X-Priority: 3
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>Message-ID: <eA************ **@TK2MSFTNGP12 .phx.gbl>
>Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
>Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP12.phx.g bl
>Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl

microsoft.publ ic.dotnet.frame work.aspnet:247 750
>X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>No,only(see below) how can I get a dump?
>Event Type: Error
>Event Source: ASP.NET 1.1.4322.0
>Event Category: None
>Event ID: 1000
>Date: 7/16/2004
>Time: 10:23:55 AM
>User: N/A
>Computer: MCARR
>aspnet_wp.ex e (PID: 2600) stopped unexpectedly.
>"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
>news:2q******* *******@cpmsftn gxa06.phx.gbl.. .
>> Hi Mike,
>> In order to tell for sure, we would need to get a dump of the process
>> the point where it hangs and find out what is causing that. Your

>> title is "deadlocks. " Are you seeing entries in the Event Viewer
>> Application log that indicate that we're in a deadlocked state?
>> Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
>> Microsoft Developer Support
>> ja******@online .microsoft.com
>> This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no

rights. >>
>> --------------------
>> >Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >Subject: Deadlocks
>> >Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:22:54 -0700
>> >Lines: 434
>> >MIME-Version: 1.0
>> >Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>> > boundary="----=_NextPart_000_ 0014_01C46B16.7 9349C00"
>> >X-Priority: 3
>> >X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>> >X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>> >X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>> >Message-ID: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>
>> >Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
>> >Path:
cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP09.phx.g bl >> >Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl
>microsoft.publ ic.dotnet.frame work.aspnet:247 705
>> >X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >
>> >I am running into an issue. Recently I installed IBuySpy Portal and then
>> converted the data source to odp.net. When debugging the app my

>> would freeze or become really slow. I can reproduce it by:
>> >Setting a breakpoint somewhere in the code, hitting F5, once the
>> application has completely loaded hit the stop button, make a quick
>> and then select F5 again.
>> >It appears that the debugger attaches to the previous aspnet_wp.exe
>> process, which is in the process of dieing. I created a batch script that
>> kills the aspnet_wp.exe process, after running the script my PC would >> become responsive again (after a few minutes). It appears to lock up >after
>> or near the loading of oracle.dataacce ss.dll. Has anyone else seen

>> behavior?
>> >Auto-attach to process '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe' on machine 'MCARR'
>> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No symbols >> loaded.
>> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.web\1.0.5000. 0__b03f5f7f11d5 0a3a\system.web .

d l
>> l', No symbols loaded.
>> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> 'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll', No
>> symbols loaded.
>> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
'c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.enterpriseser vices\1.0.5000. 0__b03f5f7f11d5 0

a 3
>> a\system.enterp riseservices.dl l', No symbols loaded.
>> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
'c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.enterpriseser vices\1.0.5000. 0__b03f5f7f11d5 0

a 3
>> a\system.enterp riseservices.th unk.dll', No symbols loaded.
>> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded

'c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.data\1.0.5000 .0__b77a5c56193 4e089\system.da t


Nov 18 '05 #7
Hi Mike,

You said in your e-mail that you got an error when attaching the debugger.
What was that error? Keep in mind that you cannot run adplus via Remote
Desktop or Terminal Services.

The dump you sent me was a 1st chance exception dump. It was not a good

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl> <2q************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
<eA************ **@TK2MSFTNGP12 .phx.gbl>
<wk************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
<OV************ **@TK2MSFTNGP10 .phx.gbl>
<$K************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>Subject: Re: Deadlocks
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 09:56:27 -0700
Lines: 212
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
Message-ID: <O#************ *@TK2MSFTNGP11. phx.gbl>
Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP11.phx.g bl
Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet:2488 76
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet

I have the debug files, the newsserver will not allow me to post


"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
news:$K******* *********@cpmsf tngxa06.phx.gbl ...
Good deal. I sent you instructions.

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.
>Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>

<2q************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
<eA************ **@TK2MSFTNGP12 .phx.gbl>
<wk************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
>Subject: Re: Deadlocks
>Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 15:01:30 -0700
>Lines: 148
>X-Priority: 3
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>Message-ID: <OV************ **@TK2MSFTNGP10 .phx.gbl>
>Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com

cpmsftngxa06.p hx.gbl!TK2MSFTN GXS01.phx.gbl!T K2MSFTNGXA05.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P

8.phx.gbl!TK2MS FTNGP10.phx.gbl
>Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gblmicrosoft.publ ic.dotnet.frame work.aspnet:247 779 >X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>Yes sir
>"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
>news:wk******* *******@cpmsftn gxa06.phx.gbl.. .
>> Mike,
>> That's a crash, not a deadlock. In order to get a dump of that, youwill >> need to use a configuration file against adplus. If I remove that
>> underscore in your e-mail, will an e-mail get to you?
>> Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
>> Microsoft Developer Support
>> ja******@online .microsoft.com
>> This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights. >>
>> --------------------
>> >Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>
>> <2q************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
>> >Subject: Re: Deadlocks
>> >Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 12:26:58 -0700
>> >Lines: 276
>> >X-Priority: 3
>> >X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>> >X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>> >X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>> >Message-ID: <eA************ **@TK2MSFTNGP12 .phx.gbl>
>> >Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
>> >Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP12.phx.g bl
>> >Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl
>microsoft.publ ic.dotnet.frame work.aspnet:247 750
>> >X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >
>> >No,only(see below) how can I get a dump?
>> >
>> >Event Type: Error
>> >Event Source: ASP.NET 1.1.4322.0
>> >Event Category: None
>> >Event ID: 1000
>> >Date: 7/16/2004
>> >Time: 10:23:55 AM
>> >User: N/A
>> >Computer: MCARR
>> >Description:
>> >aspnet_wp.ex e (PID: 2600) stopped unexpectedly.
>> >
>> >
>> >--
>> >
>> >"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message >> >news:2q******* *******@cpmsftn gxa06.phx.gbl.. .
>> >> Hi Mike,
>> >>
>> >> In order to tell for sure, we would need to get a dump of theprocess >at
>> >> the point where it hangs and find out what is causing that. Your
>> >> title is "deadlocks. " Are you seeing entries in the Event Viewer
>> >> Application log that indicate that we're in a deadlocked state?
>> >>
>> >> Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
>> >> Microsoft Developer Support
>> >> ja******@online .microsoft.com
>> >>
>> >> This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no

>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --------------------
>> >> >Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >> >From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >> >Subject: Deadlocks
>> >> >Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:22:54 -0700
>> >> >Lines: 434
>> >> >MIME-Version: 1.0
>> >> >Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>> >> > boundary="----=_NextPart_000_ 0014_01C46B16.7 9349C00"
>> >> >X-Priority: 3
>> >> >X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>> >> >X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>> >> >X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>> >> >Message-ID: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>
>> >> >Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >> >NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
>> >> >Path:cpmsftngxa06.p hx.gbl!TK2MSFTN GP08.phx.gbl!TK 2MSFTNGP09.phx. gbl >> >> >Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl
>> >microsoft.publ ic.dotnet.frame work.aspnet:247 705
>> >> >X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >> >
>> >> >I am running into an issue. Recently I installed IBuySpy Portaland >> then
>> >> converted the data source to odp.net. When debugging the app my
>> >> would freeze or become really slow. I can reproduce it by:
>> >> >Setting a breakpoint somewhere in the code, hitting F5, once the
>> >> application has completely loaded hit the stop button, make a quick
>> change
>> >> and then select F5 again.
>> >> >It appears that the debugger attaches to the previous aspnet_wp.exe >> >> process, which is in the process of dieing. I created a batchscript >> that
>> >> kills the aspnet_wp.exe process, after running the script my PCwould >> >> become responsive again (after a few minutes). It appears to lockup >> >after
>> >> or near the loading of oracle.dataacce ss.dll. Has anyone else seen
>> >> behavior?
>> >> >Auto-attach to process '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe' on machine 'MCARR'
>> >succeeded.
>> >> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> >> 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', Nosymbols >> >> loaded.
>> >> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> >>

'c:\winnt\as sembly\gac\syst em.web\1.0.5000 .0__b03f5f7f11d 50a3a\system.we b

Nov 18 '05 #8

According to the adplus log, Ctrl-C or Break was pressed after the debugger

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.
Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
From: ja******@online .microsoft.com (Jim Cheshire [MSFT])
Organization : Microsoft
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 17:34:15 GMT
Subject: Re: Deadlocks
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi Mike,

You said in your e-mail that you got an error when attaching the debugger. What was that error? Keep in mind that you cannot run adplus via Remote
Desktop or Terminal Services.

The dump you sent me was a 1st chance exception dump. It was not a good

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl><2q*********** ***@cpmsftngxa0 6.phx.gbl>
<eA*********** ***@TK2MSFTNGP1 2.phx.gbl>
<wk*********** ***@cpmsftngxa0 6.phx.gbl>
<OV*********** ***@TK2MSFTNGP1 0.phx.gbl>
<$K*********** ***@cpmsftngxa0 6.phx.gbl>
Subject: Re: Deadlocks
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 09:56:27 -0700
Lines: 212
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
Message-ID: <O#************ *@TK2MSFTNGP11. phx.gbl>
Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP11.phx.g bl
Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet:2488 76
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet

I have the debug files, the newsserver will not allow me to post


"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
news:$K****** **********@cpms ftngxa06.phx.gb l...
Good deal. I sent you instructions.

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.
>Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>
<2q************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
<eA************ **@TK2MSFTNGP12 .phx.gbl>
<wk************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
>Subject: Re: Deadlocks
>Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 15:01:30 -0700
>Lines: 148
>X-Priority: 3
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>Message-ID: <OV************ **@TK2MSFTNGP10 .phx.gbl>
>Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com

cpmsftngxa06. phx.gbl!TK2MSFT NGXS01.phx.gbl! TK2MSFTNGXA05.p hx.gbl!TK2MSFTN G P0 8.phx.gbl!TK2MS FTNGP10.phx.gbl
>Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gblmicrosoft.pub lic.dotnet.fram ework.aspnet:24 7779
>X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>Yes sir
>"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
>news:wk******* *******@cpmsftn gxa06.phx.gbl.. .
>> Mike,
>> That's a crash, not a deadlock. In order to get a dump of that, you

>> need to use a configuration file against adplus. If I remove that
>> underscore in your e-mail, will an e-mail get to you?
>> Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
>> Microsoft Developer Support
>> ja******@online .microsoft.com
>> This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers norights. >>
>> --------------------
>> >Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>
>> <2q************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
>> >Subject: Re: Deadlocks
>> >Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 12:26:58 -0700
>> >Lines: 276
>> >X-Priority: 3
>> >X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>> >X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>> >X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>> >Message-ID: <eA************ **@TK2MSFTNGP12 .phx.gbl>
>> >Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
>> >Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP12.phx.g bl
>> >Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl
>microsoft.publ ic.dotnet.frame work.aspnet:247 750
>> >X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >
>> >No,only(see below) how can I get a dump?
>> >
>> >Event Type: Error
>> >Event Source: ASP.NET 1.1.4322.0
>> >Event Category: None
>> >Event ID: 1000
>> >Date: 7/16/2004
>> >Time: 10:23:55 AM
>> >User: N/A
>> >Computer: MCARR
>> >Description:
>> >aspnet_wp.ex e (PID: 2600) stopped unexpectedly.
>> >
>> >
>> >--
>> >
>> >"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote inmessage >> >news:2q******* *******@cpmsftn gxa06.phx.gbl.. .
>> >> Hi Mike,
>> >>
>> >> In order to tell for sure, we would need to get a dump of the

>> >> the point where it hangs and find out what is causing that. Your
>> >> title is "deadlocks. " Are you seeing entries in the Event Viewer
>> >> Application log that indicate that we're in a deadlocked state?
>> >>
>> >> Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
>> >> Microsoft Developer Support
>> >> ja******@online .microsoft.com
>> >>
>> >> This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --------------------
>> >> >Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >> >From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >> >Subject: Deadlocks
>> >> >Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:22:54 -0700
>> >> >Lines: 434
>> >> >MIME-Version: 1.0
>> >> >Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>> >> > boundary="----=_NextPart_000_ 0014_01C46B16.7 9349C00"
>> >> >X-Priority: 3
>> >> >X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>> >> >X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>> >> >X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>> >> >Message-ID: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>
>> >> >Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >> >NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
>> >> >Path:

cpmsftngxa06. phx.gbl!TK2MSFT NGP08.phx.gbl!T K2MSFTNGP09.phx .gbl
>> >> >Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl
>> >microsoft.publ ic.dotnet.frame work.aspnet:247 705
>> >> >X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >> >
>> >> >I am running into an issue. Recently I installed IBuySpy Portal

>> then
>> >> converted the data source to odp.net. When debugging the app my
>> >> would freeze or become really slow. I can reproduce it by:
>> >> >Setting a breakpoint somewhere in the code, hitting F5, once the
>> >> application has completely loaded hit the stop button, make a quick >> change
>> >> and then select F5 again.
>> >> >It appears that the debugger attaches to the previousaspnet_wp.ex e >> >> process, which is in the process of dieing. I created a batch

>> that
>> >> kills the aspnet_wp.exe process, after running the script my PC

>> >> become responsive again (after a few minutes). It appears to lock

>> >after
>> >> or near the loading of oracle.dataacce ss.dll. Has anyone else seen >this
>> >> behavior?
>> >> >Auto-attach to process '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe' on machine 'MCARR'
>> >succeeded.
>> >> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> >> 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No

>> >> loaded.
>> >> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> >>

'c:\winnt\a ssembly\gac\sys tem.web\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\system.w e
b. d
>> l
>> >> l', No symbols loaded.
>> >> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> >>
'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll',
>> No
>> >> symbols loaded.
>> >> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> >>

'c:\winnt\a ssembly\gac\sys tem.enterprises ervices\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d
0 a
>> 3
>> >> a\system.enterp riseservices.dl l', No symbols loaded.
>> >> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> >>

'c:\winnt\a ssembly\gac\sys tem.enterprises ervices\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d
0 a
>> 3
>> >> a\system.enterp riseservices.th unk.dll', No symbols loaded.
>> >> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> >>

'c:\winnt\a ssembly\gac\sys tem.data\1.0.50 00.0__b77a5c561 934e089\system. d
t a

Nov 18 '05 #9
I never pressed the Ctrl C, I will work on getting another dump


"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
news:dI******** ******@cpmsftng xa06.phx.gbl...

According to the adplus log, Ctrl-C or Break was pressed after the debugger attached.

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.
Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
From: ja******@online .microsoft.com (Jim Cheshire [MSFT])
Organization : Microsoft
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 17:34:15 GMT
Subject: Re: Deadlocks
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi Mike,

You said in your e-mail that you got an error when attaching the debugger.
What was that error? Keep in mind that you cannot run adplus via Remote
Desktop or Terminal Services.

The dump you sent me was a 1st chance exception dump. It was not a good

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>

<2q*********** ***@cpmsftngxa0 6.phx.gbl>
<eA*********** ***@TK2MSFTNGP1 2.phx.gbl>
<wk*********** ***@cpmsftngxa0 6.phx.gbl>
<OV*********** ***@TK2MSFTNGP1 0.phx.gbl>
<$K*********** ***@cpmsftngxa0 6.phx.gbl>
Subject: Re: Deadlocks
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 09:56:27 -0700
Lines: 212
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
Message-ID: <O#************ *@TK2MSFTNGP11. phx.gbl>
Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP11.phx.g bl
Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet:2488 76X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet

I have the debug files, the newsserver will not allow me to post


"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message
news:$K****** **********@cpms ftngxa06.phx.gb l...
Good deal. I sent you instructions.

Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
Microsoft Developer Support
ja******@online .microsoft.com

This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

>Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>
<2q************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
<eA************ **@TK2MSFTNGP12 .phx.gbl>
<wk************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
>Subject: Re: Deadlocks
>Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 15:01:30 -0700
>Lines: 148
>X-Priority: 3
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>Message-ID: <OV************ **@TK2MSFTNGP10 .phx.gbl>
>Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com

cpmsftngxa06. phx.gbl!TK2MSFT NGXS01.phx.gbl! TK2MSFTNGXA05.p hx.gbl!TK2MSFTN G

8.phx.gbl!TK2MS FTNGP10.phx.gbl
>Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl
microsoft.pub lic.dotnet.fram ework.aspnet:24 7779
>X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>Yes sir
>"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in message >news:wk******* *******@cpmsftn gxa06.phx.gbl.. .
>> Mike,
>> That's a crash, not a deadlock. In order to get a dump of that, youwill
>> need to use a configuration file against adplus. If I remove that
>> underscore in your e-mail, will an e-mail get to you?
>> Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
>> Microsoft Developer Support
>> ja******@online .microsoft.com
>> This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no

>> --------------------
>> >Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >References: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>
>> <2q************ **@cpmsftngxa06 .phx.gbl>
>> >Subject: Re: Deadlocks
>> >Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 12:26:58 -0700
>> >Lines: 276
>> >X-Priority: 3
>> >X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>> >X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>> >X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>> >Message-ID: <eA************ **@TK2MSFTNGP12 .phx.gbl>
>> >Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
>> >Path: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl!TK2MSFTNG P08.phx.gbl!TK2 MSFTNGP12.phx.g bl >> >Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl
>microsoft.publ ic.dotnet.frame work.aspnet:247 750
>> >X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >
>> >No,only(see below) how can I get a dump?
>> >
>> >Event Type: Error
>> >Event Source: ASP.NET 1.1.4322.0
>> >Event Category: None
>> >Event ID: 1000
>> >Date: 7/16/2004
>> >Time: 10:23:55 AM
>> >User: N/A
>> >Computer: MCARR
>> >Description:
>> >aspnet_wp.ex e (PID: 2600) stopped unexpectedly.
>> >
>> >
>> >--
>> >
>> >"Jim Cheshire [MSFT]" <ja******@onlin e.microsoft.com > wrote in

>> >news:2q******* *******@cpmsftn gxa06.phx.gbl.. .
>> >> Hi Mike,
>> >>
>> >> In order to tell for sure, we would need to get a dump of the
>> >> the point where it hangs and find out what is causing that. Your >message
>> >> title is "deadlocks. " Are you seeing entries in the Event Viewer >> >> Application log that indicate that we're in a deadlocked state?
>> >>
>> >> Jim Cheshire [MSFT]
>> >> Microsoft Developer Support
>> >> ja******@online .microsoft.com
>> >>
>> >> This post is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and confers no
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --------------------
>> >> >Reply-To: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >> >From: "Mike Carr" <mcarr@_san.rr. com>
>> >> >Subject: Deadlocks
>> >> >Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:22:54 -0700
>> >> >Lines: 434
>> >> >MIME-Version: 1.0
>> >> >Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>> >> > boundary="----=_NextPart_000_ 0014_01C46B16.7 9349C00"
>> >> >X-Priority: 3
>> >> >X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>> >> >X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
>> >> >X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
>> >> >Message-ID: <e2************ **@TK2MSFTNGP09 .phx.gbl>
>> >> >Newsgroups: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >> >NNTP-Posting-Host: desktop8.kyocer a-wireless.com
>> >> >Path:
cpmsftngxa06. phx.gbl!TK2MSFT NGP08.phx.gbl!T K2MSFTNGP09.phx .gbl
>> >> >Xref: cpmsftngxa06.ph x.gbl
>> >microsoft.publ ic.dotnet.frame work.aspnet:247 705
>> >> >X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.publi c.dotnet.framew ork.aspnet
>> >> >
>> >> >I am running into an issue. Recently I installed IBuySpy Portaland
>> then
>> >> converted the data source to odp.net. When debugging the app my
>> >> would freeze or become really slow. I can reproduce it by:
>> >> >Setting a breakpoint somewhere in the code, hitting F5, once the >> >> application has completely loaded hit the stop button, make a

quick >> change
>> >> and then select F5 again.
>> >> >It appears that the debugger attaches to the previous

aspnet_wp.ex e
>> >> process, which is in the process of dieing. I created a batch
>> that
>> >> kills the aspnet_wp.exe process, after running the script my PC
>> >> become responsive again (after a few minutes). It appears to lockup
>> >after
>> >> or near the loading of oracle.dataacce ss.dll. Has anyone else seen >this
>> >> behavior?
>> >> >Auto-attach to process '[3048] aspnet_wp.exe' on machine 'MCARR' >> >succeeded.
>> >> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> >> 'c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\m scorlib.dll', No
>> >> loaded.
>> >> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> >>
'c:\winnt\a ssembly\gac\sys tem.web\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\system.w e b
>> l
>> >> l', No symbols loaded.
>> >> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> >>
'c:\winnt\assem bly\gac\system\ 1.0.5000.0__b77 a5c561934e089\s ystem.dll', >> No
>> >> symbols loaded.
>> >> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> >>

'c:\winnt\a ssembly\gac\sys tem.enterprises ervices\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d 5
>> 3
>> >> a\system.enterp riseservices.dl l', No symbols loaded.
>> >> >'DefaultDomain ': Loaded
>> >>

'c:\winnt\a ssembly\gac\sys tem.enterprises ervices\1.0.500 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d 5
>> 3
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Nov 18 '05 #10

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