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why destructor function called twice

Hi all,
something wrong with my code, it seems that the destructor function
has been called twice. I don't know why.here is my codes
#ifndef _FIXTURE_H
#define _FIXTURE_H

#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

class Fixture
string fixturename;
vector<string>f aces
map<string,vect or<string points;
map<string,stri ng>locators;
Fixture(const Fixture &fix);
void AddLocateFace(c onst string &face);
void AddLocatePoint( const string &face,const string &point);
void AddLocator(cons t string &point,const string &locator);

#include "Fixture.h"
#include "PrjError.h "

#include <iostream>
Fixture::Fixtur e()
Fixture::Fixtur e(const Fixture &fix)
fixturename=fix .fixturename;
faces=fix.faces ;
points=fix.poin ts;
locators=fix.lo cators;
Fixture::~Fixtu re()


void Fixture::AddLoc ateFace(const string &face)
vector<string>: :iterator ii;
int found=0;
for(ii=faces.be gin();ii!=faces .end();ii++)
faces.push_back (face);
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_ALREADY_EXIS T);

void Fixture::AddLoc atePoint(const string &face,const string &point)
map<string,vect or<string::iter ator ii;
vector<stringte mp;
vector<string>: :iterator kk;
kk=find(faces.b egin(),faces.en d(),face);
if(kk==faces.en d())
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_NOT_FIND);
ii=points.find( face);
if(ii==points.e nd())
pair<map<string ,vector<string: :iterator,boolp ;
temp.push_back( point);
map<string,vect or<string::valu e_type newpoint(face,t emp);
p=points.insert (newpoint);
if(p.second==fa lse)
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_INSERT_NEW);
kk=find(ii->second.begin() ,ii->second.end(),p oint);
if(kk!=ii->second.end() )
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_ALREADY_EXIS T);
ii->second.push_ba ck(point);

void Fixture::AddLoc ator(const string &point,const string &locator)
map<string,stri ng>::iterator ii;
map<string,vect or<string::iter ator jj;
vector<string>: :iterator kk;
int found=0;

//find the point
for(jj=points.b egin();jj!=poin ts.end();jj++)
kk=find(jj->second.begin() ,jj->second.end(),p oint);
if(kk!=jj->second.end() )

throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_NOT_FIND);
ii=locators.fin d(point);
if(ii!=locators .end())
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_ALREADY_EXIS T);

pair<map<string ,string>::itera tor,boolp;
map<string,stri ng>::value_type newlocator(poin t,locator);
p=locators.inse rt(newlocator);

if(p.second==fa lse)
PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_INSERT_NEW);

#ifndef _MACHINE_H
#define _MACHINE_H

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Machine
string machinename;
Machine(const Machine & mac);
inline void SetMachinename( const string &name){machinen ame=name;}
inline string GetMachinename( ){return machinename;}


#include "Machine.h"

Machine::Machin e()
Machine::Machin e(const Machine &mac)
machinename=mac .machinename;

Machine::~Machi ne()


#ifndef _PRJERROR_H
#define _PRJERROR_H
class PrjError

PrjError(ERROR_ ENUM err);
const char* geterrormsg(ERR OR_ENUM err);
const char* geterrormsg();
inline int geterror(){retu rn (int)cur_err;}

int cur_err;
static const char*msg[ERR_MAX_NUM];

#include "PrjError.h "

const char *PrjError::msg[PrjError::ERR_M AX_NUM]={
"ERROR: Project name can't be empty",
"ERROR:Setu p name can't be empty",
"ERROR: Project has already existed",
"ERROR: CAD name can't be empty",

"Error:Can' t find",
"Error:Fail to insert new element"

PrjError::PrjEr ror(ERROR_ENUM err)

const char*PrjError:: geterrormsg(ERR OR_ENUM err)
return this->msg[err];
const char* PrjError::geter rormsg()
return this->msg[cur_err];



#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <string>

#include "Project.h"
#include "PrjError.h "

using namespace std;

class PrjManager{


void AddPrj(const Project &prj,const string &prjname);
void SavePrj(const Project &prj);
void OpenPrj(const string &prjname);
string GetCurrentprj() ;
void SetCurrentprj(c onst string &prjname);

//this is only for test
void GetPrjlist();

map<string,Proj ect*prjlists;
Project *currentPrj;
string currentPrjName;


#include "PrjManager .h"
#include <iostream>

PrjManager::Prj Manager()
currentPrjName= "";


PrjManager::~Pr jManager()
map<string,Proj ect*>::iterator ii;

for(ii=prjlists .begin();ii!=pr jlists.end();++ ii)
prjlists.erase( ii);

void PrjManager::Add Prj(const Project &prj,const string &projname)

map<string,Proj ect*>::iterator ii;
Project *newPrj=NULL;

char name[256];
strcpy(name,pro jname.c_str());
if(projname.len gth()==0)
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_BAD_PRJNAME) ;

ii=prjlists.fin d(projname);
if(ii!=prjlists .end())
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_ALREADY_EXIS T);

newPrj=new Project(prj);


string PrjManager::Get Currentprj()
return currentPrjName;

void PrjManager::Set Currentprj(cons t string &prjname)
map<string,Proj ect*>::iterator ii;

if(prjname.leng th()==0)
currentPrjName= "";
if(prjname!=cur rentPrjName)
ii=prjlists.fin d(prjname);
if(ii==prjlists .end())
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_NOT_FIND);
currentPrjName= ii->first;

void PrjManager::Get Prjlist()
map<string,Proj ect*>::iterator ii;

for(ii=prjlists .begin();ii!=pr jlists.end();ii ++)
cout << "Project Name: " << ii->first << "\n "<<endl;

#ifndef _PROJECT_H
#define _PROJECT_H

#include <string>
#include "SetupManager.h "
#include "PrjError.h "

using namespace std;

class Project{
Project(const Project &prj);

inline string GetPrjName(){re turn prjname;}
inline void SetPrjName(cons t string &name){prjname= name;}

inline string GetCadName(){re turn cadname;}
inline void SetCadName(cons t string name){cadname=n ame;}

inline void SetSetupmanager (SetupManager& mag){setup=mag; }

inline void GetSetupmanager (SetupManager &mag){mag=setup ;}
string prjname;
//cad name
string cadname;

SetupManager setup;


#include "Project.h"

Project::Projec t()


Project::Projec t(const Project &prj)
prjname=prj.prj name;

cadname=prj.cad name;
setup=prj.setup ;


Project::~Proje ct()

#ifndef _SETUP_H
#define _SETUP_H

#include <string>
#include <list>
#include "Machine.h"
#include "Fixture.h"
//#include "Orientatio n.h"

using namespace std;

class Setup

string setupname;

Machine machineinfo;
Fixture fixtureinfo;
list<stringwill faces;
list<stringfini shedfaces;


Setup(const Setup&setup);
// ~Setup();
//for operator =
Setup& operator=(const Setup &it);

inline string GetSetupname(){ return setupname;}
inline void SetSetupname(co nst string &name){setupnam e=name;}
inline void GetMachine(Mach ine &mac){mac=machi neinfo;}
inline void SetMachine(Mach ine &machine){machi neinfo=machine; }
inline void GetFixture(Fixt ure &fix){fix=fixtu reinfo;}
inline void SetFixture( Fixture &fix){fixturein fo=fix;}
inline void GetFinishedface s(list<string&f inish)
{finish=finishe dfaces;}
// inline void SetFinishedface s(list<string&f eature)
{finishedfaces= feature;}
inline void GetWillfaces(li st<string&will) {will=willfaces ;}
// inline void SetWillfaces(li st<string&will) {willfaces=will ;}

void AddWillFace(con st string &face);
void AddFinishedFace (const string &face);

void DeleteWillFace( const string &face);
void DeleteFinishedF ace(const string &face);

void RenameWillFace( const string &oldface,con st string &newface);
void RenameFinishedF ace(const string &oldface,con st string &newface);

#include "Setup.h"
#include "PrjError.h "
#include <algorithm>

Setup::Setup(co nst Setup &setup)
finishedfaces=s etup.finishedfa ces;
fixtureinfo=set up.fixtureinfo;
machineinfo=set up.machineinfo;
// orient=setup.or ient;
willfaces=setup .willfaces;


Setup& Setup::operator =(const Setup &it)
this->finishedfaces= it.finishedface s;
this->willfaces=it.w illfaces;
this->fixtureinfo=it .fixtureinfo;
this->machineinfo=it .machineinfo;
return *this;
/* willfaces.erase (willfaces.begi n(),willfaces.e nd());
finishedfaces.e rase(finishedfa ces.begin(),fin ishedfaces.end( ));*/

void Setup::AddFinis hedFace(const string &face)
list<string>::i terator ii;

ii=find(finishe dfaces.begin(), finishedfaces.e nd(),face);
if(ii!=finished faces.end())
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_ALREADY_EXIS T);
finishedfaces.p ush_back(face);

void Setup::AddWillF ace(const string &face)
list<string>::i terator ii;
ii=find(willfac es.begin(),will faces.end(),fac e);

if(ii!=willface s.end())
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_ALREADY_EXIS T);
willfaces.push_ back(face);

void Setup::DeleteFi nishedFace(cons t string &face)
list<string>::i terator ii;
ii=find(finishe dfaces.begin(), finishedfaces.e nd(),face);
if(ii==finished faces.end())
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_NOT_FIND);
finishedfaces.e rase(ii);

void Setup::DeleteWi llFace(const string &face)
list<string>::i terator ii;
ii=find(willfac es.begin(),will faces.end(),fac e);
if(ii==willface s.end())
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_NOT_FIND);
willfaces.erase (ii);

void Setup::RenameFi nishedFace(cons t string &oldface,con st string
list<string>::i terator ii;
ii=find(finishe dfaces.begin(), finishedfaces.e nd(),oldface);
if(ii==finished faces.end())
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_NOT_FIND);


void Setup::RenameWi llFace(const string &oldface,con st string
list<string>::i terator ii;
ii=find(willfac es.begin(),will faces.end(),old face);
if(ii==willface s.end())
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_NOT_FIND);

#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "Setup.h"
using namespace std;
class SetupManager
map<string,Setu p*setuplists;
Setup *currentSetup;
string currentSetupId;

SetupManager(co nst SetupManager& mag);
~SetupManager() ;
void AddSetup(const Setup &setup,const string &setupname);
void DeleteSetup(con st string &setupname);
void RenameSetup(con st string &oldname,con st string &newname);
inline string GetCurrentSetup (){return currentSetupId; }
void SetCurrentSetup (const string &setupname);

template<class Map, typename Key>
bool remap(Map& map, Key const& oldKey, Key const& newKey)

Map::iterator const oldPos = map.find( oldKey );
if( oldPos == map.end() )
return false;
std::pair<Map:: iterator,boolin sInfo
= map.insert( Map::value_type (newKey, oldPos->second) );
if( insInfo.second == false ) // new key already exists -not
return (insInfo.first= =oldPos); //-true if both keys
// NOTE: if the two keys are equivalent for the map without
// being identical, the value of the key is not changed.
std::swap( oldPos->second, insInfo.first->second ); //move value
map.erase( oldPos );
return true;

//this is only used for test
// void GetSetupmanager ();


SetupManager.cp p
#include "SetupManager.h "
#include "Machine.h"
#include "Setup.h"
#include "PrjError.h "
#include "Fixture.h"
#include <iostream>

SetupManager::S etupManager()
currentSetupId= "";
SetupManager::S etupManager(con st SetupManager &mag)
currentSetupId= mag.currentSetu pId;
currentSetup=ma g.currentSetup;
setuplists=mag. setuplists;
SetupManager::~ SetupManager()

map<string,Setu p*>::iterator ii;
for(ii=setuplis ts.begin();ii!= setuplists.end( );++ii)
setuplists.clea r();
/* map<string,Setu p*>::iterator begin,end;
begin=++setupli sts.begin();
end=--setuplists.end( );
setuplists.eras e(begin,end);*/


void SetupManager::A ddSetup(const Setup &setup,const string
map<string,Setu p*>::iterator ii;

Setup *newSetup=NULL;

if(setupname.le ngth()==0)
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_BAD_SETUPNAM E);

ii=setuplists.f ind(setupname);

if(ii==setuplis ts.end())
newSetup=new Setup(setup);
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_NOT_FIND);


void SetupManager::D eleteSetup(cons t string& setupname)
map<string,Setu p*>::iterator ii;
ii=setuplists.f ind(setupname);
if(ii==setuplis ts.end())
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_NOT_FIND);
setuplists.eras e(ii);

void SetupManager::R enameSetup(cons t string& oldname,const string
map<string,Setu p*>::iterator ii;
if(newname.leng th()==0)
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_BAD_SETUPNAM E);
ii=setuplists.f ind(oldname);
if(ii==setuplis ts.end())
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_NOT_FIND);
// (*ii).first=new name;
this->remap<map<stri ng,Setup*>,stri ng(setuplists,o ldname,newname) ;

void SetupManager::S etCurrentSetup( const string &setupname)
map<string,Setu p*>::iterator ii;
if(setupname.le ngth()==0)
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_BAD_SETUPNAM E);
else if(setupname!=c urrentSetupId)
ii=setuplists.f ind(setupname);
if(ii==setuplis ts.end())
throw PrjError::PrjEr ror(PrjError::E RR_NOT_FIND);
currentSetupId= setupname;



#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Ugoperation
string faceId;
string pointId;
string locatorId;
string cadname;


void Ug_opencad(cons t string &name);
void Ug_getface();
void Ug_getpoint();
void Ug_getlocator() ;

inline void Ug_setfaceid(co nst string &id){faceId=id; }
inline string Ug_getfaceid(){ return faceId;}
inline void Ug_setpointid(c onst string &id){pointId=id ;}
inline string Ug_getpointid() {return pointId;}
inline void Ug_setlocatorid (const string &id){locatorId= id;}
inline string Ug_getlocatorid (){return locatorId;}

#include "Ugoperatio n.h"
#include<iostre am>
#include<sstrea m>

int testface=10;
int testpoint=100;
int testlocator=100 0;
string cadname("c:/test.prt");

void Ugoperation::Ug _getface()
//here is only for test,later should add some ug api functions
stringstream s;
s << testface;


void Ugoperation::Ug _getpoint()
//here is only for test
stringstream s;

pointId=s.str() ;

void Ugoperation::Ug _getlocator()
stringstream s;
s << testlocator;

locatorId=s.str ();
void Ugoperation::Ug _opencad(const string &name)
//only for test


#include "PrjManager .h"
#include "Project.h"
#include "PrjError.h "
#include "Setup.h"
#include "Ugoperatio n.h"
#include "Fixture.h"
#include "Machine.h"
#include "SetupManager.h "

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
PrjManager prjmanager;
Ugoperation op;
Fixture fix;
Machine mac;
Setup setup;
SetupManager setupmag;

// vector<stringpf aces;

string macname("Machin e1");

Project prj;
// Project prj2;

string facename[3];
string pointname[6];
string locator[6];

//suppose get three faces
op.Ug_getface() ;
facename[0]=op.Ug_getfacei d();
op.Ug_getface() ;
facename[1]=op.Ug_getfacei d();
op.Ug_getface() ;
facename[2]=op.Ug_getfacei d();

//get six points
for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
op.Ug_getpoint( );
pointname[i]=op.Ug_getpoint id();
op.Ug_getlocato r();
locator[i]=op.Ug_getlocat orid();

for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
fix.AddLocateFa ce(facename[i]);


// fix.GetFacesFro mVector(pfaces) ;
for(int j=0;j<6;j++)
fix.AddLocatePo int(facename[0],pointname[j]);
if(j>2 && j<5)
fix.AddLocatePo int(facename[1],pointname[j]);
fix.AddLocatePo int(facename[2],pointname[j]);

for(int j=0;j<6;j++)
fix.AddLocator( pointname[j],locator[j]);

setup.SetFixtur e(fix);

//add machine info
mac.SetMachinen ame(macname);

setup.SetMachin e(mac);
//add will faces and finished faces, here is only for test
list<stringwill ;
list<stringfini sh;

string willface[2]={"001","002" };
string finishedface[4]={"003","004"," 005","006"};
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
setup.AddFinish edFace(finished face[i]);
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
setup.AddWillFa ce(willface[i]);
//to deal with setup manager
setupmag.AddSet up(setup,"setup 1");

setupmag.SetCur rentSetup("setu p1");

// setupmag.GetSet upmanager();

prj.SetSetupman ager(setupmag);

// prj.SetPrjName( "projetct 1");

prjmanager.AddP rj(prj,"project 1");
return 0;


Mar 19 '07 #1
4 2017
David wrote:
something wrong with my code, it seems that the destructor function
has been called twice. I don't know why.here is my codes
Tip: Keep pulling lines, functions, and classes out of that until it
reproduces the bug in the minimum lines possible.

Only then post the sample code.

But that tip runs the risk of exposing the bug for you...

http://www.greencheese.us/ZeekLand <-- NOT a blog!!!
Mar 19 '07 #2
David wrote:
Hi all,
something wrong with my code, it seems that the destructor function
has been called twice. I don't know why.here is my codes
#ifndef _FIXTURE_H
#define _FIXTURE_H
[remainder redacted]
This is most likely not the cause of your problem, but your program is

Any identifier with a leading underscore followed by an uppercase letter
is reserved to the implementation -- you may not use it for your own
Mar 19 '07 #3
David wrote:
Hi all,
something wrong with my code, it seems that the destructor function
has been called twice. I don't know why.here is my codes
Your code is too large for any sane person to want to diagnose.
Cut it down.

Without bothering to look to carefully, absent any explicit
destructor calls, my guess is that your destructor IS NOT
being called twice, but in fact you're missing the fact that
a temporary object is being constructed somewhere and you're
seeing that object being destructed.

Check all your copy-assignment operatosr and copy constructors
for proper operation. Remember things are put into and moved
around standard containers by copying.

I note specifically that you are violating the "rule of three."
While you have copy constructors and destuctors, your classes
lack a definition of an assignment operator. This is particularly
bad since you use assignment all over the place in your code.
Mar 19 '07 #4
David wrote:
Hi all,
something wrong with my code, it seems that the destructor function
has been called twice. I don't know why.here is my codes
Do you mean Fixture::~Fixtu re() ? Then there is nothing wrong with your
code: you have two such objects.

class Setup
Fixture fixtureinfo;
int main()
Fixture fix;
Setup setup;
Mar 20 '07 #5

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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by: bsmnconsultancy | last post by:
In today's digital era, a well-designed website is crucial for businesses looking to succeed. Whether you're a small business owner or a large corporation in Toronto, having a strong online presence can significantly impact your brand's success. BSMN Consultancy, a leader in Website Development in Toronto offers valuable insights into creating effective websites that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well. In this comprehensive...

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