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Call WORD via VB.Net

I want to try call/run Ms. Word via my VB.Net
First I added reference : Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library. Then I got 2 references in my reference list : Word and Microsoft.Offic e.Core

When I typed :
Dim objWord as Word.Applicatio n
Dim objDocument as Word.Document

I got an error (underline at Word.Applicatio n and Word.Document).
What is actually happen ?
Can anybody tell how to do what I want ?

Thanks in advance.
Nov 20 '05 #1
8 11303
Joachim wrote:
I want to try call/run Ms. Word via my VB.Net
First I added reference : Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library. Then I got 2 references in my reference list : Word and Microsoft.Offic e.Core

When I typed :
Dim objWord as Word.Applicatio n
Dim objDocument as Word.Document

I got an error (underline at Word.Applicatio n and Word.Document).
What is actually happen ?
Can anybody tell how to do what I want ?

Hi Joachim,

seems you have Office XP PIAs installed

It should be

Microsoft.Offic e.Interop.Word. ApplicationClas s
Microsoft.Offic e.Interop.Word. DocumentClass

Understanding the Word Object Model from a .NET Developer's Perspective:


Arne Janning

Nov 20 '05 #2
Joachim wrote:

hi Joachim,

insert a pagebreak after each record:

objWord.Selecti on.InsertBreak (Type:=wdPageBr eak)
objWord.Range.I nsertBreak (Type:=wdPageBr eak)

Arne Janning
Thanks Arne,

It works now.
I have one more problem/question. I hope you can help me out.

I have a templete (WORD templete) : MyTemplete.dot
This is a 1 page templete with several bookmarks.
I want to "print out" all my data/record with MyTemplete file via VB.Net.
1 page for 1 record, but all of the pages should be in 1 document.
Ex. : 50 records mean 50 pages WORD document.
The problem is : What should I do to make 1 record 1 page ?

Thanks in advance,
Below is my code :
Private sub PrintwithWord()
Dim objWord As Word.Applicatio n
Dim objDocument As Word.Document
objWord = CType(CreateObj ect("Word.Appli cation"), Word.Applicatio n)
objDocument = CType(objWord.D ocuments.Open(A ppPath & "MyExamen.dot") , Word.Document)

For i = 1 To TotalRecords
objDocument = CType(objWord.D ocuments.Open(A ppPath & "MyTempelte.dot "), Word.Document)
objWord.Visible = True
If objDocument Is Nothing Then
MsgBox("The Templete file not fond !", MsgBoxStyle.Cri tical, "Error")
Exit Sub
End If
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks1").Range.Te xt = MyField1
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks2").Range.Te xt = MyField2
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks3").Range.Te xt = MyField3
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks4").Range.Te xt = MyField4
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks5").Range.Te xt = MyField5
objDocument.Pri ntPreview()
objDocument.Sav eAs(UserPath & "\" & "-Text" & ".doc")
objDocument.Clo se()
objWord.Visible = False
End Sub

"Arne Janning" wrote:
Hi Joachim,

seems you have Office XP PIAs installed

It should be

Microsoft.Off ice.Interop.Wor d.ApplicationCl ass
Microsoft.Off ice.Interop.Wor d.DocumentClass

Understandi ng the Word Object Model from a .NET Developer's Perspective:


Arne Janning

Nov 20 '05 #3
Thanks Arne,

There is no "objWord.Range. InsertBreak (Type:=wdPageBr eak)"
I did add : "objWord.Select ion.InsertBreak (Type:=wdPageBr eak)"
But I got error (underline) at (Type:=wdPageBr eak)

What I have done is :
I inserted "objWord.Select ion.InsertBreak (Type:=wdPageBr eak)" after bookmark5.
I relocated :
objDocument.Pri ntPreview()
objDocument.Sav eAs(UserPath & "\" & "-Text" & ".doc")
objDocument.Clo se()
to after NEXT statement.

Why I got an error ?


"Arne Janning" wrote:
hi Joachim,

insert a pagebreak after each record:

objWord.Selecti on.InsertBreak (Type:=wdPageBr eak)
objWord.Range.I nsertBreak (Type:=wdPageBr eak)

Arne Janning

Nov 20 '05 #4
Thanks Arne,

It works now.
I have one more problem/question. I hope you can help me out.

I have a templete (WORD templete) : MyTemplete.dot
This is a 1 page templete with several bookmarks.
I want to "print out" all my data/record with MyTemplete file via VB.Net.
1 page for 1 record, but all of the pages should be in 1 document.
Ex. : 50 records mean 50 pages WORD document.
The problem is : What should I do to make 1 record 1 page ?

Thanks in advance,
Below is my code :
Private sub PrintwithWord()
Dim objWord As Word.Applicatio n
Dim objDocument As Word.Document
objWord = CType(CreateObj ect("Word.Appli cation"), Word.Applicatio n)
objDocument = CType(objWord.D ocuments.Open(A ppPath & "MyExamen.dot") , Word.Document)

For i = 1 To TotalRecords
objDocument = CType(objWord.D ocuments.Open(A ppPath & "MyTempelte.dot "), Word.Document)
objWord.Visible = True
If objDocument Is Nothing Then
MsgBox("The Templete file not fond !", MsgBoxStyle.Cri tical, "Error")
Exit Sub
End If
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks1").Range.Te xt = MyField1
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks2").Range.Te xt = MyField2
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks3").Range.Te xt = MyField3
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks4").Range.Te xt = MyField4
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks5").Range.Te xt = MyField5
objDocument.Pri ntPreview()
objDocument.Sav eAs(UserPath & "\" & "-Text" & ".doc")
objDocument.Clo se()
objWord.Visible = False
End Sub

"Arne Janning" wrote:
Hi Joachim,

seems you have Office XP PIAs installed

It should be

Microsoft.Offic e.Interop.Word. ApplicationClas s
Microsoft.Offic e.Interop.Word. DocumentClass

Understanding the Word Object Model from a .NET Developer's Perspective:


Arne Janning

Nov 20 '05 #5
Joachim wrote:
It should like this :
objWord.Selecti on.InsertBreak( Word.WdBreakTyp e.wdPageBreak)

But the result is not what I like.
I have 5 records (just for trying). The first 4 pages are empty.
The last page gives me the result, but like this :
(The first bookmark is Name)
Name : Name1NAme2Name3 Name4Name5
Address : Adr1Adr2Adr3Adr 4Adr5
They stick together in one line.

What I should do now ?
Please help me....

What is the code you're actually using?


Nov 20 '05 #6
> What is the code you're actually using?



Hi, Arne.

Here is my code :
Private sub PrintwithWord()
Dim objWord As Word.Applicatio n
Dim objDocument As Word.Document
objWord = CType(CreateObj ect("Word.Appli cation"), Word.Applicatio n)
objDocument = CType(objWord.D ocuments.Open(A ppPath & "MyExamen.dot") , Word.Document)

For i = 1 To TotalRecords
objDocument = CType(objWord.D ocuments.Open(A ppPath & "MyTempelte.dot "), Word.Document)
objWord.Visible = True
If objDocument Is Nothing Then
MsgBox("The Templete file not fond !", MsgBoxStyle.Cri tical, "Error")
Exit Sub
End If
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks1").Range.Te xt = MyField1
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks2").Range.Te xt = MyField2
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks3").Range.Te xt = MyField3
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks4").Range.Te xt = MyField4
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks5").Range.Te xt = MyField5

' I have tried all of two, but got the same result.
'objWord.Select ion.InsertBreak (Word.WdBreakTy pe.wdPageBreak)
objDocument.Act iveWindow.Selec tion.InsertBrea k()
objWord.Visible = False
objDocument.Pri ntPreview()
objDocument.Sav eAs(UserPath & "\" & "-Text" & ".doc")
objDocument.Clo se()
End Sub
Nov 20 '05 #7
Joachim wrote:
Hi, Arne.

Here is my code :
Private sub PrintwithWord()
Dim objWord As Word.Applicatio n
Dim objDocument As Word.Document
objWord = CType(CreateObj ect("Word.Appli cation"), Word.Applicatio n)
objDocument = CType(objWord.D ocuments.Open(A ppPath & "MyExamen.dot") , Word.Document)

For i = 1 To TotalRecords
objDocument = CType(objWord.D ocuments.Open(A ppPath & "MyTempelte.dot "), Word.Document)
objWord.Visible = True
If objDocument Is Nothing Then
MsgBox("The Templete file not fond !", MsgBoxStyle.Cri tical, "Error")
Exit Sub
End If
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks1").Range.Te xt = MyField1
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks2").Range.Te xt = MyField2
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks3").Range.Te xt = MyField3
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks4").Range.Te xt = MyField4
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks5").Range.Te xt = MyField5

' I have tried all of two, but got the same result.
'objWord.Select ion.InsertBreak (Word.WdBreakTy pe.wdPageBreak)
objDocument.Act iveWindow.Selec tion.InsertBrea k()
objWord.Visible = False
objDocument.Pri ntPreview()
objDocument.Sav eAs(UserPath & "\" & "-Text" & ".doc")
objDocument.Clo se()
End Sub

Hi Joachim,

2 thoughts:

1. objWord is never saved? You only save objDocument?
2. objDocument.Act iveWindow.Selec tion.InsertBrea k(). Where is the
Selection during runtime? At the end of the page? At the top? Don't you
have to set the selection to the end of the page before calling
InsertBreak()? You will only get empty pages otherwise.


Arne Janning
Nov 20 '05 #8
Great to see you.
Finally I get your reply, I have waited for this.
As a beginner, I don't know how to code it, I just try myself.
What I want is 1 record 1 page in WORD and all record in one .DOC file.
So Arne, how should I code it ?
Will you change my code to meet what I want, please ?
Please help me out Arne !

"Arne Janning" wrote:
Joachim wrote:
Hi, Arne.

Here is my code :
Private sub PrintwithWord()
Dim objWord As Word.Applicatio n
Dim objDocument As Word.Document
objWord = CType(CreateObj ect("Word.Appli cation"), Word.Applicatio n)
objDocument = CType(objWord.D ocuments.Open(A ppPath & "MyExamen.dot") , Word.Document)

For i = 1 To TotalRecords
objDocument = CType(objWord.D ocuments.Open(A ppPath & "MyTempelte.dot "), Word.Document)
objWord.Visible = True
If objDocument Is Nothing Then
MsgBox("The Templete file not fond !", MsgBoxStyle.Cri tical, "Error")
Exit Sub
End If
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks1").Range.Te xt = MyField1
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks2").Range.Te xt = MyField2
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks3").Range.Te xt = MyField3
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks4").Range.Te xt = MyField4
objWord.ActiveD ocument.Bookmar ks.Item("Bookma rks5").Range.Te xt = MyField5

' I have tried all of two, but got the same result.
'objWord.Select ion.InsertBreak (Word.WdBreakTy pe.wdPageBreak)
objDocument.Act iveWindow.Selec tion.InsertBrea k()
objWord.Visible = False
objDocument.Pri ntPreview()
objDocument.Sav eAs(UserPath & "\" & "-Text" & ".doc")
objDocument.Clo se()
End Sub

Hi Joachim,

2 thoughts:

1. objWord is never saved? You only save objDocument?
2. objDocument.Act iveWindow.Selec tion.InsertBrea k(). Where is the
Selection during runtime? At the end of the page? At the top? Don't you
have to set the selection to the end of the page before calling
InsertBreak()? You will only get empty pages otherwise.


Arne Janning

Nov 20 '05 #9

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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