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Checkbox form to allow user to select query output fields

33 New Member
Hi, I'm new to access (2007, running on XP), but I've gotten some great help from this site on my project so far. However, the more I know, the more complex the problems seem to become....

I'm working with all of my data in a single table and, right now, I've got a form linked to a query that allows the user to input whatever search criteria they want through a variety of controls. I've also created a series of check boxes on the form representing every possible field (columns in the table) that the query could return. Since not every user needs or wants to see every field contained in the records, I would like the user to be able to limit the fields returned by the query to only the checkboxes he/she ticks. After the fields are selected, the query should run as usual, returning only the records that satisfy the specified criteria, but only displaying the fields ticked off in the boxes.

I'm building the query in SQL View, and I figure that the key to this must have something to do with the "SELECT" line. Since a normal "fixed-field" query has the fields to be return specified by
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT [NameOfTable]![NameOfField1], [NameOfTable]![NameOfField2], etc...
I've tried to build a "dynamic" SELECT statement using the IIF function:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT IIF([Form]![chkbx1]=True, [NameOfTable]![NameOfField1], Null), IIF([Form]![chkbx2]=True, [NameOfTable]![NameOfField2], Null), etc...
This is not working, of course--I don't think "Null" is the proper argument to enter for the condition "chkbx1=Fal se", but I don't know what else to do. Are there any other conditional functions that could help me build a list of SELECT fields based on the Yes/No value of the checkbox controls in the form?

Or am I going about this in completely the wrong way. I think there must be a way to do this, because what I'm trying to get the query to do doesn't seem to be anything too out of the ordinary. Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

Nov 10 '09
45 27734
33 New Member
Not the Name of the Database but the Name of a Table.

OK--got it! That's what I meant, still learning the syntax.

Needs modification:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. rSQL_2 ="SELECT" & Left$(strSQL, Len(strSQL)-2) & "FROM <Table Name> WHERE " & 'Criteria to follow
Still not sure I'm getting this right. Should <Table Name> be in brackets: [Table Name]? I've had to do that in the SQL view of the "old" query because the actual table name has a space in it. I'm assuming that this line of code defines the string "strSQL_2" which is then pasted by the "Set qdfDemo" command on the next line into an SQL statement much like what I constructed manually to build my "old" query in the SQL view. If this is true, I would assume that it needs the brackets, or I need to remove the space from the table name--something I'd rather not do because I have so much other code written which refers to it with the space in it.

Also, it looks like you've got everything between the FROM and the WHERE statement inside of double quotes. Then you put the & symbol, followed by single quotes, all the criteria code then...? a semi-colon, then double quotes?

Finally, I'm going to have to paste quite a few lines of code into the 'Criteria to follow...' section, because I've got about 20 parameters which are used in the query. Is there a length limit to strSQL_2 and, if so, is it possible to define multiple strings and them use them in the "Set qdfDemo" command line?

I will play around with different combinations to see what works--just asking the questions in advance in case I can't crack it.

Thanks again for your time! No way I'd even be close without your help.

Nov 12 '09 #11
8,834 Recognized Expert Expert
Still not sure I'm getting this right. Should <Table Name> be in brackets:
If the Table Name contains a Space it must be in Brackets, if not no, as in:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. [Table Name] <==> TableName
Also, it looks like you've got everything between the FROM and the WHERE statement inside of double quotes. Then you put the & symbol, followed by single quotes, all the criteria code then...? a semi-colon, then double quotes?
It can all be contained inside double quotes unless you have to refer to something explicitly. To must also use the proper Delimiters (' for Strings, # for Dates, etc.)
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. "Select * From Employees Where [EmployeeID] = 9999;"
  2. "Select * From Employees Where [EmployeeID] = " & Me![txtEmployeeID] & ";"
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. "Select * From Employees Where [LastName] = 'Smith';"
  2. "Select * From Employees Where [LastName] = '" & Me![txtLast] & "';"
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. "Select * From Employees Where [BirthDate] = #9/2/1954#;"
  2. "Select * From Employees Where [BirthDate] = #" & Me![txtDOB] & "#;"
Nov 12 '09 #12
33 New Member
Still not working.

First question: looking back through what the code is doing, I just realized that the Check Box tags should probably be an exact match of the field names in the table being queried--when I've written code directly into the SQL view of a query (successfully!) , what follows after "SELECT" are strings like [Database 1]![Field 1], etc.

If the Table Name contains a Space it must be in Brackets, if not no, as in:
Expand|Select|W rap|Line Numbers [Table Name] <==> TableName

Assume that if the answer to my first question is "yes," then this rule must apply to the Tags, as well, so I either write the tag name as [Field 1], or write the line 13 code as
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. strSQL = strSQL & "[ctl.Tag]" & ", "
Does it make a difference which way I do it?

If the rest of the code was working, I would be able to solve this problem by trial and error, but I am still getting the same "Invalid SQL Statement; expected 'DELETE', etc..." when I run the query with one or more of the "field select" boxes ticked. Here is a simplified version of my code, with the criteria for only one field included in the "WHERE" statement (there are about 20 IIF statements, but I thought it would make more sense if I got the code to work with just one):
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Private Sub SearchDB_Click()
  2. On Error Resume Next
  3. Dim ctl As Control
  4. Dim strSQL As String
  5. Dim strSQL_2 As String
  6. Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
  7. Dim qdfDemo As DAO.QueryDef
  8. Const conQUERY_NAME As String = "Search_Database"
  10. For Each ctl In Me.Controls
  11. If ctl.ControlType = acCheckBox And ctl.Tag <> "" Then
  12. If ctl.Value Then
  13. strSQL = strSQL & ctl.Tag & ","
  14. End If
  15. End If
  16. Next
  18. If strSQL = "" Then Exit Sub
  19. CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Delete conQUERY_NAME
  20. On Error GoTo Err_SearchDB_Click
  21. strSQL_2 = "SELECT" & Left$(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 2) & "FROM [Database 1] WHERE” & “((IIf([Forms]![Search Database]![City] Is Null,(([Database 1].[City]) Like "*" & [Forms]![Search Database]![City] & "*" Or ([Database 1].[City]) Is Null),(([Database 1].[City]) Like ("*" & [Forms]![Search Database]![City] & "*"))))<>False);"
  23. Set qdfDemo = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(conQUERY_NAME, strSQL_2)
  26. Exit_SearchDB_Click:
  27. Exit Sub
  29. Err_SearchDB_Click:
  30. MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error in SearchDB_Click()"
  31. Resume Exit_SearchDB_Click
  32. End Sub
I tried it again, even more simplified, with no "WHERE" criteria, so the line 25 code looks like:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. strSQL_2 = "SELECT" & Left$(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 2) & "FROM [Database 1];"
...same result.

There's got to be something wrong with where I'm putting the quotes (delimiters?), I just can't see it.
Nov 12 '09 #13
14,534 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
I've made two minor changes to your code which I have commented. This should get you a little further ahead.

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Private Sub SearchDB_Click()
  2. On Error Resume Next
  3. Dim ctl As Control
  4. Dim strSQL As String
  5. Dim strSQL_2 As String
  6. Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
  7. Dim qdfDemo As DAO.QueryDef
  8. Const conQUERY_NAME As String = "Search_Database"
  10.     For Each ctl In Me.Controls
  11.         If ctl.ControlType = acCheckBox And ctl.Tag <> "" Then
  12.             If ctl.Value Then
  13.                 ' put space after comma
  14.                 strSQL = strSQL & ctl.Tag & ", "
  15.             End If
  16.         End If
  17.     Next
  20.     If strSQL = "" Then Exit Sub
  21.     CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Delete conQUERY_NAME
  22.     On Error GoTo Err_SearchDB_Click
  24.     ' add space after SELECT, before FROM and after WHERE
  25.     strSQL_2 = "SELECT " & Left$(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 2) & " FROM [Database 1] WHERE ” & “((IIf([Forms]![Search Database]![City] Is Null,(([Database 1].[City]) Like " * " & [Forms]![Search Database]![City] & " * " Or ([Database 1].[City]) Is Null),(([Database 1].[City]) Like (" * " & [Forms]![Search Database]![City] & " * "))))<>False);"
  27.     Set qdfDemo = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(conQUERY_NAME, strSQL_2)
  30. Exit_SearchDB_Click:
  31.     Exit Sub
  33. Err_SearchDB_Click:
  34.     MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error in SearchDB_Click()"
  35.     Resume Exit_SearchDB_Click
  36. End Sub
Always remember the spaces before and after when substituting values into a string building a query statement.
Nov 12 '09 #14
33 New Member
IT WORKS!!! (sort of!)

after reading over my last post, I went back and re-did all the tags on the "Select Field" checkboxes to match the field names in the [Database 1] table, including brackets [] when they were more than one word. I also realized, based on your explanation, that I needed to type a space after SELECT and before FROM

"SELECT " not "SELECT" and " FROM... not "FROM...

I ran it using a very simple criteria:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. strSQL_2 = "SELECT" & Left$(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 2) & "FROM [Database 1] WHERE [City] Is Not Null;"
Nothing happened, but I got no error message. I went to close it out and, whaddaya know, a query table called Search_Database appears under an "Unrelated Objects" title bar in the Navigation View on the left!

I opened up the table and, sure enough, found all records listed where the field "City" was not null!

I played with the checkboxes and got it to build the query results table using with columns only showing the fields I selected. Getting a little cocky now, I went ahead and inserted one of my full-length criteria strings:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. strSQL_2 = "SELECT" & Left$(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 2) & "FROM [Database 1] WHERE ((IIF([City] Is Null, (([Database 1].[City] Like "*" & [City] & "*" Or (([Database 1].[City] Like "*" & [City] & "*")))<>False);"
This criteria worked fine in the original query (run from the form called <Search Database>), written like:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. WHERE ((IIF([Forms]![Search Database]![City] Is Null, (([Database 1].[City] Like "*" & [Forms]![Search Database]![City] & "*" Or (([Database 1].[City] Like "*" & [Forms]![Search Database]![City] & "*")))<>False);
It returns all records if the control <City> is left null but if anything is entered, it returns all records containing the text entered in the control.

All I did was drop the [Forms]![Search Database]! from in front of the control fields. I ran it that way the first time, got a "Type Mismatch" error, then figured I didn't need the form reference since I was running the query straight from the form itself (and your examples didn't have it, either).

No dice, still got the "Type Mismatch" error.

So, my questions are, in order of importance:

1) what is wrong with my criteria formatting?
2) how do I get the query results to automatically pop up in a new table, instead of showing up in the navigation bar after I close the form? (when I hang the DB on the server, the navigation bar is hidden to protect the users--all excel junkies like myself--from the temptation to open up the master table and start plowing through the data to find what they want. So, I need the table results to pop up automatically)
3) Is there a way to control the order of the columns in the query results?

ADezii, you've helped me way more than I can tell you. This is not a life-or-death issue, by any means, and I don't want to impose on your time and patience. At this point, I'm working to provide a more convenient and user-friendly product to the users and trying to learn something useful in the process. (and, OK, I am REALLY stubborn, especially when I KNOW there's got to be a way to get this thing to do what I want it to.) Any help is appreciated, but I'll understand if you want to call it quits. I'll just take my clown show to another forum...:)

Nov 12 '09 #15
33 New Member
Hey again, msquared! I caught the spacing error in the "," and the "SELECT" and "FROM... statements, but I didn't get the ...WHERE " & "((IIF... bit. Let me give it a try....
Nov 12 '09 #16
33 New Member
Nope, no luck. I tried:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. strSQL_2 = "SELECT " & Left$(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 2) & " FROM [Database 1] WHERE ” & “((IIf([Forms]![Search Database]![City] Is Null,(([Database 1].[City]) Like " * " & [Forms]![Search Database]![City] & " * " Or ([Database 1].[City]) Is Null),(([Database 1].[City]) Like (" * " & [Forms]![Search Database]![City] & " * "))))<>False);"
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. strSQL_2 = "SELECT " & Left$(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 2) & " FROM [Database 1] WHERE ” & “((IIf([City] Is Null,(([Database 1].[City]) Like " * " & [City] & " * " Or ([Database 1].[City]) Is Null),(([Database 1].[City]) Like (" * " & [City] & " * "))))<>False);"
both give me the "Type Mismatch" error. Could it be something else?

Nov 12 '09 #17
14,534 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
Hi Joe

Firstly remember to add code tags to your posts as it is confusing to follow otherwise.

I'm just looking at your criteria now and will get back shortly.

Nov 12 '09 #18
14,534 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP

Your Iff statement doesn't make sense to me. Can you tell me in English what the logic of this is supposed to say.

Nov 12 '09 #19
14,534 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
OK Joe

Try this ...

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. strSQL_2 = "SELECT " & Left$(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 2) & " FROM [Database 1] " & _
  2. "WHERE [Forms]![Search Database]![City] Is Null " & _
  3. "OR [Database 1].[City]) Like ' * ' & [Forms]![Search Database]![City] & ' * ' "
I don't think you should have been using IIF at all. Also I replaced the double quotes around the * with single quotes. You can't put double quotes inside a string (not easily at least) so you have to use single quotes.

Nov 12 '09 #20

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