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brand new to python

I am sure this is old news, the syntax of python is crazy to me.
There I said it, I'm sure I'll get over it or around it.

I was trying to make a whois script work and was unable.

May be someone with lint-like eyes can tell what's wrong.

Using xemacs I had hoped that python mode would do more
for syntax problems, maybe I'm just not using python mode
correctly in xemacs??

../whois.py yahoo.com
File "./whois.py", line 117
class DomainRecord:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
#!/usr/bin/env python
#usage: %(progname)s [--test] [domain...]

#Version: %(version)s

#Contacts the NetworkSolution s whois database for each domain and
#the result.

#public methods:

# def whois(domainnam e, whoisserver=Non e, cache=0)
# raises NoSuchDomain if the domain doesn't exist.

# return the result of contacting NetworkSolution s

#def ParseWhois(page )
# returns a DomainRecord object that contains a parsed
#version of the information contained in 'page'.

#class DomainRecord:
# self.domain -- name of the domain
#self.domainid -- domainid for this domain
# self.created -- date in which the domain was created
# self.lastupdate d -- date in which the domain was last updated.
# self.expires -- date in which the domain expires
# self.databaseup dated -- date in which the database was last
# self.servers -- list of (hostname, ip) pairs of the
# nameservers.
# self.registrant -- name of the person or organization that
# registered the domain.
# self.registrant _address -- address of the person or organization
# registered the domain.
# self.contacts -- dictionary of contacts###

#_version = "1.0"

import os, sys, string, time, getopt, socket, select, re

NoSuchDomain = "NoSuchDoma in"

def whois(domainnam e, whoisserver=Non e, cache=0):
if whoisserver is None:
whoisserver = "whois.networks olutions.com"

if cache:
fn = "%s.dom" % domainname
if os.path.exists( fn):
return open(fn).read()

page = _whois(domainna me, whoisserver)

if cache:
open(fn, "w").write(page )

return page

def _whois(domainna me, whoisserver):
s = None

## try until we are connected

while s == None:
s = socket.socket(s ocket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STR EAM)
s.setblocking(0 )
s.connect(whois server, 43)
except socket.error, (ecode, reason):
if ecode in (115, 150):
raise socket.error, (ecode, reason)
ret = select.select([s], [s], [], 30)

if len(ret[1]) == 0 and len(ret[0]) == 0:
raise TimedOut, "on connect "
s.setblocking(1 )

except socket.error, (ecode, reason):
print ecode, reason
s = None

s.send("%s \n\n" % domainname)
page = ""
while 1:
data = s.recv()
if not data: break

page = page + data


if string.find(pag e, "No match for") != -1:
raise NoSuchDomain, domainname

if string.find(pag e, "No entries found") != -1:
raise NoSuchDomain, domainname

if string.find(pag e, "no domain specified") != -1:
raise NoSuchDomain, domainname

if string.find(pag e, "NO MATCH") != -1:
raise NoSuchDomain, domainname
return page


class DomainRecord:
def __init__(self, domain):
self.domain = domain
self.domainid = None
self.created = None
self.lastupdate d = None
self.expires = None
self.databaseup dated = None
self.servers = None
self.registrant = None
self.registrant _address = None
self.contacts = {}

def __str__(self):
return "%s (%s): (created:%s) (lastupdated:%s )
(databaseupdate d:%s) (servers:%s) (registrant:%s) (address:%s)
(contacts:%s)" % (self.domain, self.domainid, self.created,
self.lastupdate d, self.databaseup dated, self.servers, self.registrant ,
repr(self.regis trant_address), self.contacts)

def _ParseContacts_ RegisterCOM(pag e):
contactDict = {}
parts = re.split("((?:( ?:Administrativ e|Billing|Techn ical|Zone)
Contact,?[ ]*)+:)\n", page)

contacttypes = None
for part in parts:
if string.find(par t, "Contact:") != -1:
if part[-1] == ":": part = part[:-1]
contacttypes = string.split(pa rt, ",")
part = string.strip(pa rt)
if not part: continue

record = {}

lines = string.split(pa rt, "\n")
m = re.search("(.+) (.+@.+)", lines[0])
if m:
record['name'] = string.strip(m. group(1))
record['handle'] = None
record['email'] = string.lower(st ring.strip(m.gr oup(2)))

flag = 0
phonelines = string.strip(li nes[1])
record['phone'] = phonelines
record['address'] = []

for contacttype in contacttypes:
contacttype = string.lower(st ring.strip(cont acttype))
contacttype = string.replace( contacttype, " contact", "")
contactDict[contacttype] = record

return contactDict

def ParseWhois_Regi sterCOM(page):

m = re.search("Doma in Name: (.+)", page)
domain = m.group(1)
rec = DomainRecord(do main)

m = re.search("Reco rd last updated on.*: (.+)", page)
if m: rec.lastupdated = m.group(1)

m = re.search("Crea ted on.*: (.+)", page)
if m: rec.created = m.group(1)

m = re.search("Expi res on.*: (.+)", page)
if m: rec.expires = m.group(1)
m = re.search("Regi strant:", page)
if m:
i = m.end()
m = re.search("\n\n ", page[i:])
j = m.start()
registrant = string.strip(pa ge[i:i+j])
lines = string.split(re gistrant, "\n")
registrant = []
for line in lines:
line = string.strip(li ne)
if not line: continue
registrant.appe nd(line)
rec.registrant = registrant[0]
rec.registrant_ address = string.join(reg istrant[1:], "\n")

m = re.search("(.+) \((.+)\)$", rec.registrant)
if m:
rec.registrant = m.group(1)
rec.domainid = m.group(2)

m = re.search("Doma in servers in listed order:\n\n", page)
if m:
i = m.end()
m = re.search("\n\n ", page[i:])
j = m.start()
servers = string.strip(pa ge[i:i+j])
lines = string.split(se rvers, "\n")
servers = []
for line in lines:
parts = string.split(st ring.strip(line ))
if not parts: continue
servers.append( parts[0], parts[1])
rec.servers = servers

m =
re.search("((?: (?:Administrati ve|Billing|Tech nical|Zone) Contact,?[
]*)+:)\n", page)
if m:
i = m.start()
m = re.search("Doma in servers in listed order", page)
j = m.start()
contacts = string.strip(pa ge[i:j])

rec.contacts = _ParseContacts_ RegisterCOM(con tacts)

return rec


def _ParseContacts_ NetworkSolution s(page):
contactDict = {}
parts = re.split("((?:( ?:Administrativ e|Billing|Techn ical|Zone)
Contact,?[ ]*)+:)\n", page)

contacttypes = None
for part in parts:
if string.find(par t, "Contact:") != -1:
if part[-1] == ":": part = part[:-1]
contacttypes = string.split(pa rt, ",")
part = string.strip(pa rt)
if not part: continue

record = {}

lines = string.split(pa rt, "\n")
m = re.search("(.+) \((.+)\) (.+@.+)", lines[0])
if m:
record['name'] = string.strip(m. group(1))
record['handle'] = string.strip(m. group(2))
record['email'] = string.lower(st ring.strip(m.gr oup(3)))

flag = 0
addresslines = []
phonelines = []
for line in lines[1:]:
line = string.strip(li ne)
if not line:
flag = 1
if flag == 0:
addresslines.ap pend(line)
phonelines.appe nd(line)
record['phone'] = string.join(pho nelines, "\n")
record['address'] = string.join(add resslines, "\n")

for contacttype in contacttypes:
contacttype = string.lower(st ring.strip(cont acttype))
contacttype = string.replace( contacttype, " contact", "")
contactDict[contacttype] = record

return contactDict

def ParseWhois_Netw orkSolutions(pa ge):
m = re.search("Doma in Name: (.+)", page)
domain = m.group(1)
rec = DomainRecord(do main)

m = re.search("Reco rd last updated on (.+)\.", page)
if m: rec.lastupdated = m.group(1)

m = re.search("Reco rd created on (.+)\.", page)
if m: rec.created = m.group(1)

m = re.search("Data base last updated on (.+)\.", page)
if m: rec.databaseupd ated = m.group(1)

m = re.search("Regi strant:", page)
if m:
i = m.end()
m = re.search("\n\n ", page[i:])
j = m.start()
registrant = string.strip(pa ge[i:i+j])
lines = string.split(re gistrant, "\n")
registrant = []
for line in lines:
line = string.strip(li ne)
if not line: continue
registrant.appe nd(line)
rec.registrant = registrant[0]
rec.registrant_ address = string.join(reg istrant[1:], "\n")

m = re.search("(.+) \((.+)\)$", rec.registrant)
if m:
rec.registrant = m.group(1)
rec.domainid = m.group(2)

m = re.search("Doma in servers in listed order:\n\n", page)
if m:
i = m.end()
m = re.search("\n\n ", page[i:])
j = m.start()
servers = string.strip(pa ge[i:i+j])
lines = string.split(se rvers, "\n")
servers = []
for line in lines:
parts = string.split(st ring.strip(line ))
if not parts: continue
servers.append( parts[0], parts[1])
rec.servers = servers

m =
re.search("((?: (?:Administrati ve|Billing|Tech nical|Zone) Contact,?[
]*)+:)\n", page)
if m:
i = m.start()
m = re.search("Reco rd last updated on", page)
j = m.start()
contacts = string.strip(pa ge[i:j])

rec.contacts = _ParseContacts_ NetworkSolution s(contacts)

return rec

def ParseWhois(page ):
if string.find(pag e, "Registrar. .: Register.com
(http://www.register.co m)") != -1:
return ParseWhois_Regi sterCOM(page)
return ParseWhois_Netw orkSolutions(pa ge)

def usage(progname) :
version = _version
print __doc__ % vars()

def main(argv, stdout, environ):
progname = argv[0]
list, args = getopt.getopt(a rgv[1:], "", ["help", "version",

for (field, val) in list:
if field == "--help":
elif field == "--version":
print progname, _version
elif field == "--test":
for domain in args:
page = whois(domain)
print page
except NoSuchDomain, reason:
print "ERROR: no such domain %s" % domain

if __name__ == "__main__":
main(sys.argv, sys.stdout, os.environ)

Jul 18 '05 #1
0 1437

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