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Log4j Issue

Log4j Issue

I am facing a problem related to Log4j...

The problem is such that I have two different Log4j files one in
..properties format and the other in the .xml format..

and their source code is like this


log4j.appender. rollinglogfile= org.apache.log4 j.RollingFileAp pender
#log4j.appender .stdout=org.apa che.log4j.Conso leAppender
log4j.appender. rollinglogfile. layout.Conversi onPattern=%d{dd MMM yyyy
HH\:mm\:ss,SSS} %-5p %-20t %c{3} - %m%n
log4j.appender. rollinglogfile. Threshold=DEBUG
log4j.appender. rollinglogfile. layout=org.apac he.log4j.Patter nLayout
log4j.appender. stdout.layout.C onversionPatter n=%d{dd MMM yyyy
HH\:mm\:ss,SSS} %-5p %-20t %c{3} - %m%n
log4j.debug=fal se
admincentral.ds l.vdr.docsrv=vd r
log4j.appender. stdout.Threshol d=DEBUG
log4j.appender. rollinglogfile. MaxFileSize=10M B
log4j.appender. rollinglogfile. File=D\:\\Apach e Tomcat
4.0\\bin\\Admin Central.log
admincentral.ds l.vdr.port=1542
log4j.appender. stdout.layout=o rg.apache.log4j .PatternLayout
log4j.appender. rollinglogfile. MaxBackupIndex= 5
log4j.rootCateg ory=ERROR, stdout, rollinglogfile
admincentral.ds l.vdr.host=wksa bc
log4j.layout.Co nversionPattern =%d{dd MMM yyyy HH\:mm\:ss,SSS} %-5p
%-20t %c{3} - %m%n"
admincentral.ds l.list=xyz,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configura tion SYSTEM "log4j.dtd" >
<log4j:configur ation xmlns:log4j='ht tp://jakarta.apache. org/log4j/'
<appender name="CONSOLE_A PP"
class="org.apac he.log4j.Consol eAppender">
<layout class="org.apac he.log4j.Patter nLayout">
<param name="Conversio nPattern" value="priority-%-5p;
class - %C; method - %M; message - %m%n"/>

<appender name="FILE_APP_ DEBUG"
class="org.apac he.log4j.Rollin gFileAppender">
<param name="File" value="debug.lo g" />
<param name="MaxFileSi ze" value="10000KB" />
<param name="MaxBackup Index" value="5" />
<layout class="org.apac he.log4j.Patter nLayout">
<param name="Conversio nPattern" value="%d{MM-dd-yyyy
hh:mm:ss a}; thread-[%t]; priority-%-5p; class - %C; method - %M;
message - %m%n"/>
<filter class="org.apac he.log4j.varia. PriorityMatchFi lter">
<param name="PriorityT oMatch" value="DEBUG" />
<param name="AcceptOnM atch" value="true" />
<appender name="FILE_APP_ INFO"
class="org.apac he.log4j.Rollin gFileAppender">
<param name="File" value="info.log " />
<param name="MaxFileSi ze" value="10000KB" />
<param name="MaxBackup Index" value="5" />
<layout class="org.apac he.log4j.Patter nLayout">
<param name="Conversio nPattern" value="%d{MM-dd-yyyy
hh:mm:ss a}; thread-[%t]; priority-%-5p; class - %C; method - %M;
message - %m%n"/>
<filter class="org.apac he.log4j.varia. PriorityMatchFi lter">
<param name="PriorityT oMatch" value="INFO" />
<param name="AcceptOnM atch" value="true" />
<appender name="FILE_APP_ ERROR"
class="org.apac he.log4j.Rollin gFileAppender">
<param name="File" value="error.lo g" />
<param name="MaxFileSi ze" value="10000KB" />
<param name="MaxBackup Index" value="5" />
<layout class="org.apac he.log4j.Patter nLayout">
<param name="Conversio nPattern" value="%d{MM-dd-yyyy
hh:mm:ss a}; thread-[%t]; priority-%-5p; class - %C; method - %M;
message - %m%n"/>
<filter class="org.apac he.log4j.varia. PriorityMatchFi lter">
<param name="PriorityT oMatch" value="ERROR" />
<param name="AcceptOnM atch" value="true" />
<appender name="CONSOLE_E RR"
class="org.apac he.log4j.Consol eAppender">
<layout class="org.apac he.log4j.Patter nLayout">
<param name="Conversio nPattern" value="Date/Time: %d,
Severity: %-5p, %m%n"/>
<appender name="FILE_APP_ ERR_EVENT_LOG"
class="org.apac he.log4j.Rollin gFileAppender">
<param name="File" value="erroreve nt.log" />
<param name="MaxFileSi ze" value="10000KB" />
<param name="MaxBackup Index" value="5" />
<layout class="org.apac he.log4j.Patter nLayout">
<param name="Conversio nPattern" value="%d{MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss a};
thread-[%t]; priority-%-5p; class - %C; method - %M; message -
<filter class="org.apac he.log4j.varia. PriorityMatchFi lter">
<param name="PriorityT oMatch" value="ERROR_EV ENT" />
<param name="AcceptOnM atch" value="true" />

<category name="package name">
<priority value="error" />
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE_AP P" />
<!--appender-ref ref="FILE_ERR" /-->

<category name="package name" >
<priority value="ERROR_EV ENT" />
<appender-ref ref="FILE_APP_E RR_EVENT_LOG" />
<priority value ="DEBUG" />

</log4j:configura tion>
The problem is that the logs of the a.properties are getting logged on
the Tomcat Server Console when run on the Tomcat Server,, And I have
seperate log files for the a.properties and b.xml, some of the logs of
the a.properties are getting logged on to the b.xml's log files and
some of the b.xml's logs are getting logged on to the a.properties log
file... WHICH should not(I mean to say the logs of a.properties should
get logged into the log files of the a.properties and the logs of the
b.xml should get logged onto the b.xml's log files only)...

I will be waiting for ur replies...

Please its very urgent.

Thanx in Advance...
Jul 17 '05 #1
1 5606
ra***********@i treya.com (Ragavendra BC) wrote:
Log4j Issue

I am facing a problem related to Log4j...

The problem is such that I have two different Log4j files one in
.properties format and the other in the .xml format..

and their source code is like this


log4j.appender. rollinglogfile= org.apache.log4 j.RollingFileAp pender
#log4j.appender .stdout=org.apa che.log4j.Conso leAppender
log4j.appender. rollinglogfile. layout.Conversi onPattern=%d{dd MMM yyyy
HH\:mm\:ss,SSS} %-5p %-20t %c{3} - %m%n
log4j.appender. rollinglogfile. Threshold=DEBUG
log4j.appender. rollinglogfile. layout=org.apac he.log4j.Patter nLayout
log4j.appender. stdout.layout.C onversionPatter n=%d{dd MMM yyyy
HH\:mm\:ss,SSS} %-5p %-20t %c{3} - %m%n
log4j.debug=fal se
admincentral.ds l.vdr.docsrv=vd r
log4j.appender. stdout.Threshol d=DEBUG
log4j.appender. rollinglogfile. MaxFileSize=10M B
log4j.appender. rollinglogfile. File=D\:\\Apach e Tomcat
4.0\\bin\\Admin Central.log
admincentral.ds l.vdr.port=1542
log4j.appender. stdout.layout=o rg.apache.log4j .PatternLayout
log4j.appender. rollinglogfile. MaxBackupIndex= 5
log4j.rootCateg ory=ERROR, stdout, rollinglogfile
admincentral.ds l.vdr.host=wksa bc
log4j.layout.Co nversionPattern =%d{dd MMM yyyy HH\:mm\:ss,SSS} %-5p
%-20t %c{3} - %m%n"
admincentral.ds l.list=xyz,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configura tion SYSTEM "log4j.dtd" >
<log4j:configur ation xmlns:log4j='ht tp://jakarta.apache. org/log4j/'
<appender name="CONSOLE_A PP"
class="org.apac he.log4j.Consol eAppender">
<layout class="org.apac he.log4j.Patter nLayout">
<param name="Conversio nPattern" value="priority-%-5p;
class - %C; method - %M; message - %m%n"/>

<appender name="FILE_APP_ DEBUG"
class="org.apac he.log4j.Rollin gFileAppender">
<param name="File" value="debug.lo g" />
<param name="MaxFileSi ze" value="10000KB" />
<param name="MaxBackup Index" value="5" />
<layout class="org.apac he.log4j.Patter nLayout">
<param name="Conversio nPattern" value="%d{MM-dd-yyyy
hh:mm:ss a}; thread-[%t]; priority-%-5p; class - %C; method - %M;
message - %m%n"/>
<filter class="org.apac he.log4j.varia. PriorityMatchFi lter">
<param name="PriorityT oMatch" value="DEBUG" />
<param name="AcceptOnM atch" value="true" />
<appender name="FILE_APP_ INFO"
class="org.apac he.log4j.Rollin gFileAppender">
<param name="File" value="info.log " />
<param name="MaxFileSi ze" value="10000KB" />
<param name="MaxBackup Index" value="5" />
<layout class="org.apac he.log4j.Patter nLayout">
<param name="Conversio nPattern" value="%d{MM-dd-yyyy
hh:mm:ss a}; thread-[%t]; priority-%-5p; class - %C; method - %M;
message - %m%n"/>
<filter class="org.apac he.log4j.varia. PriorityMatchFi lter">
<param name="PriorityT oMatch" value="INFO" />
<param name="AcceptOnM atch" value="true" />
<appender name="FILE_APP_ ERROR"
class="org.apac he.log4j.Rollin gFileAppender">
<param name="File" value="error.lo g" />
<param name="MaxFileSi ze" value="10000KB" />
<param name="MaxBackup Index" value="5" />
<layout class="org.apac he.log4j.Patter nLayout">
<param name="Conversio nPattern" value="%d{MM-dd-yyyy
hh:mm:ss a}; thread-[%t]; priority-%-5p; class - %C; method - %M;
message - %m%n"/>
<filter class="org.apac he.log4j.varia. PriorityMatchFi lter">
<param name="PriorityT oMatch" value="ERROR" />
<param name="AcceptOnM atch" value="true" />
<appender name="CONSOLE_E RR"
class="org.apac he.log4j.Consol eAppender">
<layout class="org.apac he.log4j.Patter nLayout">
<param name="Conversio nPattern" value="Date/Time: %d,
Severity: %-5p, %m%n"/>
<appender name="FILE_APP_ ERR_EVENT_LOG"
class="org.apac he.log4j.Rollin gFileAppender">
<param name="File" value="erroreve nt.log" />
<param name="MaxFileSi ze" value="10000KB" />
<param name="MaxBackup Index" value="5" />
<layout class="org.apac he.log4j.Patter nLayout">
<param name="Conversio nPattern" value="%d{MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss a};
thread-[%t]; priority-%-5p; class - %C; method - %M; message -
<filter class="org.apac he.log4j.varia. PriorityMatchFi lter">
<param name="PriorityT oMatch" value="ERROR_EV ENT" />
<param name="AcceptOnM atch" value="true" />

<category name="package name">
<priority value="error" />
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE_AP P" />
<!--appender-ref ref="FILE_ERR" /-->

<category name="package name" >
<priority value="ERROR_EV ENT" />
<appender-ref ref="FILE_APP_E RR_EVENT_LOG" />
<priority value ="DEBUG" />

</log4j:configura tion>
The problem is that the logs of the a.properties are getting logged on
the Tomcat Server Console when run on the Tomcat Server,, And I have
seperate log files for the a.properties and b.xml, some of the logs of
the a.properties are getting logged on to the b.xml's log files and
some of the b.xml's logs are getting logged on to the a.properties log
file... WHICH should not(I mean to say the logs of a.properties should
get logged into the log files of the a.properties and the logs of the
b.xml should get logged onto the b.xml's log files only)...

I will be waiting for ur replies...

Please its very urgent.

Thanx in Advance...


I haven't seen Log4J used in an XML properties settings before or read
any documentation on it. But here is a sample of a log4j.propertie s file
used in one of my web apps:
# log4j.propertie s
# Everything not explicitly stated will output ONLY warn & above (warn,
error, fatal)
log4j.rootCateg ory=DEBUG, console, roll-error

#----------- my web
log4j.category. com.app.portal= DEBUG, roll-debug

# Console Appender
log4j.appender. console=org.apa che.log4j.Conso leAppender
log4j.appender. console.Thresho ld=INFO
log4j.appender. console.layout= org.apache.log4 j.PatternLayout
# Pattern to output the caller's file name and line number.
#log4j.appender .console.layout .ConversionPatt ern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %
log4j.appender. console.layout. ConversionPatte rn=%d{MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss,SSS}
%-5p %l - (%F:%L) %m%n

# Rolling File Appender -- for errors
log4j.appender. roll-error=org.apach e.log4j.Rolling FileAppender
log4j.appender. roll-error.File=C:/Tomcat
log4j.appender. roll-error.Threshold =WARN
log4j.appender. roll-error.MaxFileSi ze=1500KB
log4j.appender. roll-error.MaxBackup Index=2
log4j.appender. roll-error.layout=or g.apache.log4j. PatternLayout
log4j.appender. roll-error.layout.Co nversionPattern =%d{MM/dd/yy
HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %l - %m%n

# Rolling File Appender - debugging for general
log4j.appender. roll-debug=org.apach e.log4j.Rolling FileAppender
log4j.appender. roll-debug.File=C:/Tomcat
log4j.appender. roll-debug.Threshold =DEBUG
log4j.appender. roll-debug.MaxFileSi ze=1000KB
log4j.appender. roll-error.MaxBackup Index=0
log4j.appender. roll-debug.layout=or g.apache.log4j. PatternLayout
log4j.appender. roll-debug.layout.Co nversionPattern =%d{MM/dd/yy
HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%C{1}:%L] %m%n

Please note the following 2 lines that specify where the error and debug
logs are stored, which can be any location or file name that you specify.

log4j.appender. roll-error.File=
log4j.appender. roll-debug.File=

I'm not sure what documentation or who taught you how to use Log4J in the
manner in which you are using it. But hope this helps.

Jul 17 '05 #2

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