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Session Cookie and HttpWebResponse


I'm trying the following:
- Imitate a Logon using a Post with HttpWebRequest on remote Webserver (asp
3.0 page using https)
- On success redirect to the page (encapsuled in an iframe) supplied by the
remote Webserver

I can successfuly logon but when I redirect to the supplied url, the
webserver does not know me anymore an redirects me back to login page.. I
was told that I need to store the session cookie supplied by the remote
webserver on my webserver, but I don't know how to pass the session cookie
to my my webserver..

Sample Code follows:
Dim urlRed As String = https://book.bla.at/AM/booking/asp/login.asp
Dim wReq As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebReques t.Create(urlRed ),
wReq.ContentTyp e = "applicatio n/x-www-form-urlencoded"
wReq.Method = "POST"

Dim sPostData As String = "" & Session.Session ID
sPostData = sPostData & "&USERNAME= " & HttpUtility.Url Encode("myuser" )
sPostData = sPostData & "&password= " & HttpUtility.Url Encode("mypassw ord")
sPostData = sPostData & "&language= " & HttpUtility.Url Encode("DE_AT")

Dim enc As System.Text.Enc oding = System.Text.Enc oding.UTF8
Dim bPostBuffer As Byte() = enc.GetBytes(sP ostData)
wReq.ContentLen gth = bPostBuffer.Len gth
Dim streamPostData As Stream = wReq.GetRequest Stream()
streamPostData. Write(bPostBuff er, 0, bPostBuffer.Len gth)
streamPostData. Close()

Dim wResp As HttpWebResponse = CType(wReq.GetR esponse(), HttpWebResponse )
Dim responseStream As StreamReader = New
StreamReader(wR esp.GetResponse Stream(), enc)

' Here I get the correct url to the welcome page encapsuled in html
Dim html As String = responseStream. ReadToEnd()wRes p.Close()
responseStream. Close()

Response.Write( html)

Thanks and Regards
Nov 17 '05 #1
3 7378
You can't really pass the session cookie, or any form of cookie. This is
because cookies have certain security on them which means that only the
domain/application that assigned them, can get them (this was at the centre
of a Passport hack a few years ago).
Instead, you can pass the variables in to a querystring on the request, or
you can use a stateserver/sql server to store the cookie data and have both
webservers get the information off that.

Philip Q
Microsoft MVP [ASP.NET]

"Karsten Grombach" <ay*******@spam umluex.de> wrote in message
news:ei******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP10.phx.gbl...

I'm trying the following:
- Imitate a Logon using a Post with HttpWebRequest on remote Webserver (asp 3.0 page using https)
- On success redirect to the page (encapsuled in an iframe) supplied by the remote Webserver

I can successfuly logon but when I redirect to the supplied url, the
webserver does not know me anymore an redirects me back to login page.. I
was told that I need to store the session cookie supplied by the remote
webserver on my webserver, but I don't know how to pass the session cookie
to my my webserver..

Sample Code follows:
Dim urlRed As String = https://book.bla.at/AM/booking/asp/login.asp
Dim wReq As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebReques t.Create(urlRed ),
wReq.ContentTyp e = "applicatio n/x-www-form-urlencoded"
wReq.Method = "POST"

Dim sPostData As String = "" & Session.Session ID
sPostData = sPostData & "&USERNAME= " & HttpUtility.Url Encode("myuser" )
sPostData = sPostData & "&password= " & HttpUtility.Url Encode("mypassw ord")
sPostData = sPostData & "&language= " & HttpUtility.Url Encode("DE_AT")

Dim enc As System.Text.Enc oding = System.Text.Enc oding.UTF8
Dim bPostBuffer As Byte() = enc.GetBytes(sP ostData)
wReq.ContentLen gth = bPostBuffer.Len gth
Dim streamPostData As Stream = wReq.GetRequest Stream()
streamPostData. Write(bPostBuff er, 0, bPostBuffer.Len gth)
streamPostData. Close()

Dim wResp As HttpWebResponse = CType(wReq.GetR esponse(), HttpWebResponse )
Dim responseStream As StreamReader = New
StreamReader(wR esp.GetResponse Stream(), enc)

' Here I get the correct url to the welcome page encapsuled in html
Dim html As String = responseStream. ReadToEnd()wRes p.Close()
responseStream. Close()

Response.Write( html)

Thanks and Regards

Nov 17 '05 #2
Hi Philip,

Thanks for your reply, but I don't quite understand you...
Using the sateserver/sqlserver is no option as we cannot change the legacy
asp application to use that anymore..
Do I have to pass my current (asp.net ) session ID with the
querystring/postdata to the asp application?
"Philip Q [MVP]" <wi******@mvps. org> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:ee******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP10.phx.gbl. ..
You can't really pass the session cookie, or any form of cookie. This is
because cookies have certain security on them which means that only the
domain/application that assigned them, can get them (this was at the centre of a Passport hack a few years ago).
Instead, you can pass the variables in to a querystring on the request, or
you can use a stateserver/sql server to store the cookie data and have both webservers get the information off that.

Philip Q
Microsoft MVP [ASP.NET]

"Karsten Grombach" <ay*******@spam umluex.de> wrote in message
news:ei******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP10.phx.gbl...

I'm trying the following:
- Imitate a Logon using a Post with HttpWebRequest on remote Webserver

3.0 page using https)
- On success redirect to the page (encapsuled in an iframe) supplied by

remote Webserver

I can successfuly logon but when I redirect to the supplied url, the
webserver does not know me anymore an redirects me back to login page.. I was told that I need to store the session cookie supplied by the remote
webserver on my webserver, but I don't know how to pass the session cookie to my my webserver..

Sample Code follows:
Dim urlRed As String = https://book.bla.at/AM/booking/asp/login.asp
Dim wReq As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebReques t.Create(urlRed ),
wReq.ContentTyp e = "applicatio n/x-www-form-urlencoded"
wReq.Method = "POST"

Dim sPostData As String = "" & Session.Session ID
sPostData = sPostData & "&USERNAME= " & HttpUtility.Url Encode("myuser" )
sPostData = sPostData & "&password= " & HttpUtility.Url Encode("mypassw ord") sPostData = sPostData & "&language= " & HttpUtility.Url Encode("DE_AT")

Dim enc As System.Text.Enc oding = System.Text.Enc oding.UTF8
Dim bPostBuffer As Byte() = enc.GetBytes(sP ostData)
wReq.ContentLen gth = bPostBuffer.Len gth
Dim streamPostData As Stream = wReq.GetRequest Stream()
streamPostData. Write(bPostBuff er, 0, bPostBuffer.Len gth)
streamPostData. Close()

Dim wResp As HttpWebResponse = CType(wReq.GetR esponse(), HttpWebResponse ) Dim responseStream As StreamReader = New
StreamReader(wR esp.GetResponse Stream(), enc)

' Here I get the correct url to the welcome page encapsuled in html
Dim html As String = responseStream. ReadToEnd()wRes p.Close()
responseStream. Close()

Response.Write( html)

Thanks and Regards

Nov 17 '05 #3
when using a proxy page, the solution is quite simple: just add hidden input
fields and submit them to the legacy server..
i don't really like the javascript part, but after having spent an afternoon
and a morning trying to solve this, i won't complain...

thanks all, for helping me!

here my proxpage which gets set to the iframe src attribute..

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup ="false"
Codebehind="air managerproxy.as px.vb" Inherits="TestW eb.airmanagerpr oxy"%>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>airmanag erproxy</title>
<meta name="GENERATOR " content="Micros oft Visual Studio.NET 7.0">
<meta name="CODE_LANG UAGE" content="Visual Basic 7.0">
<meta name="vs_defaul tClientScript" content="JavaSc ript">
<meta name="vs_target Schema"
content="http://schemas.microso ft.com/intellisense/ie5">
<body MS_POSITIONING= "GridLayout " >
<script language=javasc ript>
function submitIt()

document.proxyF orm.action="htt ps://book.bla.at/AM/business/AT/booking/asp/lo
document.proxyF orm.method="POS T"

document.proxyF orm.submit();

window.setTimeo ut("submitIt()" ,2000);

<form id="proxyForm" method="post" runat="server">

Imports System.Web.UI.H tmlControls
Public Class airmanagerproxy
Inherits System.Web.UI.P age
#Region " Vom Web Form Designer generierter Code "

'Dieser Aufruf ist für den Web Form-Designer erforderlich.
<System.Diagnos tics.DebuggerSt epThrough()> Private Sub
InitializeCompo nent()
End Sub

Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Init
'CODEGEN: Diese Methode ist für den Web Form-Designer erforderlich
'Verwenden Sie nicht den Code-Editor zur Bearbeitung.
InitializeCompo nent()
End Sub
#End Region

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load
' Hier Benutzercode zur Seiteninitialis ierung einfügen
Me.EnableViewSt ate = False

' create the hiddenfields
' values are still hardcoded
Dim userName As HtmlInputHidden = New HtmlInputHidden ()
userName.Name = "USERNAME"
userName.ID = "USERNAME"
userName.Value = "xxx"
Dim password As HtmlInputHidden = New HtmlInputHidden ()
password.Name = "password"
password.ID = "password"
password.Value = "xxx"
Dim language As HtmlInputHidden = New HtmlInputHidden ()
language.Name = "language"
language.ID = "language"
language.Value = "DE_AT"

' add the hiddenfields to the form
Dim form As Control = Me.FindControl( "proxyForm" )
form.Controls.A dd(userName)
form.Controls.A dd(password)
form.Controls.A dd(language)

End Sub
End Class

"John Saunders" <jo***********@ surfcontrol.com > schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:%2******** *******@TK2MSFT NGP12.phx.gbl.. .
Sorry, I don't think you can do what you want to do in the way you want to
do it.

Work it out step by step. Let's call the client browser machine A, your
ASP.NET server machine B, and the legacy server machine C. A makes some
request to B. B logs into C and gets a cookie sent back to it by C.

BTW, I don't see you storing that cookie. Look into the CookieContainer

So, B figures out where C redirected it to then puts that URL into the SRC
attribute of an IFRAME and sends it to A. A then requests that URL but does not send to C the cookie which C sent to B, which isn't surprising because B didn't store it, and certainly didn't send it to A, and if it had sent it to A, then A wouldn't know to send it to C, which A has never heard of!

It sounds like you're going to need some sort of proxy page running on B.
You'd have to store the cookie you get during login to C into Session state on B, then send your user an IFRAME pointing to your proxy on B, with the
real URL as a query parameter. The proxy would load up the CookieContainer
from Session state, request the legacy page (from the query parameter) via a WebRequest, and then return the output back to A.

You will similarly want to use a CookieContainer in that proxy page, and
store any new cookies in Session state for use in subsequent requests during the same session.

Note that this analysis totally ignores any issues with SSL, as it's too
early in the morning for that!

Also note that this might be a good job for an HttpHandler on B, as the
"proxy page" isn't really a page (it wouldn't have any controls on it).

Good Luck. THis sounds like a generally-useful piece of functionality you're going to implement. Let us know how it works out.
John Saunders
Internet Engineer
jo***********@s urfcontrol.com
"Karsten Grombach" <ay*******@spam umluex.de> wrote in message
news:ei******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP10.phx.gbl...

I'm trying the following:
- Imitate a Logon using a Post with HttpWebRequest on remote Webserver

3.0 page using https)
- On success redirect to the page (encapsuled in an iframe) supplied by

remote Webserver

I can successfuly logon but when I redirect to the supplied url, the
webserver does not know me anymore an redirects me back to login page.. I was told that I need to store the session cookie supplied by the remote
webserver on my webserver, but I don't know how to pass the session cookie to my my webserver..

Sample Code follows:
Dim urlRed As String = https://book.bla.at/AM/booking/asp/login.asp
Dim wReq As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebReques t.Create(urlRed ),
wReq.ContentTyp e = "applicatio n/x-www-form-urlencoded"
wReq.Method = "POST"

Dim sPostData As String = "" & Session.Session ID
sPostData = sPostData & "&USERNAME= " & HttpUtility.Url Encode("myuser" )
sPostData = sPostData & "&password= " & HttpUtility.Url Encode("mypassw ord") sPostData = sPostData & "&language= " & HttpUtility.Url Encode("DE_AT")

Dim enc As System.Text.Enc oding = System.Text.Enc oding.UTF8
Dim bPostBuffer As Byte() = enc.GetBytes(sP ostData)
wReq.ContentLen gth = bPostBuffer.Len gth
Dim streamPostData As Stream = wReq.GetRequest Stream()
streamPostData. Write(bPostBuff er, 0, bPostBuffer.Len gth)
streamPostData. Close()

Dim wResp As HttpWebResponse = CType(wReq.GetR esponse(), HttpWebResponse ) Dim responseStream As StreamReader = New
StreamReader(wR esp.GetResponse Stream(), enc)

' Here I get the correct url to the welcome page encapsuled in html
Dim html As String = responseStream. ReadToEnd()wRes p.Close()
responseStream. Close()

Response.Write( html)

Thanks and Regards

Nov 17 '05 #4

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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