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Checksum, CRC or something better?

Hi there,

I am working on an application to be used in our local Forensics

Among other things the app will connect to a digital camera and download the
images to the hard drive. For various reasons I need to be able to say with
certainty that the image on the hard drive is exactly what was on the
camera... any ideas on best way to achieve this...?

I could do a checksum of each image and compare this but not sure how to
implement in code or if there is a better way. Merely checking the file size
matches is not sufficient to stand up in Court.

Any suggestions appreciated, especially if sample code included (can be
classic VB if necessary). Does .Net perhaps have something like this built
into the Framework?

Nov 20 '05
24 6852
Hi again Peter,

I have attempted to use this hashing code in the following scenario:

Get an image, base64 encode and write to xml file.

Reverse this process to get image file back.

Compare hashes of before and after - they do not match... image looks
identical visually, and has same filesize and other properties... can you
suggest a way I can store these images to an XML file and get the exact same
file back when I extract the image again...?

The XML code is something like this:

Private Sub WriteXMLImage(B yVal strSourceFilePa thAndName As String,
Optional ByVal strTargetFilePa thAndName As String = "")

If strSourceFilePa thAndName <> "" Then

Dim strSourceExtens ion As String = ""
strSourceExtens ion = strSourceFilePa thAndName.Subst ring
(strSourceFileP athAndName.Leng th - 3)

'Destination filename not supplied so make one up
If strTargetFilePa thAndName = "" Then
strTargetFilePa thAndName =
strSourceFilePa thAndName.Subst ring(0, strSourceFilePa thAndName.Lengt h
- 3)
& "xml"
End If

Dim xmlTextWriter As New XmlTextWriter
(strTargetFileP athAndName, Encoding.UTF8)
xmlTextWriter.F ormatting = Formatting.Inde nted
xmlTextWriter.W riteStartDocume nt()

' Copy the picture into a MemoryStream.
Dim memory_stream As New MemoryStream
Dim objImageOrigina l As Image

objImageOrigina l = New Bitmap(strSourc eFilePathAndNam e)
'objImageOrigin al = objImageOrigina l.FromFile
(strSourceFileP athAndName)
objImageOrigina l.Save(memory_s tream, GetFormat
(strSourceExten sion))

' Copy the MemoryStream data into a Byte array.
Dim objBytes(memory _stream.Length - 1) As Byte
objBytes = memory_stream.T oArray()

' Make a Picture element.
xmlTextWriter.W riteStartElemen t("Picture")
xmlTextWriter.W riteAttributeSt ring("Encoding" ,
' Save Image details and encoding as Attributes

xmlTextWriter.W riteAttributeSt ring("Bytes",
objBytes.Length )
xmlTextWriter.W riteAttributeSt ring("Height",
objImageOrigina l.Height)
xmlTextWriter.W riteAttributeSt ring("Width",
objImageOrigina l.Width)
xmlTextWriter.W riteAttributeSt ring("Type",
strSourceExtens ion)
xmlTextWriter.W riteBase64(objB ytes, 0, objBytes.Length )
xmlTextWriter.W riteEndElement( )
xmlTextWriter.W riteEndDocument ()

xmlTextWriter.C lose()
objImageOrigina l.Dispose()
MsgBox("XML file created successfully ! ",
MsgBoxStyle.Inf ormation, "Success !")

MsgBox("A target file name must be supplied.",
MsgBoxStyle.OKO nly + MsgBoxStyle.Exc lamation, "Error")
Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Private Sub ReadXMLImage(By Val strSourceFilePa thAndName As String)

If strSourceFilePa thAndName <> "" Then

Dim objImageOrigina l As Image
Dim blnValidXML As Boolean = False
Dim strImageExtensi on As String = ""
Dim strTargetFilePa thAndName As String = ""

' Load the picture from XML
Dim xmlTextReader As New XmlTextReader
(strSourceFileP athAndName)

' Skip until we find the Picture node.
Do While xmlTextReader.R ead()
' See if this is the Picture node.
If xmlTextReader.N ame = "Picture" Then
blnValidXML = True
' Allocate room for the byte data and get all
Dim intNumBytes As Integer =
xmlTextReader.G etAttribute
Dim h As Integer =
xmlTextReader.G etAttribute("He ight")
Dim w As Integer =
xmlTextReader.G etAttribute("Wi dth")

strImageExtensi on =
xmlTextReader.G etAttribute("Ty pe")

'Refresh the target file according to parameters
from XML file Type Attribute
strTargetFilePa thAndName = Replace
(strSourceFileP athAndName, ".xml", "New." &
strImageExtensi on)
'lbl_Message.Te xt = "Source File : " &
strSourceFilePa thAndName & vbCrLf & "Target File : " &
strTargetFilePa thAndName

Dim bytes(intNumByt es - 1) As Byte

' Translate the encoded data back into byte data.
Select Case xmlTextReader.G etAttribute
("Encoding").To Lower
Case "base64"
xmlTextReader.R eadBase64(bytes , 0,
Case "binhex"
xmlTextReader.R eadBinHex(bytes , 0,
Case Else
MsgBox("Unknown image encoding
'" &
xmlTextReader.G etAttribute("En coding") & "'", _
MsgBoxStyle.Exc lamation, "Unknown
Exit Sub
End Select

' Allocate a MemoryStream and a BinaryWriter
to it.
Dim memory_stream As New MemoryStream
Dim binary_writer As BinaryWriter = New

' Copy the bytes into the BinaryWriter and
binary_writer.W rite(bytes, 0, intNumBytes)
binary_writer.F lush()

' Load the picture from the memory stream and
save it
and show in the Picture box.
memory_stream.P osition = 0
objImageOrigina l = Image.FromStrea m(memory_stream )

'objImageOrigin al.Save(strTarg etFilePathAndNa me,
GetFormat(strIm ageExtension))
objImageOrigina l.Save(strTarge tFilePathAndNam e)
'Me.PB_sample.I mage =
Image.FromStrea m(memory_stream )
'PB_sample.Size Mode =
PictureBoxSizeM ode.CenterImage
binary_writer.C lose()
Exit Do
End If

xmlTextReader.C lose()
If blnValidXML Then
MsgBox(strImage Extension.ToUpp er & " file created
successfully ! ", MsgBoxStyle.Inf ormation, "Success !")
MsgBox("Invalid XML file format ! ",
MsgBoxStyle.Cri tical,
"Error !")
End If

MsgBox("An xml file containing the image must be
MsgBoxStyle.OKO nly + MsgBoxStyle.Inf ormation, "File error")
Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Private Function GetFormat(ByVal ImageType As String) As
System.Drawing. Imaging.ImageFo rmat
Select Case ImageType.ToUpp er
Case "JPG"
Return ImageFormat.Jpe g
Case "GIF"
Return ImageFormat.Gif
Case "PNG"
Return ImageFormat.Png
Case "BMP"
Return ImageFormat.Bmp
End Select
End Function

Also, I want (need) to do this for image formats that aren't recognised by
the image object (Wavelet Scalar Quantization .wsq format)... any idea how I
can achieve this?

Cheers again for you help...
"Peter Huang" <v-******@online.m icrosoft.com> wrote in message
news:7y******** ******@cpmsftng xa06.phx.gbl...
Hi Bob,

If you have any question on this issue please post here.

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Nov 20 '05 #21
Hi Bob,

Here is my code snipper.
Dim writer As New XmlTextWriter(" c:\test.xml",
System.Text.Enc oding.UTF8)
writer.WriteSta rtElement("ss")
writer.WriteBas e64(arr, 0, len)
writer.WriteEnd Element()
Dim readoutbuffer(l en) As Byte
Dim reader As New XmlTextReader(" c:\test.xml")
Dim rt As Integer = reader.ReadBase 64(readoutbuffe r, 0, len)

I think the WriteBase64 of XmlTextWriter and the ReadBase64 of
XmlTextReader is what you want.
For more information, you may refer to the two methods in MSDN.
Please have a try and let me know the result.
Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Nov 20 '05 #22
Peter, you're too much...

Thanks again for your help... I was looking at this myself but hadn't got it
to work completely (was trying with filestream object)...

"Peter Huang" <v-******@online.m icrosoft.com> wrote in message
news:wW******** ******@cpmsftng xa06.phx.gbl...
Hi Bob,

Here is my code snipper.
Dim writer As New XmlTextWriter(" c:\test.xml",
System.Text.Enc oding.UTF8)
writer.WriteSta rtElement("ss")
writer.WriteBas e64(arr, 0, len)
writer.WriteEnd Element()
Dim readoutbuffer(l en) As Byte
Dim reader As New XmlTextReader(" c:\test.xml")
Dim rt As Integer = reader.ReadBase 64(readoutbuffe r, 0, len)

I think the WriteBase64 of XmlTextWriter and the ReadBase64 of
XmlTextReader is what you want.
For more information, you may refer to the two methods in MSDN.
Please have a try and let me know the result.
Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Nov 20 '05 #23
Hi Bob,

Actually your code works well on my machines.
the WriteXMLImage will write dafen.jpg into the dafen.xml
the ReadXMLImage will read dafen.xml and create a new file dafenNew.jpg

I then computer the two files dafen.jpg and dafenNew.jpg 's hash code ,
they are match.

I post my code snipper in the previous post, I hope you can creatd a simple
test project as what I did.
To isolate the problem, my idea is that write the jpg file into the xml
file and then read it back from the xml file.
Then you will know if there is any wrong with XMLwrite and XMLread steps.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Nov 20 '05 #24
Well, good to know you can get it to work... not sure why I had problems...
it did store the image to XML and recover it fine... the image opened and
looked identical... it was only the hash value that differed.

Still, your code is absolute simplicity compared to what I was using... it
works a treat...

If I can only get around the CD Writing issue I'll pretty much have a fully
functional prototype...

Cheers Peter...

"Peter Huang" <v-******@online.m icrosoft.com> wrote in message
news:gI******** *****@cpmsftngx a06.phx.gbl...
Hi Bob,

Actually your code works well on my machines.
the WriteXMLImage will write dafen.jpg into the dafen.xml
the ReadXMLImage will read dafen.xml and create a new file dafenNew.jpg

I then computer the two files dafen.jpg and dafenNew.jpg 's hash code ,
they are match.

I post my code snipper in the previous post, I hope you can creatd a simple test project as what I did.
To isolate the problem, my idea is that write the jpg file into the xml
file and then read it back from the xml file.
Then you will know if there is any wrong with XMLwrite and XMLread steps.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Nov 20 '05 #25

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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