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CDOSYS mail script

1 New Member
I created a form, cabreg.asp, with a "Send" button and cdosys_form.asp script. However, I got the message "Page cannot be displayed" Please help and here are my files

---- CABREG.ASP -----

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>CAB Registration</title>

'************** *************** *************** *************** *********'
' Title : cabreg.asp '
' Author : Jennifer Pham '
' Modified by : '
' Date : '
' Form : This is a CAB Registration form. '
'************** *************** *************** *************** *********'
<form action="cdosys_ form.asp" method="post" enctype="multip art/form-data" name="cabreg" id="cabreg">
<p align="center"> <img src="CAB Heading - Denver 06.jpg" width="650" height="97"></p>
<p align="center" class="style1"> Denver CAB Registration Form</p>
<div align="center">
<table width="386" border="1">
<td width="200">Nam e:</td>
<td width="200"><in put name="name" type="text" id="name" size="50"></td>
<td width="200">Job Title:</td>
<td width="200"><in put name="title" type="text" id="title" size="50"></td>
<td width="200">Dep artment/Agency</td>
<td width="200"><in put name="agency" type="text" id="agency" size="50"></td>
<td width="200">Bur eau:</td>
<td width="200"><in put name="bureau" type="text" id="bureau" size="50"></td>
<td width="200">Add ress:</td>
<td width="200"><in put name="address" type="text" id="address" size="50"></td>
<td width="200">Cit y: </td>
<td width="200"><in put name="city" type="text" id="city" size="40"></td>
<td width="200">Sta te:</td>
<td width="200"><in put name="state" type="text" id="state" size="40"></td>
<td width="150">Zip :</td>
<td width="150"><in put name="zip" type="text" id="zip" size="40"></td>
<td width="150">Tel ephone:</td>
<td width="150"><in put name="telephone " type="text" id="telephone" size="25"></td>
<td width="150">Fac simile:</td>
<td width="150"><in put name="facsimile " type="text" id="facsimile" size="25"></td>
<td width="200">E-Mail:</td>
<td width="200"><in put name="email" type="text" id="email" size="50"></td>
<div align="center">
<table width="674" border="1">
<td width="500"><p> I would like to attend the CAB group dinner at The Fort:
<td width="357"><in put name="Dinner" type="radio" value="Yes">
<input name="Dinner" type="radio" value="No">
<td><blockquote >If yes &ndash; select a menu option:</blockquote></td>
<input name="menu" type="radio" value="Sirloin" >
Top Sirloin<br>
<input name="Menu" type="radio" value="Lamb">
Lamb Chops<br>
<input name="Menu" type="radio" value="Salmon">
<input name="Menu" type="radio" value="Chicken" >
<td width="500"><p> I would like to attend the tour of the U.S. Denver Mint::
<td width="357"><in put name="Tour" type="radio" value="Yes">
<input name="Tour" type="radio" value="No">
<td width="500"><p> I would like my confirmation package sent via:
<td width="357"><in put name="Sendoptio n" type="radio" value="Email">
<input name="Sendoptio n" type="radio" value="Fax">

<p align="center"> <strong>Fax or email this registration form no later than July 31, 2006 to</strong>:</p>
<p align="center"> San Francisco Financial Center<br>
<a href="mailto:pi b@fms.treas.gov "><strong>pib@f ms.treas.gov</strong></a><br>

Fax: 510-594-7341<br>
<p align="center">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Send">
<input name="Reset" type="reset" id="Reset" value="Reset">



'************** *************** *************** *************** *********'
' Title : cdosys_form.asp '
' Author : Jennifer Pham '
' Modified by : '
' Date : '
' Main Function: This script is used to send the registration '
'************** *************** *************** *************** *********'
Dim cabreg
Dim cabregcon
Dim flds
Dim inbody
Dim inname
Dim intitle
Dim inagency
Dim inbureau
Dim inaddress
Dim incity
Dim instate
Dim inzip
Dim intelephone
Dim infacsimile
Dim inemail
Dim inDinner
Dim inMenu
Dim inTour
Dim inSendoption
inname = Request.Form("n ame")
intitle = Request.Form("t itle")
inagency = Request.Form("a gency")
inbureau = Request.Form("b ureau")
inaddress = Request.Form("a ddress")
incity = Request.Form("c ity")
instate = Request.Form("s tate")
inzip = Request.Form("z ip")
intelephone = Request.Form("t elephone")
infacsimile = Request.Form("f acsimile")
inemail = Request.Form("e mail")
inDinner = Request.Form("D inner")
inMenu = Request.Form("M enu")
inTour = Request.Form("T our")
inSendoption = Request.Form("S endoption")

Inbody = Inbody & "Name: "& inname & vbcrlf
Inbody = Inbody & "Title: "& intitle & vbcrlf
Inbody = Inbody & "Agency: "& inagency & vbcrlf
Inbody = Inbody & "Bureau: "& inbureau & vbcrlf
Inbody = Inbody & "Address: "& inaddress & vbcrlf
Inbody = Inbody & "City: "& incity & vbcrlf
Inbody = Inbody & "State: "& instate & vbcrlf
Inbody = Inbody & "Zip: "& inzip & vbcrlf
Inbody = Inbody & "Telephone: "& intelephone & vbcrlf
Inbody = Inbody & "Facsimile: "& infacsimile & vbcrlf
Inbody = Inbody & "E-mail: "& inemail & vbcrlf
Inbody = Inbody & "Attend the CAB group dinner: "& inDinner & vbcrlf
Inbody = Inbody & "Choice for dinner: "& inMenu & vbcrlf
Inbody = Inbody & "Attend the tour: "& inTour & vbcrlf
Inbody = Inbody & "Package sent via: "& inSendoption & vbcrlf

Set cabreg = Server.CreateOb ject("CDO.Messa ge")
set cabregcon = Server.CreateOb ject("CDO.Confi guration")
Set flds = cabregcon.Field s
cabregcon.Confi guration.Fields .Item("http://schemas.microso ft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
cabregcon.Confi guration.Fields .Item("http://schemas.microso ft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "dm4.publicdebt .treas.gov"
cabregcon.Confi guration.Fields .Item("http://schemas.microso ft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport" ) = 25
cabregcon.Confi guration.Fields .Item("http://schemas.microso ft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = False
cabregcon.Confi guration.Fields .Item("http://schemas.microso ft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiont imeout") = 60

cabregcon.Confi guration.Fields .Update
Set cabreg.Configur ation = cabregcon
cabreg.From = inname
cabreg.To = "sfc@fms.treas. gov"
cabreg.Subject = "Denver CAB Registration"
cabreg.TextBody = Inbody
Set cabreg = Nothing
Set cabregcon = Nothing
set flds = Nothing
Response.Write( "The e-mail has been sent")
Sep 8 '06 #1
4 5837
7 New Member
Hi ,

Your code is working fine. Actually I copied the code from ur page and pasted in my textpad.


In the line above, instead of the second "(double quotes) near FORM, it just pasted some other character like pipeline. That time , it was showing error page 'Page cannot be displayed". Then I changed that to " , it is working fine. Could you please try this? If you have any more query mail to me in this Id: "jayadevi.s@tcs .com".

Sep 14 '06 #2
1 New Member
Thanks Jaya,

I corrected the form as per your posting but it still does not work.

I tried it in Netscape and it returns the error.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Configuration'

/cdosys/cdosys_form.asp , line 67

The line 67 in the file is given as following :

cabregcon.Confi guration.Fields .Item("http://schemas.microso ft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2

I hope you can help me. I am giving smtp as localhost and port 25

Sep 20 '06 #3
5 New Member
I m getting a error: when i use above code....

Public member 'Configuration' on type 'IConfiguration ' not found...

I m using windows2000 and .net 2003 version (.net Framework 1.1)
Plz help me...
Sep 22 '06 #4
7 New Member
Hi Meher,

Instead of making the code complex by using Configurations , you can use following simple code,

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Set cabreg=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
  2. cabreg.Subject="Denver CAB Registration"
  3. cabreg.From=inname
  4. cabreg.To=sfc@fms.treas.gov"
  5. cabreg.TextBody=Inbody
  6. cabreg.Send
  7. set cabreg=nothing
  9. Response.Write("The e-mail has been sent")
I think this will work. Is this Okay for u or using SMTP only you want to send mail?

Hi Lalit,

Answering your question, CDOSYS dont work in Windows 2000. If you want to send mail in Windows 2000, u have to use CDONTS.
I will give one sample code.

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Set objMail=Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
  2.             objMail.From="someone1@abc.com"
  3.             objMail.To="someone2@abc.com"                            objMail.Subject="Testing mail"
  4.             objMail.Body="mail Body"
  5.             objMail.Send
  6. Set objMail=Nothing
This will help you.

Oct 31 '06 #5

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