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Search a specific directory on a specific drive

I have been trying to edit the Explorer example by Dev Ashish I found
on www.msvp.org (I think). I have been all over the net so I am not
quite sure where the file came from.
I like the way it works but I can not find a way to tell it to display
a certain directory. I want it to display a folder on our share drive.
I know the path for the directory. I want users to be able to open any
files below the parent directory I tell it to start in.
So, I don't want to to search for all the drives on the user's
I am very new to programming in VB and need detailed instructions if
There are 4 modules and a form. I know it is best to post the code but
since it is so long I tought I would ask which module I should post
instead of posting them all.
Oh, I am using MS Access 2002. The files I want to access are on the
shared drive with the database (different directory).
Let me know if more information is required. I will look for the web
site where I downloaded the files and post it here. Until then, any
help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Nov 13 '05 #1
6 1872
I use AK2 and have a table "Paths" that holds paths to various things that
might be of interest in that database such as where the backend is stores,
where the photos are stored, where the help file is etc.

The routine for looking for a file or directory starts from the location
found in paths and opens the directory open dialogue box.
Nicked from various sources

Can probably send something if you are interested

"E Pease" <go****@thaiam. com> wrote in message
news:a1******** *************** ***@posting.goo gle.com...
I have been trying to edit the Explorer example by Dev Ashish I found
on www.msvp.org (I think). I have been all over the net so I am not
quite sure where the file came from.
I like the way it works but I can not find a way to tell it to display
a certain directory. I want it to display a folder on our share drive.
I know the path for the directory. I want users to be able to open any
files below the parent directory I tell it to start in.
So, I don't want to to search for all the drives on the user's
I am very new to programming in VB and need detailed instructions if
There are 4 modules and a form. I know it is best to post the code but
since it is so long I tought I would ask which module I should post
instead of posting them all.
Oh, I am using MS Access 2002. The files I want to access are on the
shared drive with the database (different directory).
Let me know if more information is required. I will look for the web
site where I downloaded the files and post it here. Until then, any
help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Nov 13 '05 #2

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Nov 13 '05 #3
Thanks. I would like to try that. It sounds like a good solution to my
problem since I think there will be more instances when I will need to
have users open a file on the shared drive. Please send a URL to the
download site. Is it free? Are there any known problems in setting it

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Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Nov 13 '05 #4
OK. I did not understand that AK2 was Access 2002.
Nov 13 '05 #5
I am very interested in anything you can send. I will try to create a
table with the paths now.

E P <de***********@ thaiam.com> wrote in message news:<41******* *************** @news.newsgroup s.ws>...
Thanks. I would like to try that. It sounds like a good solution to my
problem since I think there will be more instances when I will need to
have users open a file on the shared drive. Please send a URL to the
download site. Is it free? Are there any known problems in setting it

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Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

Nov 13 '05 #6
OK. I found another script and got the module to start in the
directory I want BUT it does not open the file once I double click on
the name. It just closes the browsing window. I have pasted the code I
am using below.
Where and how do I set it to open the file I select using its default

Thanks in advance.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~Code Starts Here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'API: Call the standard Windows File Open/Save dialog box
'Paste the following code in a new module
'************** *** Code Start **************
'This code was originally written by Ken Getz.
'It is not to be altered or distributed, except as part of an
'You are free to use it in any application,
'provided the copyright notice is left unchanged.
' Code courtesy of:
' Microsoft Access 95 How-To
' Ken Getz and Paul Litwin
' Waite Group Press, 1996

lStructSize As Long
hwndOwner As Long
hInstance As Long
strFilter As String
strCustomFilter As String
nMaxCustFilter As Long
nFilterIndex As Long
strFile As String
nMaxFile As Long
strFileTitle As String
nMaxFileTitle As Long
strInitialDir As String
strTitle As String
Flags As Long
nFileOffset As Integer
nFileExtension As Integer
strDefExt As String
lCustData As Long
lpfnHook As Long
lpTemplateName As String
End Type
Declare Function aht_apiGetOpenF ileName Lib "comdlg32.d ll" _
Alias "GetOpenFileNam eA" (OFN As tagOPENFILENAME ) As Boolean
Declare Function aht_apiGetSaveF ileName Lib "comdlg32.d ll" _
Alias "GetSaveFileNam eA" (OFN As tagOPENFILENAME ) As Boolean
Declare Function CommDlgExtended Error Lib "comdlg32.d ll" () As Long
Global Const ahtOFN_READONLY = &H1
Global Const ahtOFN_OVERWRIT EPROMPT = &H2
Global Const ahtOFN_HIDEREAD ONLY = &H4
Global Const ahtOFN_NOCHANGE DIR = &H8
Global Const ahtOFN_SHOWHELP = &H10
' You won't use these.
'Global Const ahtOFN_ENABLEHO OK = &H20
'Global Const ahtOFN_ENABLETE MPLATE = &H40
Global Const ahtOFN_NOVALIDA TE = &H100
Global Const ahtOFN_ALLOWMUL TISELECT = &H200
Global Const ahtOFN_PATHMUST EXIST = &H800
Global Const ahtOFN_FILEMUST EXIST = &H1000
Global Const ahtOFN_CREATEPR OMPT = &H2000
Global Const ahtOFN_SHAREAWA RE = &H4000
Global Const ahtOFN_NOREADON LYRETURN = &H8000
Global Const ahtOFN_NOTESTFI LECREATE = &H10000
Global Const ahtOFN_NONETWOR KBUTTON = &H20000
Global Const ahtOFN_NOLONGNA MES = &H40000
' New for Windows 95
Global Const ahtOFN_EXPLORER = &H80000
Global Const ahtOFN_NODEREFE RENCELINKS = &H100000
Global Const ahtOFN_LONGNAME S = &H200000
Function TestIt()
Dim strFilter As String
Dim lngFlags As Long
strFilter = ahtAddFilterIte m(strFilter, "Access Files (*.mda, *.mdb)",
"*.MDA;*.MD B")
strFilter = ahtAddFilterIte m(strFilter, "dBASE Files (*.dbf)",
strFilter = ahtAddFilterIte m(strFilter, "Text Files (*.txt)", "*.TXT")
strFilter = ahtAddFilterIte m(strFilter, "All Files (*.*)", "*.*")
MsgBox "You selected: " & ahtCommonFileOp enSave(InitialD ir:="C:\", _
Filter:=strFilt er, FilterIndex:=3, Flags:=lngFlags , _
DialogTitle:="H ello! Open Me!")
' Since you passed in a variable for lngFlags,
' the function places the output flags value in the variable.
Debug.Print Hex(lngFlags)
End Function

Function GetOpenFile(Opt ional varDirectory As Variant, _
Optional varTitleForDial og As Variant) As Variant
' Here's an example that gets an Access database name.
Dim strFilter As String
Dim lngFlags As Long
Dim varFileName As Variant
' Specify that the chosen file must already exist,
' don't change directories when you're done
' Also, don't bother displaying
' the read-only box. It'll only confuse people.
lngFlags = ahtOFN_FILEMUST EXIST Or _
If IsMissing(varDi rectory) Then
varDirectory = ""
End If
If IsMissing(varTi tleForDialog) Then
varTitleForDial og = ""
End If

' Define the filter string and allocate space in the "c"
' string Duplicate this line with changes as necessary for
' more file templates.
strFilter = ahtAddFilterIte m(strFilter, _
"Access (*.mdb)", "*.MDB;*.MD A")
' Now actually call to get the file name.
varFileName = ahtCommonFileOp enSave( _
OpenFile:=True, _
InitialDir:=var Directory, _
Filter:=strFilt er, _
Flags:=lngFlags , _
DialogTitle:=va rTitleForDialog )
If Not IsNull(varFileN ame) Then
varFileName = TrimNull(varFil eName)
End If
GetOpenFile = varFileName
End Function
Function ahtCommonFileOp enSave( _
Optional ByRef Flags As Variant, _
Optional ByVal InitialDir As Variant, _
Optional ByVal Filter As Variant, _
Optional ByVal FilterIndex As Variant, _
Optional ByVal DefaultExt As Variant, _
Optional ByVal FileName As Variant, _
Optional ByVal DialogTitle As Variant, _
Optional ByVal hwnd As Variant, _
Optional ByVal OpenFile As Variant) As Variant
' This is the entry point you'll use to call the common
' file open/save dialog. The parameters are listed
' below, and all are optional.
' In:
' Flags: one or more of the ahtOFN_* constants, OR'd together.
' InitialDir: the directory in which to first look
' Filter: a set of file filters, set up by calling
' AddFilterItem. See examples.
' FilterIndex: 1-based integer indicating which filter
' set to use, by default (1 if unspecified)
' DefaultExt: Extension to use if the user doesn't enter one.
' Only useful on file saves.
' FileName: Default value for the file name text box.
' DialogTitle: Title for the dialog.
' hWnd: parent window handle
' OpenFile: Boolean(True=Op en File/False=Save As)
' Out:
' Return Value: Either Null or the selected filename
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strFileTitle As String
Dim fResult As Boolean
' Give the dialog a caption title.
If IsMissing(Initi alDir) Then InitialDir = "CurDir"
If IsMissing(Filte r) Then Filter = ""
If IsMissing(Filte rIndex) Then FilterIndex = 1
If IsMissing(Flags ) Then Flags = 0&
If IsMissing(Defau ltExt) Then DefaultExt = ""
If IsMissing(FileN ame) Then FileName = ""
If IsMissing(Dialo gTitle) Then DialogTitle = ""
If IsMissing(hwnd) Then hwnd = Application.hWn dAccessApp
If IsMissing(OpenF ile) Then OpenFile = True
' Allocate string space for the returned strings.
strFileName = Left(FileName & String(256, 0), 256)
strFileTitle = String(256, 0)
' Set up the data structure before you call the function
With OFN
..lStructSize = Len(OFN)
..hwndOwner = hwnd
..strFilter = Filter
..nFilterIndex = FilterIndex
..strFile = strFileName
..nMaxFile = Len(strFileName )
..strFileTitle = strFileTitle
..nMaxFileTitle = Len(strFileTitl e)
..strTitle = DialogTitle
..Flags = Flags
..strDefExt = DefaultExt
..strInitialDir = InitialDir
' Didn't think most people would want to deal with
' these options.
..hInstance = 0
..strCustomFilt er = ""
..nMaxCustFilte r = 0
..lpfnHook = 0
'New for NT 4.0
..strCustomFilt er = String(255, 0)
..nMaxCustFilte r = 255
End With
' This will pass the desired data structure to the
' Windows API, which will in turn it uses to display
' the Open/Save As Dialog.
If OpenFile Then
fResult = aht_apiGetOpenF ileName(OFN)
fResult = aht_apiGetSaveF ileName(OFN)
End If

' The function call filled in the strFileTitle member
' of the structure. You'll have to write special code
' to retrieve that if you're interested.
If fResult Then
' You might care to check the Flags member of the
' structure to get information about the chosen file.
' In this example, if you bothered to pass in a
' value for Flags, we'll fill it in with the outgoing
' Flags value.
If Not IsMissing(Flags ) Then Flags = OFN.Flags
ahtCommonFileOp enSave = TrimNull(OFN.st rFile)
ahtCommonFileOp enSave = vbNullString
End If
End Function
Function ahtAddFilterIte m(strFilter As String, _
strDescription As String, Optional varItem As Variant) As String
' Tack a new chunk onto the file filter.
' That is, take the old value, stick onto it the description,
' (like "Databases" ), a null character, the skeleton
' (like "*.mdb;*.md a") and a final null character.

If IsMissing(varIt em) Then varItem = "*.*"
ahtAddFilterIte m = strFilter & _
strDescription & vbNullChar & _
varItem & vbNullChar
End Function
Private Function TrimNull(ByVal strItem As String) As String
Dim intPos As Integer
intPos = InStr(strItem, vbNullChar)
If intPos > 0 Then
TrimNull = Left(strItem, intPos - 1)
TrimNull = strItem
End If
End Function
'************** Code End *************** **

Sub Just_More_Notes ()
'To call the actual dialog from your code, see the enclosed function
'within the module or use the following example as a guideline and
Dim strFilter As String
Dim strInputFileNam e As String

strFilter = ahtAddFilterIte m(strFilter, "Excel Files (*.XLS)",
strInputFileNam e = ahtCommonFileOp enSave(Filter:= strFilter,
OpenFile:=True, _
DialogTitle:="P lease select an input file...", _

'Note that in order to call the Save As dialog box,you can use the
'same wrapper function by just setting the OpenFile option as False.
For example,

'Ask for SaveFileName
strFilter = ahtAddFilterIte m(myStrFilter, "Excel Files (*.xls)",
strSaveFileName = ahtCommonFileOp enSave(OpenFile :=False,
Filter:=strFilt er, _
End Sub

Function OpenDocRepos(Op tional varDirectory As Variant) As Variant
Dim strFilter As String, lngFlags As Long, varFileName As Variant

lngFlags = ahtOFN_FILEMUST EXIST Or _
If IsMissing(varDi rectory) Then
varDirectory = ""
End If
' you can choose to add a number of file extensions which will appear
in the drop down Files of Type box
' strFilter = ahtAddFilterIte m(strFilter, "Text files (*.txt)",
strFilter = ahtAddFilterIte m(strFilter, "Any files (*.*)", "*.*")
varFileName = ahtCommonFileOp enSave( _
OpenFile:=True, _
InitialDir:="\\ Server1.tdfinan cial.local\home option\DOCUMENT
Filter:=strFilt er, _
Flags:=lngFlags , _
DialogTitle:="C hose a file ...") ' < This is the title to your dialog
If Not IsNull(varFileN ame) Then
varFileName = TrimNull(varFil eName)
End If
OpenDocRepos = varFileName
End Function
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~Code Ends Here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
Nov 13 '05 #7

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