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Exception error

Gentlemen a warm greeting of New Year, that everything is happy next to
their dear family and beings. Now to the subject, I have an error of
exception in this subroutine. The error is:(0x80020009)
A data base is SQL Server 2000.
*************** *************** ****
Sub Desplegar (Mes)
Set dConn=Server.Cr eateObject("ado db.connection")
dConn.open application("St rConRuta")
Set dRs=dConn.Execu te("select * from solicitud_canje _gte_temp where
rut='"&session( "Rut")&"' ORDER BY month(fecha)")
do until dRs.eof
Response.Write( "<tr align='center' bgcolor='#CCCCC C' >")
Response.Write( "<td colspan='6' class='txtTable Estilo6' >Canjes Mes
"&nombremes(mon th(dRs("fecha") ))&"</td>")
Response.Write( "</tr>")
Response.Write( "<tr align='center'> ")
Response.Write( "<td width='13%' class='txtTable ' ><div
align='center'> <strong>Fecha Canje </strong></div></td>")
Response.Write( "<td width='7%' class='txtTable '><div
align='center'> <strong>C&oacut e;digo</strong></div></td>")
Response.Write( "<td width='29%' class='txtTable '><div
align='center'> <strong>Product o</strong></div></td>")
Response.Write( "<td class='txtTable '><div
align='center'> <strong>Punto s</strong></div></td>")
Response.Write( "<td class='txtTable ' ><div
align='center'> <strong>Cantida d</strong></div></td>")
Response.Write( "<td class='txtTable ' ><div
align='center'> <strong>Objetiv o</strong></div></td>")
Response.Write( "</tr>")
VFech=dRs("fech a")
* Do until month(dRs("Fech a"))<>month(VFe ch) (Line of error) (0x80020009)
Response.Write( "<tr> ")
Response.Write( "<td width='10%' class='txtTable '>"&dRs("fecha" )&"</td>")
Response.Write( "<td width='10%' align='center' class='txtTable '
"&dRs("cod_pro ducto")&"</td>") Response.Write( "<td width='30%' align='center' class='txtTable '"&dRs("descrip cion")&"</td>") Response.Write( "<td width='10%' align='center' class='txtTable '"&dRs("puntos" )&"</td>") Response.Write( "<td width='10%' align='center' class='txtTable '"&dRs("cantida d")&"</td>")

Response.Write( "<td width='30%'
class='txtTable '>"&dRs("objeti vo")&"</td>")
Response.Write( "</tr>")
Total=cint(Tota l+cint(dRs("pun tos")))
Response.Write( "<tr align='center' class='txt'><td height='22' colspan='3'
align='center' class='txtTable '><div
align='center'> <strong>Sub-Total</strong><font size='2'></font>
</div></td><td width='10%' class='TxtTable '><div align='center'> <font
size='2'><"&for matnumber(Total ,0,,,-2)&"</font></div><td width='14%'
align='right' class='txtTable '><div align='center'> <font size='2'></font>
</div></td><td width='27%' class='txtTable '><div align='center'> <font
TotalG=cint(Tot alG+cint(Total) )
End Sub

*************** *************** ****
This sub routine loads in a pagina a iforme ordered per month. Please help
Marco Antonio Artus S.
Lakromsoft INC.
Jul 22 '05 #1
12 1532
Lakrom wrote:
Gentlemen a warm greeting of New Year, that everything is happy next
to their dear family and beings. Now to the subject, I have an error
of exception in this subroutine. The error is:(0x80020009)

You need to verify that your query returned any records before you attempt
to read the values of any fields in your recordset. You do this using the
EOF property.

'open the recordset, then

if not dRS.EOF then
Do until month(dRs("Fech a"))<>month(VFe ch)
Response.Write "No records were returned
end if

You can debug your query by printing it out. Assign the sql statement to a
variable instead of executing it directly:

dim sSQL
sSQL = "select * from solicitud_canje _gte_temp where " & _
"rut='"&session ("Rut")&"' ORDER BY month(fecha)".

Response.Write sSQL

Set dRs=dConn.Execu te(sSQL,,1)
Look at the statement that gets written to the browser window when you run
the page and verify that it is a valid sql statement that looks the way you
expect it to look.

Bob Barrows
Microsoft MVP -- ASP/ASP.NET
Please reply to the newsgroup. The email account listed in my From
header is my spam trap, so I don't check it very often. You will get a
quicker response by posting to the newsgroup.
Jul 22 '05 #2
Thanks but already I have proven that the registry does not come vacio, I
have done it with Response.Write( dRs("fecha")) and Response.End() asi that I
believe that the exception must be of another side.
"Lakrom" <la****@terra.c l> escribió en el mensaje
news:P6******** *********@jagge r.tie.cl...
Gentlemen a warm greeting of New Year, that everything is happy next to
their dear family and beings. Now to the subject, I have an error of
exception in this subroutine. The error is:(0x80020009)
A data base is SQL Server 2000.
*************** *************** ****
Sub Desplegar (Mes)
Set dConn=Server.Cr eateObject("ado db.connection")
dConn.open application("St rConRuta")
Set dRs=dConn.Execu te("select * from solicitud_canje _gte_temp where
rut='"&session( "Rut")&"' ORDER BY month(fecha)")
do until dRs.eof
Response.Write( "<tr align='center' bgcolor='#CCCCC C' >")
Response.Write( "<td colspan='6' class='txtTable Estilo6' >Canjes Mes
"&nombremes(mon th(dRs("fecha") ))&"</td>")
Response.Write( "</tr>")
Response.Write( "<tr align='center'> ")
Response.Write( "<td width='13%' class='txtTable ' ><div
align='center'> <strong>Fecha Canje </strong></div></td>")
Response.Write( "<td width='7%' class='txtTable '><div
align='center'> <strong>C&oacut e;digo</strong></div></td>")
Response.Write( "<td width='29%' class='txtTable '><div
align='center'> <strong>Product o</strong></div></td>")
Response.Write( "<td class='txtTable '><div
align='center'> <strong>Punto s</strong></div></td>")
Response.Write( "<td class='txtTable ' ><div
align='center'> <strong>Cantida d</strong></div></td>")
Response.Write( "<td class='txtTable ' ><div
align='center'> <strong>Objetiv o</strong></div></td>")
Response.Write( "</tr>")
VFech=dRs("fech a")
* Do until month(dRs("Fech a"))<>month(VFe ch) (Line of error) (0x80020009)
Response.Write( "<tr> ")
Response.Write( "<td width='10%' class='txtTable '>"&dRs("fecha" )&"</td>") Response.Write( "<td width='10%' align='center' class='txtTable '
"&dRs("cod_pro ducto")&"</td>") Response.Write( "<td width='30%' align='center' class='txtTable '
"&dRs("descrip cion")&"</td>")

Response.Write( "<td width='10%' align='center' class='txtTable '
"&dRs("puntos" )&"</td>")

Response.Write( "<td width='10%' align='center' class='txtTable '
"&dRs("cantida d")&"</td>")

Response.Write( "<td width='30%'
class='txtTable '>"&dRs("objeti vo")&"</td>")
Response.Write( "</tr>")
Total=cint(Tota l+cint(dRs("pun tos")))
Response.Write( "<tr align='center' class='txt'><td height='22'

colspan='3' align='center' class='txtTable '><div
align='center'> <strong>Sub-Total</strong><font size='2'></font>
</div></td><td width='10%' class='TxtTable '><div align='center'> <font
size='2'><"&for matnumber(Total ,0,,,-2)&"</font></div><td width='14%'
align='right' class='txtTable '><div align='center'> <font size='2'></font>
</div></td><td width='27%' class='txtTable '><div align='center'> <font
TotalG=cint(Tot alG+cint(Total) )
End Sub

*************** *************** ****
This sub routine loads in a pagina a iforme ordered per month. Please help
Marco Antonio Artus S.
Lakromsoft INC.

Jul 22 '05 #3
Please reply to and include a quote from the message to which you are
replying. You do not have to quote the whole message, in fact, it is best to
trim the parts of the message which are not relevant, as I will do below.

Lakrom wrote:
Thanks but already I have proven that the registry does not come
vacio, I have done it with Response.Write( dRs("fecha")) and
Response.End() asi that I believe that the exception must be of
another side.

Set dRs=dConn.Execu te("select * from solicitud_canje _gte_temp where
rut='"&session( "Rut")&"' ORDER BY month(fecha)")
do until dRs.eof
I did miss this line. OK, your recordset contains records.
* Do until month(dRs("Fech a"))<>month(VFe ch) (Line of error)

What happens if you simply do

Response.Write month(VFech)

? Are you certain VFech contains a valid date? If you get an error, try
explicitly converting it to a date using CDate:

Response.Write month(CDate(VFe ch))

Bob Barrows

Microsoft MVP -- ASP/ASP.NET
Please reply to the newsgroup. The email account listed in my From
header is my spam trap, so I don't check it very often. You will get a
quicker response by posting to the newsgroup.
Jul 22 '05 #4
Yes this line Response.Write month(VFech) contains a valid date and prove to
with CDate function and is the same error.

"Bob Barrows [MVP]" <re******@NOyah oo.SPAMcom> escribió en el mensaje
news:e5******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP12.phx.gbl...
Please reply to and include a quote from the message to which you are
replying. You do not have to quote the whole message, in fact, it is best to trim the parts of the message which are not relevant, as I will do below.

Lakrom wrote:
Thanks but already I have proven that the registry does not come
vacio, I have done it with Response.Write( dRs("fecha")) and
Response.End() asi that I believe that the exception must be of
another side.

Set dRs=dConn.Execu te("select * from solicitud_canje _gte_temp where
rut='"&session( "Rut")&"' ORDER BY month(fecha)")
do until dRs.eof
I did miss this line. OK, your recordset contains records.
* Do until month(dRs("Fech a"))<>month(VFe ch) (Line of error)

What happens if you simply do

Response.Write month(VFech)

? Are you certain VFech contains a valid date? If you get an error, try
explicitly converting it to a date using CDate:

Response.Write month(CDate(VFe ch))

Bob Barrows

Microsoft MVP -- ASP/ASP.NET
Please reply to the newsgroup. The email account listed in my From
header is my spam trap, so I don't check it very often. You will get a
quicker response by posting to the newsgroup.

Jul 22 '05 #5
What about month(dRs("Fech a"))?
Are there any records where dRs("Fecha") is Null or empty?

Bob Barrows

Lakrom wrote:
Yes this line Response.Write month(VFech) contains a valid date and
prove to with CDate function and is the same error.

"Bob Barrows [MVP]" <re******@NOyah oo.SPAMcom> escribió en el mensaje
news:e5******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP12.phx.gbl...
Please reply to and include a quote from the message to which you are
replying. You do not have to quote the whole message, in fact, it is
best to trim the parts of the message which are not relevant, as I
will do below.

Lakrom wrote:
Thanks but already I have proven that the registry does not come
vacio, I have done it with Response.Write( dRs("fecha")) and
Response.End() asi that I believe that the exception must be of
another side.

Set dRs=dConn.Execu te("select * from solicitud_canje _gte_temp
where rut='"&session( "Rut")&"' ORDER BY month(fecha)")
do until dRs.eof

I did miss this line. OK, your recordset contains records.
* Do until month(dRs("Fech a"))<>month(VFe ch) (Line of error)

What happens if you simply do

Response.Write month(VFech)

? Are you certain VFech contains a valid date? If you get an error,
try explicitly converting it to a date using CDate:

Response.Write month(CDate(VFe ch))

Bob Barrows

Microsoft MVP -- ASP/ASP.NET
Please reply to the newsgroup. The email account listed in my From
header is my spam trap, so I don't check it very often. You will get
a quicker response by posting to the newsgroup.

Microsoft MVP -- ASP/ASP.NET
Please reply to the newsgroup. The email account listed in my From
header is my spam trap, so I don't check it very often. You will get a
quicker response by posting to the newsgroup.
Jul 22 '05 #6
Yes this line Response.Write month(VFech) contains a valid date and prove to
with CDate function and is the same error.

"Bob Barrows [MVP]" <re******@NOyah oo.SPAMcom> escribió en el mensaje
news:e5******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP12.phx.gbl...
Please reply to and include a quote from the message to which you are
replying. You do not have to quote the whole message, in fact, it is best to trim the parts of the message which are not relevant, as I will do below.

Lakrom wrote:
Thanks but already I have proven that the registry does not come
vacio, I have done it with Response.Write( dRs("fecha")) and
Response.End() asi that I believe that the exception must be of
another side.

Set dRs=dConn.Execu te("select * from solicitud_canje _gte_temp where
rut='"&session( "Rut")&"' ORDER BY month(fecha)")
do until dRs.eof
I did miss this line. OK, your recordset contains records.
* Do until month(dRs("Fech a"))<>month(VFe ch) (Line of error)

What happens if you simply do

Response.Write month(VFech)

? Are you certain VFech contains a valid date? If you get an error, try
explicitly converting it to a date using CDate:

Response.Write month(CDate(VFe ch))

Bob Barrows

Microsoft MVP -- ASP/ASP.NET
Please reply to the newsgroup. The email account listed in my From
header is my spam trap, so I don't check it very often. You will get a
quicker response by posting to the newsgroup.

Jul 22 '05 #7
Yes this line Response.Write month(VFech) contains a valid date and prove to
with CDate function and is the same error.

"Bob Barrows [MVP]" <re******@NOyah oo.SPAMcom> escribió en el mensaje
news:e5******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP12.phx.gbl...
Please reply to and include a quote from the message to which you are
replying. You do not have to quote the whole message, in fact, it is best to trim the parts of the message which are not relevant, as I will do below.

Lakrom wrote:
Thanks but already I have proven that the registry does not come
vacio, I have done it with Response.Write( dRs("fecha")) and
Response.End() asi that I believe that the exception must be of
another side.

Set dRs=dConn.Execu te("select * from solicitud_canje _gte_temp where
rut='"&session( "Rut")&"' ORDER BY month(fecha)")
do until dRs.eof
I did miss this line. OK, your recordset contains records.
* Do until month(dRs("Fech a"))<>month(VFe ch) (Line of error)

What happens if you simply do

Response.Write month(VFech)

? Are you certain VFech contains a valid date? If you get an error, try
explicitly converting it to a date using CDate:

Response.Write month(CDate(VFe ch))

Bob Barrows

Microsoft MVP -- ASP/ASP.NET
Please reply to the newsgroup. The email account listed in my From
header is my spam trap, so I don't check it very often. You will get a
quicker response by posting to the newsgroup.

Jul 22 '05 #8

"Bob Barrows [MVP]" <re******@NOyah oo.SPAMcom> escribió en el mensaje
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP10.phx.gbl. ..
What about month(dRs("Fech a"))?
Are there any records where dRs("Fecha") is Null or empty?

No any one.
Jul 22 '05 #9

"Bob Barrows [MVP]" <re******@NOyah oo.SPAMcom> escribió en el mensaje
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP10.phx.gbl. ..
What about month(dRs("Fech a"))?
Are there any records where dRs("Fecha") is Null or empty?

No any one.
Jul 22 '05 #10

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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