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tiff files, compression, colordepth


I'm having troubles with saving a tiff-file with a certain compression
and colordepth. This is the code I use:

private sub MakeTiff

dim imgSource as new bitmap(strTifSo urceFile)

Dim TiffCodecInfo As System.Drawing. Imaging.ImageCo decInfo
Dim CompressionEnco der As System.Drawing. Imaging.Encoder
Dim Params As System.Drawing. Imaging.Encoder Parameters
Dim myencoder As System.Drawing. Imaging.Encoder
myencoder = System.Drawing. Imaging.Encoder .ColorDepth
Dim myImageCodecInf o As System.Drawing. Imaging.ImageCo decInfo
myImageCodecInf o = GetEncoderInfo
(System.Drawing .Imaging.ImageF ormat.Tiff)

Dim format As System.Drawing. Imaging.ImageFo rmat
Dim Index As Integer

'Get the CodecInfo for TIFF format
TiffCodecInfo = GetEncoderInfo
(System.Drawing .Imaging.ImageF ormat.Tiff)

Dim myEncoderParame terColor As New
System.Drawing. Imaging.Encoder Parameter(myenc oder, 24L)

CompressionEnco der = System.Drawing. Imaging.Encoder .Compression
Dim myEncoderParame terCompression = New
System.Drawing. Imaging.Encoder Parameter(Compr essionEncoder, CLng
(System.Drawing .Imaging.Encode rValue.Compress ionLZW))

'Create an EncoderParamete rs object.
Params = New System.Drawing. Imaging.Encoder Parameters(2)
Params.Param(0) = myEncoderParame terCompression
Params.Param(1) = myEncoderParame terColor

imgSource.Save( "c:\test.ti f", TiffCodecInfo, Params)
end sub
Private Function GetEncoderInfo( ByVal format As
System.Drawing. Imaging.ImageFo rmat) As
System.Drawing. Imaging.ImageCo decInfo

Dim index As Integer
Dim encoders() As System.Drawing. Imaging.ImageCo decInfo
encoders = System.Drawing. Imaging.ImageCo decInfo.GetImag eEncoders()

For index = 0 To (encoders.Lengt h - 1)
If UCase(encoders( index).FormatDe scription) = UCase
(format.ToStrin g) Then
Return encoders(index)
End If
Next index
End Function


I can set the colordepth in this part:
Dim myEncoderParame terColor As New
System.Drawing. Imaging.Encoder Parameter(myenc oder, 24L)
I can set the compression in this part:
CompressionEnco der = System.Drawing. Imaging.Encoder .Compression
Dim myEncoderParame terCompression = New
System.Drawing. Imaging.Encoder Parameter(Compr essionEncoder, CLng
(System.Drawing .Imaging.Encode rValue.Compress ionLZW))

The Tif-source file is a 475kb file 200dpi, black and white. I want to
save a rotated version of this tif-file, same size, same dpi, same
colors. I can;t get it done.

(1) I can't set the colordepth to less then 24L. When I do this I get an
error in the GDI+. I would like to have a Tif-file with a colordepth
of 1 bit. Is this possible?

(2) When setting the compression to CompressionLZW or CompressionNone it
works fine. But I can;t select the other compressions. When I do so I
also get an error.

Met vriendelijke groet / With regards / Saludos,
Moviat Automatisering
Maurice Mertens
mauricem@moviat _KillSpamWordFo rEMail.nl

tel: +31 162 470 534
fax: +31 162 470 502
Jul 21 '05 #1
1 12306
Yeah, 1bpp tiffs are annoying and so far as I've found, the managed way is
great for slicing out tif frames but doesn't cut it completely on depth

I got this code from a great newsgroup guy named "BMan" about a year ago. I
made adjustments so that I could set a threshold and let the users despeckle
or allow in more "noise" if needed ... at the moment I can't find that
enhanced code (it was for a previous client). See if the following exact
conversion code helps and over the weekend I'll see if I can track down the
other files.

If you really need CCIT4 compression, as most folks are doing fax image work
with 1bpp tifs, you can change the LZW to CCTI4 and it still works fine.

1) make a class, call it Win32API and paste in the following:

Imports System.Runtime. InteropServices

Public Class win32api

<DllImport("KER NEL32.DLL", EntryPoint:="Rt lMoveMemory", _
SetLastError:=T rue, CharSet:=CharSe t.Auto, _
ExactSpelling:= True, _
CallingConventi on:=CallingConv ention.StdCall) > _

Public Shared Sub CopyArrayTo(<[In](), MarshalAs(Unman agedType.I4)> ByVal
hpvDest As Int32, <[In](), Out()> ByVal hpvSource() As Byte, ByVal cbCopy As

' Leave function empty

End Sub

' GDI32 Constant Definitions

Public Const BI_RGB = 0&
Public Const DIB_PAL_COLORS = 1

' GDI32 Structure Definitions'

<StructLayout(L ayoutKind.Seque ntial)> Public Structure GDI32BITMAP
Public bmType As Integer
Public bmWidth As Integer
Public bmHeight As Integer
Public bmWidthBytes As Integer
Public bmPlanes As Short
Public bmBitsPixel As Short
Public bmBits As Integer
End Structure

<StructLayout(L ayoutKind.Seque ntial)> Public Structure GDI32BITMAPINFO HEADER
Public biSize As Integer
Public biWidth As Integer
Public biHeight As Integer
Public biPlanes As Short
Public biBitCount As Short
Public biCompression As Integer
Public biSizeImage As Integer
Public biXPelsPerMeter As Integer
Public biYPelsPerMeter As Integer
Public biClrUsed As Integer
Public biClrImportant As Integer
End Structure

' GDI32 DLL Entry Point Declares

Public Declare Function CreateCompatibl eDC Lib "gdi32" Alias _
"CreateCompatib leDC" (ByVal hdc As Integer) As Integer

Public Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" Alias "SelectObje ct" _
(ByVal hdc As Integer, ByVal hObject As Integer) As Integer

Public Declare Function GetObject Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetObjectA " _
(ByVal hObject As Integer, ByVal nCount As Integer, ByVal lpObject As
Integer) As Integer

Public Declare Function CreateDIBSectio n Lib "gdi32" Alias _
"CreateDIBSecti on" (ByVal hDC As Integer, ByRef pBitmapInfo As _

GDI32BITMAPINFO HEADER, ByVal un As Integer, ByRef lplpVoid As Integer, _
ByVal handle As Integer, ByVal dw As Integer) As Integer

Public Declare Function GetDIBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal aHDC As Integer, _
ByVal hBitmap As Integer, ByVal nStartScan As Integer, ByVal nNumScans _
As Integer, ByVal lpBits As Integer, ByRef lpBI As _
GDI32BITMAPINFO HEADER, ByVal wUsage As Integer) As Integer

Public Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" Alias "DeleteObje ct" _
(ByVal hObject As Integer) As Integer

Public Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" Alias "DeleteDC" (ByVal hdc As
Integer) As Integer

Public Declare Function GdiFlush Lib "gdi32" Alias "GdiFlush" () As Integer

End Class

2) make a class, call it TifConverter and paste in this code:

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing. Imaging
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime. InteropServices

Public Class TiffConverter

Public Function MakeCCIT4Exact( ByVal value As Image) As Image
'bman code!
Dim dotNetBitmap As Bitmap
Dim XDPI, YDPI As Single
Dim srcBitmapInfo As win32api.GDI32B ITMAP
Dim hSrcBitmap As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
Dim pSrcBitmapInfo As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
Dim hDstMemDC As IntPtr = IntPtr.op_Expli cit(win32api.Cr eateCompatibleD C(0))
Dim hDestDIBitmap As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
Dim hDstOldBitmap As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
Dim pDestDIBits As Integer = 0
Dim RCode As Integer
Dim UseCompression As Boolean = True

' Load our Image into our GDI+ bitmap object (1BPP)
dotNetBitmap = CType(value, Bitmap)

XDPI = dotNetBitmap.Ho rizontalResolut ion
YDPI = dotNetBitmap.Ve rticalResolutio n

Dim xrez As Single = 0
Dim rezratio As Single = 1

xrez = XDPI
rezratio = 1
ElseIf XDPI > YDPI Then
xrez = XDPI
rezratio = XDPI / YDPI
xrez = YDPI
rezratio = XDPI / YDPI
End If

dim b As New Bitmap(dotNetBi tmap, New Size(dotNetBitm ap.Width,
dotNetBitmap.He ight * rezratio))
dotNetBitmap = b

hSrcBitmap = dotNetBitmap.Ge tHbitmap() ' hSrcBitmap is now 32bpp

' thanks to GDI+
' There most likey should be some protection afforded to the
' following()
' set of statements to ensure the memory operations don't cause a
' GPF in the app

' Allocate enough memory to hold a GDI32 structure and use that as a
' buffer area for the call to GetObject

pSrcBitmapInfo = Marshal.AllocCo TaskMem(Marshal .SizeOf(srcBitm apInfo))

' Call GetObject and use out buffer we just allocated as to store
' the returned struct

win32api.GetObj ect(hSrcBitmap. ToInt32, Marshal.SizeOf( srcBitmapInfo), _
pSrcBitmapInfo. ToInt32)

' Marshall the data in our buffer back to our GDI32BITMAP structure

srcBitmapInfo = CType(Marshal.P trToStructure(p SrcBitmapInfo, _
GetType(win32ap i.GDI32BITMAP)) , win32api.GDI32B ITMAP)

' Release the memory we allocated for the buffer to the GetObject
' Call

If IntPtr.op_Inequ ality(pSrcBitma pInfo, IntPtr.Zero) Then _
Marshal.FreeCoT askMem(pSrcBitm apInfo)

' Now we have the dimensions of the HBITMAP underlying our dot net
' Bitmap Object and can use them to set up our DIB

' BTW, if you don't believe me, look at srcBitmapInfo in the
' debugger and you'll see out image is now 32bpp

.biSize = Marshal.SizeOf( DestDIBMIH)
.biWidth = srcBitmapInfo.b mWidth
.biHeight = srcBitmapInfo.b mHeight 'CInt(srcBitmap Info.bmHeight * (XDPI /
.biPlanes = srcBitmapInfo.b mPlanes
.biBitCount = srcBitmapInfo.b mPlanes ' 1 bpp * srcBitmapInfo.b mPlanes()
.biCompression = win32api.BI_RGB
End With

' Create our DIBitmap
hDestDIBitmap = _
IntPtr.op_Expli cit(win32api.Cr eateDIBSection( hDstMemDC.ToInt 32, DestDIBMIH,
0, _
pDestDIBits, 0, 0))

' Now Select our DIBitmap into its DC
hDstOldBitmap = IntPtr.op_Expli cit(win32api.Se lectObject(hDst MemDC.ToInt32,
hDestDIBitmap.T oInt32))

' Copy the bits from out dotNet Bitmaps objects HBITMAP to out
' DIBitmap.

' ** I don't check in this, because I know there's no way it
' could(be)

RCode = win32api.GetDIB its(hDstMemDC.T oInt32, hSrcBitmap.ToIn t32, 0, _
srcBitmapInfo.b mHeight, pDestDIBits, DestDIBMIH, win32api.DIB_PA L_COLORS)

' Wait for GDI to finish creating and drawing out DIBitmap
win32api.GdiFlu sh()

' All Done with the conversion, create a new Bitmap using our DIBitmap()
dotNetBitmap = Bitmap.FromHbit map(hDestDIBitm ap)

' Just because I'm being a pain, make the dpi of the new bitmap
' This might matter to some image viewers

dotNetBitmap.Se tResolution(xre z, xrez)

' And finally save it before we cleanup and leave. Should be 1Bpp,
'UseCompression flag determines if compression is to be used

Dim m As New System.IO.Memor yStream
If UseCompression Then
Dim CodecInfo As Imaging.ImageCo decInfo = _
GetEncoderInfo( "image/tiff")
Dim ImgEncoder As New Imaging.Encoder (CodecInfo.Clsi d)
Dim EncParms As New Imaging.Encoder Parameters(1)
EncParms.Param( 0) = New _
Imaging.Encoder Parameter(Imagi ng.Encoder.Comp ression, _
Imaging.Encoder Value.Compressi onLZW)

dotNetBitmap.Sa ve(m, CodecInfo, EncParms)
Return Image.FromStrea m(m)
dotNetBitmap.Sa ve(m, Imaging.ImageFo rmat.Tiff)
Return Image.FromStrea m(m)
End If


' Clean up GDI resources before leaving

dotNetBitmap.Di spose()

If IntPtr.op_Inequ ality(hSrcBitma p, IntPtr.Zero) Then _
win32api.Delete Object(hSrcBitm ap.ToInt32)

If IntPtr.op_Inequ ality(hDestDIBi tmap, IntPtr.Zero) Then _
win32api.Delete Object(win32api .SelectObject(h DstMemDC.ToInt3 2,
hDstOldBitmap.T oInt32))

If IntPtr.op_Inequ ality(hDstMemDC , IntPtr.Zero) Then _
win32api.Delete DC(hDstMemDC.To Int32)

End Try

End Function

Private Function GetEncoderInfo( ByVal mimeType As String) As
System.Drawing. Imaging.ImageCo decInfo
Dim j As Integer
Dim encoders As Drawing.Imaging .ImageCodecInfo ()

encoders = Drawing.Imaging .ImageCodecInfo .GetImageEncode rs()

For j = 0 To encoders.Length
If encoders(j).Mim eType = mimeType Then
Return encoders(j)
End If

Return Nothing

End Function

End Class

3) make a form, add two buttons and a picturebox. Use one button to load an
image (a jpg or bmp) into the picturebox. Make the other buttom do this:

Dim o As New TiffConverter
Dim i As Image = o.MakeCCIT4Exac t(PictureBox1.I mage)
i.Save("c:\test area\test.tif")

Hope it helps

Robert Smith
Kirkland, WA

"Maurice Mertens" <hm*****@nospam .nospam> wrote in message
news:Xn******** *************** *****@194.109.1 33.133...

I'm having troubles with saving a tiff-file with a certain compression
and colordepth. This is the code I use:

Jul 21 '05 #2

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