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Why am I getting an error 91 - Object variable or With block variable not set

5 New Member
I am getting this error when connecting to an Excel file from Access 2010. The weird thing is, if I click on okay when the routing fails, and then run it again it works just fine. In fact, if I run it again anytime after I have gotten this error it works just fine. The only time the error crops up is the first time I run the routine after opening up the database. There's a lot of code in this routine which I'll post, but the error occurs at line 65 with the first "Set rstReceiveData = conReceive.Exec ute(strQuery)" statement which is the first time I execute a query against the Excel file. Also, don't laugh at my code. I'm an amatuer. ;P

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
  2. 'Purpose:  To import customer receivings from the pre-formatted receiving spreadsheet
  3. 'Description:
  5. On Error GoTo Err_cmdImport_Click
  7.     'Set all necessary variables
  8.     Dim conReceive As New ADODB.Connection
  9.     Dim rstReceiveData As ADODB.Recordset
  10.     Dim strSheet As String, strQuery As String, strSrcField As String, strDesField As String
  11.     Dim strDesName As String, strSrcName As String, strImportDir As String
  12.     Dim strMessage As String, strGrouping As String
  13.     Dim dbsPDSCWD As Database
  14.     Dim rstImportSchema As Recordset, rstReceiveHeader As Recordset, rstReceiveDetail As Recordset, rstItems As Recordset
  15.     Dim retValue As Variant
  17.     Set dbsPDSCWD = CurrentDb
  19.     DoCmd.Hourglass True
  20.     'Intialize variables
  21.     Me!txtStatus = "Intializing variables..."
  22.     Me!prbStatus.Value = 10
  23.     Me.Repaint
  24.     strImportDir = DLookup("txtCustDirName", "tblAllCustomers", "pkeyCustNo = '" & Me!cboCustNo & "'")
  25.     strSheet = "Receiving$"
  27.     'Create recordsets for the Schema, Header, and Detail tables
  28.     strQuery = "SELECT * FROM tblSchema WHERE txtSchCustNo = '" & Me!cboCustNo & "' AND txtSchType = 'Receiving'"
  29.     Set rstImportSchema = dbsPDSCWD.OpenRecordset(strQuery, dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
  30.     Set rstReceiveHeader = dbsPDSCWD.OpenRecordset("tblOEReceivingHeader", dbOpenDynaset)
  31.     Set rstReceiveDetail = dbsPDSCWD.OpenRecordset("tblOEReceive", dbOpenDynaset)
  32.     Set rstItems = dbsPDSCWD.OpenRecordset("tblOEItems", dbOpenDynaset)
  34.     'Create the connection to the receiving Excel file
  35.     Me!txtStatus = "Connecting to source file..."
  36.     Me!prbStatus.Value = 20
  37.     Me.Repaint
  38.     With conReceive
  39.         .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
  40.         .Properties("Extended Properties").Value = "Excel 8.0;IMEX=1"
  41.         .Open strImportDir & Me!cboCustNo & "Receiving.xls"
  42.     End With
  44.     strQuery = "SELECT * FROM tblSchema WHERE txtSchCustNo = '" & Me!cboCustNo & "' AND txtSchType = 'Items'"
  45.     Set rstImportSchema = dbsPDSCWD.OpenRecordset(strQuery, dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
  47.     'Build the SQL string for the summarized list of items
  48.     Me!txtStatus = "Creating list of items..."
  49.     Me!prbStatus.Value = 30
  50.     Me.Repaint
  51.     strQuery = "SELECT "
  52.     rstImportSchema.MoveFirst
  53.     Do While Not rstImportSchema.EOF
  54.         If rstImportSchema!txtSchSrcFieldName = "ItemNo" Then
  55.             strQuery = strQuery & strSheet & "." & rstImportSchema!txtSchSrcFieldName & ", "
  56.             strGrouping = "GROUP BY " & rstImportSchema!txtSchSrcFieldName
  57.         Else
  58.             strQuery = strQuery & "First(" & strSheet & "." & rstImportSchema!txtSchSrcFieldName & ") AS " & rstImportSchema!txtSchSrcFieldName & ", "
  59.         End If
  60.         rstImportSchema.MoveNext
  61.     Loop
  63.     strQuery = Left(strQuery, Len(strQuery) - 2)
  64.     strQuery = strQuery & " FROM [" & strSheet & "] " & strGrouping
  65.     Set rstReceiveData = conReceive.Execute(strQuery)
  67.     rstImportSchema.MoveFirst
  68.     rstReceiveData.MoveFirst
  70. On Error Resume Next
  72.     'Add new items to items table
  73.     Me!txtStatus = "Adding new items to database..."
  74.     Me!prbStatus.Value = 40
  75.     Me.Repaint
  76.     Do While Not rstReceiveData.EOF
  77.         With rstItems
  78.             .AddNew
  79.             Do While Not rstImportSchema.EOF
  80.                 strDesName = rstImportSchema!txtSchDesFieldName
  81.                 strSrcName = rstImportSchema!txtSchSrcFieldName
  82.                 .Fields(strDesName).Value = rstReceiveData.Fields(strSrcName).Value
  83.                 rstImportSchema.MoveNext
  84.             Loop
  85.             !pkeyItemCustNo = Me!cboCustNo
  86.             !txtItemUser = TempVars!CurrentUser
  87.             !txtItemLoc = "Not assigned"
  88.             !dtmItemDateTime = Now()
  89.             !ysnItemObs = False
  90.             .Update
  91.         End With
  92.         rstImportSchema.MoveFirst
  93.         rstReceiveData.MoveNext
  94.     Loop
  96.     rstItems.Close
  98. On Error GoTo Err_cmdImport_Click
  100.     'Add receiving header record
  101.     Me!txtStatus = "Adding header records..."
  102.     Me!prbStatus.Value = 50
  103.     Me.Repaint
  104.     strQuery = "SELECT * FROM tblSchema WHERE txtSchCustNo = '" & Me!cboCustNo & "' AND txtSchType = 'Receiving' " & _
  105.     "AND txtSchFormat = 'Header'"
  106.     Set rstImportSchema = dbsPDSCWD.OpenRecordset(strQuery, dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
  108.     'Build strQuery for summarized list of headers
  109.     strQuery = "SELECT "
  110.     rstImportSchema.MoveFirst
  111.     Do While Not rstImportSchema.EOF
  112.         If rstImportSchema!txtSchSrcFieldName = "ReceivingNo" Then
  113.             strQuery = strQuery & strSheet & "." & rstImportSchema!txtSchSrcFieldName & ", "
  114.             strGrouping = "GROUP BY " & rstImportSchema!txtSchSrcFieldName
  115.         Else
  116.             strQuery = strQuery & "First(" & strSheet & "." & rstImportSchema!txtSchSrcFieldName & ") AS " & rstImportSchema!txtSchSrcFieldName & ", "
  117.         End If
  118.         rstImportSchema.MoveNext
  119.     Loop
  121.     strQuery = Left(strQuery, Len(strQuery) - 2)
  122.     strQuery = strQuery & " FROM [" & strSheet & "] " & strGrouping
  123.     Debug.Print strQuery
  124.     Set rstReceiveData = conReceive.Execute(strQuery)
  126.     rstImportSchema.MoveFirst
  127.     rstReceiveData.MoveFirst
  129.     Do While Not rstReceiveData.EOF
  130.         If IsNull(rstReceiveData.Fields("ReceivingNo").Value) Then
  131.         Else
  132.             With rstReceiveHeader
  133.                 .AddNew
  134.                 Do While Not rstImportSchema.EOF
  135.                     strDesName = rstImportSchema!txtSchDesFieldName
  136.                     strSrcName = rstImportSchema!txtSchSrcFieldName
  137.                     .Fields(strDesName).Value = rstReceiveData.Fields(strSrcName).Value
  138.                     rstImportSchema.MoveNext
  139.                 Loop
  140.                 !pkeyRecvHdCustNo = Me!cboCustNo
  141.                 !txtRecvHdUserID = TempVars!CurrentUser
  142.                 !dtmRecvHdDateTimeStamp = Now()
  143.                 !intRecvHdStat = 1
  144.                 .Update
  145.             End With
  146.         End If
  147.             rstImportSchema.MoveFirst
  148.             rstReceiveData.MoveNext
  149.     Loop
  151.     rstReceiveData.Close
  152.     rstReceiveHeader.Close
  153.     rstImportSchema.Close
  155.     'Add the detail records
  156.     Me!txtStatus = "Adding detail records..."
  157.     Me!prbStatus.Value = 60
  158.     Me.Repaint
  159.     strQuery = "SELECT * FROM [" & strSheet & "]"
  160.     Set rstReceiveData = conReceive.Execute(strQuery)
  162.     strQuery = "SELECT * FROM tblSchema WHERE txtSchCustNo = '" & Me!cboCustNo & "' AND txtSchType = 'Receiving' " & _
  163.     "AND txtSchFormat = 'Detail'"
  164.     Set rstImportSchema = dbsPDSCWD.OpenRecordset(strQuery, dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
  166.     rstImportSchema.MoveFirst
  167.     rstReceiveData.MoveFirst
  169.     Do While Not rstReceiveData.EOF
  170.         If IsNull(rstReceiveData.Fields("ItemNo")) Then
  171.         Else
  172.             With rstReceiveDetail
  173.                 .AddNew
  174.                 Do While Not rstImportSchema.EOF
  175.                     strDesName = rstImportSchema!txtSchDesFieldName
  176.                     strSrcName = rstImportSchema!txtSchSrcFieldName
  177.                     .Fields(strDesName).Value = rstReceiveData.Fields(strSrcName).Value
  178.                     rstImportSchema.MoveNext
  179.                 Loop
  180.                 !txtRecvCustNo = Me!cboCustNo
  181.                 !txtRecvUser = TempVars!CurrentUser
  182.                 !dtmRecvDateTimeStamp = Now()
  183.                 .Update
  184.             End With
  185.         End If
  186.                 rstImportSchema.MoveFirst
  187.                 rstReceiveData.MoveNext
  188.                 intRecordCount = intRecordCount + 1
  189.     Loop
  191.     Me!txtStatus = "Import Complete!"
  192.     Me!prbStatus.Value = 70
  193.     Me.Repaint
  195.     rstReceiveData.Close
  196.     rstReceiveDetail.Close
  197.     conReceive.Close
  199. Exit_cmdImport_Click:
  200.     DoCmd.Hourglass False
  201.     DoCmd.SetWarnings True
  202.     Exit Sub
  204. Err_cmdImport_Click:
  205.     Select Case Err
  206.         Case 3022
  207.             strMessage = "Receiving number " & rstReceiveHeader!pkeyRecvHdNo & " already exists for this customer.  " & _
  208.             "The same receiving number cannot be used for a customer twice.  Please correct the receiving number " & _
  209.             "and re-import.  Receiving has not be imported."
  210.             MsgBox strMessage, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Import Error"
  211.             Me!txtStatus = "Import failed!"
  212.             Me!prbStatus.Value = 70
  213.             Me.Repaint
  214.             Resume Exit_cmdImport_Click
  215.         Case -2147467259
  216.             Resume Next
  217.         Case Else
  218.             MsgBox Err & " - " & Err.Description
  219.             strActivity = ActivityLog("System error", Me.Name, Err & " - " & Err.Description)
  220.             Me!txtStatus = "Import failed!"
  221.             Me!prbStatus.Value = 70
  222.             Me.Repaint
  223.             Resume Exit_cmdImport_Click
  224.     End Select
  226. End Sub
Jan 5 '11 #1
2 3708
8,834 Recognized Expert Expert
Just for curiosity, insert this Line after Code Line# 65 to see if the Recordset actually exists after the Initial Opening of the DB.
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. MsgBox IIf(Not rstReceiveData Is Nothing, "Recordset exists", "Recordset does not exist")
Jan 6 '11 #2
Brad Nerbovig
5 New Member
I would, except the error occurs at line 65. If it gets past that line, which it does after it has errored out the first time, then everything is groovy. Inserting the line of code you have above returns the "Recordset exists" msgbox the second time I run the routine. It never gets there on the first run.

For some reason, it is not recognizing the connection to the Excel file when I run through it the first time. I'm wondering if there's a library or reference that is not getting loaded properly until it goes through the routine a second time...
Jan 6 '11 #3

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