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is decorator the right thing to use?


after hearing a lot about decorators and never actually using one I have
decided to give it a try. My particular usecase is that I have class that
acts as a proxy to other classes (i.e. passes messages along to those
classes) however hand-coding this type of class is rather tedious, so I
decided to use decorator for that. Can somebody tell me if what I'm doing
is a potential shot-in-the-foot or am I on the right track? (Note, It's
rather rudimentary proof-of-concept implementation and not the final
solution I'm about to employ so there are no optimizations or
signature-preserving code there yet, just the idea).

Here's the code:

class A:
def __init__(self,b ):

def mymethod(self,a ):
print "A::mymetho d, ",a

def mymethod2(self, a):
print "A::another method, ",a
def Aproxy(fn):
def delegate(*args, **kw):
print "%s::%s" % (args[0].__class__.__na me__,fn.__name_ _)
fnew=getattr(b, fn.__name__)
# get rid of original object reference
del args[0]
fnew(*args,**kw )
setattr(A,fn.__ name__,delegate )
return fn

class B:
def __init__(self):

def bmethod(self,a) :
print "B::bmethod "
print a, self.val

def bmethod2(self,a ):
print "B::bmethod 2"
print a, self.val

b.bmethod('foo' )
a.bmethod('bar' )
a.bmethod2('zam ')
Sep 24 '08
25 1459
On Sep 27, 1:44 am, "Dmitry S. Makovey" <dmi...@makovey .netwrote:
George Sakkis wrote:
Although this works, the second argument to ProxyMethod shouldn't be
necessary, it's semantically redundant; ideally you would like to
write it as "bmethod = ProxyMethod('b' )".

since I'm already on exploratory trail (what about that rug being pulled
from under....?) With my code I can do really dirty tricks like this (not
necessary that I'm going to):

class B_base:
def bmethod(self):
print 'B_base'

class B(B_base):
def bmethod(self):
print 'B'

class A:
bmethod=ProxyMe thod('b',B_base .bmethod)
Yes, that's indeed dirty; don't do it :)
As before, I don't think
that's doable without metaclasses (or worse, stack frame hacking).
Below is the update of my original recipe; interestingly, it's
(slightly) simpler than before:

Out of curiosity (and trying to understand): why do you insist on
dictionaries with strings contents ( {'bmethod' : 'b1' } ) rather than
something more explicit ? Again, I can see that your code is working and I
can even understand what it's doing, just trying to explore alternatives :)

I guess my bias is towards more explicit declarations thus

bmethod=ProxyMe thod('b',B.bmet hod)

looks more attractive to me, but I stand to be corrected/educated why is
that not the right thing to do?
I see where you're coming from and I also prefer explicit reflection
mechanisms instead of strings (e.g. avoid eval/exec as much as
possible). As I mentioned, the second argument to ProxyMethod is (for
all sane purposes) redundant, so if you could implement it in a way
that "bmethod = ProxyMethod('b' )" worked, I would be all for it, but
AFAIK it's not possible without a metaclass. A dict with string keys
and values to be consumed by a metaclass is perhaps the simplest thing
that could possibly work. It contains all the relevant information for
hooking the proxy to the delegate methods and nothing more; zero
boilerplate code overhead. Also note that it's not that big of a
difference; you have to provide the attribute name as a string anyway.
Another thing that turns me away from string dictionaries is that those are
the ones causing me more trouble hunting down typos. Maybe it's just "my
thing" so I'm not going to insist on it. I'm open to arguments against that
From my experience, I am equally prone to typos for both strings and
regular attributes; I agree though that the traceback information is
often more helpful when you mistype an attribute.
One argument I can bring in defence of more explicit declarations is IDE
parsing when autocompletion for B.bme... pops up (suggesting bmethod and
bmethod2) and with 'b':'bmethod' it never happens.
I don't rely on autocompleting IDEs, at least in dynamic languages, so
it's not much of an issue for me but yes, it's another small argument
against strings.

Sep 27 '08 #21
On Sep 27, 9:23 am, George Sakkis <george.sak...@ gmail.comwrote:
On Sep 27, 1:44 am, "Dmitry S. Makovey" <dmi...@makovey .netwrote:
I guess my bias is towards more explicit declarations thus
bmethod=ProxyMe thod('b',B.bmet hod)
looks more attractive to me, but I stand to be corrected/educated why is
that not the right thing to do?

I see where you're coming from and I also prefer explicit reflection
mechanisms instead of strings (e.g. avoid eval/exec as much as
possible). As I mentioned, the second argument to ProxyMethod is (for
all sane purposes) redundant, so if you could implement it in a way
that "bmethod = ProxyMethod('b' )" worked, I would be all for it, but
AFAIK it's not possible without a metaclass.
Just for completeness, here's a metaclass version that uses
ProxyMethod declarations instead of a dict; you'll probably like this

#======= usage =============== ==========
from proxies import Proxy, ProxyMethod

class B(object):
def __init__(self, val): self.val = val
def bmethod(self,n) : print "B::bmethod ", self.val, n
def bmethod2(self,n ,m): print "B::bmethod 2", self.val, n, m

class C(object):
def __init__(self, val): self.val = val
def cmethod(self,x) : print "C::cmethod ", self.val, x
def cmethod2(self,x ,y): print "C::cmethod2",s elf.val, x, y
cattr = 4

class A(Proxy):
def __init__(self, b1, b2, c):
print "init A()"
# must call Proxy.__init__
super(A,self)._ _init__(b1=b1, b2=b2, c=c)

def amethod(self,a) :
print "A::mymetho d",a

bmethod = ProxyMethod('b1 ')
bmethod2 = ProxyMethod('b2 ')
cmethod = ProxyMethod('c' )
a = A(B(10), B(20), C(30))
a.amethod('foo' )

print "bound proxy calls"
a.bmethod('foo' )
a.bmethod2('bar ','baz')
a.cmethod('foo' )
try: a.cmethod2('bar ','baz')
except Exception, ex: print ex

print "unbound proxy calls"
A.bmethod(a,'fo o')
A.bmethod2(a,'b ar','baz')
A.cmethod(a, 'foo')
try: A.cmethod2(a,'b ar','baz')
except Exception, ex: print ex

#======= output =============== =============== ==========

init A()
A::mymethod foo
bound proxy calls
B::bmethod 10 foo
B::bmethod2 20 bar baz
C::cmethod 30 foo
'A' object has no attribute 'cmethod2'
unbound proxy calls
B::bmethod 10 foo
B::bmethod2 20 bar baz
C::cmethod 30 foo
type object 'A' has no attribute 'cmethod2'

#====== proxies.py =============== =============== ========

class _ProxyMeta(type ):
def __new__(meta, name, bases, namespace):
for attrname,value in namespace.iteri tems():
if isinstance(valu e, ProxyMethod) and value.name is None:
value.name = attrname
return super(_ProxyMet a,meta).__new__ (meta, name, bases,
class ProxyMethod(obj ect):
def __init__(self, proxy_attr, name=None):
self._proxy_att r = proxy_attr
self.name = name

def __get__(self, proxy, proxytype):
if proxy is not None:
return self.__get_targ et_attr(proxy)
return self.__unbound_ method

def __unbound_metho d(self, proxy, *args, **kwds):
method = self.__get_targ et_attr(proxy)
return method(*args, **kwds)

def __get_target_at tr(self, proxy):
delegate = getattr(proxy, self._proxy_att r)
return getattr(delegat e, self.name)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError( '%r object has no attribute %r' %
(proxy.__class_ _.__name__,
class Proxy(object):
__metaclass__ = _ProxyMeta

def __init__(self, **attr2delegate ):
self.__dict__.u pdate(attr2dele gate)

#============== =============== =============== ==========

If you want to eliminate completely specifying attributes with
strings, it's easy to modify the above so that you write instead:

class A(Proxy):
bmethod = ProxyMethod(lam bda self: self.b1)
bmethod2 = ProxyMethod(lam bda self: self.b2)

This is more verbose for the common case, but it's more flexible in
cases where the callable may be more complex than a plain getattr().
Actually you can support both, it doesn't have to be either/or; just
check whether the argument to ProxyMethod is a callable and if not,
make it:

from operator import attrgetter

class ProxyMethod(obj ect):
def __init__(self, proxy_attr, name=None):
if not callable(proxy_ attr):
proxy_attr = attrgetter(prox y_attr)

Remaining Implementation is left as an exercise to the reader ;)

Sep 27 '08 #22
On Sep 27, 11:27 am, George Sakkis <george.sak...@ gmail.comwrote:
If you want to eliminate completely specifying attributes with
strings, it's easy to modify the above so that you write instead:

class A(Proxy):
bmethod = ProxyMethod(lam bda self: self.b1)
bmethod2 = ProxyMethod(lam bda self: self.b2)
It's funny how often you come with a better solution a few moments
after htting send! The snippet above can (ab)use the decorator syntax
so that it becomes:

class A(Proxy):

def bmethod(self):
return self.b1

def bmethod2(self):
return self.b2

With the observation that ProxyMethod has access both to the callable
that returns the delegate and the name of the delegated method, we can
remove the need for the metaclass and the Proxy base class altogether:

class proxymethod(obj ect):
def __init__(self, get_delegate):
self._get_deleg ate = get_delegate

def __get__(self, proxy, proxytype):
if proxy is not None:
return self.__get_targ et_attr(proxy)
return self.__unbound_ method

def __unbound_metho d(self, proxy, *args, **kwds):
method = self.__get_targ et_attr(proxy)
return method(*args, **kwds)

def __get_target_at tr(self, proxy):
get_delegate = self._get_deleg ate
try: return getattr(get_del egate(proxy),
get_delegate.__ name__)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError( '%r object has no attribute %r' %
(proxy.__class_ _.__name__, get_delegate.__ name__))
class A(object):

def __init__(self, b1, b2):
self.b1 = b1
self.b2 = b2

def amethod(self,a) :
print "A::mymetho d",a

def bmethod(self):
return self.b1

def bmethod2(self):
return self.b2
a = A(B(10), B(20))
a.amethod('foo' )

print "bound proxy calls"
a.bmethod('foo' )
a.bmethod2('bar ','baz')

print "unbound proxy calls"
A.bmethod(a,'fo o')
A.bmethod2(a,'b ar','baz')

So back to the OP's original question and after a long circle.. a
decorator might well be the right thing to use after all :)

Sep 27 '08 #23
George Sakkis wrote:
It's funny how often you come with a better solution a few moments
after htting send! The snippet above can (ab)use the decorator syntax
so that it becomes:

class A(Proxy):

def bmethod(self):
return self.b1

def bmethod2(self):
return self.b2
That is outstanding! This code looks very clean to me (just a touch cryptic
around declarations in A, but that was unavoidable anyway). Seems like the
right way to read it would be bottom up (or is it only my mind so
perverted?). By the looks of it - it does exactly what I needed with great
number of possibilities behind it and is very lightweight and transparent.
Now I regret I haven't come up with it myself :-D

George, at this point I'm out of rugs - so no more rug pulling from under
your feet for me.

Now I'm going to apply all this knowledge to my code, see how that goes and
come back with more questions later.

Thank you (all) very much for a great discussion. This thread educated me
quite a bit on descriptors and why one would need them, and decorators -
just as subject line suggested, were not forgotten.
Sep 28 '08 #24
On Sep 27, 11:38*pm, "Dmitry S. Makovey" <dmi...@makovey .netwrote:
George Sakkis wrote:
It's funny how often you come with a better solution a few moments
after htting send! The snippet above can (ab)use the decorator syntax
so that it becomes:
class A(Proxy):
* * @ProxyMethod
* * def bmethod(self):
* * * * return self.b1
* * @ProxyMethod
* * def bmethod2(self):
* * * * return self.b2

That is outstanding!
FYI, in case you missed it the final version doesn't need a Proxy base
class, just inherit from object. Also lowercased ProxyMethod to look
similar to staticmethod/classmethod:

class A(object):

def __init__(self, b1, b2):
self.b1 = b1
self.b2 = b2

def bmethod(self):
return self.b1

def bmethod2(self):
return self.b2

Sep 28 '08 #25
George Sakkis wrote:
FYI, in case you missed it the final version doesn't need a Proxy base
class, just inherit from object. Also lowercased ProxyMethod to look
similar to staticmethod/classmethod:
I cought that, just quoted the wrong one :)
class A(object):

def __init__(self, b1, b2):
self.b1 = b1
self.b2 = b2

def bmethod(self):
return self.b1

def bmethod2(self):
return self.b2

Sep 28 '08 #26

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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