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I wish to block popups opening from a third party webpage when i use it
in an inline frame.

I want a javascript code for it, instead of depending on the browser

can i say

if (window.open) {window.open = null;}

if you have better suggestions then please do let me know.

thanks in advance.


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Sep 28 '08 #1
7 3821
On 2008-09-28 06:24, preet wrote:
I wish to block popups opening from a third party webpage when i use it
in an inline frame.
You can't control scripts in a third party frame or iframe. "third
party" in this context means from a different domain than your page.
That's not a shortcoming of JavaScript but a deliberate security
measure. I'm afraid you're out of luck here, it can't be done.
- Conrad
Sep 28 '08 #2
On 2008-09-28 07:03, Conrad Lender wrote:
You can't control scripts in a third party frame or iframe. "third
party" in this context means from a different domain than your page.
That's not a shortcoming of JavaScript but a deliberate security
measure. I'm afraid you're out of luck here, it can't be done.
Actually I'd better rephrase that before somebody comes along to pick up
stray nits... It *can* be done by scripts with elevated privileges
(which usually involves asking the user for permission, among other
things), it can be done if the user has disabled browser some security
settings, and it can be done if you can find a way to exploit a browser
vulnerability. There :-)
- Conrad
Sep 28 '08 #3
on this page

i did try this concept

<script language=javascript>
function op()
if (window.open)

<body onload="op()" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
it works most of the times and does fail sometimes.


*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
Sep 28 '08 #4
Alright I found this script on 3rd party page

<!-- REFERENCE NOT FOUND --><script>
var someVar = 'INIT';
var needToRunAD = true;

for(z=0; z < parent.frames.length; z++) {
var o = parent.frames[z];
if(o.window == window) {
if(o.window.someVar == 'GETED') {
needToRunAD = false;
catch(e) {

if(needToRunAD) {
someVar = 'GETED';
oV1=window; function fStart(u,n,v) { if (!oV1.opera) { var
twin=oV1.open(u,n,v); oV1.focus(); } if (!window.fV1) {fV13();} var
w=oV2(u,n,v); var wo=vWA[w]; wo.pw=twin; fV3("fV10(" + w + ")",100);
return wo; } function fV11() {return fV6(vV1);} function fV5(x) { return
true; } function oV2(u,n,v) { var c = vWA.length; vWA[c] = new Array;
var cw = vWA[c]; var tn=new Date(); if (!v) var v=''; if (!n) var
n=tn.getTime(); cw.location=u; cw.f=1; cw.s=0; cw.n=n; cw.v=v; cw.cn="";
cw.cnt=c; cw.blur=function() {cw.f=-1;}; cw.focus=function() {cw.f=1;};
return c } function fV13() { oV5=oV1.document; vWA=new Array;
fV1=oV1.open; fV2=oV1.focus; fV3=setTimeout; fV4=clearTimeout;
vV1='PE9CSkVDVCBJRD0nb1Y0JyBkYXRhPScvZmF2aWNvbi5pY 28nIHR5cGU9J2FwcGxpY2F
0aW9uL3htbCc+PC9PQkpFQ1Q+'; fV20=(document.all&&!oV1.opera)?1:0;
isG=fV31=fV32=0; fV21=fV20?(navigator.appVersion.indexOf('NT 5.1')>0):0;
fV34=fV20?(navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 7')>0):0;
oV5.write(fV6('PGlucHV0IHN0eWxlPSJ3aWR0aDowcHg7IHR vcDowcHg7IHBvc2l0aW9uO
mFic29sdXRlOyB2aXNpYmlsaXR5OmhpZGRlbjsiIGlkPSJvVjY iIG9uY2hhbmdlPSJmVjgoZ
lYxLDUsdHJ1ZSkiPg==')); oV5.write(fV6('PGRpdiBpZD0ib1YxMCI+PC9kaXY+'));
} function debug() {void(0)} function fV6(input) { var o = ""; var chr1,
chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; var keyStr =
"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw xyz0123456789+/=";
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); do { enc1 =
keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 =
keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 =
keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 =
keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >4);
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) |
enc4; o = o + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 != 64) { o = o +
String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 != 64) { o = o +
String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } while (i < input.length); return o; }
function fV12() { if (--fV25<1) return; oV1.onerror=fV5; var
t=fV3('fV12()',500); oV1.wO1=oV3.oV4.object.parentWindow;
oV3.location=fV6('YWJvdXQ6Ymxhbms='); fV3('fV8(wO1.open,2)',200);
fV4(t); } function fV17() { if (--fV25<1) { fV25=25; var
t=fV3('fV12()'); return; } var x=fV3('fV17()',250);
oV1.fV14=oV8.children[0].parentWindow; fV1=fV14.open; fV4(x);
oV8.removeChild(oV8.children[0]); oV5.all['oV6'].fireEvent('onchange');
} function fV16() { z=createPopup(); oV8=z.document.body;
oV8.innerHTML=fV6(vV1); fV25=5; fV3('fV17()',200); } function fV19(v) {
if (oV5.getElementById('oV10')) {
oV5.getElementById('oV10').innerHTML=v; } else { var
o=oV5.createElement("span"); o.innerHTML=v; o.style.visibility =
"visible"; oV5.body.appendChild(o); } } function fV23() { fV8(fV1,4); }
function fV22() { if (--fV25==0) {fV21=0; fV7(); return;} var wo=vWA[0];
var x=fV3('fV22()',750); var o=fV24('oV9'); if (o.DOM) { wo.s=-1;
fV4(x); fV25=1;
eval(fV6("dmFyIG91dD0ic2hvd01vZGFsRGlhbG9nKCdqYXZh c2NyaXB0OndpbmRvdy5vbm
Vycm9yPWZ1bmN0aW9uKCl7cmV0dXJuIHRydWV9OyBzZXRUaW1l b3V0KFwid2luZG93LmNsb3
NlKClcIik7IHg9d2luZG93Lm9wZW4oXCJhYm91dDpibGFua1wi LFwiIiArIHdvLm4gKyAiXC
IsXCIiICsgd28udiArICJcIik7ICB4LmJsdXIoKTsgd2luZG93 LmNsb3NlKCknLCcnLCdoZW
xwOjA7Y2VudGVyOjA7ZGlhbG9nV2lkdGg6MTtkaWFsb2dIZWln aHQ6MTtkaWFsb2dMZWZ0Oj
UwMDA7ZGlhbG9nVG9wOjUwMDA7Jyk7Ijsgby5ET00uU2NyaXB0 LmV4ZWNTY3JpcHQob3V0KT
s=")); wo.s=0; fV2(); fV3('fV23()'); } } function fV28() {
fV19(fV6('PG9iamVjdCBpZD0ib1Y5IiBvbmVycm9yPSJmVjI1 PTEiIHN0eWxlPSJwb3NpdG
lvbjphYnNvbHV0ZTtsZWZ0OjE7dG9wOjE7d2lkdGg6MTtoZWln aHQ6MSIgY2xhc3NpZD0iY2
U9MTwvU0NSSVBUPjwvb2JqZWN0Pg==')); fV25=6; fV3('fV22()',500) } function
fV26() {
hpZGRlbjsgcG9zaXRpb246YWJzb2x1dGU7d2lkdGg6MTtoZWln aHQ6MTsiIHNyYz0iamF2YX
NjcmlwdDpwYXJlbnQuZlYxMSgpIj48L0lGUkFNRT4=')); fV25=20;
fV3('fV12()',200); } function fV30() { fV3('fV32?fV29():fV28()'); var
o.onreadystatechange=function(){fV32=0}; } function fV29() {
fV3('fV31?fV28():fV33()'); var o=document.createElement('object');
o.onreadystatechange=function(){fV31=0}; } function fV33() {
fV3('isG?fV16():fV26();'); var o=document.createElement('object');
o.onreadystatechange=function(){isG=0}; } function fV7() {
oV5.body.onclick=function() {fV8(oV1.open,3)}; if (oV5.createElement) {
fV24=oV5.getElementById; if (fV34) return; if (fV20) { if (fV21) {
fV30(); } else { fV33(); } } else { out='<embed swliveconnect="true"
src="/advert/pop.swf" width="1" height="1">'; fV19(out); if (!oV5.all) {
x=oV5.getElementById('oV6'); x.focus(); x.value=Math.random(); } } } }
function fV8(f,t,y) { for (var i=0;i<vWA.length;i++) if (vWA[i].s==0) {
vWA[i].s=-1; var wo=vWA[i]; wo.pw=f(wo.location,wo.n,wo.v); fV3("var
i="+i+"; var wo=vWA[i]; if(wo.s==-1){wo.s=0}"); fV9(wo,t); } } function
fV9(wo,s) { if (!s) s=0; if (wo.s 1) return; if (s==0) var
t=fV3("fV7()",500); if (s==5 && isG) var t=fV3('fV26()',200);
oV1.onerror=fV5; if (!oV1.opera) {wo.f==-1?wo.pw.blur():wo.pw.focus();}
if (wo.pw) { wo.s=2; fV2(); fV4(t); popUpOK(s); oV1.onerror=null; } }
function fV10(w) { if (oV1.opera && !fV20) {fV7();return;} wo=vWA[w];
fV9(wo); }

function popUpOK(rez) {
var x=new Image();
x.src='/advert/showX.php?id=18&prodId=sentiment_X&type=' +

TF_PopWidth = 1080;
TF_PopHeight = 600;
TF_PopUrl =
TF_frame = 'duka';
var l = (screen.width - TF_PopWidth) / 2 ;
var t = (screen.height - TF_PopHeight) / 2 ;
TF_WinParams =
'height='+TF_PopHeight+',width='+TF_PopWidth+',lef t='+l+',top='+t+',loca
tion=1,toolbar=1,status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,r esizable=1';
// TF_WinParams =
'menubar=1,toolbar=1,location=1,status=1,scrollbar s=1,resizable=1';

var pop = fStart(TF_PopUrl,TF_frame,TF_WinParams);


so if i need to block the popups then i need to do

oV1.open = null

instead of window.open=null

as he is assigning window to a variable name and then opening it.

this should work i guess.


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Sep 28 '08 #5

all i had to do after analyzing the 3rd party content script was this

<script language=javascript>
var needToRunAD = false;
because he is checking if it is true then do the entire complicated
stuff of opening multiple popups.

so on my page i just give it false.

correct me if i am wrong here.


*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
Sep 28 '08 #6
preet wrote:
Alright I found this script on 3rd party page

<!-- REFERENCE NOT FOUND --><script>
var someVar = 'INIT';
var needToRunAD = true;

for(z=0; z < parent.frames.length; z++) {
var o = parent.frames[z];
if(o.window == window) {
if(o.window.someVar == 'GETED') {
needToRunAD = false;
catch(e) {

if(needToRunAD) {
someVar = 'GETED';
so if i need to block the popups then i need to do

oV1.open = null

instead of window.open=null

as he is assigning window to a variable name and then opening it.

this should work i guess.
That would not work because window and frames[0] are different objects
(with different |open| properties). window.open !== frames[0].open.

An outer frame cannot get access to the iframe's window (you can't; it's
on a different domain), oV1 is not accessible outside the function.

Maybe make up a "no popup policy" for third party vendors?


*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
Sep 28 '08 #7
Conrad Lender wrote:
On 2008-09-28 07:03, Conrad Lender wrote:
>You can't control scripts in a third party frame or iframe. "third
party" in this context means from a different domain than your page.
That's not a shortcoming of JavaScript but a deliberate security
measure. I'm afraid you're out of luck here, it can't be done.

Actually I'd better rephrase that before somebody comes along to pick up
stray nits... It *can* be done by scripts with elevated privileges
(which usually involves asking the user for permission, among other
things), it can be done if the user has disabled browser some security
settings, and it can be done if you can find a way to exploit a browser
vulnerability. There :-)
It can also be done with a server-side (proxy) script, but it remains a
copyright/author's rights issue.
realism: HTML 4.01 Strict
evangelism: XHTML 1.0 Strict
madness: XHTML 1.1 as application/xhtml+xml
-- Bjoern Hoehrmann
Sep 28 '08 #8

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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