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inspected console

Presents a console permitting inspection. Input as well as output
saved in Python-readable form.
Python 2.5.1 memoryconsole4. py logging to My Documents\conso le.log
>>class A:
.... def f( self ):
.... print 2
import inspect
inspect.getso urce( a.f )
'\tdef f( self ):\n\t\tprint 2\n'

This enabled by a log file, optionally set to console.log. Contents

#Mon May 07 2007 06:33:42 PM Python win32 2.5.1 in memoryconsole4. py
class A:
def f( self ):
print 2

import inspect
inspect.getsour ce( a.f )
#fb: '\tdef f( self ):\n\t\tprint 2\n'

Line 10 Microsoft Win32 convenience binding; line 49 a little
confusing. Give it a shot.

from code import InteractiveCons ole
import sys
from os import environ
from datetime import datetime
from StringIO import StringIO
from re import sub
from os.path import join,split,absp ath

class LoggedStdOut(St ringIO):
deflog= environ['USERPROFILE']+\
'\\My Documents\\cons ole.log'
def __init__( self, log=None ):
StringIO.__init __( self )
self.stdout= None
self.trip,self. head= True,''
self.logname= log or LoggedStdOut.de flog
self.prettyname =join(split(spl it(abspath(
self.logname))[0])[1],split(abspath( self.logname))[1])
for x,_ in enumerate( open( self.logname,'r ' ) ): continue
self._lineno= x #can use linecache
self._log= open( self.logname,'a ' )
def catch( self,head='#fb: ' ):
self.stdout= sys.stdout
sys.stdout= self
self.head= head
self.trip= True
def throw( self ):
sys.stdout= self.stdout
self.stdout= None
def getlineno( self ):
return self._lineno
def logwrite( self, data ):
self._log.write ( data )
self._lineno+= data.count('\n' )
def logflush( self ):
self._log.flush ()
def write( self, data ):
datal= sub( '\n([^$])','\n%s\\1'%se lf.head,data )
if self.trip: self.logwrite( self.head )
self.logwrite( datal )
self.trip= data.endswith(' \n')
return self.stdout.wri te( data )
def writelines( self, data ):
raise 'Branch uncoded'

class LoggedInteracti veConsole(Inter activeConsole):
def __init__( self,log=None,l ocals=None,file name=None ):
self.out= LoggedStdOut( log )
if filename is None: filename= split(self.out. logname)[1]
InteractiveCons ole.__init__( self,locals,fil ename )
self.locals.upd ate( __logname__= abspath(
self.out.lognam e ) )
def push( self,line ):
self.out.logwri te( '%s\n'%line )
self.out.logflu sh()
self.out.catch( )
more= InteractiveCons ole.push( self,line )
self.out.throw( )
return more
def write( self,data ):
return sys.stdout.writ e( data )
def interact( self,banner=Non e,*args ):
self.out.logwri te( '\n#%s Python %s %s in %s\n'%\
( datetime.now(). strftime(
'%a %b %d %Y %I:%M:%S %p' ),
sys.platform,sy s.version.split ()[0],
split(sys.argv[0])[1] ) )
if banner is None: banner=\
"Python %s %s logging to %s"%\
( sys.version.spl it()[0],split(sys.argv[0])[1],
self.out.pretty name )
return InteractiveCons ole.interact( self,banner,*ar gs )
import compiler
import linecache
class NotatedConsole( LoggedInteracti veConsole):
"""-Code object- intercepted in runsource, and rerun with
stored source before runsource. Built-in runsource
does not modify source between call and runcode."""
def runsource( self,sc,filenam e='<input>',*ar gs ):
self._runsource args= sc,filename
return LoggedInteracti veConsole.runso urce( self,sc,
filename,*args )
def runcode( self,*args ):
sc,filename= self._runsource args
linecache.check cache( filename )
#custom second compile (fourth actually)
t= compiler.parse( sc )
compiler.misc.s et_filename( filename,t )
def set_lineno( tree, initlineno ):
worklist= [ tree ]
while worklist:
node= worklist.pop( 0 )
if node.lineno is not None:
node.lineno+= initlineno
worklist.extend ( node.getChildNo des() )
set_lineno( t,self.out.getl ineno()-len( self.buffer )+1 )
code= compiler.pycode gen.\
InteractiveCode Generator( t ).getCode()
LoggedInteracti veConsole.runco de( self,code )
linecache.check cache( filename )

if __name__=='__ma in__':
console= NotatedConsole( )
console.interac t()

May 7 '07 #1
2 1610
On May 7, 6:52 pm, castiro...@gmai l.com wrote:
Presents a console permitting inspection. Input as well as output
saved in Python-readable form.
Python 2.5.1 memoryconsole4. py logging to My Documents\conso le.log>>class A:

... def f( self ):
... print 2
>import inspect
inspect.getsou rce( a.f )

'\tdef f( self ):\n\t\tprint 2\n'

This enabled by a log file, optionally set to console.log. Contents

#Mon May 07 2007 06:33:42 PM Python win32 2.5.1 in memoryconsole4. py
class A:
def f( self ):
print 2

import inspect
inspect.getsour ce( a.f )
#fb: '\tdef f( self ):\n\t\tprint 2\n'

Line 10 Microsoft Win32 convenience binding; line 49 a little
confusing. Give it a shot.

from code import InteractiveCons ole
import sys
from os import environ
from datetime import datetime
from StringIO import StringIO
from re import sub
from os.path import join,split,absp ath

class LoggedStdOut(St ringIO):
deflog= environ['USERPROFILE']+\
'\\My Documents\\cons ole.log'
def __init__( self, log=None ):
StringIO.__init __( self )
self.stdout= None
self.trip,self. head= True,''
self.logname= log or LoggedStdOut.de flog
self.prettyname =join(split(spl it(abspath(
self.logname))[0])[1],split(abspath( self.logname))[1])
for x,_ in enumerate( open( self.logname,'r ' ) ): continue
self._lineno= x #can use linecache
self._log= open( self.logname,'a ' )
def catch( self,head='#fb: ' ):
self.stdout= sys.stdout
sys.stdout= self
self.head= head
self.trip= True
def throw( self ):
sys.stdout= self.stdout
self.stdout= None
def getlineno( self ):
return self._lineno
def logwrite( self, data ):
self._log.write ( data )
self._lineno+= data.count('\n' )
def logflush( self ):
self._log.flush ()
def write( self, data ):
datal= sub( '\n([^$])','\n%s\\1'%se lf.head,data )
if self.trip: self.logwrite( self.head )
self.logwrite( datal )
self.trip= data.endswith(' \n')
return self.stdout.wri te( data )
def writelines( self, data ):
raise 'Branch uncoded'

class LoggedInteracti veConsole(Inter activeConsole):
def __init__( self,log=None,l ocals=None,file name=None ):
self.out= LoggedStdOut( log )
if filename is None: filename= split(self.out. logname)[1]
InteractiveCons ole.__init__( self,locals,fil ename )
self.locals.upd ate( __logname__= abspath(
self.out.lognam e ) )
def push( self,line ):
self.out.logwri te( '%s\n'%line )
self.out.logflu sh()
self.out.catch( )
more= InteractiveCons ole.push( self,line )
self.out.throw( )
return more
def write( self,data ):
return sys.stdout.writ e( data )
def interact( self,banner=Non e,*args ):
self.out.logwri te( '\n#%s Python %s %s in %s\n'%\
( datetime.now(). strftime(
'%a %b %d %Y %I:%M:%S %p' ),
sys.platform,sy s.version.split ()[0],
split(sys.argv[0])[1] ) )
if banner is None: banner=\
"Python %s %s logging to %s"%\
( sys.version.spl it()[0],split(sys.argv[0])[1],
self.out.pretty name )
return InteractiveCons ole.interact( self,banner,*ar gs )

import compiler
import linecache
class NotatedConsole( LoggedInteracti veConsole):
"""-Code object- intercepted in runsource, and rerun with
stored source before runsource. Built-in runsource
does not modify source between call and runcode."""
def runsource( self,sc,filenam e='<input>',*ar gs ):
self._runsource args= sc,filename
return LoggedInteracti veConsole.runso urce( self,sc,
filename,*args )
def runcode( self,*args ):
sc,filename= self._runsource args
linecache.check cache( filename )
#custom second compile (fourth actually)
t= compiler.parse( sc )
compiler.misc.s et_filename( filename,t )
def set_lineno( tree, initlineno ):
worklist= [ tree ]
while worklist:
node= worklist.pop( 0 )
if node.lineno is not None:
node.lineno+= initlineno
worklist.extend ( node.getChildNo des() )
set_lineno( t,self.out.getl ineno()-len( self.buffer )+1 )
code= compiler.pycode gen.\
InteractiveCode Generator( t ).getCode()
LoggedInteracti veConsole.runco de( self,code )
linecache.check cache( filename )

if __name__=='__ma in__':
console= NotatedConsole( )
console.interac t()
Console-defined objects can be pickled as well. ">>>edit()" opens
console.log. Editor objects are pickled between statements.

Python 2.5.1 furtherconsoles-display.py logging to My Documents
>>class A:
.... b=0
>>from pickle import loads,dumps
loads(dumps(A ))
<class workmodule.A at 0x00B28030>
>>loads(dumps(A )).b
Loaded ok

and the few lines from console.log:
#Mon May 07 2007 07:55:30 PM Python win32 2.5.1 in furtherconsoles-
class A:

from pickle import loads,dumps
#fb: <class workmodule.A at 0x00B28030>
loads(dumps(A)) .b
#fb: 0

Hard coded paths on lines 24 and 67. Hope that's copy-and-pasteable

import memoryconsole4 as memoryconsole
from os.path import join,exists,spl it,abspath
from os import environ
from sys import argv
import sys
import cPickle as pickle
from subprocess import Popen
from datetime import datetime,timede lta

class Editors:
"""Pickled after every statement."""
def edit( self,filename=N one ):
assert hasattr( self,'_cmdlines tr' ) and hasattr( self,'console' )
if filename is None: filename= abspath( self.console.ou t.logname )
parms= { 'filename': filename, 'loglen': self.console.ou t.getlineno()
+len(self.conso le.buffer)+1 }
Popen( self._cmdlinest r % parms )
print >>sys.stderr, "Loaded ok"
def __repr__( self ):
return '<%s at %i: %s>'%(self.__cl ass__,id(self), repr( [ x for x in
dir(self) if not x.startswith('_ _') ] ))
def __call__( self,*args ):
self.edit( *args )#what find default?

class EditorsConsole( memoryconsole.N otatedConsole):
defdat= join( environ['USERPROFILE'],'My Documents\
\consoleeditor. pickle' )
def __init__( self,cmdlinestr ,datname=None,* args,**kwargs ):
memoryconsole.N otatedConsole._ _init__( self,*args,**kw args )
self._datname= datname or self.defdat
if exists( self._datname ): self.edit=
pickle.load( open( self._datname,' rb' ) )
else: self.edit= Editors()
self.edit._cmdl inestr= cmdlinestr
self.locals.upd ate( edit=self.edit )
self.edit.conso le= self
self.lasttimest amp= datetime.now()
def push( self,*args ):
more= memoryconsole.N otatedConsole.p ush( self,*args )
if not more and datetime.now()- self.lasttimest amp >
timedelta( minutes= 25 ):
self.lasttimest amp= datetime.now()
self.out.logwri te( '#%s in %s\n'%\
( self.lasttimest amp.strftime( '%a %b %d %Y %I:%M:%S
%p' ),split(argv[0])[1] ) )
del self.edit.conso le
pickle.dump( self.edit,open( self._datname,' wb' ) ) #don't pickle me
self.edit.conso le= self
return more
def __repr__( self ):
return '<%s at %i: %s>'%(self.__cl ass__,id(self), repr( [ x for x in
dir(self) if not x.startswith('_ _') ] ))

import compiler as c
from memory import Memory
import imp
from sys import modules

class ModuleConsole(E ditorsConsole):
def __init__( self,log=None,l ocals=None,file name=None ):
EditorsConsole. __init__( self,log,locals ,filename )
self.workmodule = imp.new_module( 'workmodule' )
self.workmodule .__file__= self.out.lognam e
modules[self.workmodule .__name__]= self.workmodule
self.locals.upd ate( workmodule=self .workmodule,
__name__=self.w orkmodule.__nam e__ )
self.locals.upd ate( __file__=self.w orkmodule.__fil e__ )#may omit
del self.locals['__logname__']
def runcode( self,*args ):
EditorsConsole. runcode( self,*args )
for k,v in self.locals.ite ritems():
setattr( self.workmodule ,k,v )

if __name__=='__ma in__':
editorscmdlines tr= '"%s" "%%(filenam e)s" -cursor %%(loglen)i:
1'%join(environ['PROGRAMFILES'],'editplus 2\\editplus.exe ')
console= ModuleConsole(e ditorscmdlinest r)
console.interac t()

May 8 '07 #2
On May 7, 7:59 pm, castiro...@gmai l.com wrote:
On May 7, 6:52 pm, castiro...@gmai l.com wrote:
Presents a console permitting inspection. Input as well as output
saved in Python-readable form.
Python 2.5.1 memoryconsole4. py logging to My Documents\conso le.log>>class A:
... def f( self ):
... print 2
>>import inspect
>>inspect.getso urce( a.f )
'\tdef f( self ):\n\t\tprint 2\n'
This enabled by a log file, optionally set to console.log. Contents
#Mon May 07 2007 06:33:42 PM Python win32 2.5.1 in memoryconsole4. py
class A:
def f( self ):
print 2
import inspect
inspect.getsour ce( a.f )
#fb: '\tdef f( self ):\n\t\tprint 2\n'
Line 10 Microsoft Win32 convenience binding; line 49 a little
confusing. Give it a shot.
from code import InteractiveCons ole
import sys
from os import environ
from datetime import datetime
from StringIO import StringIO
from re import sub
from os.path import join,split,absp ath
class LoggedStdOut(St ringIO):
deflog= environ['USERPROFILE']+\
'\\My Documents\\cons ole.log'
def __init__( self, log=None ):
StringIO.__init __( self )
self.stdout= None
self.trip,self. head= True,''
self.logname= log or LoggedStdOut.de flog
self.prettyname =join(split(spl it(abspath(
self.logname))[0])[1],split(abspath( self.logname))[1])
for x,_ in enumerate( open( self.logname,'r ' ) ): continue
self._lineno= x #can use linecache
self._log= open( self.logname,'a ' )
def catch( self,head='#fb: ' ):
self.stdout= sys.stdout
sys.stdout= self
self.head= head
self.trip= True
def throw( self ):
sys.stdout= self.stdout
self.stdout= None
def getlineno( self ):
return self._lineno
def logwrite( self, data ):
self._log.write ( data )
self._lineno+= data.count('\n' )
def logflush( self ):
self._log.flush ()
def write( self, data ):
datal= sub( '\n([^$])','\n%s\\1'%se lf.head,data )
if self.trip: self.logwrite( self.head )
self.logwrite( datal )
self.trip= data.endswith(' \n')
return self.stdout.wri te( data )
def writelines( self, data ):
raise 'Branch uncoded'
class LoggedInteracti veConsole(Inter activeConsole):
def __init__( self,log=None,l ocals=None,file name=None ):
self.out= LoggedStdOut( log )
if filename is None: filename= split(self.out. logname)[1]
InteractiveCons ole.__init__( self,locals,fil ename )
self.locals.upd ate( __logname__= abspath(
self.out.lognam e ) )
def push( self,line ):
self.out.logwri te( '%s\n'%line )
self.out.logflu sh()
self.out.catch( )
more= InteractiveCons ole.push( self,line )
self.out.throw( )
return more
def write( self,data ):
return sys.stdout.writ e( data )
def interact( self,banner=Non e,*args ):
self.out.logwri te( '\n#%s Python %s %s in %s\n'%\
( datetime.now(). strftime(
'%a %b %d %Y %I:%M:%S %p' ),
sys.platform,sy s.version.split ()[0],
split(sys.argv[0])[1] ) )
if banner is None: banner=\
"Python %s %s logging to %s"%\
( sys.version.spl it()[0],split(sys.argv[0])[1],
self.out.pretty name )
return InteractiveCons ole.interact( self,banner,*ar gs )
import compiler
import linecache
class NotatedConsole( LoggedInteracti veConsole):
"""-Code object- intercepted in runsource, and rerun with
stored source before runsource. Built-in runsource
does not modify source between call and runcode."""
def runsource( self,sc,filenam e='<input>',*ar gs ):
self._runsource args= sc,filename
return LoggedInteracti veConsole.runso urce( self,sc,
filename,*args )
def runcode( self,*args ):
sc,filename= self._runsource args
linecache.check cache( filename )
#custom second compile (fourth actually)
t= compiler.parse( sc )
compiler.misc.s et_filename( filename,t )
def set_lineno( tree, initlineno ):
worklist= [ tree ]
while worklist:
node= worklist.pop( 0 )
if node.lineno is not None:
node.lineno+= initlineno
worklist.extend ( node.getChildNo des() )
set_lineno( t,self.out.getl ineno()-len( self.buffer )+1 )
code= compiler.pycode gen.\
InteractiveCode Generator( t ).getCode()
LoggedInteracti veConsole.runco de( self,code )
linecache.check cache( filename )
if __name__=='__ma in__':
console= NotatedConsole( )
console.interac t()

Console-defined objects can be pickled as well. ">>>edit()" opens
console.log. Editor objects are pickled between statements.

Python 2.5.1 furtherconsoles-display.py logging to My Documents
\console.log>>c lass A:

... b=0
...>>from pickle import loads,dumps
>loads(dumps(A) )

<class workmodule.A at 0x00B28030>>>lo ads(dumps(A)).b

Loaded ok

and the few lines from console.log:
#Mon May 07 2007 07:55:30 PM Python win32 2.5.1 in furtherconsoles-
class A:

from pickle import loads,dumps
#fb: <class workmodule.A at 0x00B28030>
loads(dumps(A)) .b
#fb: 0

Hard coded paths on lines 24 and 67. Hope that's copy-and-pasteable

import memoryconsole4 as memoryconsole
from os.path import join,exists,spl it,abspath
from os import environ
from sys import argv
import sys
import cPickle as pickle
from subprocess import Popen
from datetime import datetime,timede lta

class Editors:
"""Pickled after every statement."""
def edit( self,filename=N one ):
assert hasattr( self,'_cmdlines tr' ) and hasattr( self,'console' )
if filename is None: filename= abspath( self.console.ou t.logname )
parms= { 'filename': filename, 'loglen': self.console.ou t.getlineno()
+len(self.conso le.buffer)+1 }
Popen( self._cmdlinest r % parms )
print >>sys.stderr, "Loaded ok"
def __repr__( self ):
return '<%s at %i: %s>'%(self.__cl ass__,id(self), repr( [ x for x in
dir(self) if not x.startswith('_ _') ] ))
def __call__( self,*args ):
self.edit( *args )#what find default?

class EditorsConsole( memoryconsole.N otatedConsole):
defdat= join( environ['USERPROFILE'],'My Documents\
\consoleeditor. pickle' )
def __init__( self,cmdlinestr ,datname=None,* args,**kwargs ):
memoryconsole.N otatedConsole._ _init__( self,*args,**kw args )
self._datname= datname or self.defdat
if exists( self._datname ): self.edit=
pickle.load( open( self._datname,' rb' ) )
else: self.edit= Editors()
self.edit._cmdl inestr= cmdlinestr
self.locals.upd ate( edit=self.edit )
self.edit.conso le= self
self.lasttimest amp= datetime.now()
def push( self,*args ):
more= memoryconsole.N otatedConsole.p ush( self,*args )
if not more and datetime.now()- self.lasttimest amp >
timedelta( minutes= 25 ):
self.lasttimest amp= datetime.now()
self.out.logwri te( '#%s in %s\n'%\
( self.lasttimest amp.strftime( '%a %b %d %Y %I:%M:%S
%p' ),split(argv[0])[1] ) )
del self.edit.conso le
pickle.dump( self.edit,open( self._datname,' wb' ) ) #don't pickle me
self.edit.conso le= self
return more
def __repr__( self ):
return '<%s at %i: %s>'%(self.__cl ass__,id(self), repr( [ x for x in
dir(self) if not x.startswith('_ _') ] ))

import compiler as c
from memory import Memory
import imp
from sys import modules

class ModuleConsole(E ditorsConsole):
def __init__( self,log=None,l ocals=None,file name=None ):
EditorsConsole. __init__( self,log,locals ,filename )
self.workmodule = imp.new_module( 'workmodule' )
self.workmodule .__file__= self.out.lognam e
modules[self.workmodule .__name__]= self.workmodule
self.locals.upd ate( workmodule=self .workmodule,
__name__=self.w orkmodule.__nam e__ )
self.locals.upd ate( __file__=self.w orkmodule.__fil e__ )#may omit
del self.locals['__logname__']
def runcode( self,*args ):
EditorsConsole. runcode( self,*args )
for k,v in self.locals.ite ritems():
setattr( self.workmodule ,k,v )

if __name__=='__ma in__':
editorscmdlines tr= '"%s" "%%(filenam e)s" -cursor %%(loglen)i:
1'%join(environ['PROGRAMFILES'],'editplus 2\\editplus.exe ')
console= ModuleConsole(e ditorscmdlinest r)
console.interac t()
whoops, that line 48 is extraneous.

May 8 '07 #3

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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I am running a console application that connects to an Access database (8 million rows) and converts it to a text file and then cleans and compacts the database. When it runs I get the following error: The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x1a2008 to COM context 0x1a2178 for 60 seconds. The thread that owns the destination context/apartment is most likely either doing a non pumping wait or processing a very long...
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ONU (Optical Network Unit) is one of the key components for providing high-speed Internet services. Its primary function is to act as an endpoint device located at the user's premises. However, people are often confused as to whether an ONU can Work As a Router. In this blog post, we’ll explore What is ONU, What Is Router, ONU & Router’s main usage, and What is the difference between ONU and Router. Let’s take a closer look ! Part I. Meaning of...
by: Hystou | last post by:
Most computers default to English, but sometimes we require a different language, especially when relocating. Forgot to request a specific language before your computer shipped? No problem! You can effortlessly switch the default language on Windows 10 without reinstalling. I'll walk you through it. First, let's disable language synchronization. With a Microsoft account, language settings sync across devices. To prevent any complications,...
by: Hystou | last post by:
Overview: Windows 11 and 10 have less user interface control over operating system update behaviour than previous versions of Windows. In Windows 11 and 10, there is no way to turn off the Windows Update option using the Control Panel or Settings app; it automatically checks for updates and installs any it finds, whether you like it or not. For most users, this new feature is actually very convenient. If you want to control the update process,...
by: tracyyun | last post by:
Dear forum friends, With the development of smart home technology, a variety of wireless communication protocols have appeared on the market, such as Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. Each protocol has its own unique characteristics and advantages, but as a user who is planning to build a smart home system, I am a bit confused by the choice of these technologies. I'm particularly interested in Zigbee because I've heard it does some...
by: agi2029 | last post by:
Let's talk about the concept of autonomous AI software engineers and no-code agents. These AIs are designed to manage the entire lifecycle of a software development project—planning, coding, testing, and deployment—without human intervention. Imagine an AI that can take a project description, break it down, write the code, debug it, and then launch it, all on its own.... Now, this would greatly impact the work of software developers. The idea...
by: conductexam | last post by:
I have .net C# application in which I am extracting data from word file and save it in database particularly. To store word all data as it is I am converting the whole word file firstly in HTML and then checking html paragraph one by one. At the time of converting from word file to html my equations which are in the word document file was convert into image. Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Select();...
by: TSSRALBI | last post by:
Hello I'm a network technician in training and I need your help. I am currently learning how to create and manage the different types of VPNs and I have a question about LAN-to-LAN VPNs. The last exercise I practiced was to create a LAN-to-LAN VPN between two Pfsense firewalls, by using IPSEC protocols. I succeeded, with both firewalls in the same network. But I'm wondering if it's possible to do the same thing, with 2 Pfsense firewalls...
by: adsilva | last post by:
A Windows Forms form does not have the event Unload, like VB6. What one acts like?
by: bsmnconsultancy | last post by:
In today's digital era, a well-designed website is crucial for businesses looking to succeed. Whether you're a small business owner or a large corporation in Toronto, having a strong online presence can significantly impact your brand's success. BSMN Consultancy, a leader in Website Development in Toronto offers valuable insights into creating effective websites that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well. In this comprehensive...

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