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modify multipale rows in database

241 New Member
i want to modify multiple rows in database with select option i am using R.update but it can update only one record in database but i wants to more then one record is modify after submit so what code i have to use i am using
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <% 
  2.   If Not IsEmpty(Request.Form("submit")) then
  3.   vopenflg = Request.Form("vopenflg")
  4.   vopenflg=trim(vopenflg)
  5.   conn.close
  6.   conn.Mode = adModeReadWrite
  7.   conn.open
  8.   R1.open "Select open_flg from topmaster ", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
  9.   R1("open_flg")= vopenflg
  10.   R1.update
  11.   R1.Close
  12.   end if
  13. %>
Nov 2 '07 #1
20 2339
3,406 Recognized Expert Specialist
Put your update statement within a loop. Youcan loop through various rows of your recordset using the r1.movenext method, then modify that row as desired. Let me know if this helps.


PS. Your code belongs in code tags like this: [code=asp]'code goes here[/code]
Nov 2 '07 #2
241 New Member
when i am using this code it is not report any error or nither update any row
so where is the problems
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. 'code goes here
  2. <%   conn.close
  3.   If Not IsEmpty(Request.Form("submit")) then
  4.   vopenflg = Request.Form("vopenflg")
  5.   vopenflg=trim(vopenflg)
  6.   conn.Mode = adModeReadWrite
  7.   conn.open
  8.   R1.open "Select open_flg from topmaster ", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
  9.  while R1.eof
  10.   R1("open_flg")= vopenflg
  11.   R1.update
  12.   R1.movenext
  13.   R1.Close
  14.   wend    
  15.   end if
  16. %>
Nov 3 '07 #3
241 New Member
when i am using this code it is not report any error or nither update any row
so where is the problems
another code is
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1.  'code goes here
  2. <%  do until not  R1.eof
  3.   R1("open_flg")= vopenflg
  4.   R1.update
  5.   R1.movenext
  6.   loop
  7.   R1.Close
  8.   end if
and by using the code do whiel not R1.eof instead of do until not R1.eof
error is multiple oledb
so what is
Nov 3 '07 #4
3,406 Recognized Expert Specialist
code should be "do until R1.eof...loop" or "while not R1.eof... wend" or some variation of this.

Nov 3 '07 #5
241 New Member
hello plz help in updation of data with multiple row. this code is my last modified code which is using today interchange the code but i found some error this code isn't generate any error but modification or updation is not done . os plz see again here
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1.  R1.open "Select open_flg from topmaster ", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
  2.      Do While Not R1.EOF
  3.      vopenflg=R1("open_flg")
  4.      R1.update
  5.        R1.MoveNext
  6.        loop
  7.      R1.Close
Nov 5 '07 #6
241 New Member
i am using this code then it update all records from table i am using pagingnation and show one record on page plz help in updae to selected rows only thaks
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1.  <%conn.close
  2.   If Not IsEmpty(Request.Form("submit")) then
  3.   vopenflg = Request.Form("vopenflg")
  4.   vopenflg=trim(vopenflg)
  5.   conn.Mode = adModeReadWrite
  6.   conn.open
  7.   R1.open "Select open_flg from topmaster ", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
  8.   R1("open_flg")=vopenflg
  9.   do while not R1.eof
  10.   R1.moveNext
  11.   loop
  12.   R1.update
  13.   R1.Close
  14.   conn.close
  15.   end if
  16. %>
Nov 6 '07 #7
3,406 Recognized Expert Specialist

Since I am bilingual, I understand the difficulty you face in trying to express yourself in a foreign language. Please understand that you have not given enough information for me to answer the question fully. There are many possible ways in which someone may try to "update a database", and your question does not specify what you mean.

I assume that your user will see a table of data which approximates your database. He performs some action like clicking on a button or toggling a checkbox to indicate which records need to be modified. It looks from your question that the user sees a long list of records and next to each one there is a checkbox. He toggles the boxes he would like to update, then clicks a "submit" button. Am I right so far?

Please explain how the form is set up. This is important for me to find the best way to modify the database. If it is difficult for you to explain, please send the code for the form. When you post the code all of the code should be between the two code tags like this:


dim rs1, query
query = "SELECT topOpenFlg FROM table1 WHERE recordID = "
query = query & request.form("r ecordID")
set rs1 = server.createob ject("ADODB.Rec ordset")
rs1.open query, conn, 2,3

rs1("topOpenFlg ") = date()


Nov 7 '07 #8
241 New Member
hi jhardman
thanks to reply
my deadline of project is very close if i cant submit till tomorw then this project is transferd to other. so please reply soon .
again explained my question what is my target.
i wants to show some records on page from table that can see all and modify any records i wants to modiy then a select list inside all records i.e no,yes,close ,
if i wants to modify any records from display rows then select option from rows inside called apply and click on submit and change only selected rows detail .
but i am in trouble by using this code i able to change all records from table also i am using pagignation to avoide error multiple oledb .
so my question is to help me to modify thats record i wants to modify that is on page so how can modify only thats which i wants.this is my full code plz check my code

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1.  code is here
  3. <%@language=vbscript%>
  4. <%option explicit%>
  5. <%
  6. If Request.Cookies("userid") = "" Then
  7.   Response.Redirect "login.asp"
  8. Else
  9. dim my_conn_stRing, conn,R,R1,R2, sql,Rcount,Rpage,page,i,vopenflg
  10. dim stroutput,reply,repcount,stropt,vtopid
  11. MY_CONN_STRING = "dsn=oracle;uid=starter;pwd=starter;" 
  12. Set Conn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
  13. Conn.open MY_CONN_STRING
  14. set R = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  15. set R1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  16. set R2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  17. R.open "Select top_id,top_sub,launch_by,launch_dt from topmaster ",conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
  18. R.PageSize=1
  19. Repcount=R.RecordCount
  20. Rcount=R.RecordCount 
  21. Rpage=R.PageCount
  22. if Request.QueryString("Reply")="" then
  23. Reply=1 
  24. else
  25.  Reply=cint((Request.QueryString("Reply")))
  26.  end if
  27. if Request.querystring("page")="" then 
  28.   page=1
  29. else
  30.   page=cint((Request.querystring("page")))
  31. end if
  32. %>
  33. <html>
  34. <head><TITLE>Vioce Of Baraunians</TITLE></head>
  35. <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" background="../SANJEEV/backphoto.gif">
  36. <form name="moderator" action="moderator.asp" method="post">
  37. <!--#include file="front.inc"--><br><br>&nbsp;
  38. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charet=iso-8859-1">
  39. <div style="position:absolute; top:100; left:0 ">
  40. <table width="1000" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#663333" >
  41. <tr bgcolor="#CCCCFF"> 
  42.   <td width="8%" ><b>TOPIC ID</b></td>
  43.   <td bgcolor="#CCCCFF" colspan="100%">&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="files categories.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<b>TOPIC SUBJECT</b></td>
  44.   <td bgcolor="#CCCCFF" width="12%"><img src="group user.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>POSTED BY</b></td>
  45.   <td bgcolor="#CCCCFF" width="12%"><b>POSTED DATE</b></td>
  46.   <td bgcolor="#CCCCFF"><b>Permission</b></td>
  47.   </tr>
  48.  <%
  49. if not R.eof then
  50. R.Move (page-1)*R.pagesize
  51. end if
  52. if not R.eof then
  53.   for i=1 to R.pagesize
  54.   %> 
  55.   <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> 
  56.     <td bgcolor="#66FF99" width="8%"><%=R("top_id")%></td>
  57.     <td align="left" colspan="100%" bgcolor="#66FF99"><b><font face="arial" size=2><a href=voice.asp?opt=<%=R("top_id")%>><%Response.Write R("top_sub")%></a></font></b></td>
  58.     <td bgcolor="#66FF99" width="12%"><%=R("launch_by")%></td>
  59.     <td bgcolor="#66FF99" width="12%"><%=R("launch_dt")%></td>
  60.          <td width="10%"><font face="arial" size="2"><b>Apply</b></font>
  61.          <select name="vopenflg">
  62.         <%If IsEmpty(vopenflg) or vopenflg = 0 Then%>
  63.           <option value="0" selected>No</option>
  64.           <option value="1">Yes</option>
  65.           <option value="2">clsoe</option>
  66.          <%Elseif vopenflg =1 Then%>
  67.           <option value="0">No</option>
  68.           <option value="1" selected>Yes</option>
  69.           <option value="2">Close</option>
  70.          <%Elseif vopenflg =2 Then%>
  71.           <option value="0">No</option>
  72.           <option value="1">Yes</option>
  73.           <option value="2" selected>Close</option>          
  74.           <%End If%>
  75.       </select>
  76.   </tr>
  77.   <%
  78.   if request.QueryString("opt") then
  79.   stropt=opt
  80.   end if
  81.   if request.QueryString("opt1") then
  82. detail=request.QueryString("opt")
  83. end if
  84.  R.movenext
  85.  If R.EOF Then 
  86.  Exit For 
  87.  end if
  88.  next
  89. end if%> 
  90. </table> 
  91. <table width="1000" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" >
  92. <tr align="right" bgcolor="#99FFFF"> 
  93.   <td><b>Voice of Baraunians views</b></td><td><%Response.write(Application("visitors"))%></td>
  94.   <td> <%If page>1 Then %> <a href="moderator.asp?page=<%=page-1%>">Previous</a> 
  95.     <%end if %> 
  96.     <% If page < rpage Then %> <a href="moderator.asp?page=<%=page+1%>">Next</a> 
  97.     <% end if %> 
  98.     <%if rpage>1 then
  99.           for i=1 to Rpage
  100.               Response.write "<a href=""moderator.asp?page="&i&""">"&i&"</a> "
  101.           next
  102.     end if%> </td>
  103.    </tr>
  104.   </table><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  106.  <% 
  107.   If Not IsEmpty(Request.Form("submit")) then
  108.    vopenflg = Request.Form("vopenflg")
  109.     vopenflg=trim(vopenflg)
  110.      conn.close
  111.     conn.Mode = adModeReadWrite
  112.    conn.open
  113.   R1.Open "select open_flg from topmaster  ", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
  114.   do while not R1.eof 
  115.   R1("open_flg")=vopenflg
  116.   R1.update
  117.   R1.movenext
  118.   loop
  119.   R1.Close
  120.   conn.close
  121. end if
  122. end if
  123. %>
  124.   <table width=765>
  125.   <tr><td width="60%"></td>
  126.     <td><input type= "submit" name="submit" value="Apply" onclick="update()">
  127.    <input type="button" name="submit" value="Back" onclick="brvoice()">
  128.      <input type ="button" value="EXIT" onClick="window.close()"></td>
  129.   </tr>
  130. </table>
  131. <script language="Javascript">
  132. function brvoice()
  133. {
  134.   window.location = "brvoice.asp"
  135. }
  137. function update()
  138. {
  139.   window.location = "moderator.asp"
  140. }
  142. </script>
  143. </div>
  144. </form>
  145.  </body>
  146. </html>
Nov 7 '07 #9
241 New Member
hi jhardman
is not clear my question .i wants to show records on page that have one column for select list to modify. i wants select option from list and modify after apply button is pressed but only those row that is selected is possible if not then give me other idea to find records and update after modify so plz understand from both posting and answer to my question.thanks
Nov 7 '07 #10

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