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This program have some problem, plz help me debug this bug)

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <dos.h>
#define dX 640/2
#define dY 480/2
#define koeff dX/10
#define dZ 2
#define c 8
#define str 5
#define stl 4
#define elA 4
#define elB 2
#define Sx 1.5
#define Sy 1.5
#define Sz 1
#define TIME 50
void Show(int a);
void ellips_pol1(flo at Kx1,float Ky1,float Kx2,float Ky2,float elX);
void ellips_otr1(flo at Kx1,float Ky1,float Kx2,float Ky2,float elX);
void func_matrix(flo at a[str][stl],float b[4][4],float rez[str][stl]);
float perevodX(float x);
float perevodY(float y);
int main(void)
int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;
int xmax, ymax, i, j;
float x, y ,z , X, Y, tx, ty;
float MAIN[5][4]={{0,0,0,1},{7, 0,0,1},{9,3,0,1 },{2,3,0,1},{5, 2,3,1}};
float PERENOS[4][4]={{1,0,0,0},{0, 1,0,0},{0,0,1,0 },{0,0,dZ,1}};
float Q[4][4]={{1,0,0,0},{0, 1,0,0},{0,0,0,0 },{0,0,0,1}};
float POV[4][4]={{0,0,0,0},{0, 1,0,0},{0,0,1,0 },{0,0,0,1}};
float MAS[4][4]={{Sx,0,0,0},{0 ,Sy,0,0},{0,0,S z,0},{0,0,0,1}} ;
float RESULT_1[4][4],RESULT_2[4][4],RESULT_3[4][4],RESULT_T[4][4];
float IZOMx[5]={0,-3,1,3,1},IZOMy[5]={0,-2.3,-2.3,0,3};
float ugA=55;
char knopka=' ';

initgraph(&gdri ver, &gmode, "D:\\BORLANDC\\ BGI");
errorcode = graphresult();
if (errorcode != grOk)
printf("Graphic s error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(e rrorcode));
printf("Press any key to halt:");
xmax = getmaxx();
ymax = getmaxy();
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[0],IZOMy[0]-elB,IZOMx[1],IZOMy[1]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[1],IZOMy[1]-elB,IZOMx[2],IZOMy[2]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[2],IZOMy[2]-elB,IZOMx[3],IZOMy[3]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[3],IZOMy[3]-elB,IZOMx[0],IZOMy[0]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[3],IZOMy[3]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[2],IZOMy[2]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[1],IZOMy[1]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[0],IZOMy[0]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);
printf("Ishodna ja figura\n\nstobi na4at` dvizenie\npo ellipsu nazmite
while(knopka!=' n')knopka=getch ();knopka=' ';
for(x=0;x<elA+1 ;x++)
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[0],IZOMy[0]-elB,IZOMx[1],IZOMy[1]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[1],IZOMy[1]-elB,IZOMx[2],IZOMy[2]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[2],IZOMy[2]-elB,IZOMx[3],IZOMy[3]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[3],IZOMy[3]-elB,IZOMx[0],IZOMy[0]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[3],IZOMy[3]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[2],IZOMy[2]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[1],IZOMy[1]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[0],IZOMy[0]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);

ellips_otr1(IZO Mx[0],IZOMy[0]-elB,IZOMx[1],IZOMy[1]-elB,x);
ellips_otr1(IZO Mx[1],IZOMy[1]-elB,IZOMx[2],IZOMy[2]-elB,x);
ellips_otr1(IZO Mx[2],IZOMy[2]-elB,IZOMx[3],IZOMy[3]-elB,x);
ellips_otr1(IZO Mx[3],IZOMy[3]-elB,IZOMx[0],IZOMy[0]-elB,x);
ellips_otr1(IZO Mx[3],IZOMy[3]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);
ellips_otr1(IZO Mx[2],IZOMy[2]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);
ellips_otr1(IZO Mx[1],IZOMy[1]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);
ellips_otr1(IZO Mx[0],IZOMy[0]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);

ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[0],IZOMy[0]-elB,IZOMx[1],IZOMy[1]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[1],IZOMy[1]-elB,IZOMx[2],IZOMy[2]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[2],IZOMy[2]-elB,IZOMx[3],IZOMy[3]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[3],IZOMy[3]-elB,IZOMx[0],IZOMy[0]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[3],IZOMy[3]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[2],IZOMy[2]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[1],IZOMy[1]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);
ellips_pol1(IZO Mx[0],IZOMy[0]-elB,IZOMx[4],IZOMy[4]-elB,x);

printf("Stobi perejti k persperkivnoj proekcii,\nnazm ite 'n'");
while(knopka!=' n')knopka=getch ();knopka=' ';
clrscr();setcol or(WHITE);clear device();
for(x=31;x<640; x=x+koeff)
line(x,0,x,ymax );
for(y=14;y<480; y=y+koeff) //y=14
line(0,y,xmax,y );
setcolor(WHITE) ;
bar(xmax/2-1, 0, xmax/2+1, ymax);
bar(0, 398, xmax, 400);
x=dX-308;y=387; //x=dx-285
outtextxy(x, y, "-9");x=x+32;
outtextxy(x, y, "-8");x=x+32;
outtextxy(x, y, "-7");x=x+32;
outtextxy(x, y, "-6");x=x+32;
outtextxy(x, y, "-5");x=x+32;
outtextxy(x, y, "-4");x=x+32;
outtextxy(x, y, "-3");x=x+32;
outtextxy(x, y, "-2");x=x+32;
outtextxy(x, y, "-1");x=x+32;
outtextxy(x, y, " ");x=x+32;
outtextxy(x, y, "1");x=x+32 ;
outtextxy(x, y, "2");x=x+32 ;
outtextxy(x, y, "3");x=x+32 ;
outtextxy(x, y, "4");x=x+32 ;
outtextxy(x, y, "5");x=x+32 ;
outtextxy(x, y, "6");x=x+32 ;
outtextxy(x, y, "7");x=x+32 ;
outtextxy(x, y, "8");x=x+32 ;
outtextxy(x, y, "9");x=x+32 ;
outtextxy(x, y, "4");y=y+32 ;
outtextxy(x, y, "3");y=y+32 ;
outtextxy(x, y, "2");y=y+32 ;
outtextxy(x, y, "1");y=y+32 ;
outtextxy(x, y, "0");y=y+32 ;
outtextxy(x, y, "-1");y=y+32;
outtextxy(x, y, "-2");y=y+32;
outtextxy(x, y, "5");y=y-32;
outtextxy(x, y, "6");y=y-32;
outtextxy(x, y, "7");y=y-32;
outtextxy(x, y, "8");y=y-32;
outtextxy(x, y, "9");y=y-32;
outtextxy(x, y, "10");y=y-32;
outtextxy(x, y, "11");y=y-32;
outtextxy(x, y, "12");y=y-32;

func_matrix(MAI N,PERENOS,RESUL T_1);
//for(x=0;x<4;x++ ){for(y=0;y<4;y ++){printf("%3. 1f
",RESULT_1[x][y]);}printf("\n") ;}
func_matrix(RES ULT_1,POV,RESUL T_2);
func_matrix(RES ULT_2,MAS,RESUL T_T);
func_matrix(RES ULT_T,Q,RESULT_ 3);
for(x=0;x<4;x++ )
setcolor(YELLOW );setfillstyle( 1,YELLOW);

for(x=0;x<4;x++ )
RESULT_3[x][0]=perevodX(RESUL T_3[x][0]);
RESULT_3[x][1]=perevodY(RESUL T_3[x][1]);
fillellipse(RES ULT_3[x][0],RESULT_3[x][1],3,3);
for(x=0;x<3;x++ )
line(RESULT_3[x][0],RESULT_3[x][1],perevodX(0),pe revodY(0));
line(RESULT_3[2][0],RESULT_3[2][1],perevodX(0),pe revodY(0));
return 0;
void func_matrix(flo at a[str][stl],float b[4][4],float rez[str][stl])
int x,y,z;
float temp[4];
for(x=0;x<str;x ++){for(y=0;y<s tl;y++){rez[x][y]=0;temp[y]=0;}}
for(x=0;x<str;x ++)
for(y=0;y<stl;y ++)
for(z=0;z<stl;z ++)
float perevodX(float x)
float X;
return X;
float perevodY(float y)
float Y;
return Y;
void ellips_pol1(flo at Kx1,float Ky1,float Kx2,float Ky2,float elX)
float elY,X,Y;
circle(perevodX (elX+Kx1),perev odY(elY+Ky1)-160,2);
circle(perevodX (elX+Kx2),perev odY(elY+Ky2)-160,2);
line(perevodX(e lX+Kx1),perevod Y(elY+Ky1)-160,perevodX(el X+Kx2),perevodY (elY+Ky2)-160);}void ellips_otr1(flo at Kx1,float Ky1,float Kx2,float Ky2,float elX){float elY,X,Y;setcolo r(RED); elY=sqrt(4-elX*elX/4); circle(perevodX (elX+Kx1),perev odY(-elY+Ky1)-160,2); circle(perevodX (elX+Kx2),perev odY(-elY+Ky2)-160,2); line(perevodX(e lX+Kx1),perevod Y(-elY+Ky1)-160,perevodX(el X+Kx2),perevodY (-elY+Ky2)-160);}void Show(int a){int xmax = getmaxx();int ymax = getmaxy();setco lor(LIGHTGRAY); line(xmax/2,0,xmax/2,ymax/2); line(xmax/2,ymax/2,xmax,ymax/2); line(xmax/2,ymax/2,0,ymax);a=a;}

Jan 8 '07 #1
5 1431
IN wrote:
This program have some problem, plz help me debug this bug)

#include <graphics.h>
Non-standard. We don't deal with this here. (See
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <dos.h>
[snip badly formatted code]
We aren't here to do your homework for you or to sift through your
bugs. Learn to use your debugger, and ask a specific question related
to the standard C++ language, if you have one.

Cheers! --M

Jan 8 '07 #2
IN wrote:
This program have some problem, plz help me debug this bug)
[code with no explanation of the problem redacted]
You have an error on line 42.
Jan 9 '07 #3

red floyd wrote:
IN wrote:
This program have some problem, plz help me debug this bug)
[code with no explanation of the problem redacted]

You have an error on line 42.
When I first saw your answer I thought you were being glib/funny. Then
I looked at line 42.

Jan 9 '07 #4
ph**********@co mcast.net wrote:
red floyd wrote:
>IN wrote:
>>This program have some problem, plz help me debug this bug)
[code with no explanation of the problem redacted]
You have an error on line 42.
When I first saw your answer I thought you were being glib/funny. Then
I looked at line 42.
Are you serious? I *was* being glib.
Jan 9 '07 #5
ph**********@co mcast.net wrote:
red floyd wrote:
IN wrote:
This program have some problem, plz help me debug this bug)
[code with no explanation of the problem redacted]
You have an error on line 42.
When I first saw your answer I thought you were being glib/funny. Then
I looked at line 42.
Line 42 appears to be fine:

Perhaps you're referring to line 41 which uses an undefined symbol
(or, to be more practical, a symbol that some implementations
define in contravention of the C++ standard)

Jan 10 '07 #6

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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