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Exporting Access Query to Excel

9 New Member
I am trying to send the results of a query that runs when I click a button on my form that is based on a parameter query. The code runs without any errors but nothing is exported into my excel spreadsheet and I can't figure out why does anyone see where I went wrong in my code. I am currently using DAO Recordset. Here is what my code looks like:

Private Sub btnJE_Click() 'Exports qryJE results into excel

On Error GoTo Err_btnJE_Click

MsgBox ExportQuery, vbInformation, "Export Finished"

Exit_btnJE_Clic k:
Exit Sub

Err_btnJE_Click :
MsgBox Err.Description , vbCritical, "Error"
Resume Exit_btnJE_Clic k

End Sub
Public Function ExportQuery() As String
On Error GoTo err_Handler

'Excel object variables
Dim appExcel As Excel.Applicati on
Dim wbk As Excel.Workbook
Dim wks As Excel.Worksheet

Dim sTemplate As String
Dim sTempFile As String
Dim sOutput As String

Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim sSQL As String
Dim IRecords As Long
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim iCol As Integer
Dim iFld As Integer

Const cTabOne As Byte = 1
Const cTabTwo As Byte = 2
Const cStartRow As Byte = 3
Const cStartColumn As Byte = 1

DoCmd.Hourglass True

'Set to break on all errors
Application.Set Option "Error Trapping", 0

'Start with clean file built from template file
sTemplate = CurrentProject. Path & "\JournalEntryT est.xls"
sOutput = CurrentProject. Path & "\JournalEntryF ormTest.xls"
If Dir(sOutput) <> "" Then Kill sOutput
FileCopy sTemplate, sOutput

'Create the Excel Application, Workbook and Worksheet and Database object
Set appExcel = New Excel.Applicati on
appExcel.Visibl e = True
Set wbk = appExcel.Workbo oks.Open(sOutpu t)

sSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblAllPerPayPer iodEarnings " & vbCrLf & "WHERE PG = '" & Forms("frmJE"). Controls("cboAD PCompany").Valu e & "' AND ('LOCATION#') = '" & Forms("frmJE"). Controls("cboLo cationNo").Valu e & "' AND CHECK_DT Between #" & Forms("frmJE"). Controls("txtFr om").Value & "# AND #" & Forms("frmJE"). Controls("txtTo ").Value & "#" & ";"

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecords et(sSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
If Not rst.BOF Then
'For this template, the data must be placed in the appropriate cells of the spreadsheet
Do While Not rst.EOF
With wbk
.Sheets("Journa lEntry").Range( "G3") = rst.Fields("Bra nch Number")
.Sheets("Journa lEntry").Range( "K15:K100") = rst.Fields("Acc ount")
.Sheets("Journa lEntry").Range( "L15:L100") = rst.Fields("Sub Account")
.Sheets("Journa lEntry").Range( "O15:O100") = rst.Fields("Sum OfGROSS")
.Sheets("Journa lEntry").Range( "Q15:Q100") = rst.Fields("Acc ount Description")
.Sheets("Journa lEntry").Range( "G3,K15:K100,L1 5:L100,O15:O100 ,Q15:Q100").Col umns.AutoFit
.SaveAs CurrentProject. Path & "\" & rst.Fields("Bra nch Number") & ".xls"

End With


ExportQuery = "Total of " & IRecords & " rows processed."

'Cleanup all objects (resume next on errors)
Set wbk = Nothing
Set appExcel = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Function

ExportQuery = Err.Description
Resume exit_Here
End If
End Function

Oct 30 '07 #1
12 4200
2,653 Recognized Expert Specialist
Hi, there.

The first question you should ask yourself having encountered such a kind of problem is - "Does my query return records?"
  • Toggle breakpoint on the next line after
    Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
    1. sSQL="SELECT .......
  • Get content of sSQL variable, e.g.
    Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
    1. ? sSQL 
    in immediate VBA window
  • Copypaste it to query builder and run.

Check that first and will proceed with debugging of your code.
Oct 30 '07 #2
9 New Member
1. Okay I figured out why nothing was being inputted to the spreadsheet. All the records kept overwriting each other. But I have a new problem after making sure that the query returned values. Only one value is returned to the spreadsheet not all the results produced by the query. Also using the code below I get the error message: {Run-
time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error.} This same
message appears when I use the following pieces of code
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. .Cells(j,11).Value =
  2. rst.Fields("GL_Acct").Value
  3. .Cell(j,12).Value = rst.Fields("GL_Subacct").Value
  4. .Cell(j,12).Value = rst.Fields("GROSS").Value
  5. .Cell(j,12).Value = rst.Fields("AccountDescription").Value
2. Using this code I get a single record from the query to write to the spreadsheet. Also I receive this error message
"Run-time error '3265': Item not found in this collection." for the
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. .Range("O15").Value = rst.Fields("GROSS").Value
I have tried to change the name but nothing works. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm not sure what exactly is causing this error I have stepped through the code and everything I'm not sure if I have it coded wrong.

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. sSQL = "SELECT  tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.GLDEPT, tblGLAllCodes.GL_Acct,
  2. tblGLAllCodes.GL_Subacct, tblGLAllCodes.GL_Dept, tblGLAllCodes.
  3. AccountDescription , tblAllADPCoCodes.BranchNumber, Sum
  4. (tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.GROSS) FROM tblAllADPCoCodes, tblGLAllCodes INNER
  5. JOIN tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings ON tblGLAllCodes.Dept =
  6. tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.GLDEPT GROUP BY tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.GLDEPT,
  7. tblGLAllCodes.GL_Acct, tblGLAllCodes.GL_Subacct, tblGLAllCodes.GL_Dept,
  8. tblGLAllCodes.AccountDescription, tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.PG,
  9. tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.[LOCATION#], tblAllADPCoCodes.BranchNumber,
  10. tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.CHECK_DT HAVING PG = '" & Forms("frmJE").Controls
  11. ("cboADPCompany").Value & "' AND [LOCATION#] = '" & Forms("frmJE").Controls
  12. ("cboLocationNo").Value & "' AND BranchNumber = " & Forms("frmJE").Controls
  13. ("txtBranchNo").Value & " AND CHECK_DT Between #" & Forms("frmJE").Controls
  14. ("txtFrom").Value & "# AND #" & Forms("frmJE").Controls("txtTo").Value & "#"
  15. & ";"
  17. Do Until rst.EOF
  18.    With wbk.Sheets("JournalEntry")
  19.        .Range("G3") = rst.Fields("BranchNumber").Value
  20.        .Range("K15").Value = rst.Fields("GL_Acct").Value
  21.        .Range("L15").Value = rst.Fields("GL_Subacct").Value
  22.        .Range("O15").Value = rst.Fields("GROSS").Value   'not finding value
  23.        .Range("Q15").Value = rst.Fields("AccountDescription").Value
  24.   End With
  25. J = J + 1
  26. rst.MoveNext
  27. Loop
Thanks in advance!
Nov 2 '07 #3
2,653 Recognized Expert Specialist
Hi, there.

Though you may expect the name of the field
.... Sum(tblAllPerPa yPeriodEarnings .GROSS)...
will be [GROSS], it isn't so. Access will give it default name like [Expr1].
To explicitely name query field use "AS", e.g.
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT ..... Sum(tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.GROSS) AS GROSS ....
The code you've posted is not expected to work as it will put all records into the same cells. You have a right decision to use Cells object. Plz post the whole code using .Cells(J,..) references in the loop.

Nov 2 '07 #4
9 New Member
Here is the updated version of the code. Now all I need to do is figure out how to get all the results from the query to write into the excel spreadsheet.

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Public Function ExportQuery() As String
  2. On Error GoTo err_Handler
  4.     'Excel object variables
  5.     Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
  6.     Dim wbk As Excel.Workbook
  7.     Dim wks As Excel.Worksheet
  9.     Dim sTemplate As String
  10.     Dim sOutput As String       'Output string to build up
  12.     Dim dbs As DAO.Database     'This is the database
  13.     Dim rst As DAO.Recordset    'Retrieves value of field
  14.     Dim sSQL As String          'SQL Statement
  15.     Dim IRecords As Long
  17.     Dim J As Long
  19.     DoCmd.Hourglass True
  21.     'Set to break on all errors
  22.     On Error Resume Next
  24.     'Start with clean file built from template file
  25.     sTemplate = CurrentProject.Path & "\JournalEntryTest.xls"
  26.     sOutput = CurrentProject.Path & "\JournalEntryFormTest.xls"
  27.     If Dir(sOutput) <> "" Then Kill sOutput
  28.     FileCopy sTemplate, sOutput
  30.     'Create the Excel Application, Workbook and Worksheet and Database object
  31.     Set appExcel = New Excel.Application            'Assigns objects to variables
  32.     appExcel.Visible = True                         'Makes Excel session visible
  33.     Set wbk = appExcel.Workbooks.Open(sOutput)
  35. sSQL = "SELECT  tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.GLDEPT, tblGLAllCodes.GL_Acct, tblGLAllCodes.GL_Subacct, tblGLAllCodes.GL_Dept, tblGLAllCodes.AccountDescription , tblAllADPCoCodes.BranchNumber, Sum(tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.GROSS) As GROSS FROM tblAllADPCoCodes, tblGLAllCodes INNER JOIN tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings ON tblGLAllCodes.Dept = tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.GLDEPT GROUP BY tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.GLDEPT, tblGLAllCodes.GL_Acct, tblGLAllCodes.GL_Subacct, tblGLAllCodes.GL_Dept, tblGLAllCodes.AccountDescription, tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.PG, tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.[LOCATION#], tblAllADPCoCodes.BranchNumber, tblAllPerPayPeriodEarnings.CHECK_DT HAVING PG = '" & Forms("frmJE").Controls("cboADPCompany").Value & "' AND [LOCATION#] = '" & Forms("frmJE").Controls("cboLocationNo").Value & "' AND BranchNumber = " & Forms("frmJE").Controls("txtBranchNo").Value & " AND CHECK_DT Between #" & Forms("frmJE").Controls("txtFrom").Value & "# AND #" & Forms("frmJE").Controls("txtTo").Value & "#" & ";"
  37.     Set dbs = CurrentDb                                 'Opens database
  38.     Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)   'Sets the record set to the query
  40. Do Until rst.EOF
  41.     With wbk.Sheets("JournalEntry")
  42.     J = 15
  43.     IRecords = IRecords + 1
  44.         .Range("G3") = rst.Fields("BranchNumber").Value
  45.         .Cells(J, 11).Value = rst.Fields("GL_Acct").Value
  46.         .Cells(J, 12).Value = rst.Fields("GL_Subacct").Value
  47.         .Cells(J, 15).Value = rst.Fields("GROSS").Value
  48.         .Cells(J, 17).Value = rst.Fields("AccountDescription").Value
  50.     End With
  51. J = J + 1
  52. rst.MoveNext
  53. Loop
  55. 'wbk.Save
  56. wbk.Close True
  59.     ExportQuery = "Total of " & IRecords & " rows processed."
  61. exit_Here:
  62. 'Cleanup all objects (resume next on errors)
  63. Set wbk = Nothing
  64. appExcel.Quit
  65. Set appExcel = Nothing
  66. Set rst = Nothing
  67. Set dbs = Nothing
  68. DoCmd.Hourglass False
  69. Exit Function
  71. err_Handler:
  72.     ExportQuery = Err.Description
  73.     Resume exit_Here
  74. End Function
Nov 5 '07 #5
2,653 Recognized Expert Specialist
Hi, there.

Take line 42
and put it before line 40
Do Untill ....
Nov 6 '07 #6
9 New Member
I was wondering if there is a way to total within a totals query. I mean the results of my query list everything out depending on account numbers and check date. What I want to do is have the amount be totalled based on account number and sub account number. So I dont have multiple entries of the same account and sub account number.

Hi, there.

Take line 42
and put it before line 40
Do Untill ....
Nov 6 '07 #7
9 New Member
View next message wrong post
Nov 7 '07 #8
9 New Member
I have a query that produces this output and I want to be able to get the sum of a field based on the Account & Subaccount matching. Here is what the query result looks like.
Account Subaccount AcctDesc SumOfGross Check Date
60110 0100 ...... 4160 9/7/2007
60110 0100 ...... 4160 9/21/2007
60810 0900 ...... 842 9/21/2007
60810 0900 ...... 843.5 9/7/2007

This is the results that appear on the excel spreadsheet:
Account Subaccount AcctDesc SumOfGross
60110 0100 ...... 8320
60810 0900 ...... 1684
60810 0900 ...... 1687

I would like to have the result look like this in my spreadsheet
Account Subaccount AcctDesc SumOfGross
60110 0100 ...... 8320
60810 0900 ...... 1685.5

I was wondering if there is a way to total within a totals query. I mean the results of my query list everything out depending on account numbers and check date. What I want to do is have the amount be totalled based on account number and sub account number. So I dont have multiple entries of the same account and sub account number.
Nov 7 '07 #9
9 New Member
Is there a way to automate other rows in excel based on the number of entries that are produced by the query. For example have a column named line increment by one for each result of the query that is exported to excel.
Nov 7 '07 #10

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