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multi select list box in a search form user selected selected criteria query

15 New Member
This problem is driving me crazy.

Hello there,
i am trying to create a search form for records in my access database. The search form will contain text boxes and a multi select list box. The user can enter their search criteria eg. surname, reg num, etc. in the text boxes. The multi select list box allows the user to select multiple counties which they have the option of including in the search. The user should be able to select or omit the criteria as they desire.

I have messed around with the code for the last days but i am unable to intergrate the user selected criteria from a multi select list box.

I have been able to fix to the basics like first name and surname search but i cant manage the user selection from the multi select list box of counties.

This in my attempt it's bad i know.
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. If Len(Me.List0 & vbNullString) Then
  2. For Each Itm In ctl.ItemsSelected
  3. strSQLWhere = "WHERE [county] Chr(34) & ctl.ItemData(Itm) & Chr(34)
  4. Else
  5. strSQLWhere = "WHERE [county] = " & Chr$(39) & Me.List0 & Chr$(39)
  6. End If
  8. strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & strJoin
  9. End If
Listbox info
The list box is a selection of counties its called list0 its a look up values in my counties table.

Name = List0
Row Source = SELECT [tblCounties].[CountyCode], [tblCounties].[County] FROM tblCounties;
Multi select = simple

I really like the subform the results are displayed in do you think i can make it open in a report format also?

Below is my code minus the failed list box intergration attempt to avoid confusion.

Many thaks once again all the way from Ireland. Kind regards


Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Private Sub cmdPlease_Click()
  2. Dim strSQLHead As String
  3. Dim strSQLWhere As String
  4. Dim strSQLOrderBy As String
  5. Dim strSQL As String
  6. Dim strJoin As String
  9. strJoin = " AND "
  10. strSQLHead = "SELECT * FROM tblMemberDetails "
  12. If Len(Me.txtSurname & vbNullString) Then
  13. If (Me.chkLike) Then
  14. strSQLWhere = "WHERE [surname] Like " & Chr$(39) & "*" & Me.txtSurname & "*" & Chr$(39)
  15. Else
  16. strSQLWhere = "WHERE [surname] = " & Chr$(39) & Me.txtSurname & Chr$(39)
  17. End If
  19. strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & strJoin
  20. End If
  22. If Len(Me.txtFirstName & vbNullString) Then
  23. If (Me.chkLike) Then
  24. strSQLWhere = "WHERE [FirstName] Like " & Chr$(39) & "*" & Me.txtFirstName & "*" & Chr$(39)
  25. Else
  26. strSQLWhere = "WHERE [FirstName] = " & Chr$(39) & Me.txtFirstName & Chr$(39)
  27. End If
  29. strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & strJoin
  30. End If
  32. If Len(strSQLWhere) Then
  33. strSQLWhere = Left$(strSQLWhere, Len(strSQLWhere) - (Len(strJoin) - 1))
  34. End If
  36. strSQLOrderBy = "ORDER BY "
  37. Select Case Me.fraOrderBy
  38. Case 1
  39. strSQLOrderBy = strSQLOrderBy & "[surname]"
  40. Case 2
  41. strSQLOrderBy = strSQLOrderBy & "[firstName]"
  42. Case 3
  43. strSQLOrderBy = strSQLOrderBy & "[regNumber]"
  44. End Select
  46. strSQL = strSQLHead & strSQLWhere & strSQLOrderBy
Feb 19 '09 #1
11 5589
8,834 Recognized Expert Expert
  1. You can build a partial SQL Where Clause based on a Multi-Select List Box with the following code:
    Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
    1. Dim strSQL As String
    2. Dim varItem As Variant
    3. Dim ctlList As Control
    4. Dim strSQLPre As String
    6. Set ctlList = Me![lstCountries]
    8. strSQLPre = "Where [Country] In ("
    10. Select Case ctlList.ItemsSelected.Count
    11.   Case 0
    12.     Exit Sub
    13.   Case Else
    14.     For Each varItem In ctlList.ItemsSelected
    15.       strSQL = strSQL & "'" & ctlList.ItemData(varItem) & "',"
    16.     Next varItem
    17. End Select
    19. strSQL = strSQLPre & Left$(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 1) & ")"
  2. If you selected 4 Countries, the Partial Clause would read:
    Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
    1. Where [Country] In ('France','England','Italy','Ireland')
  3. There are much better SQL Experts/Moderators/Members than I, I'm sure a better approach will be forthcoming.
Feb 20 '09 #2
675 Contributor
listbox ItemData is a two column listbox, with the county numbers in column 0 (probably hidden) and the names in column 1. Decision 1 is to decide whether search is by county name, or county number. Which is in tblMemberDetail s, the name or the number?
In the query design grid, design your query as if it were always the same, and forget the names and region numbers. Just the counties. Use the "Create query in Design View" of the Database window. Select tblMemberDetail s from the Show Table dialog, and close. Drag the * to column 1. Drag the County to column 2. Use name or number as appropriate, I am going to assume name for now. Column 2, of Criteria row, enter a counties you know exists, say "Limerick" and below it, enter another, say "Tipperary" . Press the View button on the Query Design Toolbar (far left button). Do you get the results expected? If no, then you need to find out why, but it should work if you have these counties in the table. If not, pick 2 you know exist.
It works, so click the downarrow next to the View button, and select SQL. This is the SQL statement Access generates. It won't use the IN keyword as suggested by ADezii, but you can do that later.
Put the code from the query window into your code, assigning this string to strSQLHead replacing the loops in lines 6 to 17. Then include your strSQLHead so you have
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. strSQL = strSQLHead  * strSQLWhere 
Forget for now the ORDER BY and the other conditions. This should work, and you should understand it.
When it works, add the ORDER BY and other WHERE conditions. Continue to refer to your query design window, adding your conditions so you can see an example of an SQL statement that does what you want.

Be aware that your listbox, ItemsSelected, is 2 columns, so you will have to tell access which column to use. ADezii's line 15 should be
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. strSQL = strSQL & "'" & ctlList.ItemData.column(0,varItem) & "'," 
I am still assuming you are using the county name, not number.

Your name search, Like "*surname*" will find occurrances of imbedded names within the name. If you're looking for Oliver Stone, and enter "Sto" in your surname textbox, you will also find Pete Johnston. Is that what you want?

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. If Len(Me.txtSurname & vbNullString) Then
is always true when I run it. Does this statement really do what you want? Maybe
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. If Len(Me.txtSurname) <> 0 then
  2. 'Add to your SQL statement
  3. Else
  4. 'Do nothing
  5. End If
Feb 20 '09 #3
675 Contributor
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. strSQL = strSQLHead  * strSQLWhere
Should be
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. strSQL = strSQLHead  & strSQLWhere  
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. strSQL = strSQL & "'" & ctlList.ItemData.column(0,varItem) & "',"  
Should be
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. strSQL = strSQL & "'" & ctlList.ItemData.column(1,varItem) & "',"  
Feb 20 '09 #4
15 New Member
Major Thanks!!!

ADezii & OldBirdman

Your information really helped me understand what was going on. This problem was driving me nuts. Thank you so much for your time and knowledge.

I managed to create a Search form to meet my specification exactly but i have one error left to sort out.

The search feature works great it updates the subform of search results perfectly for all criteria. However i have added a option to printPreview a report based on the selected criteria which worked at first, my latest problem came to light after I added a Order By clause to my function which allows me to order results in the search results subform by Surname,FirstNa me and reg number.
The subform results part works fine i can order by Surname etc.

My Problem is if i hit the button to preview the report it get an error message

Run Time error 3075

Syntax error (missing operator) in a query expression '''ORDER BY [regNumber]',

My code is below any advice would be hugely apperiacted.
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Option Compare Database
  2. Option Explicit
  4. Private Sub btnPreviewReport_Click()
  6. Dim strSQLOrderBy As String
  7. Dim stDocName As String
  9. stDocName = "rptsearchresults1"
  10. DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, WhereCondition:=BuildFilter & strSQLOrderBy
  12. End Sub
  14. Private Sub btnClear_Click()
  15.     Dim intIndex As Integer
  17.     ' Clear all search items
  18.     Me.txtFirstName = ""
  19.     Me.txtSurname = ""
  20.     Me.txtRegNumber = ""
  22.     ' De-select each item in County List (multiselect list)
  23.     For intIndex = 0 To Me.lstCountyCode.ListCount - 1
  24.         Me.lstCountyCode.Selected(intIndex) = False
  25.     Next
  27. End Sub
  29. Private Sub btnSearch_Click()
  31.     ' Update the record source
  32.     'Me.sbfrmSearchResults1.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM qryNew " & BuildFilter
  34.     ' Update the record source
  35.     If BuildFilter = "" Then
  36.         Me.sbfrmSearchResults1.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM qryNew " & BuildFilter
  37.     Else
  38.         Me.sbfrmSearchResults1.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM qryNew WHERE " & BuildFilter
  39.     End If
  41.     'Requery the subform
  42.     Me.sbfrmSearchResults1.Requery
  45. End Sub
  48. Private Function BuildFilter() As Variant
  49.     Dim varWhere As Variant
  50.     Dim CountyCode As Variant
  51.     Dim varItem As Variant
  52.     Dim intIndex As Integer
  54. Dim strSQLOrderBy As String
  56.     varWhere = Null  ' Main filter
  57.     CountyCode = Null  ' Subfilter used for countyCode
  59.     ' Check for LIKE First Name
  60.     If Me.txtFirstName > "" Then
  61.         varWhere = varWhere & "[FirstName] LIKE """ & Me.txtFirstName & "*"" AND "
  62.     End If
  64.     ' Check for LIKE Last Name
  65.     If Me.txtSurname > "" Then
  66.         varWhere = varWhere & "[surname] LIKE """ & Me.txtSurname & "*"" AND "
  67.     End If
  68.     ' Check for  reg Number
  69.     If Me.txtRegNumber > "" Then
  70.         varWhere = varWhere & "[regnumber] like """ & Me.txtRegNumber & """  And "
  71.    End If
  74.      ' Check for CountyCode in multiselect list
  75.     For Each varItem In Me.lstCountyCode.ItemsSelected
  76.         CountyCode = CountyCode & " [tblMemberDetails_CountyCode] = """ & _
  77.                     Me.lstCountyCode.ItemData(varItem) & """ OR "
  79.     Next
  81.     'Test to see if we have subfilter for CountyCode...
  82.     If IsNull(CountyCode) Then
  83.         ' do nothing
  84.     Else
  85.         ' strip off last "OR" in the filter
  86.         If Right(CountyCode, 4) = " OR " Then
  87.             CountyCode = Left(CountyCode, Len(CountyCode) - 4)
  88.         End If
  90.         'Add some parentheses around the subfilter
  91.         varWhere = varWhere & "( " & CountyCode & " )"
  92.     End If
  94.      'Check if there is a filter to return...
  95.     If IsNull(varWhere) Then
  96.         varWhere = "''"
  97.     Else
  99.         ' strip off last "AND" in the filter
  100.         If Right(varWhere, 5) = " AND " Then
  101.             varWhere = Left(varWhere, Len(varWhere) - 5)
  102.         End If
  104.     End If
  106.     strSQLOrderBy = "ORDER BY "
  107.     Select Case Me.fraOrderBy
  108.     Case 1
  109.         strSQLOrderBy = strSQLOrderBy & "[surname]"
  110.     Case 2
  111.         strSQLOrderBy = strSQLOrderBy & "[firstName]"
  112.     Case 3
  113.         strSQLOrderBy = strSQLOrderBy & "[regNumber]"
  114.     End Select
  116. BuildFilter = varWhere & strSQLOrderBy
  118.     End Function
Many Thanks!
Have a Nice weekend

Feb 21 '09 #5
8,834 Recognized Expert Expert
Enter the following Line of code between Lines 9 and 10 above, but be sure to REM it out or remove it later. Then, Copy-N-Paste the results here for us to View:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. 'After Line# 9 but Before Line# 10:
  2. Debug.Print BuildFilter & strSQLOrderBy :Exit Sub
Feb 21 '09 #6
15 New Member
Hello these are my results.

Kind regards and thanks so much!

Someone mentioned to me that you can't add an order by clause to the wherecondition argument.

Is that true? if so whats a easy way to add grouping options ot my report and keep the ordering in my subform.


Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  2. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  3. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  4. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  5. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  6. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  7. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  8. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  9. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  10. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  11. '' ORDER BY [firstName]
  12. '' ORDER BY [firstName]
  13. '' ORDER BY [firstName]
  14. '' ORDER BY [firstName]
  15. '' ORDER BY [firstName]
  16. '' ORDER BY [firstName]
  17. '' ORDER BY [firstName]
  18. '' ORDER BY [firstName]
  19. '' ORDER BY [firstName]
  20. '' ORDER BY [firstName]
  21. '' ORDER BY [firstName]
  22. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  23. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  24. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  25. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  26. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  27. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  28. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  29. '' ORDER BY [surname]
  30. '' OR(  [tblMemberDetails_CountyCode] = "c" ) ORDER BY [surname]
  31. DER BY [surname]
Feb 21 '09 #7
15 New Member
hello again and thanks so much for all your time.

My friend tole me i can't add an order by clause to the wherecondition argument. is that true? if so is there an easy way for me to keep the order by option to my subform and add some degree of user selected ordering to my report.

Kind Regards James

'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [firstName]
'' ORDER BY [firstName]
'' ORDER BY [firstName]
'' ORDER BY [firstName]
'' ORDER BY [firstName]
'' ORDER BY [firstName]
'' ORDER BY [firstName]
'' ORDER BY [firstName]
'' ORDER BY [firstName]
'' ORDER BY [firstName]
'' ORDER BY [firstName]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' ORDER BY [surname]
'' OR( [tblMemberDetail s_CountyCode] = "c" ) ORDER BY [surname]
DER BY [surname]
Feb 21 '09 #8
32,567 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
No. It's not possible to add any ORDER BY info to the WhereCondition parameter.
WhereCondition Optional Variant. A string expression that's a valid SQL WHERE clause without the word WHERE.
ORDER BY is a separate clause in SQL.

Sorting is managed in a report within the design of the report itself.
Feb 21 '09 #9
32,567 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
I just had a quick dig around in case you're interested, and changing the sorting within a report using code is done using the GroupLevel(?).C ontrolSource property (array) of the report.
Feb 21 '09 #10

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