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How many threads to create?

Hi am creating a email application that needs to mail out a very large
amount of emails. I have created a multithreaded c# application that using
message queuing. I have created a threadpool of 5 threads and each thread
checks the queue, receives the message and sends an email. How do I
determine the right amount of threads to create?


Nov 15 '05 #1
6 3338
The most suitable number of threads for a SPAM engine is exactly 357... ;)

"SamIAm" <sa****@rubbach icken.com> wrote in message
news:ey******** ******@tk2msftn gp13.phx.gbl...
Hi am creating a email application that needs to mail out a very large
amount of emails. I have created a multithreaded c# application that using
message queuing. I have created a threadpool of 5 threads and each thread
checks the queue, receives the message and sends an email. How do I
determine the right amount of threads to create?



Nov 15 '05 #2
42 :D

I use for my mailing purposes Glock easy mail pro. Not spam , but for
testing mailers etc and so on.
"Malkocoglu " <a@b.com> wrote in message
news:ep******** *****@TK2MSFTNG P10.phx.gbl...
The most suitable number of threads for a SPAM engine is exactly 357... ;)
"SamIAm" <sa****@rubbach icken.com> wrote in message
news:ey******** ******@tk2msftn gp13.phx.gbl...
Hi am creating a email application that needs to mail out a very large
amount of emails. I have created a multithreaded c# application that using message queuing. I have created a threadpool of 5 threads and each thread checks the queue, receives the message and sends an email. How do I
determine the right amount of threads to create?



Nov 15 '05 #3

Nope thankfully its not spam! It is part of a new application we are
launching and has the potential to have 4 000 000+ members who need to
receive a weekly email.


"Malkocoglu " <a@b.com> wrote in message
news:ep******** *****@TK2MSFTNG P10.phx.gbl...
The most suitable number of threads for a SPAM engine is exactly 357... ;)
"SamIAm" <sa****@rubbach icken.com> wrote in message
news:ey******** ******@tk2msftn gp13.phx.gbl...
Hi am creating a email application that needs to mail out a very large
amount of emails. I have created a multithreaded c# application that using message queuing. I have created a threadpool of 5 threads and each thread checks the queue, receives the message and sends an email. How do I
determine the right amount of threads to create?



Nov 15 '05 #4
Thanks for all the replies.

Here is some sample code I have. Feel free to take a look and make any
The Form:
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collecti ons;
using System.Componen tModel;
using System.Windows. Forms;
using System.Data;
using System.Messagin g;
using System.Threadin g;

using CardFinder;

namespace TestHandler
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Form1.
/// </summary>
public class Form1 : System.Windows. Forms.Form
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpSendMails;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtMailCount;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label label1;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnReceiveMail;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnSendMail;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtTo;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpReceive;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtThreadCount;
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.Componen tModel.Containe r components = null;

public Form1()
// Required for Windows Form Designer support
InitializeCompo nent();

// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeCompo nent call

/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
components.Disp ose();
base.Dispose( disposing );

#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeCompo nent()
this.btnReceive Mail = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpSendMai ls = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.label1 = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.txtMailCou nt = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.btnSendMai l = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.txtTo = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.grpReceive = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.txtThreadC ount = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.grpSendMai ls.SuspendLayou t();
this.grpReceive .SuspendLayout( );
this.SuspendLay out();
// btnReceiveMail
this.btnReceive Mail.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(248, 48);
this.btnReceive Mail.Name = "btnReceiveMail ";
this.btnReceive Mail.TabIndex = 1;
this.btnReceive Mail.Text = "Recieve";
this.btnReceive Mail.Click += new
System.EventHan dler(this.btnRe ceiveMail_Click );
// grpSendMails
this.grpSendMai ls.Controls.Add Range(new System.Windows. Forms.Control[] {
this.txtMailCou nt,
this.btnSendMai l});
this.grpSendMai ls.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(16, 16);
this.grpSendMai ls.Name = "grpSendMai ls";
this.grpSendMai ls.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(384, 112);
this.grpSendMai ls.TabIndex = 2;
this.grpSendMai ls.TabStop = false;
this.grpSendMai ls.Text = "Send Mails";
// label1
this.label1.Loc ation = new System.Drawing. Point(32, 64);
this.label1.Nam e = "label1";
this.label1.Siz e = new System.Drawing. Size(80, 24);
this.label1.Tab Index = 3;
this.label1.Tex t = "No of mails:";
// txtMailCount
this.txtMailCou nt.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(120, 64);
this.txtMailCou nt.Name = "txtMailCou nt";
this.txtMailCou nt.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(112, 20);
this.txtMailCou nt.TabIndex = 2;
this.txtMailCou nt.Text = "100000";
// btnSendMail
this.btnSendMai l.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(240, 64);
this.btnSendMai l.Name = "btnSendMai l";
this.btnSendMai l.TabIndex = 1;
this.btnSendMai l.Text = "Send";
this.btnSendMai l.Click += new
System.EventHan dler(this.btnSe ndMail_Click);
// txtTo
this.txtTo.Loca tion = new System.Drawing. Point(120, 32);
this.txtTo.Name = "txtTo";
this.txtTo.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(112, 20);
this.txtTo.TabI ndex = 4;
this.txtTo.Text = "sa****@rubbach icken.com";
// grpReceive
this.grpReceive .Controls.AddRa nge(new System.Windows. Forms.Control[] {
this.txtThreadC ount,
this.btnReceive Mail});
this.grpReceive .Location = new System.Drawing. Point(16, 136);
this.grpReceive .Name = "grpReceive ";
this.grpReceive .Size = new System.Drawing. Size(384, 128);
this.grpReceive .TabIndex = 3;
this.grpReceive .TabStop = false;
this.grpReceive .Text = "Receive Mails";
// txtThreadCount
this.txtThreadC ount.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(136, 48);
this.txtThreadC ount.Name = "txtThreadCount ";
this.txtThreadC ount.TabIndex = 2;
this.txtThreadC ount.Text = "5";
// Form1
this.AutoScaleB aseSize = new System.Drawing. Size(5, 13);
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing. Size(416, 317);
this.Controls.A ddRange(new System.Windows. Forms.Control[] {
this.grpReceive ,
this.grpSendMai ls});
this.Name = "Form1";
this.Text = "Form1";
this.grpSendMai ls.ResumeLayout (false);
this.grpReceive .ResumeLayout(f alse);
this.ResumeLayo ut(false);


/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
Application.Run (new Form1());

/// <summary>
/// Creates test emails
/// </summary>
private void btnSendMail_Cli ck(object sender, System.EventArg s e)
// Create a new mailer instance
Mailer mailer = new Mailer();
// Create x number of test messages in the queue
mailer.SendMail (txtTo.Text.Tri m(),
Convert.ToInt32 (txtMailCount.T ext.Trim()));
MessageBox.Show ("Done");
catch(Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show (ex.Message);

/// <summary>
/// Starts threads to create emails from the messages in the queue
/// </summary>
private void btnReceiveMail_ Click(object sender, System.EventArg s e)
// How many threads
int THREAD_COUNT = Convert.ToInt32 (txtThreadCount .Text.Trim());
int loop;
Mailer mailer = new Mailer();
Thread[] ThreadArray = new Thread[THREAD_COUNT];
// Loop through and create listener threads that process the messages in
the queue
for(loop = 0; loop < THREAD_COUNT; loop++)
ThreadArray[loop] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(mai ler.Listen));

The Mailer Class:
using System;
using System.Messagin g;
using System.Threadin g;
using System.Web.Mail ;

namespace CardFinder
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Mailer.
/// </summary>
public class Mailer

public Mailer()
public void SendMail(string Email)
SendMail(Email, 1);

/// <summary>
/// Creates messages in the queue
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Email">Em ail to send to</param>
/// <param name="MailCount ">No of messages to create</param>
public void SendMail(string Email, int MailCount)
// Get the queue
MessageQueue CardFinderQueue = new
MessageQueue(@" .\Private$\Card FinderMails");
// Create messages
for(int loop = 0;loop < MailCount;loop+ +)
MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();
msg.Email = Email;
CardFinderQueue .Send(msg, "Email Test");

/// <summary>
/// Processes the queue
/// </summary>
public void Listen()
// Get the queue
MessageQueue CardFinderQueue = new
MessageQueue(@" .\Private$\Card FinderMails");
CardFinderQueue .Formatter = new XmlMessageForma tter(new Type[]
{typeof(CardFin der.MailMessage )});
Message qmsg = null;
while (true)
System.Threadin g.Thread.Sleep( 100);

qmsg = CardFinderQueue .Receive(new TimeSpan(0,0,0, 1));
MailMessage msg = (MailMessage)qm sg.Body;

string email = msg.Email;
SmtpMail.Send(" so*****@myco.co m", email, "CardFinder Test",
"<html><body><h 1>Test</h1></body></html>");
// Not sure what the following is for :-)
catch(ThreadInt erruptedExcepti on threadEx)
CardFinderQueue .Dispose();
catch(Exception Ex)

The MailMessage Class:
using System;

namespace CardFinder
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for MailMessage.
/// </summary>
public class MailMessage
private string _email;

public string Email
return _email;
_email = value;

"SamIAm" <sa****@rubbach icken.com> wrote in message
news:ey******** ******@tk2msftn gp13.phx.gbl...
Hi am creating a email application that needs to mail out a very large
amount of emails. I have created a multithreaded c# application that using
message queuing. I have created a threadpool of 5 threads and each thread
checks the queue, receives the message and sends an email. How do I
determine the right amount of threads to create?



Nov 15 '05 #5
The right number is going to depend on the amount of bandwidth you have
available, and how fast you want to send out messages. It's very likely that
with 5 threads, you should be able to saturate a single network interface
with 100Mbs, or at least reach near peak bandwith for you OS/Hardware
configuration. You should probably concentrate more on how you're going to
send out 4,000,000 email messages without disrupting connectivity to the
rest of the world on the network where the spaminator is located, or
gettting blacklisted by ISPs. (sorry, sending out 4,000,000 messages is spam
even if they ask for it)

FYI, 4,000,000 evenly distributed over a 10 hour peroid is about 110 per
second. If each message where say 500 bytes, that's ~ 440,000 bits per
second. or 1/2 the bandwith of a T1. It's also likely that your weekly
newsletter if going to be in html and have images, so pro-rate appropriately
for the 500 bytes. If you assumed 5K, then you're talking days to send
4,000,000 messages without several big pipes. The slickest threadpool in the
world isn't going to help.

"SamIAm" <sa****@rubbach icken.com> wrote in message
news:up******** ******@tk2msftn gp13.phx.gbl...

Nope thankfully its not spam! It is part of a new application we are
launching and has the potential to have 4 000 000+ members who need to
receive a weekly email.


"Malkocoglu " <a@b.com> wrote in message
news:ep******** *****@TK2MSFTNG P10.phx.gbl...
The most suitable number of threads for a SPAM engine is exactly 357...


"SamIAm" <sa****@rubbach icken.com> wrote in message
news:ey******** ******@tk2msftn gp13.phx.gbl...
Hi am creating a email application that needs to mail out a very large
amount of emails. I have created a multithreaded c# application that using message queuing. I have created a threadpool of 5 threads and each thread checks the queue, receives the message and sends an email. How do I
determine the right amount of threads to create?



Nov 15 '05 #6
Yes, I quickly recommend sending a LINK to your website where the newsletter
is actually hosted. Either that or you should hire an external entity to do
your mailing for you. By doing so, you'll already have their experience of
solving the various problems pointed out by Jacob.

Justin Rogers
DigiTec Web Consultants, LLC.

"Jacob Gladish" <ja**********@y ahoo.com> wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP11.phx.gbl. ..
The right number is going to depend on the amount of bandwidth you have
available, and how fast you want to send out messages. It's very likely that with 5 threads, you should be able to saturate a single network interface
with 100Mbs, or at least reach near peak bandwith for you OS/Hardware
configuration. You should probably concentrate more on how you're going to
send out 4,000,000 email messages without disrupting connectivity to the
rest of the world on the network where the spaminator is located, or
gettting blacklisted by ISPs. (sorry, sending out 4,000,000 messages is spam even if they ask for it)

FYI, 4,000,000 evenly distributed over a 10 hour peroid is about 110 per
second. If each message where say 500 bytes, that's ~ 440,000 bits per
second. or 1/2 the bandwith of a T1. It's also likely that your weekly
newsletter if going to be in html and have images, so pro-rate appropriately for the 500 bytes. If you assumed 5K, then you're talking days to send
4,000,000 messages without several big pipes. The slickest threadpool in the world isn't going to help.

"SamIAm" <sa****@rubbach icken.com> wrote in message
news:up******** ******@tk2msftn gp13.phx.gbl...

Nope thankfully its not spam! It is part of a new application we are
launching and has the potential to have 4 000 000+ members who need to
receive a weekly email.


"Malkocoglu " <a@b.com> wrote in message
news:ep******** *****@TK2MSFTNG P10.phx.gbl...
The most suitable number of threads for a SPAM engine is exactly 357...

"SamIAm" <sa****@rubbach icken.com> wrote in message
news:ey******** ******@tk2msftn gp13.phx.gbl...
> Hi am creating a email application that needs to mail out a very

large > amount of emails. I have created a multithreaded c# application that

> message queuing. I have created a threadpool of 5 threads and each

> checks the queue, receives the message and sends an email. How do I
> determine the right amount of threads to create?
> Thanks,
> S

Nov 15 '05 #7

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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