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VBA Code to ensure data just sent to Access from Excel are not duplicates

7 New Member
Hi folks - I am in need of help please
I am trying to de-duplicate data coming from Excel to Access
The part I am having problems with is
(I have attached the full code at the bottom too to help)
Any help would be greatly appreciated and needed

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Set DBz = _
  2.     OpenDatabase("C:\Documents and Settings\_XXXXX_\My Documents\S_B\7-16-A_D_B.mdb")
  3. Set rsz = DBz.OpenRecordset("Data_Weekly", dbOpenTable)
  6. With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data_Weekly")
  7.      ExcelRecord = Advocatecomp & MDate
  8. End With
  10. AccessRecord = rsz.Fields("Value") & rsz.Fields("Date")
  12. If ExcelRecord = AccessRecord Then
  13.    bFound = True
  14.    Call MsgBox("Advocate Work Completed on time Metrics already exist in the ADB" _
  15.                & vbCrLf & "Please click ok to cancel this import" _
  16.                , vbCritical, "LLF- Ca")
  18.                Exit Sub
  20. Else
  21.   bFound = False
  22.      Call MsgBox("Advocate Work Completed on time Metrics Do Not Already exist in the ADB" _
  23.                & vbCrLf & "Please click ok to import this metric" _
  24.                , vbCritical, "LLF- Ca")
  25. End If

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Public Sub SaveWPPercent()
  2. Dim MDate As Date
  3. Dim Rptpath As String
  4. Dim RptName As String
  5. Dim DateCheck As Date
  6. Dim Advocatecomp As Single
  7. Dim X As Single
  9. Dim MSQL As String
  10. Dim DBS As DAO.Database
  11. Dim RST As DAO.Recordset
  12. Dim DBSName As String
  13. Dim dBSPath As String
  14. Dim Mmetric_ID As Single
  15. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  16. Dim bFound As Boolean 'new 7-15
  17. Dim ExcelRecord As String 'new 7-15
  18. Dim AccessRecord As String 'new 7-15
  19. Dim DBz As Database, rsz As DAO.Recordset, r As Long 'new  7-15
  20. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  21. 'open the report
  22. 'check to make sure the date matches
  23. 'find the metric ID in the ADB
  24. 'save the value to the weekly data table
  25. 'if the value is already there, then replace it
  27. 'make sure there is a date in the date box----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. If Not IsDate(Me.cboWE.Value) Then
  29.     MsgBox "Please select a week ending date!", vbCritical, "Error"
  30.     Exit Sub
  31. Else
  32.     MDate = Me.cboWE.Value
  33. End If
  35. 'make sure report there is a report chosen----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. If Me.txtWorkPackage = "" Then
  37.     MsgBox "Please enter a valid report path for Advocate Completed on Time!", vbCritical, "Error"
  38.     Exit Sub
  39. Else
  40.     Rptpath = Me.txtWorkPackage
  41. End If
  43. 'check to see if the dates match--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. Workbooks.Open Rptpath, False, True
  45. RptName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
  46. DateCheck = Workbooks(RptName).Worksheets("Input Sheet").Cells(2, 1)
  47. If DateCheck <> MDate Then
  48.     If MsgBox("The date in the workbook: " & RptName & " do not match! Do you wish to continue?", vbYesNo, "Error! Dates do not match!") = vbYes Then
  49.         MsgBox "The value will be assigned to the weekending date of " & MDate & "!"
  50.     Else
  51.         Exit Sub
  52.     End If
  54. End If
  56. 'find the Advocate completed on time metric for Italy--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. For X = 1 To 25
  58.     If Workbooks(RptName).Worksheets("Input Sheet").Cells(X, 3).Value = "Italy total (calc=1)" Then
  59.         'we have found the row
  60.         Advocatecomp = Workbooks(RptName).Worksheets("Input Sheet").Cells(X, 5).Value
  61.         Workbooks(RptName).Close False
  62.         Exit For
  63.     End If
  65. Next X
  67. 'If there is no data then --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. If Advocatecomp = 0 Then
  69.     MsgBox "Unable to locate the Italy Advocate completed on time value!", vbCritical, "Error!"
  70.     Exit Sub
  71. End If
  73. 'SQL to set data -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74.  MSQL = " SELECT Metrics.Metric, Reporting_Hierarchy.Level_1, Metrics_X_Reporting_Hierarchy.Metric_ID, Data_Weekly.Date, " _
  75.  & "Data_Weekly.Value " _
  76.  & "FROM ((Metrics_X_Reporting_Hierarchy INNER JOIN Metrics ON Metrics_X_Reporting_Hierarchy.Metric_Name_ID = Metrics.Metric_Name_ID) " _
  77.  & "INNER JOIN Reporting_Hierarchy ON Metrics_X_Reporting_Hierarchy.Hierarchy_ID = Reporting_Hierarchy.Hierarchy_ID) " _
  78.  & "INNER JOIN Data_Weekly ON Metrics_X_Reporting_Hierarchy.Metric_ID = Data_weekly.Metric_ID " _
  79.  & "WHERE (((Metrics.Metric)='" & "Advocate Completed On Time - Weekly" & "') " _
  80.  & "AND ((Reporting_Hierarchy.Level_1)='" & "Italy" & "') " _
  81.  & "AND ((Data_weekly.Date)='" & MDate & "'));"
  83. 'set the variable-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  84. bFound = False 'added 7-16
  86. 'where is the path and name of the access file -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. dBSPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\ra94\My Documents\Scorecard_Button"
  88. DBSName = "7-16-MOS_Data_Repository.mdb"
  90. 'set DBS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. Set DBS = OpenDatabase(dBSPath & "\" & DBSName)
  93. 'set record set-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. Set RST = DBS.OpenRecordset(MSQL)
  95. If Not RST.EOF Then
  96.     'record exists, find the record in the data_montly table and edit the value of the existing record
  97.     'add to restatement and notify the user
  99.         Mmetric_ID = RST!metric_ID
  100.         Set RST = Nothing 'want to reuse the variable - need to clear it out.
  101.         MSQL = "SELECT Data_weekly.Metric_ID, Data_weekly.Date, Data_weekly.Value " _
  102.         & "FROM Data_weekly " _
  103.         & "WHERE (((Data_weekly.Metric_ID)= " & Mmetric_ID & ") " _
  104.         & "AND ((Data_weekly.Date)='" & MDate & "'));"
  105.         Set RST = DBS.OpenRecordset(MSQL)
  106.         RST.MoveFirst
  107.         RST.Edit
  108.         RST!Value = Advocatecomp
  109. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  110. Set DBz = _
  111.     OpenDatabase("C:\Documents and Settings\_XXXXX_\My Documents\S_B\7-16-A_D_B.mdb")
  112. Set rsz = DBz.OpenRecordset("Data_Weekly", dbOpenTable)
  115. With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data_Weekly")
  116.      ExcelRecord = Advocatecomp & MDate
  117. End With
  119. AccessRecord = rsz.Fields("Value") & rsz.Fields("Date")
  121. If ExcelRecord = AccessRecord Then
  122.    bFound = True
  123.    Call MsgBox("Advocate Work Completed on time Metrics already exist in the ADB" _
  124.                & vbCrLf & "Please click ok to cancel this import" _
  125.                , vbCritical, "LLF- Ca")
  127.                Exit Sub
  129. Else
  130.   bFound = False
  131.      Call MsgBox("Advocate Work Completed on time Metrics Do Not Already exist in the ADB" _
  132.                & vbCrLf & "Please click ok to import this metric" _
  133.                , vbCritical, "LLF- Ca")
  134. End If
  135. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  136.         RST.Update
  137.         Set RST = Nothing
  140. Else
  141.     'record doesn't exist.  Find the metric_ID in the CR table - if the metric id is found, insert the record into the data_monthly table
  143.      MSQL = "SELECT Reporting_Hierarchy.Level_1, Metrics.Metric, Metrics_X_Reporting_Hierarchy.Metric_ID " _
  144.      & "FROM (Reporting_Hierarchy INNER JOIN Metrics_X_Reporting_Hierarchy ON Reporting_Hierarchy.Hierarchy_ID = Metrics_X_Reporting_Hierarchy.Hierarchy_ID) " _
  145.      & "INNER JOIN Metrics ON Metrics_X_Reporting_Hierarchy.Metric_Name_ID = Metrics.Metric_Name_ID " _
  146.      & "WHERE (((Reporting_Hierarchy.Level_1)= '" & "Italy" & "') " _
  147.      & "AND ((Metrics.Metric)= '" & "Advocate Completed On Time - Weekly" & "'));"
  150.       Set RST = DBS.OpenRecordset(MSQL)
  151.       RST.MoveFirst
  152.       Mmetric_ID = RST!metric_ID
  153.       Set RST = Nothing
  154.       MSQL = "Select * from Data_Weekly"
  155.       Set RST = DBS.OpenRecordset(MSQL)
  156.       RST.AddNew
  157.       RST!Date = MDate
  158.       RST!metric_ID = Mmetric_ID
  159.       RST!Value = Advocatecomp
  160.       RST!Status = "Active"
  161.       RST.Update
  162.       Set RST = Nothing
  163.     MsgBox "Metrics have been imported!", vbOKOnly, "Import Completed!" 'moved from import click to here
  164. End If
  167. End Sub
Jul 16 '10 #1
13 4737
3,080 Recognized Expert Specialist
Just curious why the user has to click for ignoring duplicates.

I would have excluded them entirely from the data set to be inspected, or ignored them and issued an INSERT that will skip dupes for the specified unique key field(s).

What's the way you intend this code to work?

Jul 17 '10 #2
7 New Member
Hi Nico thanks for getting to my thread I could really use your help. All I need is to make sure the data being imported via a command button if pressed more then once that the data does not duplicate as many as extra times the button was pressed. So lets say you press that button to import metrics into access. But another co-worker did not check access to see if the data is there, and they press the button to import the data again. I need to block this from happening. Please advise
Jul 17 '10 #3
3,080 Recognized Expert Specialist
As indicated, when inserting a new record, Access will "block" duplicates when you have defined the unique ID.

I see your add code:
RST!Date = MDate
RST!metric_ID = Mmetric_ID
RST!Value = Advocatecomp
RST!Status = "Active"
and I assume MDate, Mmetric_ID and Advocatecomp make up the unique record. Thus defining a unique index on the table consisting from these fields with the option "No duplicates allowed" will make sure no duplicate records can be added.

I normally issue a "Docmd.exec ute ("<Insert statement>")" to add rows and this will suppress error messages when adding a duplicate row, as it won't add the data.

Still would need some information on the "Status" field. When there's a row with Status <> "Active", will this trigger the Status field to change ?

Jul 17 '10 #4
7 New Member
Nico again thank you so much. You are a bit over my head - could you simplify things or please give the code to exit sub if found?
Jul 17 '10 #5
3,080 Recognized Expert Specialist
The whole point is that I don't check for duplicates, I just add all rows and Access will "drop" the duplicates because of the defined unique key in the table.

Normally I import an excel sheet into a temp table and show that to the user in a form. Here I add an indication showing duplicates yes or no. (using an outer (left or right) join with the production table.)
Thus the user can see which rows will be added and check for typo's causing erroneous duplicates. After correcting this the final import can be executed "straight away" with an "append" query, no code needed.

What is the reason to show the rows first to the user, instead of importing it directly?

Jul 17 '10 #6
7 New Member
Nico - I think I am getting it now.
Can you show me a code where this will take my data and do your method with a form? I know I am asking a lot but I would really appreciate it
Jul 17 '10 #7
3,080 Recognized Expert Specialist
Just attach (part of) the .mdb and a sample excelsheet to your post (Use "Go Advanced" button) so I can show you.
(I'm lazy, I know :-)

Jul 17 '10 #8
7 New Member
great will do when I get the file after the weekend.
May I ask why is this not working?

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
  2. On Error GoTo errline
  5. ' exports data from the active worksheet to a table in an Access database
  6. ' this procedure must be edited before use
  7. Dim cn As ADODB.Connection, rs As ADODB.Recordset, r As Long
  8.     ' connect to the Access database
  9.     Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
  10.     cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
  11.         "Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\Ben\My Documents\Excel VBA\7-18.mdb;"
  12.     ' open a recordset
  13.     Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
  14.     rs.Open "Table1", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
  15.     ' all records in a table
  16.     r = 2 ' the start row in the worksheet
  17.     Do While Len(Range("A" & r).Formula) > 0
  18.     ' repeat until first empty cell in column A
  19.         With rs
  20.             .AddNew ' create a new record
  21.             ' add values to each field in the record
  22.             .Fields("date") = Range("A" & r).Value
  23.             .Fields("item") = Range("B" & r).Value
  24.             .Fields("number") = Range("C" & r).Value
  25.             ' add more fields if necessary...
  26.             .Update ' stores the new record
  29.         End With
  30.         r = r + 1 ' next row
  31.     Loop
  32. exitline:
  33. Exit Sub
  35. errline:
  36.  Select Case Error.Number
  37.  Case 2147217887
  38.  MsgBox "This would cause duplicates in the MDR click OK to cancel"
  39.  Cancel = True
  41.  Case Else
  42.  MsgBox "There was an error in the program please contact MOS Administrator"
  43.   GoTo exitline
  44.   End Select
  45.     rs.Close
  46.     Set rs = Nothing
  47.     cn.Close
  48.     Set cn = Nothing
  51. End Sub
Jul 17 '10 #9
3,080 Recognized Expert Specialist
Hmm, the Range looks a bit odd, as it's an excel method and I would have expected automation instead of recordset processing. Once a sheet has been opened as a recordset, the origin (text, excel, access, etc.) doesn't bother.

In general I just use linked excel sheets to get all handling similar.

Jul 18 '10 #10

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