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Importing Multiple Databases from one folder

1 New Member

I am relatively new to Access and VBA. I am trying to import a number of database files (just really want the contents of their tables) from a specified folder into a master table that contains all records and is updated periodically (via imports).
I have tried using a batch process (this limits me to importing specified files) but ideally would like to be able just to import all databases (or just their respective tables) irrespective of the number of files in the folder.
I am using Microsoft Access 2000 on a Windows XP PC. Any ideas or perhaps another way to import would be much appreciated. Either post here or email me at [email removed]


Feb 19 '07 #1
4 4451
12,516 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
I have something like this at work. It's not fully automated but it can be with some modifications to the code. I don't get into the office until tomorrow but when I do I'll post my code.
Feb 19 '07 #2
8,834 Recognized Expert Expert

I am relatively new to Access and VBA. I am trying to import a number of database files (just really want the contents of their tables) from a specified folder into a master table that contains all records and is updated periodically (via imports).
I have tried using a batch process (this limits me to importing specified files) but ideally would like to be able just to import all databases (or just their respective tables) irrespective of the number of files in the folder.
I am using Microsoft Access 2000 on a Windows XP PC. Any ideas or perhaps another way to import would be much appreciated. Either post here or email me at [email removed]


Here is a Sub-Routine that accepts an Absolute Path to your Database, the Table Name you wish to Import, and the New Table name that you wish to give it. It checks for the prior existance of the Table Name (previous Import), Deletes it if necessary, Imports the Table, then appends all its Records into tblMaster. The major assumption here, of course, is that the Imported Tables as well as the Master, have the same structure. Have fun.
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  1. Public Sub ImportAndAppend(strDBName As String, strTableName As String, strNewTableName As String)
  2. Dim MyTable As TableDef, MySQL As String
  4. MySQL = "INSERT INTO tblMaster SELECT " & strNewTableName & ".* FROM " & strNewTableName
  6. DoCmd.SetWarnings False
  8. For Each MyTable In CurrentDb.TableDefs
  9.   If MyTable.Name = strNewTableName Then
  10.     CurrentDb().TableDefs.Delete strNewTableName
  11.       Exit For
  12.   End If
  13. Next
  15.   DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", strDBName, acTable, strTableName, strNewTableName, False
  17.   DoCmd.RunSQL MySQL
  19. DoCmd.SetWarnings True
  20. End Sub
Here are your typical calls:
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  1. Call ImportAndAppend("C:\Test Directory\Test.mdb", "tblEmployee", "tblEmployee2")
  2. Call ImportAndAppend("C:\Pension\Test.mdb", "tblEmployee", "tblEmployeePension")
Feb 19 '07 #3
12,516 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
Here is my form module. You can tear up this code and set up some sort of loop to append each file. This code right now only appends the file selected by the user. Comments on the code will follow in the next post.

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  1. Option Compare Database
  2. Option Explicit
  4. Private Sub but_Append_Click()
  6. If IsNull(Month) Or IsNull(Year) Then
  7.     MsgBox "Please Select Month and Year"
  8.     End
  9. End If
  11. If IsNull(FileList.Column(0)) Or FileList.Column(0) = "No Files Found." Then End
  13. Dim path, npath As String
  14. Dim db As Database
  15. Dim rst As Recordset
  16. Dim PID As Integer
  17. Dim temp As Variant
  18. Dim DateCreated, DataMonth, PName, SName As String
  20. Set db = CurrentDb
  22. path = Application.CurrentProject.path & "\" & FileList.Column(0)
  23. DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", path, acTable, "tbl_MainOut", "tbl_MainOut"
  24. DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", path, acTable, "tbl_JobsOut", "tbl_JobsOut"
  25. DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tbl_Main_Backup"
  26. DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tbl_Jobs_Backup"
  27. DoCmd.CopyObject , "tbl_Main_Backup", acTable, "tbl_Main"
  28. DoCmd.CopyObject , "tbl_Jobs_Backup", acTable, "tbl_Jobs"
  30. Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("tbl_MainOut")
  31. rst.MoveFirst
  32. temp = rst.GetRows(1)
  33. PID = temp(0, 0)
  34. DoCmd.SetWarnings False
  35. DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM tbl_Main WHERE PID = " & PID
  36. DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM tbl_Jobs WHERE PID = " & PID
  37. DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Main SELECT * FROM tbl_MainOut"
  38. DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Jobs SELECT * FROM tbl_JobsOut"
  39. DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT tbl_CodeProvider.Short, tbl_CodeProvider.Name INTO tbl_CurrentProvider FROM tbl_MainOut INNER JOIN tbl_CodeProvider ON tbl_MainOut.PID = tbl_CodeProvider.PID"
  40. DoCmd.SetWarnings True
  42. rst.Close
  44. DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tbl_MainOut"
  45. DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tbl_JobsOut"
  47. Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("tbl_CurrentProvider")
  48. rst.MoveFirst
  49. temp = rst.GetRows(1)
  50. PName = temp(1, 0)
  51. SName = temp(0, 0)
  53. npath = Application.CurrentProject.path & "\Providers\" & SName & "\" & FileList.Column(0)
  54. FileCopy path, npath
  55. db.Close
  56. SetAttr path, vbNormal
  57. Kill path
  59. DateCreated = Mid(FileList.Column(0), 22, Len(FileList.Column(0)) - 25)
  60. DataMonth = Month & "/" & Year
  61. DoCmd.SetWarnings False
  62. DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Log VALUES (" & PID & ", '" & DateCreated & "', '" & DataMonth & "', Date())"
  63. DoCmd.SetWarnings True
  64. Check
  66. MsgBox "Data for " & PName & " has been appended for " & DataMonth & "."
  68. End Sub
  70. Private Sub but_Close_Click()
  71. DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm_Append"
  72. End Sub
  74. Private Sub Form_Load()
  75. Check
  76. End Sub
  78. Function Check()
  79. With Application.FileSearch
  80.     Dim length As Integer
  81.     length = Len(Application.CurrentProject.path) + 2
  82.     .NewSearch
  83.     .LookIn = Application.CurrentProject.path
  84.     .SearchSubFolders = False
  85.     .FileName = "CDCR CCRC-PSC Export"
  86.     .MatchTextExactly = False
  87.     .FileType = msoFileTypeDatabases
  89.     If .Execute() > 0 Then
  90.         Dim i As Integer
  91.         Dim Files As String
  92.         Files = "'" & Mid(.FoundFiles(1), length) & "'"
  93.         For i = 2 To .FoundFiles.Count
  94.             Files = Files & ";'" & Mid(.FoundFiles(i), length) & "'"
  95.         Next i
  96.         FileList.RowSource = Files
  97.     Else
  98.         FileList.RowSource = "'No Files Found.'"
  99.     End If
  100. End With
  101. End Function
Feb 20 '07 #4
12,516 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
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  1. Option Compare Database
  2. Option Explicit
  4. Private Sub but_Append_Click()
  6. If IsNull(Month) Or IsNull(Year) Then
  7.     MsgBox "Please Select Month and Year"
  8.     End
  9. End If
FileList is a List Box that is populated using the function Check().
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  1. If IsNull(FileList.Column(0)) Or FileList.Column(0) = "No Files Found." Then Exit Sub
  3. Dim path, npath As String
  4. Dim db As Database
  5. Dim rst As Recordset
  6. Dim PID As Integer
  7. Dim temp As Variant
  8. Dim DateCreated, DataMonth, PName, SName As String
  10. Set db = CurrentDb
FileList.Column (0) refers to the first column of the selected item from the list box. This code assumes that the databases are in the same folder as the consolidation database.
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  1. path = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\" & FileList.Column(0)
  2. DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", path, acTable, "tbl_MainOut", "tbl_MainOut"
  3. DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", path, acTable, "tbl_JobsOut", "tbl_JobsOut"
  4. DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tbl_Main_Backup"
  5. DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tbl_Jobs_Backup"
  6. DoCmd.CopyObject , "tbl_Main_Backup", acTable, "tbl_Main"
  7. DoCmd.CopyObject , "tbl_Jobs_Backup", acTable, "tbl_Jobs"
This next part of the code does a conditional delete. Here's how our system works. We receive the data from multiple programs each month. Every time they send the data, they send their full data, not just the new records. So each program has a Program ID (PID). When we go to consolidate the data, we delete all the records with that PID and then append the new records we just imported.
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  1. Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("tbl_MainOut")
  2. rst.MoveFirst
  3. temp = rst.GetRows(1)
  4. PID = temp(0, 0)
  5. DoCmd.SetWarnings False
  6. DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM tbl_Main WHERE PID = " & PID
  7. DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM tbl_Jobs WHERE PID = " & PID
  8. DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Main SELECT * FROM tbl_MainOut"
  9. DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Jobs SELECT * FROM tbl_JobsOut"
  10. DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT tbl_CodeProvider.Short, tbl_CodeProvider.Name INTO tbl_CurrentProvider FROM tbl_MainOut INNER JOIN tbl_CodeProvider ON tbl_MainOut.PID = tbl_CodeProvider.PID"
  11. DoCmd.SetWarnings True
  13. rst.Close
  15. DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tbl_MainOut"
  16. DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tbl_JobsOut"
This next part moves the file that was just appended to an archive folder that is composed of their Provider Name (SName).
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  1. Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("tbl_CurrentProvider")
  2. rst.MoveFirst
  3. temp = rst.GetRows(1)
  4. PName = temp(1, 0)
  5. SName = temp(0, 0)
  7. npath = Application.CurrentProject.path & "\Providers\" & SName & "\" & FileList.Column(0)
  8. FileCopy path, npath
  9. db.Close
  10. SetAttr path, vbNormal
  11. Kill path
This here appends a record into a log that this program last provided us data on some date, This date is a part of the filename as all exports that we receive from the program directors are named using the same convention. "Program Name Export Date Created.mdb". Then we run Check() again to refresh the List Box.
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  1. DateCreated = Mid(FileList.Column(0), 22, Len(FileList.Column(0)) - 25)
  2. DataMonth = Month & "/" & Year
  3. DoCmd.SetWarnings False
  4. DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Log VALUES (" & PID & ", '" & DateCreated & "', '" & DataMonth & "', Date())"
  5. DoCmd.SetWarnings True
  7. Check
  9. MsgBox "Data for " & PName & " has been appended for " & DataMonth & "."
  11. End Sub
  13. Private Sub but_Close_Click()
  14. DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm_Append"
  15. End Sub
  17. Private Sub Form_Load()
  18. Check
  19. End Sub
  21. Function Check()
  22. With Application.FileSearch
  23.     Dim length As Integer
  24.     length = Len(Application.CurrentProject.path) + 2
  25.     .NewSearch
  26.     .LookIn = Application.CurrentProject.path
  27.     .SearchSubFolders = False
  28.     .FileName = "CDCR CCRC-PSC Export"
  29.     .MatchTextExactly = False
  30.     .FileType = msoFileTypeDatabases
  32.     If .Execute() > 0 Then
  33.         Dim i As Integer
  34.         Dim Files As String
  35.         Files = "'" & Mid(.FoundFiles(1), length) & "'"
  36.         For i = 2 To .FoundFiles.Count
  37.             Files = Files & ";'" & Mid(.FoundFiles(i), length) & "'"
  38.         Next i
  39.         FileList.RowSource = Files
  40.     Else
  41.         FileList.RowSource = "'No Files Found.'"
  42.     End If
  43. End With
  44. End Function
This code is about a month old and I've learned a bit since then. So I'm sure optimizations could be made to it. But it works and you should be able to scrap a lot of it for your purposes.
Feb 20 '07 #5

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