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an ASP automation question


I am creating a reporting system using SQL Server 2000 and ASP, I have
created 4 pages that display the results i want, however the reports take an
average of 20 mins to run and i have been asked to automate them, i decided
to create another ASP page that uses the filesystemobjec t to create a static
htm file from the main page.

I decided to put all the declarations and includes my main page creation
page, and stripped these from the asp file so i was left with just the body
of the page, i read the body of the page into a variable and tried to do a
replace on the <%= and the %>

htmFile = replace(htmFile , "<%=", " chr(34) &")
htmFile = replace(htmFile , "%>", " & chr(34)")

I also tried doubling the quotes instead of using chr(34) but with either of
them i get unterminated string constant. I want to be able to just read in
the body of the page replacing any <%=%> so that it scales better. I have 4
reports at the moment but this will grow to any number that the business

As you can see from my code below a solution i have found is to copy the
body text into a variable and escape the string for the insertion of
variables, but as more and more reports get added the messier its going to

hopefully i made sense so if anyone knows how to replace the asp tags or a
way of achieving what i want to do i would appreciate the help

almost forgot the reason i am wanting to replace the asp tags is because
when it creates the page it doesn't show any values

my code is as follows

<% option explicit %>

response.expire s = "-1000"

'this declaration belongs to the callcentre report
dim dyTotalAppsWrit , dyTotalValueOfA pps, dyTotalSourced, dyTotalSumSourc ed,
dySrceVol, dySrceVal
dim wkTotalAppsWrit , wkTotalValueOfA pps, wkTotalSourced, wkTotalSumSourc ed,
wkSrceVol, wkSrceVal
dim mnTotalAppsWrit , mnTotalValueOfA pps, mnTotalSourced, mnTotalSumSourc ed,
mnSrceVol, mnSrceVal
dim qtTotalAppsWrit , qtTotalValueOfA pps, qtTotalSourced, qtTotalSumSourc ed,
qtSrceVol, qtSrceVal
dim yrTotalAppsWrit , yrTotalValueOfA pps, yrTotalSourced, yrTotalSumSourc ed,
yrSrceVol, yrSrceVal

'this declaration belongs to the LCT BAG Report
dim dyTotalBooked, dyBookingValue, dyBookingFees, dyVisitsVolume,
dyVisitsValue, dyVisitsFees, dySignVolume, dySignValue, dySignFees
dim wkTotalBooked, wkBookingValue, wkBookingFees, wkVisitsVolume,
wkVisitsValue, wkVisitsFees, wkSignVolume, wkSignValue, wkSignFees
dim mnTotalBooked, mnBookingValue, mnBookingFees, mnVisitsVolume,
mnVisitsValue, mnVisitsFees, mnSignVolume, mnSignValue, mnSignFees
dim qtTotalBooked, qtBookingValue, qtBookingFees, qtVisitsVolume,
qtVisitsValue, qtVisitsFees, qtSignVolume, qtSignValue, qtSignFees
dim yrTotalBooked, yrBookingValue, yrBookingFees, yrVisitsVolume,
yrVisitsValue, yrVisitsFees, yrSignVolume, yrSignValue, yrSignFees

'these are needed for the page to function
dim PageTop, CCBagPage, LCTBagPage
<!--#include file="scripts\D BDataScript.asp "-->
<!--#include file="DBArea\lo c\location.inc"-->
<!--#include file="include\c onnection.inc"-->
SetUpPages "Call Centre - BAG Report"
GettheValuesCCB ag

CCBagPage = "<table width='950' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'
align='center' style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Call Centre </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Written Volumes </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Written Value </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Sourced Volume </span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >%</span></td> <td><span class='style12' >Applications
Sourced Value </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >%</span></td></tr><tr>
<td><span class='style12' >Daily</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
dyTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td><td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( dyTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & dyTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
dySrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( dyTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & dySrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Week To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
wkTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( wkTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & wkTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
wkSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( wkTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & wkSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Month To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
mnTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( mnTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & mnTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
mnSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( mnTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & mnSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Quarter To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
qtTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( qtTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & qtTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
qtSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( qtTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & qtSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Year To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
yrTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( yrTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & yrTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
yrSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( yrTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & yrSrceVal & "</span></td></tr></table><br /><table
width='950' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'
style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr> <td width='166'><sp an
class='style12' >Call Centre </span></td> <td width='166'><sp an
class='style12' >Dead - Agent Error Volume </span></td> <td
width='30'>%</td> <td width='166'><sp an class='style12' >Dead - Agent Error
Value </span></td> <td width='30'><spa n class='style13' >%</span></td> <td
width='166'><sp an class='style12' >Dead - Out of Criteria Volume</span></td>
<td width='30'>%</td> <td width='166'>Dea d- Out of Criteria Value </td>
<td width='30'>%</td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Daily</span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td
width='40'>&nbs p;</td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td
width='24'>&nbs p;</td> <td width='159'>&nb sp;</td> <td width='43'><spa n
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Week To
Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Month To
Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Quarter To
Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Year To
Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr></table></body></html>"

If makeHtmFile(CCB agPage) Then
response.write "File created Successfully"
response.write "File creation failed : " & err.description
end if

Sub SetUpPages(page Title)
PageTop = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'
'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dt d'><html
xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'><head><m eta http-equiv='Content-Type'
content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' />" & _
"<title>" & pageTitle & "</title><link href='styles/style.css'
rel='stylesheet ' type='text/css' /></head><body><tab le width='950'
border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'
style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr><td colspan='3'><im g
src='images/logo.png' /></td></tr> <tr><td colspan='3'><di v
align='center'> <img src='images/menubar.png' alt='earth logo' width='830'
height='30' /></div></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan='3'>&nb sp;</td></tr>
<tr> <td><span class='style1'> Earth Mortgages - Business at a glance -
report</span></td> <td>Date</td> <td>&nbsp;" &
formatdatetime( now(), vblongdate) & "</td> </tr> <tr><td
colspan='3'>&nb sp;</td></tr></table><br />"
End Sub

Function makeHTMFile(pag eBody)

dim htmFile, fso, ts, htmFileName

'set the filename of the htmfile in the format yyyy-mm-dd-ReportTitle
htmFileName = server.MapPath( ".") & "\automatio n\" & year(date) & "-" &
month(date) & "-" & day(date) & "-CallCentreBAG.h tm"

set fso = Server.CreateOb ject("Scripting .FileSystemObje ct") 'instantiate the
'Set ts = fso.OpenTextFil e(server.MapPat h(".") & "\indextest.asp ", 1)
htmFile = pageTop & pageBody 'ts.readall

response.write htmFile 'for debugging purposes

Set ts = fso.CreateTextF ile(htmFileName , True) 'create a textfile using the
fso object

ts.write htmFile

set fso = nothing

If err.number = 0 Then
makeHTMFile = True
makeHTMFile = False
End If

End Function

Jan 4 '06 #1
8 1756
After messing with it for a while i have found out that it is replacing the
<%= and the " that is now there is causing the problem when i try and
replace the %>

I have tried replace(replace (htmFile, "<%=", chr(34) & " & "), "%>", " & " &
chr(34)) but this throws up the same error

htmFile = replace(replace (htmFile, "<%=", chr(34) & " & "), "
-------------------------------------------------------------^any ideas ?
"Steven Scaife" <sp@nospam.co m> wrote in message
news:uX******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP12.phx.gbl...

I am creating a reporting system using SQL Server 2000 and ASP, I have
created 4 pages that display the results i want, however the reports take
an average of 20 mins to run and i have been asked to automate them, i
decided to create another ASP page that uses the filesystemobjec t to
create a static htm file from the main page.

I decided to put all the declarations and includes my main page creation
page, and stripped these from the asp file so i was left with just the
body of the page, i read the body of the page into a variable and tried to
do a replace on the <%= and the %>

htmFile = replace(htmFile , "<%=", " chr(34) &")
htmFile = replace(htmFile , "%>", " & chr(34)")

I also tried doubling the quotes instead of using chr(34) but with either
of them i get unterminated string constant. I want to be able to just
read in the body of the page replacing any <%=%> so that it scales better.
I have 4 reports at the moment but this will grow to any number that the
business wants.

As you can see from my code below a solution i have found is to copy the
body text into a variable and escape the string for the insertion of
variables, but as more and more reports get added the messier its going to

hopefully i made sense so if anyone knows how to replace the asp tags or a
way of achieving what i want to do i would appreciate the help

almost forgot the reason i am wanting to replace the asp tags is because
when it creates the page it doesn't show any values

my code is as follows

<% option explicit %>

response.expire s = "-1000"

'this declaration belongs to the callcentre report
dim dyTotalAppsWrit , dyTotalValueOfA pps, dyTotalSourced,
dyTotalSumSourc ed, dySrceVol, dySrceVal
dim wkTotalAppsWrit , wkTotalValueOfA pps, wkTotalSourced,
wkTotalSumSourc ed, wkSrceVol, wkSrceVal
dim mnTotalAppsWrit , mnTotalValueOfA pps, mnTotalSourced,
mnTotalSumSourc ed, mnSrceVol, mnSrceVal
dim qtTotalAppsWrit , qtTotalValueOfA pps, qtTotalSourced,
qtTotalSumSourc ed, qtSrceVol, qtSrceVal
dim yrTotalAppsWrit , yrTotalValueOfA pps, yrTotalSourced,
yrTotalSumSourc ed, yrSrceVol, yrSrceVal

'this declaration belongs to the LCT BAG Report
dim dyTotalBooked, dyBookingValue, dyBookingFees, dyVisitsVolume,
dyVisitsValue, dyVisitsFees, dySignVolume, dySignValue, dySignFees
dim wkTotalBooked, wkBookingValue, wkBookingFees, wkVisitsVolume,
wkVisitsValue, wkVisitsFees, wkSignVolume, wkSignValue, wkSignFees
dim mnTotalBooked, mnBookingValue, mnBookingFees, mnVisitsVolume,
mnVisitsValue, mnVisitsFees, mnSignVolume, mnSignValue, mnSignFees
dim qtTotalBooked, qtBookingValue, qtBookingFees, qtVisitsVolume,
qtVisitsValue, qtVisitsFees, qtSignVolume, qtSignValue, qtSignFees
dim yrTotalBooked, yrBookingValue, yrBookingFees, yrVisitsVolume,
yrVisitsValue, yrVisitsFees, yrSignVolume, yrSignValue, yrSignFees

'these are needed for the page to function
dim PageTop, CCBagPage, LCTBagPage
<!--#include file="scripts\D BDataScript.asp "-->
<!--#include file="DBArea\lo c\location.inc"-->
<!--#include file="include\c onnection.inc"-->
SetUpPages "Call Centre - BAG Report"
GettheValuesCCB ag

CCBagPage = "<table width='950' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'
align='center' style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Call Centre </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Written Volumes </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Written Value </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Sourced Volume </span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >%</span></td> <td><span class='style12' >Applications
Sourced Value </span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >%</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Daily</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
dyTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td><td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( dyTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & dyTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
dySrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( dyTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & dySrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Week To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
wkTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( wkTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & wkTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
wkSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( wkTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & wkSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Month To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
mnTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( mnTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & mnTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
mnSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( mnTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & mnSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Quarter To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >"
& qtTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( qtTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & qtTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
qtSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( qtTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & qtSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Year To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
yrTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( yrTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & yrTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
yrSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( yrTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & yrSrceVal & "</span></td></tr></table><br /><table
width='950' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'
style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr> <td width='166'><sp an
class='style12' >Call Centre </span></td> <td width='166'><sp an
class='style12' >Dead - Agent Error Volume </span></td> <td
width='30'>%</td> <td width='166'><sp an class='style12' >Dead - Agent
Error Value </span></td> <td width='30'><spa n
class='style13' >%</span></td> <td width='166'><sp an
class='style12' >Dead - Out of Criteria Volume</span></td> <td
width='30'>%</td> <td width='166'>Dea d- Out of Criteria Value </td> <td
width='30'>%</td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Daily</span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td
width='40'>&nbs p;</td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td
width='24'>&nbs p;</td> <td width='159'>&nb sp;</td> <td width='43'><spa n
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Week To
Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Month To
Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Quarter
To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Year To
Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr></table></body></html>"

If makeHtmFile(CCB agPage) Then
response.write "File created Successfully"
response.write "File creation failed : " & err.description
end if

Sub SetUpPages(page Title)
PageTop = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'
'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dt d'><html
xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'><head><m eta http-equiv='Content-Type'
content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' />" & _
"<title>" & pageTitle & "</title><link href='styles/style.css'
rel='stylesheet ' type='text/css' /></head><body><tab le width='950'
border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'
style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr><td colspan='3'><im g
src='images/logo.png' /></td></tr> <tr><td colspan='3'><di v
align='center'> <img src='images/menubar.png' alt='earth logo' width='830'
height='30' /></div></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan='3'>&nb sp;</td></tr>
<tr> <td><span class='style1'> Earth Mortgages - Business at a
glance - report</span></td> <td>Date</td> <td>&nbsp;" &
formatdatetime( now(), vblongdate) & "</td> </tr> <tr><td
colspan='3'>&nb sp;</td></tr></table><br />"
End Sub

Function makeHTMFile(pag eBody)

dim htmFile, fso, ts, htmFileName

'set the filename of the htmfile in the format yyyy-mm-dd-ReportTitle
htmFileName = server.MapPath( ".") & "\automatio n\" & year(date) & "-" &
month(date) & "-" & day(date) & "-CallCentreBAG.h tm"

set fso = Server.CreateOb ject("Scripting .FileSystemObje ct") 'instantiate
the object
'Set ts = fso.OpenTextFil e(server.MapPat h(".") & "\indextest.asp ", 1)
htmFile = pageTop & pageBody 'ts.readall

response.write htmFile 'for debugging purposes

Set ts = fso.CreateTextF ile(htmFileName , True) 'create a textfile using
the fso object

ts.write htmFile

set fso = nothing

If err.number = 0 Then
makeHTMFile = True
makeHTMFile = False
End If

End Function


Jan 4 '06 #2
I'm not sure what you are trying to do...

Possible solution I see are :
- use MyFile.Write instead of Response.Write so that the output goes to a
- use ServerXMLHttp to request this page so that you can get and grab this
HTML code

You may want also to invest some time into seeing why it is so long. In
particular note that if most of the time is spent in downloading a 100 Mb
report file, it won't change much when you'll try to download a 100 Mb
static file...

Good luck.


"Steven Scaife" <sp@nospam.co m> a écrit dans le message de
news:uX******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP12.phx.gbl...

I am creating a reporting system using SQL Server 2000 and ASP, I have
created 4 pages that display the results i want, however the reports take an average of 20 mins to run and i have been asked to automate them, i decided to create another ASP page that uses the filesystemobjec t to create a static htm file from the main page.

I decided to put all the declarations and includes my main page creation
page, and stripped these from the asp file so i was left with just the body of the page, i read the body of the page into a variable and tried to do a
replace on the <%= and the %>

htmFile = replace(htmFile , "<%=", " chr(34) &")
htmFile = replace(htmFile , "%>", " & chr(34)")

I also tried doubling the quotes instead of using chr(34) but with either of them i get unterminated string constant. I want to be able to just read in the body of the page replacing any <%=%> so that it scales better. I have 4 reports at the moment but this will grow to any number that the business

As you can see from my code below a solution i have found is to copy the
body text into a variable and escape the string for the insertion of
variables, but as more and more reports get added the messier its going to

hopefully i made sense so if anyone knows how to replace the asp tags or a
way of achieving what i want to do i would appreciate the help

almost forgot the reason i am wanting to replace the asp tags is because
when it creates the page it doesn't show any values

my code is as follows

<% option explicit %>

response.expire s = "-1000"

'this declaration belongs to the callcentre report
dim dyTotalAppsWrit , dyTotalValueOfA pps, dyTotalSourced, dyTotalSumSourc ed, dySrceVol, dySrceVal
dim wkTotalAppsWrit , wkTotalValueOfA pps, wkTotalSourced, wkTotalSumSourc ed, wkSrceVol, wkSrceVal
dim mnTotalAppsWrit , mnTotalValueOfA pps, mnTotalSourced, mnTotalSumSourc ed, mnSrceVol, mnSrceVal
dim qtTotalAppsWrit , qtTotalValueOfA pps, qtTotalSourced, qtTotalSumSourc ed, qtSrceVol, qtSrceVal
dim yrTotalAppsWrit , yrTotalValueOfA pps, yrTotalSourced, yrTotalSumSourc ed, yrSrceVol, yrSrceVal

'this declaration belongs to the LCT BAG Report
dim dyTotalBooked, dyBookingValue, dyBookingFees, dyVisitsVolume,
dyVisitsValue, dyVisitsFees, dySignVolume, dySignValue, dySignFees
dim wkTotalBooked, wkBookingValue, wkBookingFees, wkVisitsVolume,
wkVisitsValue, wkVisitsFees, wkSignVolume, wkSignValue, wkSignFees
dim mnTotalBooked, mnBookingValue, mnBookingFees, mnVisitsVolume,
mnVisitsValue, mnVisitsFees, mnSignVolume, mnSignValue, mnSignFees
dim qtTotalBooked, qtBookingValue, qtBookingFees, qtVisitsVolume,
qtVisitsValue, qtVisitsFees, qtSignVolume, qtSignValue, qtSignFees
dim yrTotalBooked, yrBookingValue, yrBookingFees, yrVisitsVolume,
yrVisitsValue, yrVisitsFees, yrSignVolume, yrSignValue, yrSignFees

'these are needed for the page to function
dim PageTop, CCBagPage, LCTBagPage
<!--#include file="scripts\D BDataScript.asp "-->
<!--#include file="DBArea\lo c\location.inc"-->
<!--#include file="include\c onnection.inc"-->
SetUpPages "Call Centre - BAG Report"
GettheValuesCCB ag

CCBagPage = "<table width='950' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'
align='center' style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Call Centre </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Written Volumes </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Written Value </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Sourced Volume </span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >%</span></td> <td><span class='style12' >Applications
Sourced Value </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >%</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Daily</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
dyTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td><td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( dyTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & dyTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
dySrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( dyTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & dySrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Week To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
wkTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( wkTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & wkTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
wkSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( wkTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & wkSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Month To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
mnTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( mnTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & mnTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
mnSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( mnTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & mnSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Quarter To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" & qtTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( qtTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & qtTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
qtSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( qtTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & qtSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Year To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
yrTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( yrTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & yrTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
yrSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( yrTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & yrSrceVal & "</span></td></tr></table><br /><table
width='950' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'
style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr> <td width='166'><sp an
class='style12' >Call Centre </span></td> <td width='166'><sp an
class='style12' >Dead - Agent Error Volume </span></td> <td
width='30'>%</td> <td width='166'><sp an class='style12' >Dead - Agent Error Value </span></td> <td width='30'><spa n class='style13' >%</span></td> <td width='166'><sp an class='style12' >Dead - Out of Criteria Volume</span></td> <td width='30'>%</td> <td width='166'>Dea d- Out of Criteria Value </td>
<td width='30'>%</td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Daily</span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td
width='40'>&nbs p;</td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td
width='24'>&nbs p;</td> <td width='159'>&nb sp;</td> <td width='43'><spa n
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Week To
Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Month To
Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Quarter To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Year To
Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr></table></body></html>"

If makeHtmFile(CCB agPage) Then
response.write "File created Successfully"
response.write "File creation failed : " & err.description
end if

Sub SetUpPages(page Title)
PageTop = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'
'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dt d'><html
xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'><head><m eta http-equiv='Content-Type'
content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' />" & _
"<title>" & pageTitle & "</title><link href='styles/style.css'
rel='stylesheet ' type='text/css' /></head><body><tab le width='950'
border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'
style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr><td colspan='3'><im g
src='images/logo.png' /></td></tr> <tr><td colspan='3'><di v
align='center'> <img src='images/menubar.png' alt='earth logo' width='830'
height='30' /></div></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan='3'>&nb sp;</td></tr>
<tr> <td><span class='style1'> Earth Mortgages - Business at a glance - report</span></td> <td>Date</td> <td>&nbsp;" &
formatdatetime( now(), vblongdate) & "</td> </tr> <tr><td
colspan='3'>&nb sp;</td></tr></table><br />"
End Sub

Function makeHTMFile(pag eBody)

dim htmFile, fso, ts, htmFileName

'set the filename of the htmfile in the format yyyy-mm-dd-ReportTitle
htmFileName = server.MapPath( ".") & "\automatio n\" & year(date) & "-" &
month(date) & "-" & day(date) & "-CallCentreBAG.h tm"

set fso = Server.CreateOb ject("Scripting .FileSystemObje ct") 'instantiate the object
'Set ts = fso.OpenTextFil e(server.MapPat h(".") & "\indextest.asp ", 1)
htmFile = pageTop & pageBody 'ts.readall

response.write htmFile 'for debugging purposes

Set ts = fso.CreateTextF ile(htmFileName , True) 'create a textfile using the fso object

ts.write htmFile

set fso = nothing

If err.number = 0 Then
makeHTMFile = True
makeHTMFile = False
End If

End Function


Jan 4 '06 #3
I have built a few pages that show an overall picture of how a department is
performing, currently there are 4 of these for the 4 different areas of the

In a few weeks the business will ask for more detailed reports of these
departments and in 6 months time i expect to have built around 30 or so
reports. By the end of january i have to automate the reports so when the
directors enter the business in a morning they have a static html page to
view of the reports accurate to the day before. I have all the queries in
place and the pages function, however they dont want to wait 20 or so mins
for the reports to run. (the reports show daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly
and yearly all in the same report) So i decided to create a page that using
a loop or something creates the static page with the data within them. I
can create the htm page no problem it has a page title the only thing
missing is the information. Because i have built the pages i dont want to
go through and manually replace all the <%= and %> tags with " & and & ".
It is likely that i will build every page first to test that it works all i
want to do then is pass it through to the page that will build a static htm

Hope this makes sense so far.

I have no problem reading the asp file using the fso object into a variable,
everything seems to be in order except for the fact that my asp page is
littered with <%= %> anything inside of these tags doesnt display so i need
to replace them that way my page variable will have the body text of the
page and the values from my recordset.

I can go through and do a find and replace on all the tags but i would
prefer to not do that and have the system totally free from that. I create
the page and then drop it into the directory that holds them all, and using
a loop i pass every page into the function that creates a static copy of

Hope this makes sense, if what i want cant be done then i'll have to
manually find and replace


"Patrice" <no****@nowhere .com> wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP14.phx.gbl. ..
I'm not sure what you are trying to do...

Possible solution I see are :
- use MyFile.Write instead of Response.Write so that the output goes to a
- use ServerXMLHttp to request this page so that you can get and grab this
HTML code

You may want also to invest some time into seeing why it is so long. In
particular note that if most of the time is spent in downloading a 100 Mb
report file, it won't change much when you'll try to download a 100 Mb
static file...

Good luck.


"Steven Scaife" <sp@nospam.co m> a écrit dans le message de
news:uX******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP12.phx.gbl...

I am creating a reporting system using SQL Server 2000 and ASP, I have
created 4 pages that display the results i want, however the reports take

average of 20 mins to run and i have been asked to automate them, i

to create another ASP page that uses the filesystemobjec t to create a

htm file from the main page.

I decided to put all the declarations and includes my main page creation
page, and stripped these from the asp file so i was left with just the

of the page, i read the body of the page into a variable and tried to do
replace on the <%= and the %>

htmFile = replace(htmFile , "<%=", " chr(34) &")
htmFile = replace(htmFile , "%>", " & chr(34)")

I also tried doubling the quotes instead of using chr(34) but with either

them i get unterminated string constant. I want to be able to just read

the body of the page replacing any <%=%> so that it scales better. I have

reports at the moment but this will grow to any number that the business

As you can see from my code below a solution i have found is to copy the
body text into a variable and escape the string for the insertion of
variables, but as more and more reports get added the messier its going

hopefully i made sense so if anyone knows how to replace the asp tags or
way of achieving what i want to do i would appreciate the help

almost forgot the reason i am wanting to replace the asp tags is because
when it creates the page it doesn't show any values

my code is as follows

<% option explicit %>

response.expire s = "-1000"

'this declaration belongs to the callcentre report
dim dyTotalAppsWrit , dyTotalValueOfA pps, dyTotalSourced,

dyTotalSumSourc ed,
dySrceVol, dySrceVal
dim wkTotalAppsWrit , wkTotalValueOfA pps, wkTotalSourced,

wkTotalSumSourc ed,
wkSrceVol, wkSrceVal
dim mnTotalAppsWrit , mnTotalValueOfA pps, mnTotalSourced,

mnTotalSumSourc ed,
mnSrceVol, mnSrceVal
dim qtTotalAppsWrit , qtTotalValueOfA pps, qtTotalSourced,

qtTotalSumSourc ed,
qtSrceVol, qtSrceVal
dim yrTotalAppsWrit , yrTotalValueOfA pps, yrTotalSourced,

yrTotalSumSourc ed,
yrSrceVol, yrSrceVal

'this declaration belongs to the LCT BAG Report
dim dyTotalBooked, dyBookingValue, dyBookingFees, dyVisitsVolume,
dyVisitsValue, dyVisitsFees, dySignVolume, dySignValue, dySignFees
dim wkTotalBooked, wkBookingValue, wkBookingFees, wkVisitsVolume,
wkVisitsValue, wkVisitsFees, wkSignVolume, wkSignValue, wkSignFees
dim mnTotalBooked, mnBookingValue, mnBookingFees, mnVisitsVolume,
mnVisitsValue, mnVisitsFees, mnSignVolume, mnSignValue, mnSignFees
dim qtTotalBooked, qtBookingValue, qtBookingFees, qtVisitsVolume,
qtVisitsValue, qtVisitsFees, qtSignVolume, qtSignValue, qtSignFees
dim yrTotalBooked, yrBookingValue, yrBookingFees, yrVisitsVolume,
yrVisitsValue, yrVisitsFees, yrSignVolume, yrSignValue, yrSignFees

'these are needed for the page to function
dim PageTop, CCBagPage, LCTBagPage
<!--#include file="scripts\D BDataScript.asp "-->
<!--#include file="DBArea\lo c\location.inc"-->
<!--#include file="include\c onnection.inc"-->
SetUpPages "Call Centre - BAG Report"
GettheValuesCCB ag

CCBagPage = "<table width='950' border='1' cellspacing='0'
align='center' style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Call Centre </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Written Volumes </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Written Value </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Sourced Volume </span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >%</span></td> <td><span class='style12' >Applications
Sourced Value </span></td> <td><span

class='style13' >%</span></td></tr><tr>
<td><span class='style12' >Daily</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >"
dyTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td><td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( dyTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & dyTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
dySrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( dyTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & dySrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Week To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
wkTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( wkTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & wkTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
wkSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( wkTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & wkSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Month To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
mnTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( mnTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & mnTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
mnSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( mnTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & mnSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Quarter To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >"

qtTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( qtTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & qtTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
qtSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( qtTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & qtSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Year To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
yrTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( yrTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & yrTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" &
yrSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( yrTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan
class='style13' >" & yrSrceVal & "</span></td></tr></table><br /><table
width='950' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'
style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr> <td width='166'><sp an
class='style12' >Call Centre </span></td> <td width='166'><sp an
class='style12' >Dead - Agent Error Volume </span></td> <td
width='30'>%</td> <td width='166'><sp an class='style12' >Dead - Agent

Value </span></td> <td width='30'><spa n class='style13' >%</span></td>

width='166'><sp an class='style12' >Dead - Out of Criteria

<td width='30'>%</td> <td width='166'>Dea d- Out of Criteria Value </td>
<td width='30'>%</td></tr><tr> <td><span

class='style12' >Daily</span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td
width='40'>&nbs p;</td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td
width='24'>&nbs p;</td> <td width='159'>&nb sp;</td> <td width='43'><spa n
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Week To
Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Month To
Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Quarter

Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Year To
Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td></tr></table></body></html>"

If makeHtmFile(CCB agPage) Then
response.write "File created Successfully"
response.write "File creation failed : " & err.description
end if

Sub SetUpPages(page Title)
PageTop = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'
'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dt d'><html
xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'><head><m eta
content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' />" & _
"<title>" & pageTitle & "</title><link href='styles/style.css'
rel='stylesheet ' type='text/css' /></head><body><tab le width='950'
border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'
style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr><td colspan='3'><im g
src='images/logo.png' /></td></tr> <tr><td colspan='3'><di v
align='center'> <img src='images/menubar.png' alt='earth logo' width='830'
height='30' /></div></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan='3'>&nb sp;</td></tr>
<tr> <td><span class='style1'> Earth Mortgages - Business at a

glance -
report</span></td> <td>Date</td> <td>&nbsp;" &
formatdatetime( now(), vblongdate) & "</td> </tr> <tr><td
colspan='3'>&nb sp;</td></tr></table><br />"
End Sub

Function makeHTMFile(pag eBody)

dim htmFile, fso, ts, htmFileName

'set the filename of the htmfile in the format yyyy-mm-dd-ReportTitle
htmFileName = server.MapPath( ".") & "\automatio n\" & year(date) & "-" &
month(date) & "-" & day(date) & "-CallCentreBAG.h tm"

set fso = Server.CreateOb ject("Scripting .FileSystemObje ct") 'instantiate

'Set ts = fso.OpenTextFil e(server.MapPat h(".") & "\indextest.asp ", 1)
htmFile = pageTop & pageBody 'ts.readall

response.write htmFile 'for debugging purposes

Set ts = fso.CreateTextF ile(htmFileName , True) 'create a textfile using

fso object

ts.write htmFile

set fso = nothing

If err.number = 0 Then
makeHTMFile = True
makeHTMFile = False
End If

End Function


Jan 4 '06 #4
Basically it looks like to me you are looking for something like :

htmlFile=Replac e("<%=MyNumber% >",MyRealNumber ) ? Is this what you mean ?
Bascially you are trying to "run" an ASP page yourself instead of letting
ASP to do the job ?

Depending how your pages are at this time I would really make the plunge to
use a principle such as :


Then at the top if obj is a file, it writes to a file, if it si response, it
writes to the browser allowing quite good flexibility. IMO it would be
quicker on the mean term than trying to let your current pages unchanged (as
you'll keep having all ASP capabilities).

Also I'm quite suspicious about this time. In particular not that if the
report is huge it could be a download file in whihc case you likely won't
gain much from creating the static file.

Sorry for the poor help.

Else shows a small code that shows what you want...

strHtml="<body> <%=MyValue%></body>"
strHtml=Replace (strHtml,"<%=My Value%>",RealVa lue)
Response.Write strHtml


"Steven Scaife" <sp@nospam.co m> a écrit dans le message de
news:Od******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP15.phx.gbl...
I have built a few pages that show an overall picture of how a department is performing, currently there are 4 of these for the 4 different areas of the business.

In a few weeks the business will ask for more detailed reports of these
departments and in 6 months time i expect to have built around 30 or so
reports. By the end of january i have to automate the reports so when the
directors enter the business in a morning they have a static html page to
view of the reports accurate to the day before. I have all the queries in
place and the pages function, however they dont want to wait 20 or so mins
for the reports to run. (the reports show daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly all in the same report) So i decided to create a page that using a loop or something creates the static page with the data within them. I
can create the htm page no problem it has a page title the only thing
missing is the information. Because i have built the pages i dont want to
go through and manually replace all the <%= and %> tags with " & and & ".
It is likely that i will build every page first to test that it works all i want to do then is pass it through to the page that will build a static htm file.

Hope this makes sense so far.

I have no problem reading the asp file using the fso object into a variable, everything seems to be in order except for the fact that my asp page is
littered with <%= %> anything inside of these tags doesnt display so i need to replace them that way my page variable will have the body text of the
page and the values from my recordset.

I can go through and do a find and replace on all the tags but i would
prefer to not do that and have the system totally free from that. I create the page and then drop it into the directory that holds them all, and using a loop i pass every page into the function that creates a static copy of

Hope this makes sense, if what i want cant be done then i'll have to
manually find and replace


"Patrice" <no****@nowhere .com> wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP14.phx.gbl. ..
I'm not sure what you are trying to do...

Possible solution I see are :
- use MyFile.Write instead of Response.Write so that the output goes to a file
- use ServerXMLHttp to request this page so that you can get and grab this HTML code

You may want also to invest some time into seeing why it is so long. In
particular note that if most of the time is spent in downloading a 100 Mb report file, it won't change much when you'll try to download a 100 Mb
static file...

Good luck.


"Steven Scaife" <sp@nospam.co m> a écrit dans le message de
news:uX******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP12.phx.gbl...

I am creating a reporting system using SQL Server 2000 and ASP, I have
created 4 pages that display the results i want, however the reports take
average of 20 mins to run and i have been asked to automate them, i

to create another ASP page that uses the filesystemobjec t to create a

htm file from the main page.

I decided to put all the declarations and includes my main page
creation page, and stripped these from the asp file so i was left with just the

of the page, i read the body of the page into a variable and tried to do a
replace on the <%= and the %>

htmFile = replace(htmFile , "<%=", " chr(34) &")
htmFile = replace(htmFile , "%>", " & chr(34)")

I also tried doubling the quotes instead of using chr(34) but with either of
them i get unterminated string constant. I want to be able to just
read in
the body of the page replacing any <%=%> so that it scales better. I
have 4
reports at the moment but this will grow to any number that the
business wants.

As you can see from my code below a solution i have found is to copy the body text into a variable and escape the string for the insertion of
variables, but as more and more reports get added the messier its going

hopefully i made sense so if anyone knows how to replace the asp tags or a
way of achieving what i want to do i would appreciate the help

almost forgot the reason i am wanting to replace the asp tags is because when it creates the page it doesn't show any values

my code is as follows

<% option explicit %>

response.expire s = "-1000"

'this declaration belongs to the callcentre report
dim dyTotalAppsWrit , dyTotalValueOfA pps, dyTotalSourced,

dyTotalSumSourc ed,
dySrceVol, dySrceVal
dim wkTotalAppsWrit , wkTotalValueOfA pps, wkTotalSourced,

wkTotalSumSourc ed,
wkSrceVol, wkSrceVal
dim mnTotalAppsWrit , mnTotalValueOfA pps, mnTotalSourced,

mnTotalSumSourc ed,
mnSrceVol, mnSrceVal
dim qtTotalAppsWrit , qtTotalValueOfA pps, qtTotalSourced,

qtTotalSumSourc ed,
qtSrceVol, qtSrceVal
dim yrTotalAppsWrit , yrTotalValueOfA pps, yrTotalSourced,

yrTotalSumSourc ed,
yrSrceVol, yrSrceVal

'this declaration belongs to the LCT BAG Report
dim dyTotalBooked, dyBookingValue, dyBookingFees, dyVisitsVolume,
dyVisitsValue, dyVisitsFees, dySignVolume, dySignValue, dySignFees
dim wkTotalBooked, wkBookingValue, wkBookingFees, wkVisitsVolume,
wkVisitsValue, wkVisitsFees, wkSignVolume, wkSignValue, wkSignFees
dim mnTotalBooked, mnBookingValue, mnBookingFees, mnVisitsVolume,
mnVisitsValue, mnVisitsFees, mnSignVolume, mnSignValue, mnSignFees
dim qtTotalBooked, qtBookingValue, qtBookingFees, qtVisitsVolume,
qtVisitsValue, qtVisitsFees, qtSignVolume, qtSignValue, qtSignFees
dim yrTotalBooked, yrBookingValue, yrBookingFees, yrVisitsVolume,
yrVisitsValue, yrVisitsFees, yrSignVolume, yrSignValue, yrSignFees

'these are needed for the page to function
dim PageTop, CCBagPage, LCTBagPage
<!--#include file="scripts\D BDataScript.asp "-->
<!--#include file="DBArea\lo c\location.inc"-->
<!--#include file="include\c onnection.inc"-->
SetUpPages "Call Centre - BAG Report"
GettheValuesCCB ag

CCBagPage = "<table width='950' border='1' cellspacing='0'
align='center' style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Call Centre </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Written Volumes </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Written Value </span></td> <td><span
class='style12' >Applications Sourced Volume </span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >%</span></td> <td><span class='style12' >Applications
Sourced Value </span></td> <td><span

class='style13' >%</span></td></tr><tr>
<td><span class='style12' >Daily</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
dyTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td><td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( dyTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & dyTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" & dySrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( dyTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan class='style13' >" & dySrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Week To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" & wkTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( wkTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & wkTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" & wkSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( wkTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan class='style13' >" & wkSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Month To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" & mnTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( mnTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & mnTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" & mnSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( mnTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan class='style13' >" & mnSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Quarter To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
qtTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( qtTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & qtTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>"
& qtSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( qtTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan class='style13' >" & qtSrceVal & "</span></td></tr><tr> <td><span
class='style12' >Year To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" & yrTotalAppsWrit & "</span></td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( yrTotalValueOfA pps) & "</span></td> <td><span
class='style13' >" & yrTotalSourced & "</span></td> <td width='30px'>" & yrSrceVol & "</td> <td><span class='style13' >" &
formatcurrency( yrTotalSumSourc ed) & "</span></td> <td width='30px'><s pan class='style13' >" & yrSrceVal & "</span></td></tr></table><br /><table
width='950' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'
style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr> <td width='166'><sp an
class='style12' >Call Centre </span></td> <td width='166'><sp an
class='style12' >Dead - Agent Error Volume </span></td> <td
width='30'>%</td> <td width='166'><sp an class='style12' >Dead - Agent

Value </span></td> <td width='30'><spa n class='style13' >%</span></td>

width='166'><sp an class='style12' >Dead - Out of Criteria

<td width='30'>%</td> <td width='166'>Dea d- Out of Criteria Value </td> <td width='30'>%</td></tr><tr> <td><span

class='style12' >Daily</span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td width='40'>&nbs p;</td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td
width='24'>&nbs p;</td> <td width='159'>&nb sp;</td> <td width='43'><spa n class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Week To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Month To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Quarter To
Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td></tr><tr> <td><span class='style12' >Year To Date </span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td>
<td><span class='style13' ></span></td> <td><span
class='style13' ></span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span class='style13' ></span></td></tr></table></body></html>"

If makeHtmFile(CCB agPage) Then
response.write "File created Successfully"
response.write "File creation failed : " & err.description
end if

Sub SetUpPages(page Title)
PageTop = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dt d'><html
xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'><head><m eta
content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' />" & _
"<title>" & pageTitle & "</title><link href='styles/style.css'
rel='stylesheet ' type='text/css' /></head><body><tab le width='950'
border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'
style='border-collapse:collap se;'><tr><td colspan='3'><im g
src='images/logo.png' /></td></tr> <tr><td colspan='3'><di v
align='center'> <img src='images/menubar.png' alt='earth logo' width='830' height='30' /></div></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan='3'>&nb sp;</td></tr>
<tr> <td><span class='style1'> Earth Mortgages - Business at a

glance -
report</span></td> <td>Date</td> <td>&nbsp;" &
formatdatetime( now(), vblongdate) & "</td> </tr> <tr><td
colspan='3'>&nb sp;</td></tr></table><br />"
End Sub

Function makeHTMFile(pag eBody)

dim htmFile, fso, ts, htmFileName

'set the filename of the htmfile in the format yyyy-mm-dd-ReportTitle
htmFileName = server.MapPath( ".") & "\automatio n\" & year(date) & "-" &
month(date) & "-" & day(date) & "-CallCentreBAG.h tm"

set fso = Server.CreateOb ject("Scripting .FileSystemObje ct")

'instantiate the
'Set ts = fso.OpenTextFil e(server.MapPat h(".") & "\indextest.asp ", 1)
htmFile = pageTop & pageBody 'ts.readall

response.write htmFile 'for debugging purposes

Set ts = fso.CreateTextF ile(htmFileName , True) 'create a textfile using

fso object

ts.write htmFile

set fso = nothing

If err.number = 0 Then
makeHTMFile = True
makeHTMFile = False
End If

End Function


Jan 4 '06 #5

Steven Scaife wrote:

I am creating a reporting system using SQL Server 2000 and ASP, I have
created 4 pages that display the results i want, however the reports take an
average of 20 mins to run and i have been asked to automate them, i decided
to create another ASP page that uses the filesystemobjec t to create a static
htm file from the main page.

I would ask myself a couple of things before you try to accomplish your

Why does the report take 20 minutes to run? Are you using a bunch of
SQL views? If so, convert the query to a stored procedure or stored
function and see how long it takes.

Now, if the SP still takes long to run and you still want to create a
snapshot of the data, use SQL to run the automated task query, and have
it dump the results into a flat table. Update it as often as you wish.
Then use ASP to simply retrieve the contents of the flat table.

If you still think there are too many rows to retrieve via ASP and
STILL want a static HTM file, I would still use SQL to create the HTML
file and take ASP out the equation all together.

You're reengineering the wheel in what you're trying to do.

Jan 4 '06 #6

Steven Scaife wrote:

I am creating a reporting system using SQL Server 2000 and ASP, I have
created 4 pages that display the results i want, however the reports take an
average of 20 mins to run and i have been asked to automate them, i decided
to create another ASP page that uses the filesystemobjec t to create a static
htm file from the main page.

I decided to put all the declarations and includes my main page creation
page, and stripped these from the asp file so i was left with just the body
of the page, i read the body of the page into a variable and tried to do a
replace on the <%= and the %>

htmFile = replace(htmFile , "<%=", " chr(34) &")
htmFile = replace(htmFile , "%>", " & chr(34)")

I also tried doubling the quotes instead of using chr(34) but with either of
them i get unterminated string constant. I want to be able to just read in
the body of the page replacing any <%=%> so that it scales better. I have 4
reports at the moment but this will grow to any number that the business

As you can see from my code below a solution i have found is to copy the
body text into a variable and escape the string for the insertion of
variables, but as more and more reports get added the messier its going to

hopefully i made sense so if anyone knows how to replace the asp tags or a
way of achieving what i want to do i would appreciate the help

almost forgot the reason i am wanting to replace the asp tags is because
when it creates the page it doesn't show any values

my code is as follows

<% option explicit %>

response.expire s = "-1000"

'this declaration belongs to the callcentre report
dim dyTotalAppsWrit , dyTotalValueOfA pps, dyTotalSourced, dyTotalSumSourc ed,
dySrceVol, dySrceVal
dim wkTotalAppsWrit , wkTotalValueOfA pps, wkTotalSourced, wkTotalSumSourc ed,
wkSrceVol, wkSrceVal
dim mnTotalAppsWrit , mnTotalValueOfA pps, mnTotalSourced, mnTotalSumSourc ed,
mnSrceVol, mnSrceVal
dim qtTotalAppsWrit , qtTotalValueOfA pps, qtTotalSourced, qtTotalSumSourc ed,
qtSrceVol, qtSrceVal
dim yrTotalAppsWrit , yrTotalValueOfA pps, yrTotalSourced, yrTotalSumSourc ed,
yrSrceVol, yrSrceVal

'this declaration belongs to the LCT BAG Report
dim dyTotalBooked, dyBookingValue, dyBookingFees, dyVisitsVolume,
dyVisitsValue, dyVisitsFees, dySignVolume, dySignValue, dySignFees
dim wkTotalBooked, wkBookingValue, wkBookingFees, wkVisitsVolume,
wkVisitsValue, wkVisitsFees, wkSignVolume, wkSignValue, wkSignFees
dim mnTotalBooked, mnBookingValue, mnBookingFees, mnVisitsVolume,
mnVisitsValue, mnVisitsFees, mnSignVolume, mnSignValue, mnSignFees
dim qtTotalBooked, qtBookingValue, qtBookingFees, qtVisitsVolume,
qtVisitsValue, qtVisitsFees, qtSignVolume, qtSignValue, qtSignFees
dim yrTotalBooked, yrBookingValue, yrBookingFees, yrVisitsVolume,
yrVisitsValue, yrVisitsFees, yrSignVolume, yrSignValue, yrSignFees

'these are needed for the page to function
dim PageTop, CCBagPage, LCTBagPage
<!--#include file="scripts\D BDataScript.asp "-->
<!--#include file="DBArea\lo c\location.inc"-->
<!--#include file="include\c onnection.inc"-->


Not an answer to your original question, but you really shouldn't keep
database connection information in .inc files. Unless you have set your
webserver to process them as asp files, they download as text files.
You may just as well post your database details and passwords to


Jan 5 '06 #7


Not an answer to your original question, but you really shouldn't keep
database connection information in .inc files. Unless you have set your
webserver to process them as asp files, they download as text files.
You may just as well post your database details and passwords to


This i overlooked :( its the way i've always done it / learnt it but in my
defence its only ever going to be used internally on the company intranet
and there are only 6 IT staff of which only 1 person bar myself would
possibly know this. If it went externally then i probably would have a

Thanks for the info though will definitely need this as i am building the
company website that is going to be database driven. As all the page data
will be pulled from the db i can do without some one changing the pages. :D
Jan 5 '06 #8
just some info:
pretty sure in iis6 they changed things so it does not matter...
..inc run from browser will not show code.. just http error

I still use .asp for them myself

"Steven Scaife" <sp@nospam.co m> wrote in message
news:OH******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP14.phx.gbl...


Not an answer to your original question, but you really shouldn't keep
database connection information in .inc files. Unless you have set your
webserver to process them as asp files, they download as text files.
You may just as well post your database details and passwords to


This i overlooked :( its the way i've always done it / learnt it but in my
defence its only ever going to be used internally on the company intranet
and there are only 6 IT staff of which only 1 person bar myself would
possibly know this. If it went externally then i probably would have a

Thanks for the info though will definitely need this as i am building the
company website that is going to be database driven. As all the page data
will be pulled from the db i can do without some one changing the pages.

Jan 5 '06 #9

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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