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Display Search by Network (ex. Cisco) or All Projects in the MS Access Table

85 New Member
Hi All,

Below is a GOOD working script that I use to search for the record either by the MOP ID for example 1, 2, etc... (record on the database) or by Network for example when you type Cisco.

What I would like to do and is having problem is to either Search by Network or All MOP IDs on the database (show all records). Let's say if folks type in ALL, it will show all of the MOP IDs (Records) in the database. Thanks advance for your help.
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%
  2. Dim strNetwork
  3. Dim strMOPID
  4. Dim Conn
  5. Dim strSQL
  6. Dim RS
  8. strNetwork = trim(Request.Form("Network"))
  9. strMOPID = trim(Request.Form("MOPID"))
  10. If len(strNetwork)=0 then
  11.     strNetwork=0
  12. End if
  14. Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  15. Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  17. Conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("MOPsCentral.mdb")
  19. If isNumeric(strNetwork) then
  20.     strSQL = "Select * FROM MOPs WHERE MOPID=" & strNetwork
  21. Else
  22.     strSQL = "Select * FROM MOPs WHERE Network='" & strNetwork & "' ORDER BY MOPID"
  23. End If
  25. RS.Open strSQL, Conn
  27. If RS.EOF Then
  28.    Response.Redirect("SearchMOPs.asp?MOPError=Sorry ... Your MOP ID or Network does not exist in our database.  Please try again.")
  29. End If
  30. %>
Jan 30 '08 #1
10 1612
564 Recognized Expert Contributor
Hello hotflash,

Give this a try:

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%
  2. Dim strNetwork
  3. Dim strMOPID
  4. Dim Conn
  5. Dim strSQL
  6. Dim RS
  8. strNetwork = trim(Request.Form("Network"))
  9. strMOPID = trim(Request.Form("MOPID"))
  10. If len(strNetwork)=0 then
  11. strNetwork=0
  12. End if
  14. Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  15. Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  17. Conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("MOPsCentral.mdb")
  19. If (strNetwork = "All") then
  20.     strSQL = "Select * FROM MOPs ORDER BY MOPID"
  21. Else
  22.     If isNumeric(strNetwork) then
  23.         strSQL = "Select * FROM MOPs WHERE MOPID=" & strNetwork
  24.     Else
  25.         strSQL = "Select * FROM MOPs WHERE Network='" & strNetwork & "' ORDER BY MOPID"
  26.     End If
  27. End IF
  29. RS.Open strSQL, Conn
  31. If RS.EOF Then
  32. Response.Redirect("SearchMOPs.asp?MOPError=Sorry ... Your MOP ID or Network does not exist in our database. Please try again.")
  33. End If
  34. %>
Jan 30 '08 #2
85 New Member
Hi Crocrew,

It works fine. Thanks for your help.
Jan 31 '08 #3
85 New Member
Hi CroCrew,

I have another question to see if you can help me to expand the search function here. Below is the search script that I used to search by ProjectID, ALL OPENED PROJECTS, and by Engineer Name. In the MS Access table, there is a field called RequestorsName as well. How can I modified this nested IF statement to make it also search for RequestorName for exampe CroCrew. I have tried around but does not have any luck.

Thanks for your help.
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%
  2. Dim strGDNIEngineer
  3. Dim strCompleteDate
  4. Dim Conn
  5. Dim strSQL
  6. Dim RS
  8. strGDNIEngineer = trim(Request.Form("GDNIEngineer"))
  9. strCompleteDate = trim(Request.Form("CompleteDate"))
  10. If len(strGDNIEngineer)=0 then
  11.     strGDNIEngineer=0
  12. End if
  14. Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  15. Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  17. Conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("PTSystem.mdb")
  19. If isNumeric(strGDNIEngineer) then
  20.     strSQL = "Select * FROM PTSProjects WHERE ProjectID=" & strGDNIEngineer 
  21. Else
  22.   if strGDNIEngineer="ALL OPENED PROJECTS" then
  23.     strSQL = "Select * FROM PTSProjects WHERE CompleteDate IS NULL"' ORDER BY ProjectID'
  24.   else
  25.       strSQL = "Select * FROM PTSProjects WHERE GDNIEngineer='" & strGDNIEngineer & "' AND CompleteDate IS NULL"' ORDER BY ProjectID'
  26.   end if
  27. End If
  29. RS.Open strSQL, Conn
  31. If RS.EOF Then
  32.    Response.Redirect("SearchProject.asp?error=Sorry ... Your Project ID does not exist in our database.  Please try again.")
  33. End If
  34. %>
Jan 31 '08 #4
564 Recognized Expert Contributor
Hello hotflash,

It sounds like you need to look into using a CASE statement. Pass in from your <form> the type of search that the user want to do via a radio button or dropdown then use the CASE to determine what SQL syntax to use.

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. select case Request.Form("TypeOfSearch")
  2.     case "UserName"
  3.         strSQL = "SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE FieldOne = '"Request.Form("UserName") & "'"
  4.     case "ProjectID"
  5.         strSQL = "SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE FieldTwo = '"Request.Form("ProjectID") & "'"
  6.     case "ProjectName"
  7.         strSQL = "SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE FieldThree = '"Request.Form("ProjectName") & "'"
  8.     case Else
  9.         Response.Write("Please select a search type!")
  10.         Response.End
  11. end select

Hope that helps~
Jan 31 '08 #5
85 New Member
Hi CroCrew,

Thanks for your replying. You are SO GOOD at this stuff and you are going OVER MY HEAD on this one.

Please see if you can take my hand thru with this one. Below is the input box for user to put in either "Project ID, ALL OPENED RECORDS, or Username".
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  2.                 <TR>
  3.                         <TH ALIGN=LEFT> <FONT FACE="HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL" SIZE=3>Project ID: </FONT></TH>
  4.                         <TD><INPUT CLASS="bluebox" NAME="GDNIEngineer" TYPE="TYPE" SIZE="35" ID="GDNIEngineer"></TD>
  5.                 </TR>
  6.                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  7.                 <TR>
  8.                     <TD ALIGN="CENTER" COLSPAN=2> <INPUT CLASS="Table_Blue" TYPE="submit" NAME="Submit" VALUE="SEARCH YOUR PROJECT"></TD>
  9.                 </TR>
  10.     </TABLE>
How can you modify this using the RADIO button to make it work with the CASE statement that you provided earlier? The search items that we need are ProjectID, Username, and RequestorName. I also would like an option to search for ALL projects as well. Thanks for your outstanding support.
Feb 1 '08 #6
564 Recognized Expert Contributor
Hello hotflash,

Here is a crude example using two pages. Let me know if you need me to explain more on it.

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <html>
  2.     <head>
  3.         <title>PageOne.asp</title>
  4.     </head>
  5.     <body>
  6.         <form method="post" action="PageTwo.asp" name="xForm" id="xForm">
  7.             Search on: 
  8.             <input type="radio" name="SearchType" value="1" checked> Frist Name
  9.             <input type="radio" name="SearchType" value="2"> Last Name
  10.             <input type="radio" name="SearchType" value="3"> State
  11.             <br>
  12.             Using this: <input type="text" name="SearchWith">
  13.             <br>
  14.             <input type="submit" name="Submit">
  15.         </form>
  16.     </body>
  17. </html>
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%
  2. select case Request.Form("SearchType")
  3.     case "1"
  4.         strSQL = "SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE FieldOne = '"Request.Form("SearchWith") & "'"
  5.     case "2"
  6.         strSQL = "SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE FieldTwo = '"Request.Form("SearchWith") & "'"
  7.     case "3"
  8.         strSQL = "SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE FieldThree = '"Request.Form("SearchWith") & "'"
  9.     case Else
  10.         Response.Write("Please select a search type!")
  11.         Response.End
  12. end select
  13. %>

Hope that helps out~
Feb 1 '08 #7
85 New Member
Hi CroCrew,

I have transformed your code into the real environment but it does not show anything. Please help and thanks for your outstanding support.

Below is the SearchProject.a sp (Equivalent to your PageOne.asp):
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <FORM ID="xForm" NAME="xForm" METHOD="post" ACTION="DisplayProject.asp">
  4.                 <TR>
  5.                     <TD>
  6.                                 <FONT FACE="HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL" SIZE=2>Please Select Your Search: </FONT><BR>
  7.                     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<FONT FACE="HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL" SIZE=2><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="SearchType" VALUE="1"> Project ID </FONT><BR>
  8.                     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<FONT FACE="HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL" SIZE=2><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="SearchType" VALUE="2"> GDNI Engineer </FONT><BR>
  9.                     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<FONT FACE="HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL" SIZE=2><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="SearchType" VALUE="3"> Requestor's Name </FONT><BR>
  10.                     <BR>
  11.                   <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="39" NAME="SearchWith">
  12.             </TD>
  13.             <BR>
  14.                 </TR>
  15.                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  16.                 <TR>
  17.                     <TD ALIGN="CENTER" COLSPAN=2> <INPUT CLASS="Table_Blue" TYPE="submit" NAME="Submit" VALUE="SEARCH YOUR PROJECT"></TD>
  18.                 </TR>
  19.     </TABLE>
  20. </FORM>
Here is the code for DisplayProject. asp (Equivalent to your PageTwo.asp):

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%
  2. Dim strGDNIEngineer
  3. Dim strCompleteDate
  4. Dim Conn
  5. Dim strSQL
  6. Dim RS
  8. strProjectID = trim(Request.Form("ProjectID"))
  9. strGDNIEngineer = trim(Request.Form("GDNIEngineer"))
  10. strRequestorName = trim(Request.Form("RequestorName"))
  11. strCompleteDate = trim(Request.Form("CompleteDate"))
  13. Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  14. Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  16. Conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("PTSystem.mdb")
  17. select case Request.Form("SearchType")
  18.     case "1"
  19.         strSQL = "SELECT * FROM PTSProjects WHERE ProjectID= '"Request.Form("SearchWith") & "'"
  20.     case "2"
  21.         strSQL = "SELECT * FROM PTSProjects WHERE GDNIEngineer = '"Request.Form("SearchWith") & "'"
  22.     case "3"
  23.         strSQL = "SELECT * FROM PTSProjects WHERE RequestorName = '"Request.Form("SearchWith") & "'"
  24.     case Else
  25.         Response.Write("Please select a search type!")
  26.         Response.End
  27. end select
  29. RS.Open strSQL, Conn
  31. If RS.EOF Then
  32.    Response.Redirect("SearchProject.asp?error=Sorry ... Your Project ID does not exist in our database.  Please try again.")
  33. End If
  34. %>
..... SOME HTML CODE .... Below is the portion of the code that goes in the middle of the HTML code of the DisplayProject. asp file. If you can give me your email, I can send the two files to you.
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%
  6. Response.Write("<TR>")
  7. Response.Write("<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000"" SIZE=""2"">" & RS("ProjectID") & "&nbsp;</FONT></TD>")
  8. Response.Write("<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000"" SIZE=""2"">" & RS("RequestorName") & "&nbsp;</FONT></TD>")
  9. Response.Write("<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000"" SIZE=""2"">" & RS("GDNIEngineer") & "&nbsp;</FONT></TD>")
  10. Response.Write("<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000"" SIZE=""4""><A HREF=ViewProject.asp?ProjectID=" & RS("ProjectID") & ">View</A></FONT></TD>")
  11. If Request.Cookies("AccessLevel")= "Other" Then
  12.     Response.Write("<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000"" SIZE=""4"">&nbsp;</FONT></TD>")
  13.     Response.Write("<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000"" SIZE=""4"">&nbsp;</FONT></TD>")
  14. Elseif Request.Cookies("AccessLevel")= "Engineer" Then
  15.     Response.Write("<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000"" SIZE=""4""><A HREF=EditProject.asp?ProjectID=" & RS("ProjectID") & ">Edit</A></FONT></TD>")
  16.     Response.Write("<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000"" SIZE=""4"">&nbsp;</FONT></TD>")
  17. Elseif Request.Cookies("AccessLevel")= "Admin" Then
  18.     Response.Write("<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000"" SIZE=""4""><A HREF=EditProject.asp?ProjectID=" & RS("ProjectID") & ">Edit</A></FONT></TD>")
  19.   Response.Write("<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETICA,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000"" SIZE=""4""><A onclick='return ConfirmDelete()'HREF=DeleteProject.asp?ProjectID=" & RS("ProjectID") & ">Delete</A></FONT></TD>")
  20. End If
  22. Response.Write("</TR>")
  24. RS.MoveNext
  25. Wend
  28. RS.Close
  29. Conn.Close
  30. set Conn = nothing
  31. set RS = Nothing
  32. %>
Feb 1 '08 #8
85 New Member
Hi Master CroCrew,

Can you help me here? Thanks once again for your help.
Feb 3 '08 #9
564 Recognized Expert Contributor
Hi CroCrew,

I have transformed your code into the real environment but it does not show anything. Please help and thanks for your outstanding support.

Below is the SearchProject.a sp (Equivalent to your PageOne.asp):<F ORM ID="xForm" NAME="xForm" METHOD="post" ACTION="Display Project.asp">

<FONT FACE="HELVETICA ,HELV,ARIAL" SIZE=2>Please Select Your Search: </FONT><BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nb sp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT FACE="HELVETICA ,HELV,ARIAL" SIZE=2><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="SearchTyp e" VALUE="1"> Project ID </FONT><BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nb sp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT FACE="HELVETICA ,HELV,ARIAL" SIZE=2><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="SearchTyp e" VALUE="2"> GDNI Engineer </FONT><BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nb sp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<FONT FACE="HELVETICA ,HELV,ARIAL" SIZE=2><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="SearchTyp e" VALUE="3"> Requestor's Name </FONT><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="39" NAME="SearchWit h">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nb sp;&nbsp;

Here is the code for DisplayProject. asp (Equivalent to your PageTwo.asp):

Dim strGDNIEngineer
Dim strCompleteDate
Dim Conn
Dim strSQL
Dim RS

strProjectID = trim(Request.Fo rm("ProjectID") )
strGDNIEngineer = trim(Request.Fo rm("GDNIEnginee r"))
strRequestorNam e = trim(Request.Fo rm("RequestorNa me"))
strCompleteDate = trim(Request.Fo rm("CompleteDat e"))

Set Conn = Server.CreateOb ject("ADODB.Con nection")
Set RS = Server.CreateOb ject("ADODB.Rec ordset")

Conn.Open "Provider=Micro soft.Jet.OLEDB. 4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath( "PTSystem.m db")
select case Request.Form("S earchType")
case "1"
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM PTSProjects WHERE ProjectID= '"Request.Form( "SearchWith ") & "'"
case "2"
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM PTSProjects WHERE GDNIEngineer = '"Request.Form( "SearchWith ") & "'"
case "3"
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM PTSProjects WHERE RequestorName = '"Request.Form( "SearchWith ") & "'"
case Else
Response.Write( "Please select a search type!")
end select

RS.Open strSQL, Conn

If RS.EOF Then
Response.Redire ct("SearchProje ct.asp?error=So rry ... Your Project ID does not exist in our database. Please try again.")
End If

..... SOME HTML CODE .... Below is the portion of the code that goes in the middle of the HTML code of the DisplayProject. asp file. If you can give me your email, I can send the two files to you.



Response.Write( "<TR>")
Response.Write( "<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETIC A,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000 "" SIZE=""2"">" & RS("ProjectID" ) & "&nbsp;</FONT></TD>")
Response.Write( "<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETIC A,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000 "" SIZE=""2"">" & RS("RequestorNa me") & "&nbsp;</FONT></TD>")
Response.Write( "<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETIC A,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000 "" SIZE=""2"">" & RS("GDNIEnginee r") & "&nbsp;</FONT></TD>")
Response.Write( "<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETIC A,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000 "" SIZE=""4""><A HREF=ViewProjec t.asp?ProjectID =" & RS("ProjectID" ) & ">View</A></FONT></TD>")
If Request.Cookies ("AccessLevel") = "Other" Then
Response.Write( "<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETIC A,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000 "" SIZE=""4"">&nbs p;</FONT></TD>")
Response.Write( "<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETIC A,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000 "" SIZE=""4"">&nbs p;</FONT></TD>")
Elseif Request.Cookies ("AccessLevel") = "Engineer" Then
Response.Write( "<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETIC A,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000 "" SIZE=""4""><A HREF=EditProjec t.asp?ProjectID =" & RS("ProjectID" ) & ">Edit</A></FONT></TD>")
Response.Write( "<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETIC A,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000 "" SIZE=""4"">&nbs p;</FONT></TD>")
Elseif Request.Cookies ("AccessLevel") = "Admin" Then
Response.Write( "<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETIC A,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000 "" SIZE=""4""><A HREF=EditProjec t.asp?ProjectID =" & RS("ProjectID" ) & ">Edit</A></FONT></TD>")
Response.Write( "<TD><FONT FACE=""HELVETIC A,HELV,ARIAL"" COLOR=""#000000 "" SIZE=""4""><A onclick='return ConfirmDelete() 'HREF=DeletePro ject.asp?Projec tID=" & RS("ProjectID" ) & ">Delete</A></FONT></TD>")
End If

Response.Write( "</TR>")


set Conn = nothing
set RS = Nothing
Check your PMs (Private Message).
Feb 3 '08 #10

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I have .net C# application in which I am extracting data from word file and save it in database particularly. To store word all data as it is I am converting the whole word file firstly in HTML and then checking html paragraph one by one. At the time of converting from word file to html my equations which are in the word document file was convert into image. Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Select();...
by: TSSRALBI | last post by:
Hello I'm a network technician in training and I need your help. I am currently learning how to create and manage the different types of VPNs and I have a question about LAN-to-LAN VPNs. The last exercise I practiced was to create a LAN-to-LAN VPN between two Pfsense firewalls, by using IPSEC protocols. I succeeded, with both firewalls in the same network. But I'm wondering if it's possible to do the same thing, with 2 Pfsense firewalls...
by: adsilva | last post by:
A Windows Forms form does not have the event Unload, like VB6. What one acts like?
by: muto222 | last post by:
How can i add a mobile payment intergratation into php mysql website.
by: bsmnconsultancy | last post by:
In today's digital era, a well-designed website is crucial for businesses looking to succeed. Whether you're a small business owner or a large corporation in Toronto, having a strong online presence can significantly impact your brand's success. BSMN Consultancy, a leader in Website Development in Toronto offers valuable insights into creating effective websites that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well. In this comprehensive...

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