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Third test post of ciwas mFAQ

I have worked some more on this suggested new mFAQ version trying to get
all user input to blend into the text.

Another review by the NG would be welcome.


Archive-name: www/stylesheets/newsgroup-faq
Posting-Frequency: once a week
Last-modified: July 22, 2004
Version: 2.00
URL: <http://css.nu/faq/ciwas-mFAQ.html>
Maintainer: Jan Roland Eriksson <re*@css.nu>

comp.infosystem s.www.authoring.stylesheets meta-FAQ v2.00
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ __________

00: ===== T O C =====

01: What is <comp.infosyste ms.www.authorin g.stylesheets> ?
02: What kinds of posts are acceptable in this news group ?
03: What kinds of posts may be acceptable in this news group ?
04: What kinds of posts are not acceptable in this news group ?
05: Where are the technical resources for this news group ?
06: How do I get best possible response to my articles ?
07: What is the atmosphere of 'ciwas' ?
08: Where can I find the latest version of this FAQ ?

09: ==== End ====
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ __________

01: ===== Q & A =====

Q: What is <comp.infosyste ms.www.authorin g.stylesheets>

A: This is an unmoderated news group which passed for creation by
votes of 166:19 as reported in <news.announce. newgroups> on

The charter of this news group, taken from the vote result
announcement, is:

"This unmoderated news group is intended for the discussion of Web
style sheets. Style sheets can make an author's life much easier.
With style sheets, one only needs to specify presentational pre-
ferences once, and the style can be applied to an entire site.
Not only that, but style sheets also reduce download time when one
file contains all the style information."
02: ===== Q & A =====

Q: What kinds of posts are acceptable in this news group ?

A: This news group is a forum for discussion of style sheet technology
and usage that is applicable to the WWW.

Examples of valid topics for this news group include:

* How to achieve a particular effect with style sheets.
* The relative advantages of different style sheet languages.
* Specifications versus implementations .
* Bugs and limitations in implementations .
03: ===== Q & A =====

Q: What kinds of posts may be acceptable in this news group ?

A: Articles on related WWW subjects (e.g. (X)HTML mark-up, client or
server side scripting languages, etc.) that may be required for a
full discussion of a specific style sheet problem.

In general terms:

* articles on (X)HTML mark-up should be posted to
<comp.infosyste ms.www.authorin g.html>

* articles on XML mark-up should be posted to <comp.text.xm l>

* articles on DSSSL may be posted to <comp.text.sgml > but the most
correct forum might be the DSSSL mailing list at
<DS******@lists .mulberrytech.c om> which has a main WWW entry at
<http://www.mulberrytec h.com/dsssl/dssslist/>

* articles on the Java programming language should be posted to a
suitable NG in the <comp.lang.java .*> hierarchy.

* articles on the client side scripting languages Javascript and
Jscript should be posted to <comp.lang.java script>

* articles on other types of client side, or server side, scripting
and/or programming languages should be posted to the news group
or mailing list most appropriate to the particular language.
A search at <http://www.google.com> may be of help to find the
correct forum for articles that are directly off-topic for
<comp.infosyste ms.www.authorin g.stylesheets>
04: ===== Q & A =====

Q: What kind of posts are not acceptable in this news group ?

A: Some examples of inappropriate posts include:

* Chain letters, including "Make Money Fast" articles.
* Known hoaxes (like the "Good Times Virus").
* Announcements of non-relevant Web pages and services.
* Personal introductions or requests for e-mail.
* Off topic articles, questions or responses.
* Test articles.
* Articles cross-posted to several news groups where the article
is off-topic for one or more of the news groups in the cross-
post list.
* Articles posted as separate copies to many groups ("spam").
* Articles with significantly more quoted than new content.
* Articles offering items for sale and commercial advertisements.
* Articles which aren't primarily text in a standard alphabet
(e.g. binaries, pictures, Rot13, etc).

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) gives advice on how to
post to usenet in 'RFC1855' <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1855.txt>.
Follow those recommendations whenever you post to usenet and your
articles should be well received not only in 'ciwas' but also in
any other news group you may want to visit.
05: ===== Q & A =====

Q: Where are the technical resources for this news group ?

A: Available information on the subject of style sheets is too exten-
sive to be directly written into a posted document like this meta-
FAQ. It is suggested that you research your technical questions on
the use of style sheets in one or more of the following places on
the WWW.

* Style sheet information from the World Wide Web Consortium
(also known as the W3C) starts at <http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/>
and continues at <http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/>

- The official recommendation for Cascading Style Sheets level 1
(aka CSS1) <http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS1>

- The official recommendation for Cascading Style Sheets level 2
(aka CSS2) <http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/>

- The official errata document for Cascading Style Sheets level 2
(which is no longer maintained, in favor of the current ongoing
work on the CSS2.1 specification)


- The official Candidate recommendation for Cascading Style
Sheets level 2.1 (which is currently a "work in progress"
document) <http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/>

- The official recommendation for XSL Transformations (XSLT)
Version 1.0 <http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt>

- The official recommendation for XML Path Language (XPath)
Version 1.0 <http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath>

- The official recommendation for Extensible Stylesheet Language
(XSL/XSL-FO) Version 1.0 <http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/>

* Information on other style sheet capable languages, document
transformation methods and specifications.

- Document Style Semantics and Specification Language (DSSSL)
<http://www.mulberrytec h.com/dsssl/dssslist/>

- Formatting Output Specification Instance (FOSI)
<http://xml.coverpages. org/gov-apps.html#mil21 67a>

- Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETM)
<http://navycals.dt.nav y.mil/cals/documents/sp87269A.pdf>

- International Committee for Accessible Document Design (ICADD)
<http://xml.coverpages. org/ICADDiso.html>
<http://xml.coverpages. org/ICADDpur.html>
It should be noted that the HTML2 DTD was designed to be ICADD
compatible <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1866.txt>

* Syntax checkers for CSS are available online from here
<http://www.htmlhelp.or g/tools/csscheck/> (CSS1 primarily)

* True HTML syntax validators are available online from here
<http://www.htmlhelp.or g/tools/validator/>
<http://valet.webthing. com/page/>
<http://validator.w3.or g/>

* A commercial Windows front for James Clark's 'nsgmls' SGML
parser/validator is available from here
<http://arealvalidator. com/>

* In need of a good, all purpose (X)HTML - CSS, editor for the WIN
environment? Go to <http://www.notetab.com/>. It's available in a
full sized commercial version as well as a slightly scaled down
free version, but its real value lies in the vast amount of free
add-in "clips" available for it. True DTD based validation of
your markup is just one of the modules that you do not have to
pay extra to have at your fingertips.

* W3C has a CSS test suite available, the work to design that test
suite was originally done by Eric A. Meyer but today it's main-
tained by Bert Bos.

* Eric Meyer's "Complex Spiral Demo" became a "classic example" at
the same time it was published. Eric shows the full capacity of
CSS1 (combined with a few, very basic, pick up's from CSS2)
<http://www.meyerweb.co m/eric/css/edge/complexspiral/demo.html>

* Todd Fahrner once designed a set of core stylesheets that was
placed on the W3C server system. Todd has found other (maybe
more valuable) interests in life as compared to participating
in discussions in 'ciwas' but his original excellent work is
still available, now maintained by Bert Bos.

* The Web Design Group has a CSS reference here
<http://www.htmlhelp.co m/reference/css/>

* The authoring FAQ for this news group is at

* The HTML Writers Guild CSS FAQ, originally produced by Eva von
Pepel a few years back. Still claimed to be maintained by Eva
but has not been updated for quite some time

* To save some time on Google evaluations we have here a list of
CSS educational sites as taken from the two first result pages
from Google on the simple search key 'CSS'. Most of these sites
gets recommended every now and then by regulars here in 'ciwas'.

<http://www.w3schools.c om/css/default.asp>
<http://www.csszengarde n.com/>
<http://www.meyerweb.co m/eric/css/edge/>
<http://css.maxdesign.c om.au/>
<http://www.blooberry.c om/indexdot/css/>
<http://www.alistapart. com/topics/css/>
06: ===== Q & A =====

Q: How do I get best possible response to my articles ?

A: First, please search this newsgroup for recent discussion of your
issue(s) [a].
Next, make sure your (X)HTML markup is valid and that your CSS is
correctly formed; see Q&A #5 for links to (X)HTML validators and
CSS checkup resources.
If the problem remains, get your code pared down to a bare minimum,
which still shows the problem, and upload it to a www server.
When posting, indicate what you feel is wrong, what you'd like to
have happen instead, and include the URL to the test case you've
just prepared.
This process often reveals the problem before you even have to ask,
and it saves time and effort for the helpful regulars who really do
want to assist you.

[a]<http://groups.google.c om/groups?group=co mp.infosystems. www.authoring.s tylesheets>
is an effective tool to search previous discussions in ciwas.
07: ===== Q & A =====

Q: What is the atmosphere of 'ciwas' ?

A: Well, "strict" maybe a short definition, and naturally you will
find 'OT' discussions here just as well as you can find them in
other NG's. Still, over the years since the creation of 'ciwas',
basically three items has come to be essential for any one who
wants to place a commentary article in 'ciwas'.

a) Make your comment in a natural conversation order, either below
the quoted material or in-line with it; Do not "top-post".

b) Include quoted material (with attribution) but trim it to the

c) You should normally post an article to one news group only.
If, and only if, the topic of your article covers more than one
news group, you should cross-post the article.
Do not post separate articles with the same message to different
news groups.

Don't be upset if a seemingly simple article/comment/question
triggers a long thread of posts on other issues related to your
input. After all usenet is a forum for discussions at first, not a
"help desk". All eventual help that can be had from a discussion
shall be looked upon as a "fringe benefit".

One ciwas usenaut has agreed to let his views of the NG be
referenced from this mFAQ at <http://www.css.nu/faq/ciwas-NG.html>
08: ===== Q & A =====

Q: Where can I find the latest version of this FAQ ?

A: This FAQ was last updated 2004-07-22 copyright 1998 ... 2004
-- Jan Roland Eriksson --

Permission to freely reproduce this document electronically is
given as long as the document remains uncut and unedited.

This FAQ is posted periodically to the NG once a week and I'll
endeavor to use the same subject line at all times so that those
of you who have seen it can kill-file the subject.

FAQ version number in subject line will be changed whenever the
document has been revised. You should be able to use that fact
when setting your kill filter to make sure that you have the
latest version available at all times.

This meta-FAQ is also available in HTML on the World Wide Web at
<http://css.nu/faq/ciwas-mFAQ.html> and as a text document at
<http://css.nu/faq/ciwas-mFAQ.txt> with the revision history of
this meta-FAQ at <http://css.nu/faq/ciwas-mFAQ-rev.html>
09: ===== E N D =====
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ __________

Jul 20 '05
12 3828
On Sat, 24 Jul 2004, Dr John Stockton wrote:
, or just put up with that
antique software that you've decided to stick with, and stop making
such a fuss in public. Most IE users have long since moved on.
But not all. Consider charities,

I've never advocated doing anything unnecessarily harmful to older
browsers; but this is only cosmetics that you're whining about, and
unnecessary cosmetics at that. If "justify" causes problems, then
stop doing it. It's as simple as that.
impecunious universities,
We gave the kiddies NN4.* on the old machines, for the obvious
security reasons... (that's some time back, though)
the third world, who may not be able to get new machines

There just aren't enough old machines in existence to make much of an
impression on the third world, as far as I can see. Nevertheless, I
*still* wouldn't do anything unnecessarily harmful to old browsers.
Their users just have to live with the fact that old browsers don't
support current HTML, and their users may often have to cope with
cosmetic faults too. It's reality, so cope with it, and concentrate
on something substantive.
Jul 20 '05 #11
JRS: In article <o0************ *************** *****@4ax.com>, dated
Sat, 24 Jul 2004 02:39:51, seen in news:comp.infos ystems.www.authoring.s
tylesheets, Jan Roland Eriksson <re*@css.nu> posted :
The following idea,
Thanks, but did no hood; date still would split and stretch.
Naturally you could try the other way around too...

That put the date in a quasi-paragraph of its own, so it would not
stretch or need to split.

The answer is to use at least one of the three following : YYYY/MM/DD,
no justification, not IE4. I'll rely mainly on #2.

...your TZ is -0200, which suggests EU.

Hmm, -0200 ?
We are on "daylight saving" here. Is that why it says -0200 ?
In reality we are only one hour ahead of the old GMT.

In winter, you are an hour ahead of GMT, probably +-<0.9s for UTC-GMT.
In summer, you are an hour (+-) ahead of the actual time in the place
Greenwich, which is an hour exactly ahead of GMT. Legal time here is
GMT / GMT+1; in Sweden probably UTC+1 / UTC+2. Time signals, though,
use UTC. BBC World Service uses GMT, verbally.

CP: ‑ prevents stretch and wrap; but it shows as an empty brick
on Georgia and default Times New Roman and as a thick vertical bar in
serif. Serif being a font other than Times New Roman was unexpected.

© John Stockton, Surrey, UK. ?@merlyn.demon. co.uk Turnpike v4.00 MIME. ©
Web <URL:http://www.merlyn.demo n.co.uk/> - w. FAQish topics, links, acronyms
PAS EXE etc : <URL:http://www.merlyn.demo n.co.uk/programs/> - see 00index.htm
Dates - miscdate.htm moredate.htm js-dates.htm pas-time.htm critdate.htm etc.
Jul 20 '05 #12
Dr John Stockton <sp**@merlyn.de mon.co.uk> writes:
(that's a matter of opinion; it is at worst satisfactory when there are
always several words per complete line. Habitual book-readers with
adequate screens find the popularity of sans-serif far more annoying
that the presence/absence of proper justification.)

* { font-family: "MyFavouriteSer ifFont" !important; }

Jul 20 '05 #13

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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