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managing multiple related subforms and many to many relationships

59 New Member
Hello I'm new to developing databases in Access and using Access2003. I have a dataset with a few many to many relationships that I have created linking tables for to make multiple 1:M relationships.
My problem is trying to figure out a set of forms and subforms for this data in which the users can enter new data in a straightforward way. In my dataset there are: Buildings, Contacts, addresses for buildings and contacts, and different types of contacts. The contact types are super, manager, and volunteer.
Here are the relationships:
- A building has more than one contact and a contact can be associated with more than one building. (M:M)
- contact can be more than one type (1:M)
- an address can be associated with more than one contact (1:M).
- a building is associated with one address. (1:1)

Here is how I set up my tables:

(other unique bldg attributes)

ContactID PK
(other unique contact attributes)


tbl Addresses

tblContactTypeU Q
ContactTypeID PK

tblContactTypeA ddr

tblBldgContactT ype

Specifically, I tried to set up a form starting with Buildings that had subforms in which you can view the building address and the multiple contacts associated with a building and their attributes (including their addresses - a nested subform under Contacts). When I add a new building name in the main form and then try to add an address for that building in the adress subform (to be entered in the address table) it will not let me b/c there is not already an ID for the Address that I want to add. Also, when I try to add a contact and its related data in the contact subform, the linking tables do not update (the tbl BldgContactType table or a record is not added to the tblContactTypeU Q table). Same for the table linking ContactTypeID and AddrID.
Please advise!
thanks in advance.
Aug 17 '07
22 3228
2,653 Recognized Expert Specialist
The error message is:
The text you entered isn’t an item in the list.
Select an item from the list or enter text that matches one of the listed items.

It appears as though it refuses to enter the data into the table after telling you it did enter the new data.
Hi, Bridget.

I beg your pardon for the delay. Was very busy.
The cure seems to be simple so far.
Invoke "Requery" method on the combobox as soon as new record was appended to the table.
Smthng like
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Addr1.Requery
after DoCmd block.
Aug 22 '07 #11
59 New Member
Thanks! I'm now getting an error message that says you have to "save the field before running the requery". I tried to use DoCmd's toopen the table into which the new data is written and then save and close, but this did not work. Is there another way in which I can save the field first before running the requery?

Hi, Bridget.

I beg your pardon for the delay. Was very busy.
The cure seems to be simple so far.
Invoke "Requery" method on the combobox as soon as new record was appended to the table.
Smthng like
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Addr1.Requery
after DoCmd block.
Aug 22 '07 #12
59 New Member
I'm now trying an alternate way to add new data to a combo box:
I created an "Add Address" button. If the address is not in the combo box, the user clicks on the button, which opens a form "frmAddress " to directly enter data into tblAddr1f. The user can add the new record and click a "Done" button to close the form. On exit, I run the requery. Now when I click on the Addr1 combo box in the frmBuildings the new address is present. I have two questions about this tactic, however:
1) Is there a way to automatically populate the Addr1 control with the newly added address in the record from which I clicked the "Add Address" button?
- Right now, it adds the address to the combo box, but I have to go an select it from the list.
- Another odd thing is that when I close the frmAddress after adding a new record, I view the record from frmBuildings that I was working on. However, when I click on the combo box to select that new address, it jumps me to the first record in the frmBuildings. How do I keep the record I was working on active?

Thanks again in advance for any insight!
PS if this is a terribly inefficient way to do udpate a combo box, and I should return to the previous method, please let me know! I just couldn't get the other to work... :(

Thanks! I'm now getting an error message that says you have to "save the field before running the requery". I tried to use DoCmd's toopen the table into which the new data is written and then save and close, but this did not work. Is there another way in which I can save the field first before running the requery?
Aug 22 '07 #13
2,653 Recognized Expert Specialist
Thanks! I'm now getting an error message that says you have to "save the field before running the requery". I tried to use DoCmd's toopen the table into which the new data is written and then save and close, but this did not work. Is there another way in which I can save the field first before running the requery?
Hi, Bridget.

Plz, post additional information concerning combobox Addr1
  • RowSource - if it is table post table metadata, if it is query post SQL
  • BoundColumn
Aug 22 '07 #14
2,653 Recognized Expert Specialist
I'm now trying an alternate way to add new data to a combo box:
I created an "Add Address" button. If the address is not in the combo box, the user clicks on the button, which opens a form "frmAddress " to directly enter data into tblAddr1f. The user can add the new record and click a "Done" button to close the form. On exit, I run the requery. Now when I click on the Addr1 combo box in the frmBuildings the new address is present. I have two questions about this tactic, however:
1) Is there a way to automatically populate the Addr1 control with the newly added address in the record from which I clicked the "Add Address" button?
- Right now, it adds the address to the combo box, but I have to go an select it from the list.
- Another odd thing is that when I close the frmAddress after adding a new record, I view the record from frmBuildings that I was working on. However, when I click on the combo box to select that new address, it jumps me to the first record in the frmBuildings. How do I keep the record I was working on active?

Thanks again in advance for any insight!
PS if this is a terribly inefficient way to do udpate a combo box, and I should return to the previous method, please let me know! I just couldn't get the other to work... :(
Both methods are quite acceptable. The question is what method looks you more suitable? There is even 3rd method. Retrieve into combobox list with a specific row, let us say "Add new address", which when chosen opens form for entering new address record?

What seems to you more suitable? Choose one from the three.

Anyway additional info concerning the combobox would be useful. See my previous post.
Aug 22 '07 #15
59 New Member
Good morning,

The SQL for my Row Source is:
SELECT qryAddr1f.Addr1 , qryAddr1f.Addr1 ID
FROM qryAddr1f
ORDER BY qryAddr1f.Addr1 ;

The Bound Column is 2
(The Column width is 1";1" ( I remember getting an error message at some point that the Column Width had to match the bound column or something like this...)

Hi, Bridget.

Plz, post additional information concerning combobox Addr1
  • RowSource - if it is table post table metadata, if it is query post SQL
  • BoundColumn
Aug 23 '07 #16
59 New Member
Hi FishVal,
Right now, I am liking the button method - maybe because I actually got it working - sort of... :) If I can fix the issues in my previous post on the button method (copied again below) I'd probably go with this option... As always, any insight greatly appreciated!

1) Is there a way to automatically populate the Addr1 control with the newly added address in the record from which I clicked the "Add Address" button?
- Right now, it adds the address to the combo box, but I have to go an select it from the list.
- Another odd thing is that when I close the frmAddress after adding a new record, I view the record from frmBuildings that I was working on. However, when I click on the combo box to select that new address, it jumps me to the first record in the frmBuildings. How do I keep the record I was working on active?

Both methods are quite acceptable. The question is what method looks you more suitable? There is even 3rd method. Retrieve into combobox list with a specific row, let us say "Add new address", which when chosen opens form for entering new address record?

What seems to you more suitable? Choose one from the three.

Anyway additional info concerning the combobox would be useful. See my previous post.
Aug 23 '07 #17
2,653 Recognized Expert Specialist
Good morning,

The SQL for my Row Source is:
SELECT qryAddr1f.Addr1 , qryAddr1f.Addr1 ID
FROM qryAddr1f
ORDER BY qryAddr1f.Addr1 ;

The Bound Column is 2

Hi, Bridget.

I generally implement the same combo configuration. The code below is a working NotInList handler from one of my DBs.

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Private Sub Addr1_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
  3.     Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
  5.     Response = acDataErrContinue
  7.     If MsgBox("Dou you want to add " & NewData & " to item names list", _
  8.         vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Add new item confirmation") = vbNo Then Exit Sub
  10.     Response = acDataErrAdded
  12.     With RS
  13.          .Open Me.Addr1.RowSource, CurrentProject.Connection, _
  14.             adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  15.         .AddNew
  16.         ![Addr1] = NewData
  17.         .Update
  18.         Me.Addr1 = ![Addr1ID]
  19.         .Close
  20.     End With
  22.     Me.Addr1.Requery
  24.     Set RS = Nothing
  26. End Sub
BTW what do you mean by this.
(The Column width is 1";1" ( I remember getting an error message at some point that the Column Width had to match the bound column or something like this...)
To the best of my knowledge column width doesn't have to match anything. At least I've never encountered problem with this.

Aug 23 '07 #18
2,653 Recognized Expert Specialist
Hi FishVal,
Right now, I am liking the button method - maybe because I actually got it working - sort of... :) If I can fix the issues in my previous post on the button method (copied again below) I'd probably go with this option... As always, any insight greatly appreciated!

1) Is there a way to automatically populate the Addr1 control with the newly added address in the record from which I clicked the "Add Address" button?
- Right now, it adds the address to the combo box, but I have to go an select it from the list.
- Another odd thing is that when I close the frmAddress after adding a new record, I view the record from frmBuildings that I was working on. However, when I click on the combo box to select that new address, it jumps me to the first record in the frmBuildings. How do I keep the record I was working on active?
Hi, Bridget.

Plz post all the code of button_Click procedure.
Basically you need to update your combo with AddrID. But as soon as AddrID is Autonumber you can't do it before you've append new record to tblAddr.
If you append new record via separate form, then there are at least two different approaches.
  • the form where you enter new address update combobox "Addr1", referencing to it via "Forms" collection, e.g.
    Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
    1. Forms![Main form name]![Subform name]![Addr1] = <New value>
  • the button_click code opens the form in modal mode and then updates combobox "Addr1" retrieving last [Addr1] with DMax function.
Anyway forms are separate objects and synchronization between them will require a bit of coding. For example the code must handle such a situation when the form was opened but no record was appended.

Aug 23 '07 #19
59 New Member
Hi FishVal.
Here is the OnClick code for the btnAddAddr in the main form:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Private Sub btnAddAddr_Click()
  2. On Error GoTo Err_btnAddAddr_Click
  4.     Dim stDocName As String
  5.     Dim stLinkCriteria As String
  7.     stDocName = "frmAddr1"
  8.     DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
  9.     DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
  10. Exit_btnAddAddr_Click:
  11.     Exit Sub
  13. Err_btnAddAddr_Click:
  14.     MsgBox Err.Description
  15.     Resume Exit_btnAddAddr_Click
  17. End Sub
This opens frmAddr1 in which I can add a new address.

Then there is a "Done" button in the frmAddr1
The code here for this button is:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Private Sub btnDone_Click()
  2. On Error GoTo Err_btnDone_Click
  4.     DoCmd.Close
  6. Exit_btnDone_Click:
  7.     Exit Sub
  9. Err_btnDone_Click:
  10.     MsgBox Err.Description
  11.     Resume Exit_btnDone_Click
  13. End Sub
What happens after I click "Done" is that the frmAddr1 closes and you are back looking at the main form. However, the new address is not showing in the control and when i click on the control to select it, the form jumps back to the first record.


Hi, Bridget.

Plz post all the code of button_Click procedure.
Basically you need to update your combo with AddrID. But as soon as AddrID is Autonumber you can't do it before you've append new record to tblAddr.
If you append new record via separate form, then there are at least two different approaches.
  • the form where you enter new address update combobox "Addr1", referencing to it via "Forms" collection, e.g.
    Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
    1. Forms![Main form name]![Subform name]![Addr1] = <New value>
  • the button_click code opens the form in modal mode and then updates combobox "Addr1" retrieving last [Addr1] with DMax function.
Anyway forms are separate objects and synchronization between them will require a bit of coding. For example the code must handle such a situation when the form was opened but no record was appended.

Aug 23 '07 #20

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