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Trying to get ASP form to show up in Access Database

67 New Member
Hello, I am new to this forum but have read several posts and I thank you for your great assistance. I am stumped right now. I have a user registration form in asp that is set to a form method=registra tion.asp page. i will post my registration.as p page below.

I am hoping this asp page will connect to my access database called registration.md b with a table called registration. however, everytime i submit my registration information, I get an error page that says there is a programming error. I have the SAMS teach yourself ASP 3.0 book and have followed this but am having no luck. Does anyone know why this isn't working. The current page I have listed below is trying to use the dsn-less connection. I also tried the dsn connection but failed there too. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance - Jerry
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ ___

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%@ Language=VBScript %>
  2. <% Option Explicit %>
  3. <!--#include virtual="/adovbs.inc"-->
  4. <html>
  5. <body>
  6. <%
  7. Dim objConn
  8. Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  9. objConn.ConnectionString="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _
  10. "DBQ=C:\Documents and Settings\MM\Desktop\Website\registration.mdb"
  11. objConn.Open
  13. Dim objRS, bolAlreadyExists
  14. If ((Request.Form("firstname") = "") OR (Request.Form("lastname") = "") _
  15.     OR (Request.Form("street") = "") OR (Request.Form("city") = "") _
  16.     OR (Request.Form("state") = "") OR (Request.Form("zipcode") = "") _
  17.     OR (Request.Form("birthdate") = "") oR (Request.Form("email") = "") _
  18.     OR (Request.Form("confirmemail") = "") oR (Request.Form("password") = "") _
  19.     OR (Request.Form("confirmpassword") = "") oR (Request.Form("question") = "") _
  20.     OR (Request.Form("answer") = "") oR (Request.Form("confirmanswer") = "") _
  21.     OR (Request.Form("interest") = "") oR (Request.Form("nonewsemail") = "") _
  22.     OR (Request.Form("hearabout") = "")
  24.   Response.Write "<a href='registration.html'>"
  25.   Response.Write "You must enter values for all the fields."
  26.   Response.Write "</a>"
  27. Else
  28. bolAlreadyExists = False
  29. Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  30. objRS.Open "registration", objConn, , adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
  31. Do While Not (objRS.EOF OR bolAlreadyExists)
  32. If (StrComp(objRS("email"), Request.Form("email"), _
  33. vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
  34. Response.Write "<a href='registration.html'>"
  35. Response.Write "Email address already found in table."
  36. Response.Write "</a>
  37. bolAlreadyExists = True
  38. End If
  39. objRS.MoveNext
  40. Loop
  41. If Not bolAlreadyExists Then
  43. objRS.AddNew
  45.     objRS("firstname") = Request.Form("firstname")
  46.     objRS("lastname") = Request.Form("lastname")
  47.     objRS("street") = Request.Form("street")
  48.     objRS("city") = Request.Form("city")
  49.     objRS("state") = Request.Form("state")
  50.     objRS("zipcode") = Request.Form("zipcode")
  51.     objRS("birthdate") = Request.Form("birthdate")
  52.     objRS("email") = Request.Form("email")
  53.     objRS("confirmemail") = Request.Form("confirmemail")
  54.     objRS("password") = Request.Form("password")
  55.     objRS("confirmpassword") = Request.Form("confirmpassword")
  56.     objRS("question") = Request.Form("question")
  57.     objRS("answer") = Request.Form("answer")
  58.     objRS("confirmanswer") = Request.Form("confirmanswer")
  59.     objRS("awardprogram") = Request.Form("awardprogram")
  60.     objRS("accountnumber") = Request.Form("accountnumber")
  61.     objRS("interest") = Request.Form("interest")
  62.     objRS("nonewsemail") = Request.Form("nonewsemail")
  63.     objRS("hearabout") = Request.Form("hearabout")
  64.     objRS.Update
  65.     Response.Write "Thank you for registering."
  66.   End If
  67.   objRS.Close
  68.   Set objRS = Nothing
  69. End If
  70. objConn.Close
  71. Set objConn = Nothing
  72. %>
  73. </body>
  74. </html>
Oct 28 '08
24 3692
67 New Member
hello again, I have been messing around with the error code I received as shown in the post above.

If I add an additional " to my registration.as p code like this "</a>"", I receive the following error

****Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0409'

Unterminated string constant

/registration.as p, line 36

Response.Write "</a>""

It seems that if I put more quotations around this they show up in the error code but if I only have "</a>" then the error code looks like this....

****Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0409'

Unterminated string constant

/registration.as p, line 36

Response.Write "</a>

I am not sure why it is not reading the last quotation even though I have
"</a>" in my code.

any ideas?
Oct 29 '08 #11
228 Recognized Expert New Member
hello again, I have been messing around with the error code I received as shown in the post above.

If I add an additional " to my registration.as p code like this "</a>"", I receive the following error

****Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0409'

Unterminated string constant

/registration.as p, line 36

Response.Write "</a>""

It seems that if I put more quotations around this they show up in the error code but if I only have "</a>" then the error code looks like this....

****Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0409'

Unterminated string constant

/registration.as p, line 36

Response.Write "</a>

I am not sure why it is not reading the last quotation even though I have
"</a>" in my code.

any ideas?
On the code you posted in post #8, line 36 did contain an unterminated string:

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Response.Write "</a> 
Can you post the updated code in its entirety?
Oct 30 '08 #12
67 New Member
thank you for your insight. i was looking at the wrong </a> section before, good catch. So, I corrected that and now I am having trouble with the connection to the access database. I set up a dsn connection called registration.ds n. I did this by going to the control panel/admin tools/data sources(ODBC).. .Then I clicked the System DSN tab and added a connection(Micr osoft Access Driver *.mdb), and i named this registration.ds n. I get the following error code
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/registration.as p, line 10

here is my updated code. i have a hosting account with godaddy, would this cause the problem?

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%@ Language=VBScript %>
  2. <% Option Explicit %>
  3. <!--#include virtual="/adovbs.inc"-->
  4. <html>
  5. <body>
  6. <%
  7. Dim objConn
  8. Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  9. objConn.ConnectionString = "DSN=registration.dsn"
  10. objConn.Open
  11. Dim objRS, bolAlreadyExists
  12. If ((Request.Form("firstname") = "") OR (Request.Form("lastname") = "") _
  13.     OR (Request.Form("street") = "") OR (Request.Form("city") = "") _
  14.     OR (Request.Form("state") = "") OR (Request.Form("zipcode") = "") _
  15.     OR (Request.Form("birthdate") = "") OR (Request.Form("email") = "") _
  16.     OR (Request.Form("confirmemail") = "") OR (Request.Form("password") = "") _
  17.     OR (Request.Form("confirmpassword") = "") OR (Request.Form("question") = "") _
  18.     OR (Request.Form("answer") = "") OR (Request.Form("confirmanswer") = "") _
  19.     OR (Request.Form("interest") = "") OR (Request.Form("nonewsemail") = "")) Then
  22.   Response.Write "<a href='registration.html'>"
  23.   Response.Write "You must enter values for all the fields."
  24.   Response.Write "</a>"
  25. Else
  26. bolAlreadyExists = False
  27. Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  28. objRS.Open "registration", objConn, , adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
  29. Do While Not (objRS.EOF OR bolAlreadyExists)
  30. If (StrComp(objRS("email"), Request.Form("email"), _
  31. vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
  32. Response.Write "<a href='registration.html'>"
  33. Response.Write "Email address already found in table."
  34. Response.Write "</a>"
  35. bolAlreadyExists = True
  36. End If
  37. objRS.MoveNext
  38. Loop
  39. If Not bolAlreadyExists Then
  41. objRS.AddNew
  43.     objRS("firstname") = Request.Form("firstname")
  44.     objRS("lastname") = Request.Form("lastname")
  45.     objRS("street") = Request.Form("street")
  46.     objRS("city") = Request.Form("city")
  47.     objRS("state") = Request.Form("state")
  48.     objRS("zipcode") = Request.Form("zipcode")
  49.     objRS("birthdate") = Request.Form("birthdate")
  50.     objRS("email") = Request.Form("email")
  51.     objRS("confirmemail") = Request.Form("confirmemail")
  52.     objRS("password") = Request.Form("password")
  53.     objRS("confirmpassword") = Request.Form("confirmpassword")
  54.     objRS("question") = Request.Form("question")
  55.     objRS("answer") = Request.Form("answer")
  56.     objRS("confirmanswer") = Request.Form("confirmanswer")
  57.     objRS("awardprogram") = Request.Form("awardprogram")
  58.     objRS("accountnumber") = Request.Form("accountnumber")
  59.     objRS("interest") = Request.Form("interest")
  60.     objRS("nonewsemail") = Request.Form("nonewsemail")
  61.     objRS("hearabout") = Request.Form("hearabout")
  62.     objRS.Update
  63.     Response.Write "Thank you for registering."
  64.   End If
  65.   objRS.Close
  66.   Set objRS = Nothing
  67. End If
  68. objConn.Close
  69. Set objConn = Nothing
  70. %>
  71. </body>
  72. </html>
Oct 30 '08 #13
3,406 Recognized Expert Specialist
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. objConn.ConnectionString = "DSN=registration"
Oct 30 '08 #14
67 New Member
Hi, thanks for you thoughts. However, using "DSN=registrati on" and dropping the .dsn gave me the same error code as before

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/registration.as p, line 10
Oct 30 '08 #15
3,406 Recognized Expert Specialist
What kind of database are you using? and did you actually make the DSN?

Oct 30 '08 #16
67 New Member
hello, I am using a Microsoft Access database called registration.md b with a table called registration.

I created the DSN by going to Start/Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Data Bases(ODBC).... then I clicked on the System DSN tab and added Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) and named it registration.ds n.

It shows up when i open up the Data Bases(ODBC) folder under the System DSN tab.

Not sure if this is the correct method, I am following steps from SAMS Teach Yourself ASP 3.0.

I tried to contact Godaddy.com where I have my hosting account through but they constantly tell me they are not allowed to assist with scripting so I am at a stand still.

However, godaddy.com does have a help section that has the following instructions describing using ASP/ADO to connect to an Access Database. How would I implement these instructions into my code listed above?

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%
  2. Dim oConn, oRs
  3. Dim qry, connectstr
  4. Dim db_path
  5. Dim db_dir
  6. db_dir = Server.MapPath("access_db") & "\"
  7. db_path = db_dir & "yourdatabasefile.mdb"
  8. fieldname = "your_field"
  9. tablename = "your_table"
  11. connectstr = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & db_path
  13. Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  14. oConn.Open connectstr
  15. qry = "SELECT * FROM " & tablename
  17. Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
  19. if not oRS.EOF then
  20. while not oRS.EOF
  21. response.write ucase(fieldname) & ": " & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & "
  22. "
  23. oRS.movenext
  24. wend
  25. oRS.close
  26. end if
  28. Set oRs = nothing
  29. Set oConn = nothing
  31. %> 
Oct 30 '08 #17
228 Recognized Expert New Member
hello, I am using a Microsoft Access database called registration.md b with a table called registration.

I created the DSN by going to Start/Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Data Bases(ODBC).... then I clicked on the System DSN tab and added Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) and named it registration.ds n.

It shows up when i open up the Data Bases(ODBC) folder under the System DSN tab.

Not sure if this is the correct method, I am following steps from SAMS Teach Yourself ASP 3.0.

I tried to contact Godaddy.com where I have my hosting account through but they constantly tell me they are not allowed to assist with scripting so I am at a stand still.

However, godaddy.com does have a help section that has the following instructions describing using ASP/ADO to connect to an Access Database. How would I implement these instructions into my code listed above?

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%
  2. Dim oConn, oRs
  3. Dim qry, connectstr
  4. Dim db_path
  5. Dim db_dir
  6. db_dir = Server.MapPath("access_db") & "\"
  7. db_path = db_dir & "yourdatabasefile.mdb"
  8. fieldname = "your_field"
  9. tablename = "your_table"
  11. connectstr = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & db_path
  13. Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  14. oConn.Open connectstr
  15. qry = "SELECT * FROM " & tablename
  17. Set oRS = oConn.Execute(qry)
  19. if not oRS.EOF then
  20. while not oRS.EOF
  21. response.write ucase(fieldname) & ": " & oRs.Fields(fieldname) & "
  22. "
  23. oRS.movenext
  24. wend
  25. oRS.close
  26. end if
  28. Set oRs = nothing
  29. Set oConn = nothing
  31. %> 
I am starting to think your domain is hosted in shared webspace (on linux using SunOne ASP probably) and not on a dedicated Windows Server.

So can I ask on what machine you created the DSN? Was it your local PC or am I wrong, and you do have a dedicated Windows server and that is where you set it up?

Also the above Go Daddy code is illustrating a DSN-less connection to a database you specify stored in directory called "access_db" within the webspace, which then prints out the contents of the field you specify from the table you specify.
Oct 30 '08 #18
67 New Member
I am not sure exactly if I am answering your question correctly, but I will try my best.

I set up the DSN connection on my personal dell laptop.

I have a hosting account with godaddy.com and I have to upload my webpages(html, asp, mdb) to the FTP client they issued...I am not sure if this is a dedicated or shared site.

Do you think this is why it can't read my dsn connection? if so, is it possible to do what i am trying or do i have to use the godaddy tools? The problem is, when I contact them to ask questions, they simply state they are not allowed to help with 3rd party scripting.

Thank you for clearing up the godaddy code i posted. sounds like that code would assist me if i created a table on their website.

if you know of any way to set up a connection using my database i have created on godaddy.com's hosting account, please let me know

thanks so much for all of your help so far, it is much appreciated.
Oct 30 '08 #19
228 Recognized Expert New Member
I am not sure exactly if I am answering your question correctly, but I will try my best.

I set up the DSN connection on my personal dell laptop.

I have a hosting account with godaddy.com and I have to upload my webpages(html, asp, mdb) to the FTP client they issued...I am not sure if this is a dedicated or shared site.

Do you think this is why it can't read my dsn connection? if so, is it possible to do what i am trying or do i have to use the godaddy tools? The problem is, when I contact them to ask questions, they simply state they are not allowed to help with 3rd party scripting.

Thank you for clearing up the godaddy code i posted. sounds like that code would assist me if i created a table on their website.

if you know of any way to set up a connection using my database i have created on godaddy.com's hosting account, please let me know

thanks so much for all of your help so far, it is much appreciated.
Yes the connection is failing because it can't see the DSN on your computer, and nor would you want it to.

You need to upload your access db into your webspace and create a DSN-less connection to it there.

I recommend that you do use Go Daddy's example code just to test the connection. When you know it works, then apply its principles to your page.

Just remember to change the MapPath, "yourfield" , "yourtable" and yourdatabase" stuff to your actual database details. Or better yet use a very simple SQL statement so there's even less margin for error, something like:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT field FROM table WHERE ID = 1
Then just write out that one value with:

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%=oRS("field")%>
Oct 30 '08 #20

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